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All You Need to Know About Why the Emmys Are Dying

They’ve been talking down to us for decades, and nothing quite reveals the attitude of Hollywood liberals better than the fact that the wood of the holly tree was traditionally used by Celtic clerics to make magic wands which they believed had the power to influence others.

During the moral panic of McCarthyism, Hollywood bigwigs cannibalized their own with blacklists which anyone could find themselves on for practically any reason — the charge: wrong-think.
Today, we see it in the ever more prevalent attitude that anyone who does not hold radical leftist beliefs is a Nazi, and Nazi’s are legitimate targets for violence. All it takes to be labeled a Nazi these days is to question the tenets of radical feminism, socialism, or to — God forbid — want to make America great again.
Since Donald Trump was elected, practically every member of the Screen Actor’s Guild has threatened to stop making movies for our pleasure if we don’t stop supporting the president. The hilarious reaction from middle America has been an Earth-shaking collective shrug of indifference. But SAG seems to have just mistaken it for tectonic activity.
They’ve been talking down their noses at us with ever-increasing stridency, but now, Rob Reiner has gone over the edge with his slapdash Committee to Investigate Russia. It’s painful to have to take a critical view of the man behind such comedy classics as This is Spinal Tap and Throw Mamma From the Train- but now it seems clearer than ever that Archie Bunker was onto something when he called the Hollywood giant a “meathead” because the stupidity of his latest film project ‘goes to eleven.’

You may think we’re exaggerating, but this latest effort to undermine our president and the movement behind him may actually be criminal.
It’s an ad spot featuring a possibly blackmailed Morgan Freeman taking us through a dizzyingly imaginative conspiracy theory where Vladamir Putin plots over the course of decades to become a top spy and to take down America for its (imagined) role in the fall of the USSR. In it, the actor essentially declares war on Russia.

At one point in the video, Freeman pretends to sit behind the Oval Office.
“My fellow Americans, during this past election, we came under attack by the Russian government,” he says. “I’ve called on Congress and our intelligence community to use every resource available to conduct a thorough investigation to determine exactly how this happened.”
He also uses the exact phrases, “We have been attacked,” and “We are at war.” It’s hard to see how this sort of language isn’t dangerous to our nation’s discourse.
In a telephone interview with the Daily beast, Reiner said, “We’re trying to break through and explain to people why this is important and that there is a serious problem here that people don’t seem to really grasp. I’m trying to shine a light on all this and, using [Freeman]. I think it helps people stand up and take notice.”
If it wasn’t so egregious, so mealy-mouthed, and back-handed, it would be funny. The jokes, after all, do write themselves. It would appear that Reiner believes that Freeman, who has played the president and God himself in previous productions, actually carries that kind of authority with the unthinking public that lives in his imagination.
This is just the latest manifestation of a culture of celebrity that has forgotten, perhaps never knew, that it only plays a doctor on TV. In the meantime, the Emmys enjoy their lowest ratings in history. More and more people are pulling the plug on their cable boxes as the quality of the content continues to sink to new lows.
It’s all based on the sound premise that politics is downstream from culture. With a view toward our historical origins, it is. But the message that Hollywood is not getting is that their invented and false culture is not our culture. It is a tissue of lies that they have lived under for so long they mistake it for the reality. It’s a self-aggrandizing, self-serving ideology where all they have to do is read the right script and step into the role of martyr, savior, hero.
For the rest of us, reality is a little more serious. We have to work for what we have and negotiate with the people around us and the laws of physics for our identities. The roles we fill are real, which is why we will never be as impressed with our entertainers as they seem to believe we should be.

~ Conservative Zone

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