Biden is Repeating the Failed Obama Policies That Put Americans Last

It’s safe to say that Joe Biden’s bungling of the vaccine rollout may be caused by distraction. The feeble-minded president has been busy signing executive orders like he’s working a fast-food window. Nearly all of these mandates either eliminate American jobs or import foreigners to steal them. A recent unemployment report indicates more than 10 million Americans are out of work, and Biden wants to keep them there.

“Joe Biden is putting Americans last,” Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton recently said of Biden’s determination to tear up the Remain in Mexico policy. “Why would we rip up a bilateral agreement to instead let people with bogus claims of asylum stay in America and take jobs from Americans?”

The answer is quite simple. Biden is hellbent on turning back the clock to the Obama years, despite the fact the ex-president’s policies were disastrous failures. Those dark days saw the slowest recovery from a recession in U.S. history. Economic experts went as far as to say that Obama and Biden had no plan at all. The manufacturing base was off-shored, foreign workers undercut wages, and illegal immigrants flooded the country. Rescinding the Remain in Mexico agreement and an executive order to halt deportations is a perfect storm. But those abject failures will only be exacerbated by another anti-American policy in the White House pipeline.

According to reports, Biden will “rescind the Trump proclamations that precluded the admission of immigrants and non-immigrants either deemed to be a financial burden on our health care system or deemed to present a risk to U.S. labor markets.”

In other words, those massive caravans rolling toward the U.S.-Mexico border will cross over. They will not be deported, and hard-working taxpayers will foot the bill for their housing, food, clothing, and healthcare. They are being lured to America by Democrats who promise sanctuary cities and free stuff.

“If the Biden Administration ends the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy for asylum seekers — and changes asylum reform measures — it will be a catastrophic combination leading to a run on our border and complicate efforts to pass immigration related legislation,” South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham tweeted. “Over 50,000 asylum seekers have been waiting in Mexico rather than in the United States where they often disappear while waiting in the one million person asylum case backlog. If that policy changes, then the magnet created by abuse of our asylum laws will be turned back on.”

Former President Donald Trump, by contrast to the Obama and Biden failures, issued an order to protect working American families during the height of the pandemic.

“Under ordinary circumstances, properly administered temporary worker programs can provide benefits to the economy. But under the extraordinary circumstances of the economic contraction resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak, certain nonimmigrant visa programs authorizing such employment pose an unusual threat to the employment of American workers,” a Trump Administration report stated. “For example, between February and April of 2020, more than 17 million United States jobs were lost in industries in which employers are seeking to fill worker positions tied to H-2B nonimmigrant visas.”

Trump also established a branch within the Department of Homeland Security to protect U.S. citizens graduating from college. Big Tech corporations prefer to import foreigners who they can pay less than young Americans. Biden recently shuttered the office protecting college graduate job rights, sending America’s next generation to the back of the line.

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46 thoughts on “Biden is Repeating the Failed Obama Policies That Put Americans Last”

    1. He’s The Puppet and Obummer is The Puppet Master !
      Obummer wanted a Third Term and Now he has it , Thru China Joe.
      Why aren’t a lot of them in Prison ? They broke enough Laws . Oh , I forgot….The Demonutz can do whatever they want !

      1. Bidumb is nothing more than a sock puppet for the Chicoms and Obummer. Obummer’s hatred of this country is plain to see


    1. Obvious facts are his support of freeloading, socialism & never been qualified to be in U.S. Government but bo type dems need a patsy for their wannabe dictator regime and joe’s the #1 libtard ! A bo copy of failure is #1 plan by all commie dem leaders to destroy U.S. Citizens Constitutional , Freedom & Rights in the U.S.A. to create a NWO totalitarian dictator stench enslavement regime using satanism, genocide murder to all that resist the real terrorist that democrats are & do create !

  1. It’s sad to see insanity cloud a mind of the president of the United States of America , along with the phobias that democratic un-American politician’s are sending him ! Bidens turned into a hand puppet signing anything they say is appropriate , shear stupidity . 1 the world runs on fossil fuel , and to stop the pipeline was iconic hatered . Now they will truck oil along with train’s ships , all these things will contribute to the pollution problem they say they want to stop ??? Instead of a pipeline that flowed freely .

    1. And which biggie rich SOB owns the railroads and stands to get even richer? Forgot his name , BUT $$$$$ talks for b and bo! What sorass does not give the filthy rich will give!

  2. it’s only going to get worse , wait till the money runs out ,while d.c. works on stimulus , govenors like wolf are already raising taxes ,

    1. Vacuum between j.b.’s ears ready to implode rules out any brain mass to be insane but is bo’s crony for abused power !

  3. dEMENTED JOE and KOMRADS have NO CHOICE but to follow the same ANTI AMERICA POLICIES of the BUCJET OF HUMAN WASTE , OBAMA!!! Look who is appoinred to the GOVERNMENTS OF CRUDS and Pathological liars

      1. No need to worry about “keyboard”, Harry… Redhawk is correct … get ready for another 4 years of “Obama” rules… And Biden is his puppet signing all the anti-America EO’s like they are going to “help” the American worker/retiree… NOT!!! Within a year, “our America” will no longer be that… It will be the “puppet” of foreign influence brought about and endorsed by Biden/Obama-Dems…who are filling their own pockets … May God help us… as Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schumer/Soros and the far-leftists are masterminds intent on destroying America…

    1. Too bad dem libtards that voted for biden cannot recognize the fact of socialistic, commie dem dictator internal destruction to U.S. Constitutional Freedom, Rights, Liberty & National Security & bo’s 8 years of treasonous crime ! “Stupid is as stupid does” !

    2. A-hole biden is not the president!!! obama is!!! He is the puppetier pulling the strings behind perverted-mindless biden. Obama just bought a 14 million home in the Caribbean so after he destroys America he can live in luxury there. He is not an American…he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia…never went to school here either. He is an anti American criminal!! and a fraud… They will be coming to get our guns to leave us defensive against their nazi-like government. All those demon-rats need to be executed as traitors!!! Like the rosenberg’s were during WW2

    1. I have seen nothing positive from Bidens regime. 47 EO’s that bring our country 47 edicts closer to a Marxist Government. Instead of America first, I see his JV team pushing America last. Forget this free crap our American middle class citizens are paying the bills for his incompetency!

  4. Needless to say, those who elected Joe Biden as their Pres. have made a serious error! One os the worst is his attempt to go back to the Obama years and many, if not most, will agree that they were, at best, none to acceptable! Apart from many other issues, Biden is not a well man and has a great deal of difficulty just getting through his day! However, as he is now Pres of America, something must be done to ensure the workings of the country! At present, it seems to be almost the opposite!

    1. China Joe Might be your Pres. BUT He is NOT mine ! I Will Never call him Pres. He will always be China Joe to me and My Family .
      On OAN , One America News …..there is a Special called ,” Absolute Truth “. Has experts telling exactly How The Election was Stolen.Other countries were involved along with Demonutz .. You can also go to and it should still be on there , As usual , Twitter pulled it and Gateway Pundit’s video of the White van bringing in twice after 3:20 a m , Boxes of Fake ballots . First time was around 3:23 am , second one was around 4 am .
      Make sure to go watch Both ! They should still be up on those sites. Very interesting !
      I just Pray there is something We can do about the Voter Fraud and the Other Countries being involved !!

      1. for info, just now, “site cannot be reached”, and OAN does not have listed “Absolute Truth”. Looks like we are on our own. The big tech whores are truly blocking the 1st A.

  5. Biden and headboard phoney harris already destroyed the country. First day in office and dimwitted Biden and dcksckng harris , PLEASE CATCH COVID. Die gasping for air but get none. You two shitbags need to go. An asshole and his little monkey that follows him. If Biden gets a dizzy spell and stops short , his monkey will be able to tell you how many prunes he ate.

    1. I send a humble pray for success to reclaim our Christian Values and protection. In Jesus Holy Mighty Name Amen.

  6. I agree with those who label Democrats out of their minds and they are working to destroy this great Nation with Socialism and Communism

  7. Joe is paving the way for Harris to take over for him as HE IS OUT (Mentally) – making way for Pelosi to replace Harris. Are there that many stupid Democrats still ‘breeding” ? Who in authority (I’m not) that will start the letter of Re-Call on poor JOE? He;s proving he’s not mental competent. If I was Trump, I’d tell all those Washington RINO’S – ‘You asked or it, now live with it. I know, all of the rest of us would have to live with it too. I’d like to see a movement, where all of us who could go, would go to the border to back up the Border Patrol. Joe is telling all those illegals that this is a Democratic country, and you must vote Democrat. I do have First Amendment Rights.

    1. Rights ?? Not for long . 🙁
      The Demonutz are changing everything ! Including the way the Elections are run. They Will have total control of the Elections ,
      They have worked on getting control ever since Obummer got in !

      Impeachments should be filed on quite a few of the Demonutz for Not trying to stop the blm and Antif from destroying certain cities and Wash DC .
      If President Trump was in and did nothing they would yell Impeachment.
      IF they allow the Illegals to come into our Country . Impeach China Joe and Ho Harris , for subjecting the American Citizens to the Covid and other Diseases !
      I have sent a couple e-mails to Taylor Green mentioning that ! Would be great if others did the same !

  8. Joe is paving the way for Harris to take over for him as HE IS OUT (Mentally) – making way for Pelosi to replace Harris. Are there that many stupid Democrats still ‘breeding” ? Who in authority (I’m not) that will start the letter of Re-Call on poor JOE? He;s proving he’s not mental competent. If I was Trump, I’d tell all those Washington RINO’S – ‘You asked or it, now live with it. I know, all of the rest of us would have to live with it too. I’d like to see a movement, where all of us who could go, would go to the border to back up the Border Patrol. Joe is telling all those illegals that this is a Democratic country, and you must vote Democrat.

  9. I send a humble pray for success to reclaim our Christian Values and protection. In Jesus Holy Mighty Name Amen.

  10. These are not MISTAKES! They are the plans of an agenda to take over the entire world with a one world government. That government will look like N. Korea, China, Cuba, Venezuela and Muslim societies. If you disagree, you will be looked at as an enemy of the state.
    We have very few people is Congress who will stand for what is right to preserve our freedoms. Rule by fear is the name of the game today. Look around you, does this look like a free country today? Stand now or you’ll never be able to stand later.

  11. Wait and See was the rally cry from the Biden Bunch, are you happy now? You got what you voted for so freaking live with it! When your Gender Studies trained kids will not get hired because the Unions will hire cheap labor, train cheap labor, and throw today’s Union Members to the wind! Doubt it will happen, it already is with the Keystone Pipeline debacle and there is more to come! Nope, if the States will not be part of putting a stop to this insanity(putting their hand out for more and more federal funds) or by implementing the Articles of Confederation, or just refusing to pay the Feds, because they won’t be able too, the next 2-4 years will be excruciatingly painful!


  13. Sadly ,there are many Dems who aren’t even paying attention to what’s going on and get angry if you even speak badly about Biden. They are one of the reasons we are going down the shitter now1 The other as we know is he fraudulent election that was planned in 2016 and failed but this time they were caught but all the scumbags from the DOJ to SCOTUS, to MSM and other politicians brainwashed and threatened and harassed anyone who spoke out against fraud saying there wasn’t any. To prove their point of their evil agenda they had a false flag capitol breach with their bought and paid for summer of love riot Actors as a shill to take down the good folks and organizations fighting to stop the steal. You think Marjorie Taylor Greene was ousted for comments she made at one time. NO! If that was the case numerous Dems would be gone. It was plain an simple she brought up articles of IMPEACHMENT against the fraud that shouldn’t be in the WH. Well he really isn’t . I said for months and months it would be Obunghole with his hand up Biden’s ass pulling the strings. Look at the fence they put up around the capitol that was a scare and fear tactic cause they didn’t want all the patriots to descend once the fucking Fraud started signing those EO’s. When the sheeple cry and say what happened lets all remember to say you happened you assholes!

  14. What did you expect — he has hired most of obozo’s criminal, anti-American,racists with all the same old advice. china biden just signs and shakes his head yes to whatever they say unless the words Trump or Constitution come up and then he shakes his head no just like a good little looney bin puppet.

  15. If you think the democrats care about people, well you’d better think again. These illegal saps will end up like the minorities in liberal controlled cities… neglected, exploited and used for political power. That’s all the democrats want is political power. The whole point of all of this, they’re leaving one oppressive and repressive government for another. Freedom and liberty have no place in an illiberal democratic controlled, defund the police state.

  16. I just love how people love to sit back, down a beer while pissing and moaning over the crap going on today!

    WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) have had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose instead to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!

    Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action?

    I strongly urge everyone who reads this to PICK UP THE PHONE and call your REP AND SENATORS in DC and DEMAND a COMPLETE AUDIT AND INVESTIGATION into the 2020 ELECTIONS and for the IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT OF BIDEN AND HARRIS.

    BIDEN is completely UNFIT FOR OFFICE! And they both (BIDEN & HARRIS) have family members putting them both in a CONCLICT of interest position advertising and promoting their businesses and using their VP and POTUS both as an advertising self-interest, self-promoting position and it is ILLEGAL!

    When making the calls, keep in mind to be respectful but aggressive too! All calls, E-Mails and faxes are logged into the congressional database, and each week a statistical report is provided to all 535 members ranking highest to lowest numbers of calls, e-mails and faxes received on specific topics.

    Also, copy and paste the information into an E-Mail and send to all your friends and family asking them to do the same thing, then forward on to their friends, and so on. We need to flood their offices with calls and E-Mails!

    People should write these numbers down and use them frequently even if you don’t think your elected officials listen, they are required to note your comments for the permanent record in their caller database for anyone to see.

    Members of the House

    Members of the Senate


    One call per rep!

    Keep in mind: SILENCE = ACCEPTANCE

    Please, don’t make an excuse not to make the calls, excuses as they say are like A-holes, we all got one!

    1. Go to OAN , One America News and watch the Video of ” Absolute Truth “. It’s was an Investigation of ALL the Fraud with the Election . Also , Gateway Pundt has a Video of the while Van coming in at 3:23 am and 4:?? am Dropping of 61 boxes the first trip Plus more on the second. All Fake Ballots . This van was at the TCF building in Michigan and everything matches the Sworn statements from Witnesses.
      After viewing ALL of the Videos , THEN contact the people listed in the post above .
      OAN , One America news is on-line and is on TV . Gateway Pundt is on-line but they interviewed the Owner of it on OAN , so Im sure they will show it again.
      Twitter pulled it and Gateway Pundits account .
      Let everyone you know….know about it !!

  17. Why bother calling ? You waste your time. A civil war is the ONLY thing that will fix this mess. I mean some of these people are out and out traitors. That is a death sentence in this country. A FEDERAL death sentence. We need our military involved and not used against us by the very people we fight. This whole fraud , sham…if allowed to stand. Its over. We are done. Learn mandarin. Biden is a thief and a traitor. His whole family is fake thieving traitors. His wife is not nor has she EVER been a doctor but is allowed to falsify her life. Beadboard harris is as phoney a person you will ever meet. Joe’s follow around little monkey.

    1. I wonder if you have your head as far up Trump’s backside as he has his up Putin’s. Trump is so far up Putin he’s breathing Moscow air. Let’s remember who gave classified information to the Russian, who offered the Ukrainian leader a quid pro quo for help with his personal election.

      Biden’s wife is a Doctor of Philosophy which means she got far more training and education than any of this group of fools. She has earned the title and you failed. The facts are conservative Republicans are so woefully unschooled they can’t tell Rs from Ds.

      For instance Republicans today talking trash about the recovery don’t seem to know who controlled Congress and the purse strings during six of the Obama years. The failure to do better on the recovery from the Great Recession was caused by cheap crap Republicans not willing to give Obama the funds necessary to recover the rest of the country after saving the banks , which the Republicans were more than willing to do. Obama was given about half the money needed to effect a shorter and more vigorous recovery. How you gonna make up a 1.5T drop in economic output by squeezing out a pitiful 750B, half of what was needed to get back to even. Then the Republicans fought like the dickens to keep the budget down knocking. The whole affair might have been a disaster if not for the Fed who made sure the big banks who were technically insolvent and couldn’t begin to get together enough capital to do any real lending. They couldn’t do much for awhile, but thanks to the Fed the big banks were able to fully recapitalize over a 3-4 year period. Oh heck I’m trying to explain basic Fed finance to folks who can’t do their own.

      Let me note that Obama did get Obamacare through which tickled the devil out of me and several million others. While Rs are busting their skulls, only to find they were empty. My wife has a problem that didn’t show up until after we married. My wife had been covered all our married life until an illness forced my early retirement and she lost her coverage. $1500/ month premium for personal coverage was more than my retirement could cover. I went to the VA and never looked back. Best move I ever made and it has made me a believer in government provided health care.

      There are two things I just pointed out that Rs have struck out on. Rs don’t know squat about health care other than it’s being threatened by socialistic government run health care. They can’t begin to figure why health care cost hitting our pockets continuously goes up more than the inflation rate and probably more than that years raise if they got one. (The answer is no transparency for cost and quality, no control over cost for multiple reasons, inefficient operations because of a business model which came along with the Hippocratic Oath.) The answer must be found for keeping such lifesaving services available to all who need them, everybody.

      The Obamacare effort has helped many more people get insurance and care. The biggest increase in premiums have come under Trump because he wouldn’t leave it alone. He and the Rs couldn’t get rid of it after folks began using it. A lot of care has been provided and a lot more has been paid for that care than would have without Obamacare. and many providers and hospitals have been happy to get something they wouldn’t have otherwise.

      Obamacare is not what’s needed to take us forward. Universal care is what is needed. I’ve tried for several years to get some interest in a private industry change to the business and have concluded it requires such a government service. It cannot be provided as it is for much longer. The Rs have nothing except more cost.

      The Rs complain about how much the budget is and then blame it on the Ds. The Rs start to howl about rising taxes but most of them haven’t seen a rise in taxes in years. taxes aren’t going up unless you make a lot of money.

      I could go on and on and then start on “Tax Cut Don” and what he has done wrong

      MAGA – When was America Greater than it was prior to 2016 . All this claptrap is BS.


  18. I don’t like to sound like a defeatist but, the Dem’s control every thing now the Congress and the Senet of course it wasn’t legal and it was by FRAUD just like the election, but, I hate to say this we are out numbered and they will take control over every thing, I am usually a very big fighter when it comes to wrong and right but, on this one we will have to see what happens, we all need Trump Back Again, we tried but were out numbered by FRAUD we all have to pray for our family’s our children and grandchildren who will really get the brunt of this whole affair.



  19. a jealous vindictive old man is trying to destroy any progress made in the last four years to pretend it didn’t happen but guess what Mr. vindictive and your merry band of socialists, it’s too late because Americans have seen what success looks like under Trump and as soon as your i hate Trump voters start to feel the pain in their pockets and security they will turn on you and hold you accountable for the destruction you are doing to our nation. The i hate Trump agenda will only get you so far and the expiration date is drawing near when your country will expect results from you instead of just hating trump.

  20. The DemonRATS have never liked our country as founded. Now they have all three branches. Let’s see just how bad they can screw it up!

  21. The two illegitimate occupants of the White House intent on destroying the remains of our Constitutional republic. Both need to be imprisoned for the treason they perpetrate.

  22. Of course he is following Obama policies – Obama is telling him what to do as Joe doesn’t even have half a brain left anymore. That is why we have all of the old Obama Cronies in place – Obama is picking them not Joe and Obama is running things just like he said he wanted to do. No one with any brains thinks Joe is doing this. Obama hands are all over this! That is why it will be so bad.

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