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Al Gore’s “Inconvenient” Sequel: America Wants a Recount

Former VP and failed presidential candidate Al Gore plans to extract millions more from an unsuspecting Left with his latest film, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.”

Gore, who touts himself as an environmentalist, became synonymous with the phrase “global warming” after his first “Inconvenient Truth” documentary that many say was fraught with scientific errors. The now wealthy activist was forced to backpedal from his initial doom and gloom prophesies about extraordinary sea level rises and hyperbolic, human-killing heat.

The latest film will undoubtedly cash in on anti-Trump sentiments by the radical and often violent Left despite the epic failure of his original predictions.

Gore’s First “Inconvenient” Claims

Before we have the pleasure of seeing what sort of half-truths Al Gore is cooking up now, let’s revisit his last propaganda flick.

In his first film, Gore claimed parts of Antarctica and Greenland would melt, and the sea would rise by 20 feet as a result. It was an alarmist prediction that even liberal-leaning scientists say couldn’t possibly happen for 100 years in the best (or worst) case scenario.

Coupled with this prediction was that low Pacific islands were being flooded and cultures destroyed. No credible evidence exists to support this claim. In fact, Mr. Gore makes numerous unsupported and erroneous claims in his political activism piece. These include:

• The melting of the Mount Kilimanjaro snows is directly caused to global warming.

• The dry up of Lake Chad in Nigeria was a result of global warming.

• Hurricane Katrina’s severity was directly linked to global warming.

• Polar bears are drowning because of shrinking ice caps.

All of these Gore “facts” have been roundly discredited. Scientific studies have indicated growth in ice in areas such as Greenland while others have shrunk. The vast Antarctica ice sheets have expanded in some areas and melted in others. In terms of “scientific certainty,” Gore’s first movie offers none.

Why the Sequel?

The short answer is: Money!

Although Gore had to shift his catch-phrase from Global Warming to “Climate Change,” a lot of people backed the specious findings to keep the gravy train rolling. And, the money flowed like a river.

Spending on climate change research increased from $4.6 billion under former President George W. Bush in 2003 to $8.8 billion under former President Barack Obama in 2010. That level of government spending would skyrocket under Obama to the tune of $37.7 billion. And, Obama dumped a random $500 million into the U.N.-led Green Climate Fund and promised billions for the Paris Climate Accord that Pres. Trump rejected. That’s a lot of wealth being spread around the Left-leaning voting base.

The first movie wasn’t exactly an “inconvenient” investment. With a budget of $1.5 million, the 97-minute film generated $52.8 million at the box office, $31 million in DVD sales, won a pair of Academy Awards and became the 10th highest grossing documentary in U.S. history. It also vaulted Gore to international fame after losing the presidency, and turned him into a veritable “green” money magnet.

Gore Got Rich

Notoriety from the film and his political career helped Gore increase his net worth of $1.7 million from inherited farmland and mining royalties in 1999 to more than $200 million by conservative estimates. His green fame opened doors that allowed him to turn a $70-million profit for a stake in a TV network that was sold to Al Jazeera, $30 on Apple stocks and speaking fees that have placed him in the world’s Top 10 highest paid at $100,000-$175,000. The sequel is likely to fast-track him into the $1-million club.

The now excessively wealthy former VP has not shied away from showcasing his prosperity. He owns a gaudy 20-room antebellum mansion in Nashville and an $8.9-million California villa previously occupied by Oprah Winfrey. Detractors have posted photos of his properties on social media pointing out the lack of solar panels and asserting he’s a climate fraud.

Although Gore has claimed that profits from “Inconvenient” films and books would flow to non-profit organizations, the residuals continue to make him filthy rich. In many ways, Gore’s climate advocacy is akin to a pro athlete taking a meager $1-million salary, with Nike kicking in a $100-million shoe endorsement deal on the backend.

No one should be fooled by the timing of Gore’s sequel. His plans are to cash in on radical Left hysteria. There’s nothing “Inconvenient” about it.

~ Conservative Zone

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