The anti-Second Amendment forces have a new flavor of the week — 3-D printed guns — and liberal charlatans like Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are rolling out misinformation and scare tactics.
In a recent dust-up over the legality of 3-D printed firearms, Schumer and his cohorts are rolling out the tired old anti-gun rhetoric to frighten everyday Americans that this is the “red line” between safe communities and chaos. Last week it was AR-15s, and in the 1990s ordinary revolvers where the country’s biggest threat.
But at least for this week, liberals are peddling the 3-D printed gun scare, and the fake news media has already gotten on board to mislead the public.
“This online site shows you, how at your home, with a simple 3D printer, you can make a plastic AR-15, an AR-10, a very dangerous semi-automatic assault-style weapons out of plastic in your own basement,” Schumer said at a press conference.
“The danger that could happen can be enormous,” he said. “To have crazy people have easy access, to have terrorists have easy access to this kind of website and allow them to make plastic AR 15s undetected — so-called ghost guns — justifies the imagination.”
“Imagination” may be the operative word as the left-leaning media aligns itself with the Democrats to resist and obstruct gun rights and the U.S. Constitution. Before “terrorists” and “crazy people” turn Main Street into a wild west shooting gallery, everyday Americans may want to get the facts straight as the left-leaning media creates yet another fiction.
The Origin of 3-D Printed Guns
The 3-D gun flap isn’t anything new. Cody Wilson fired the first 3-D printed handgun near Austin, Texas, back in 2013. He then authored and published the blueprints for others to make similar models.
His plans were reportedly downloaded upwards of 100,000 times before the Obama Administration shut him down. Wilson, who runs the non-profit gun enthusiast organization Defense Distributed, sued the federal government. He recently settled the case. However, a liberal judge blocked Wilson from moving forward as mostly Democrat state attorney generals filed suit against him and the Trump Administration.
3-D Guns are Inferior to Actual Guns
Unlike the firearms you might buy in a gun shop, 3-D guns are not made out of metal.
They are created on 3-D printers that use a variety of materials to fabricate the parts for assembly. Among the strongest material used to make a 3-D gun is plastic. Today’s 3-D printers are wonderful at making replica eyeglasses, but the idea of firing a high-caliber round is simply ridiculous. Police departments that tested the plastic firearms concluded they were dangerous — to the person holding it. Some shatter into pieces when fired.
The blueprints, so far, limit them to one or two rounds and require a manual reload. Anti-gun Democrats have already trotted out the false narrative that these items are “fully semiautomatic.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
These novelty items are tremendously inaccurate. Although some so-called experts claim a plastic round could pierce a human skull, under the right conditions, a carpentry hammer is more dangerous in an altercation.
3-D Guns are Already Legal
Firearm enthusiasts can already purchase gun kits to assemble at homes. The only difference between those metal weapons and the 3-D plastic guns is that if you happen to have a very expensive 3-D printer, you can print the parts yourself rather than order them online.
The 3-D guns and blueprints have been available for about five years, contrary to what Democrats attempting to target the Trump Administration would have people believe. The controversy settled with the U.S. State Department resolves whether Wilson can basically give away his intellectual property.
The more recent liberal lawsuit may temporarily obstruct Wilson from file-sharing, but it also lawful for Remington or Ruger to publish their schematics online as well. The 3-D blueprints are not weapons. They are merely instructions.
3-D Guns are Expensive
The idea Sen. Schumer and his anti-Second Amendment cohorts are selling is that this marks the end of gun control. Again, nothing could be further from the truth.
The average street thug looking to possess an illegal firearm can purchase one anywhere from $50 to $1,000. A 3-D printer capable of making the parts would cost upwards of $9,000. The parts and materials for a single plastic gun runs upwards of $1,700 on top of that. Consumers can buy a kit gun online for under $500. Do the math.
Perhaps someone should tell Chuck Schumer that even “terrorists” and “crazy people” still bargain shop. Is it possible to buy a 3-D printer that could make a metal version? Yes. They run more than $100,000.
What the Left Really Fears about 3-D Guns
At the end of the day, Wilson’s file sharing takes away the left’s ability to control the lives of American citizens. The 3-D blueprints open the door for people to build a firearm in the same fashion as the American settlers, without government permission.
The Second Amendment is an inconvenient truth for liberals who want to tell you what to eat, drink, drive, and think. The file sharing by Wilson bypasses their ability to regulate and make decisions for others. That bothers the left.
~ Conservative Zone
The inconvenient truth that the Demonrats are apparently just waking up to is that it has ALWAYS been legal for American citizens to buy the individual parts and build their own guns WITHOUT putting a serial number on the finished gun and WITHOUT registering the gun or ownership of the gun with the government in any way. This is just a different method of doing so. And these are not ‘ghost’ guns. That’s another thing the Demonrats are lying about. There are laws that regulate plastic guns that were legislated because of Glocks and other polymer handguns that would otherwise be undetectable. The law requires that they contain enough metal parts to be detectable in a standard metal detector. And these designs meet those requirements. Like it or not, everything about these guns is legal – even if they might blow up in your hand the first time you fire them. At best they are a very expensive and very risky novelty that MIGHT be used successfully to commit a crime – as long as the criminal didn’t have to fire them.
Agree with the above comments. A 3D gun is essentially a “Zip gun” such as gang members in cities used to make with a piece of steel tubing and a 22 cal cartridge. The “Zip gun” would be easier to make and and a lot cheaper to make. Like many other things liberals get “hot and bothered’ about it is “Much Ado About Nothing”!
You can buy and incomplete lower AR receiver at most gun shops which is the same as printing the receiver. You still need the upper receiver and barrel both of which are metal. As for the complete 3D printed gun goes you would have to be insane to shoot one. With no metal in the barrel the chances that the gun will blow up is very high. As usual Schmuck Chummer is full of brown smelly stuff.
The manufacture of guns was and still IS best done by professionals, using metals and machining they have used for over 80 years.
These manufacturers are experts at design, testing and function, not to mention safety.
To suggest that this same product can be made by 3D printing is just ridiculous. Anyone who has fired weapons at a range would never take a chance firing one of these themselves.
Schumer is just an idiot.
Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
these blue prints and any guns made from these blue prints must be banned by congress for ever what is really bad is the cost its so expensive you need to sell the guns ust to get your money back and when it misfires who are you going to blame and when its used to commit a crime who are you going to blame they must be banned and not even gun manufactures should be against this
“At the end of the day, Wilson’s file sharing takes away the left’s ability to control the lives of American citizens.”
That is exactly the problem.
Maybe digital blueprints for 3D printed plastic guns should be banned, because the plastic guns themselves are such a dangerous hazard to the would be user?
This entire scenario is crazy. Who in their right mind would want to shoot a plastic gun?
Chuckles Schumer comes off looking and sounding like someone of diminished mental capacity like one of our crazy relatives we all joke about. He obviously doesn’t understand nor even know how to use gun related words and phrases in a sentence since he has no idea of how firearms work or proper terminology, yet he doesn’t hesitate to claim “It’s the end of the world” now that people can build 3-D printed guns.
The anti-gun crowd does not value or support the right and our ability to defend ourselves because they live in gated communities, surrounded by private security and bodyguards, even if not their own, but they are escorted and watched over by people who carry weapons…. the same kind citizens own, but they feel it is their place to take away or deny others the tools and technology to protect themselves.
I suggest they study American History and maybe watch a few movies like “The Patriot” with Mel Gibson or “The Last of The Mohicans” or even the classic movie, “A Man Called Horse”. Even closer to our standards of living would be “The Year Zero” or “The Postman”. In every movie, people fought for themselves and had firearms to fight the corrupt or for self defense against a majority or against anyone who’d harm them.
Even the original ground breaking “Planet of The apes” demonstrated class inequality with one species making the rules, another enforcing law and holding most of the guns and then the chimpanzees did most of the work and the humans were afforded no rights at all. Apes never killed other apes, but they held the power among a minority.
And who needs a gun anyway?
I haven’t been able to share any of these news reports on Facebook lately, and I’ve attempted to a number of times, only to be told that it contains blocked content!!! I keep reporting it to FB, but it hasn’t done any good yet!!! They want to be regulated!!!!!
That’s the way FB works David. If they don’t approve of the content of your post based on their own standards, and God knows what that means, you get your comments blocked. Anywhere else in this country that is called censorship of your first amendment rights of free speech. But FB is special and you are not allowed to express many thoughts they don’t condone. In fact, you will probably not even see this message.
Dangerous, you say?
Let’s arm the Capitol Police, all public and private body guards protecting their sorry asses with these contraptions and we can see if they will change their tunes.
Are you absolutely certain that the lying is limited to only 5 things?
Claims about 3-D guns from some Democrats may contain misinformation. Democrats often express concerns about the ability to create untraceable firearms using 3-D printing technology, but restrictions and challenges make this less accessible. phone service providers.Despite the narrative, 3-D printed guns remain subject to existing firearm laws, with numerous regulatory hurdles. Understanding the nuanced realities is crucial to having informed discussions about the implications of 3-D printed firearms.