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Berkeley Professor Tells Students Rural Americans are Bad People

If there was any doubt that the Democratic Party despises rural Americans, it was just cleared up. A graduate student instructor who has been teaching multiple philosophy courses at UC-Berkeley since 2013 has made it clear to his students (and the world at large) that, in his opinion, rural Americans are bad people and so deserve an uncomfortable life.

In a series of Twitter rants that were later deleted, Jackson Kernion said healthcare for rural Americans should be expensive and that people who choose to live outside cities should have to foot the bill. He later argued that rural Americans should pay outsized costs for gas and broadband, and then stated that rural Americans were bad people who made bad life decisions. Finally, he said that the “pastoral way of life” (whatever that means) is “stupid” and that people should be shamed if they aren’t “pro-city”.

Kernion later issued what was meant to be an apology. However, he only really apologized for the “tone” of his tweets rather than the fact that he had insulted hundreds of millions of Americans in a matter of minutes.

It’s odd that Kernion would consider rural Americans worthy of such contempt simply because they won’t embrace “efficient” city life. While it is true that the cities offer far more convenience than small, rural towns, America was founded as a free nation and people should have the right to live where they want.

As for healthcare, the far-left supposedly believes that it’s a right that should be available at no cost to every single person in the nation, including the undocumented. Why should rural Americans have to pay a high price to access it just because they don’t live in large cities? Furthermore, why would any intelligent individual want all rural Americans to move into the cities?

If everyone in rural cities and towns across the United States moved to large, metropolitan areas, the United States would lose its sizable farming industry and, with it, the ability to feed its population. Food is affordable, safe, and abundant in the United States thanks to the country’s farming industry.

At the same time, farm programs that support the nation’s food supply account for less than half of a percent of the United States budget while farming boosts the US GDP by 1% and the agricultural industry provides a whopping 22 million jobs. Making life “uncomfortable” for rural Americans to get them to move would rapidly make life “uncomfortable” for city dwellers who would quickly be faced with food shortages.

Granted, Kernion doesn’t bring politics into the question — at least not obviously. However, it’s hard to believe that he would hate rural Americans if they all voted for Hillary Clinton in the last election.

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35 thoughts on “Berkeley Professor Tells Students Rural Americans are Bad People”

    1. China funds liberal programs on our college campuses. Indoctrination of our young fools suits their purposes and purposes of liberal super billionaires that want to control the world . They are like a country and see themselves working with a dominate China using artificial intelligence to redefine irrelevant humans.What could go wrong there? The people enslaved. Always know what’s going on , probably you don’t know,but trump knows and he stands them. That’s why they hate him and pit the media against him

    1. Look at the idiots we allow to teach our children from elementary to college schools. Teaching socialist ideas to our kids. Wake up America before it’s too late. You parents need to teach your children in everything the Bible says. Don’t let Commies teach your children. From Patriot Rick and Kara H.

  1. This wannabe professor, if by himself in his opinion would be irrelevant. But the thousand like him teaching American students are a drain on the moral fabric of the nation and a thorn in student’s sides. It is clear he has issues that taint his perverse opinion, but how many much more polished professors indoctrinate young people into communism and anti-American and anti-Christ philosophy?

  2. Parents should consider well the sewer they are sending their children into when sending them to college. If they have not a strong, Christian faith, they will be chewed up, made over, and spit out as indoctrinated automatons of the communists.

  3. Don’t complain about the farmers with your mouth full. This is a perfect example of the “tolerant left” and their assumed moral superiority. The socialists have infected the very roots of our society from the ground up with the indoctrination of our children through schools and liberal leftists programs designed to keep the masses in their societal place Nothing short of. Nothing short of Introductory Communism at best…

  4. How an individual like this is given any serious response is beyond my comprehension. Worse yet is that he is given a university position from which he can “indoctrinate” impressionable young people. To even take up time and space to respond to such ridiculous rantings, speaks to how far we have wandered from being able to discuss and debate differences of opinion. But what do I know? I’m just one of those gun clinging, Bible thumping “deplorables” from the Midwest.

  5. Why is it that liberals are judgemental of anyone who thinks, lives and plays differently from them and is substandard and expendable? If everyone were like you then everyone would be a useless substandard self-serving and self-possessed university professor. Like you!!! You are certainly expendable and don’t deserve the food that rural Americans provide for your sustenance EVERYDAY!!!!

    1. By the way jackass Jackson, where do you draw the line? Are those who live in the suburbs substandard, or just marginal? You are such a mindless ass-hat that it’s a wonder your parents didn’t abort you as soon as they found out what an elitist you are!!

  6. Why does CONSERVATIVE ZONE give this DUMBASS a platform. I’m mean who wants to read this GARBAGE. Let Berkley teach these kids what they want. The only people that will pay in the long run are the parents.

  7. A “graduate student instructor” is not a tenured Professor…although they may aspire to such a position. However, in this case I think it likely that if he continues to hold such views Mr. Kernion would be better suited for a position in the food service industry…Chick-Fil-A is hiring.

  8. This guy is no professor, he is an ignorant left wing regressive socialist. Let him live in the cities of Venezuela, or Havana or some of the towns in Central America and then maybe in former Rhodesia, which used to export food and now the people are starving.

    How can anyone take this guy seriously . Pity the students that go to his class.

  9. Dissecting Kernion’s fatuous arguments at any length is pointless, and serves only to validate his comments.

    The man is a bone-head deserving of little more than outright derision. The fact that he’s an “instructor” just makes it worse.


  11. He is NO PROFESSOR he is a garbage spewing liberal devil. These people hate everyone and especially their students. They believe they are a god. I ignore them. They will burn in hell.

  12. I’m proud that I grew up working on the family farm in Ohio, and I thank God that I don’t live in one of the liberal cesspools.

  13. I wonder if this professor has given any thought to the idea if everyone in rural America were to move into big cities what would the chances be of the country tipping up on one end, that’s what democrats believe isn’t it?

  14. No doubt that this liberal, moronic wanna be professor spends his free time practicing berkley aerobics,
    AKA sodomy 101 !!

  15. What this stupid bastard fails to realize is we are the people who feeds his sorry butt. AHHhh but then, THIS IS BERKELEY. The students who choose to go there evidently already believe such garbage anyway.

  16. Someone has to explain to him where the food he eats comes from. Berkeley professors are not noted for intelligence even more so than most professors any more when “woke” is more important than mastery of subject matter.

  17. Our beef,pork,chicken ,vegetables and fruits and many other things come from these rural people that should not live in the cities where they would be hindered in their work.Does this person even think before he tweets or does he not want to eat?Maybe he manufactures his own artificial food in a lab,that might be tastey,more power to him.i certainly hope he apologises for real to the rural people he insulted.

  18. Because we are decent god-fearing people with morals and common sense, we are Bad? Typical LIBTARD FOOL trying to turn our kids into Libtard lemmings, and the sad part is that they are accomplishing it!

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