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America Will Not Settle for Less Than the Best

Trump’s victory represents a new age of political awareness and patriotism. For those who supported the president-elect, this seems obvious. But for some to whom the question of why looms large, there is an explanation- but it may be a difficult pill to swallow.

The Value of the Constitution

We pay a great deal of lip service to the ideas of the founding fathers, the documents and the structures they left behind to benefit us all. But this has degraded into largely empty rhetoric, unfortunately, and for those who disagree with conservative principles, these intonations ring hollow.

However, the fact remains that because of the direct experience that people like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had with the agents of tyranny they were able to craft a government that was designed precisely to resist tyranny. They did so with hindsight, clarity, and imagination. They were inspired, and their inspiration wrought an age of prosperity—a prosperity which, many argue have very nearly come to a premature demise in this decade.

The Danger of Neglecting Our History

Anyone who has studied history, and human nature, understands the ebb and flow of generations. The father labors to deliver security to the son. The son enjoys education, art, and leisure, and his children—hungry for novelty—turn against the values of the patriarch. They are vulnerable to the forces that plague those who neglect history.

So, it is only natural that we would forget the worthiness of what the founding fathers gave us. But it’s left us open to the depredations of interests who would exploit our failure to remember.

So, as the culture has grown disinterested in the values of hard work, of statesmanship, and the resilience inherent in a constitutional republic- international bankers and opportunistic politicians willing to sell the country out to them begin to smell easy prey. This process has been in the works for hundreds of years. But as the United States is an extraordinarily sturdy entity- the process of destroying it has been slow- but determined.

The Domino Effect

In the 80s and 90s- and up to this very day- we see the effect Marxist and communist forces have had on one South American country after another. One by one, they have been eroded by revolutionary forces, disguised as social justice movements, until they eventually erode the power base and topple the country. These have been exercises for the plan to topple the U.S.

Today, we see the same tactics being used in political correctness- culminating eventually in the violent and corrupt Black Lives Matter movement. This George Soros-funded group has become equated with the civil rights movement, but it is backward in the Orwellian sense in that it cares least for the lives of vulnerable people- whipping impoverished blacks into a frenzied state in which they can only meet their own destruction. We see it in the enforced influx of Muslim terrorists, who kill us, and call us bigots when we resist.

Even a sleeping nation cannot fail to see this for what it is.

The Dawn of the Second American Revolution

The deliberate draining of the job market by the Clintons with NAFTA, has served as the final straw for millions of Americans who only want the freedom to work to support their families. Faced with a mandated destitution that would last for generations, the middle class rose up from complacency to awareness. They cried out against the corruption and vanity of Washington elites. But they were ignored. They were called bigots for not wanting to give up what they had worked hard to earn for generations.

They were forcibly transformed from proud and independent citizens into untouchables. Then they were mocked for their poverty.

A Bloodless Revolution

Trump’s revolution represents a response from the rarest of men, the type of man who has both the power and the will to act on behalf of the people. He made it glaringly obvious from the beginning that he saw through all the management speak, the deception- he let the American people know that he is one of us and that he doesn’t need favor one from the establishment.

He represents an opportunity for the people to come back from the precipice- and the American people have taken hold of that opportunity with both hands.

The silent majority was awakened by the approaching destruction of the Union and roused to action by the hope of a new age of greatness. The people are on their feet again, and we are at the start of a golden age- a golden age that may even outlast the previous one.

This has been a revolution, and we have won a major battle without firing a single shot.

~Conservative Zone

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