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AOC is Being Sued for Doing the Same Thing Trump Did

Dov Hikind, a former Democratic NY Assemblyman, filed a lawsuit against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D(NY) in federal court Tuesday for illegally blocking users on Twitter based on their political and personal views and opinions, following a federal appeals court ruling earlier that same day banning President Trump from doing so.

“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had blocked me on Twitter yesterday apparently because my critique of her tweets and policies have been too stinging,” Hikind said when he announced the filing of the suit in New York. “Just today the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a ruling that elected officials cannot block individuals from their Twitter accounts, thereby setting a precedent that Ocasio-Cortez must follow…Twitter is a public space, and all should have access to the government officials on it.”

The First Amendment prohibits discrimination by government actors against a person’s free speech based on his or her viewpoints.

Hikind also indicated his disappointment of AOC and her illegal actions.

“It’s unclear if Ocasio-Cortez is aware of this ruling or not, but either way, I have decided, after speaking with my legal counsel, to initiate a lawsuit against her for blocking me and a host of other public figures,” he said. “Ocasio-Cortez is acting cowardly and should be ashamed of her attempts to silence me. I’ve done nothing but address her ignorance and disregard for the truth. She constantly brags about the millions of followers she has but is afraid of my speech. She is a hypocrite. I’m looking forward to the day where she has to unblock me so that free speech in America is guaranteed even when it offends!”

The complaint filed by Hikind seeks an injunction against Ocasio-Cortez, an admittance that she violated the First Amendment, and the cost of all attorney’s fees. Hikind also told Fox News, that besides himself, “several others, including journalists” have been blocked by Ocasio-Cortez’s, including The Daily Caller, which said that Ocasio-Cortez blocked the site in May after made comments contradicting her claims about the Green New Deal.

OANN’s Liz Wheeler was also blocked by Ocasio-Cortez, even though she was “respectful & civil” as well as journalist Harry Cherry for calling her out on her untrue statements about border facilities, and the Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra said she “finally blocked me and it was after I called out her latest set of lies.”

Hikind’s complaint includes Wheeler, Cherry, and Saavedra, as well as the student origination “Students for Trump.”

Currently, Hikind is looking for others who have been blocked on social media by AOC to come forward, “If you or anyone you know has been blocked by @AOC please get in touch with me ASAP!” he tweeted Tuesday, indicating that he may want to gather more information for his case or talk to other potential co-plaintiffs.

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