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BOUGHT AND PAID FOR! Dr. Fauci Accused of BRIBING Scientist to Keep Lab-Leak Theory a Secret

We’ve known for some time that Fauci was involved in the coverup about the TRUE origins of COVID-19 – but we’re learning now that he may have been PAYING PEOPLE OFF to buy their silence. Even worse, it looks like he might have used OUR money to do it!

Early on in the pandemic Danish-born and British-educated scientist Kristian Andersen alerted NIH Director Fauci that the virus had all the indications of being lab-made.

On January 31, 2020, Anderson emailed Fauci saying, “Some of the features look engineered” and the “genome looks inconsistent with evolutionary theory.”

A few days later, after a call with Director Fauci, Anderson completely flipped her opinion, claiming that the lab leak theory was a conspiracy theory.  “The main crackpot theories going around at the moment related to this virus being somehow engineered… and that is demonstrably false.”

So what exactly happened between January 31, 2020 and February 4, 2020 to make Anderson change his mind?

It couldn’t possibly have been the fact that that on February 1, 2020 Anderson received MILLIONS from the Fauci-led NIAID …. OR COULD IT?

The New York Times initially reported on Anderson’s original email to Fauci in June 2021.

In that piece they wrote that “Over the past year, Dr. Andersen has been one of the most outspoken proponents of the theory that the coronavirus originated from a natural spillover from an animal to humans outside of a lab.”

They further noted how this was VASTLY different from his original stance, “But in the email to Dr. Fauci in January 2020, Dr. Andersen hadn’t yet come to that conclusion. He told Dr. Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, that some features of the virus made him wonder whether it had been engineered, and noted that he and his colleagues were planning to investigate further by analyzing the virus’s genome.”

The Times article failed to give a motive for Anderson’s quick change of mind, leaving out that Anderson was given a $1.88 million grant and $16.5 million in funding from Fauci’s NIAID in the time between his initial email and when he started badmouthing others as conspiracy theorists.

Of course, Anderson and his colleagues, which were investigating the virus’ origins then, conveniently fell in line and wrote a paper to conclude that a lab origin was “very unlikely.”

It’s very possible that during that secretive call that took place between Fauci and Anderson, the Danish scientist was BRIBED with just under $20 million worth of tax-payer money to reverse his story.

Fauci seemingly PAID him off so he’d retract his lab leak LIE about the virus in order to help coverup the NIAID’s role in it!

Dr. Andrew Huff, a former Vice President at EcoHealth, offered up proof that Anderson was bought by Dr. Fauci to help him spread lies about the virus’ true origins.

In 2022, Huff revealed that. Anderson’s funding at the Scripps Research Institute increased from $393,079 per month, to $800,139 per month after he flip-flopped on the COVID lab-leak theory.

Gives you something to think about…

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5 thoughts on “BOUGHT AND PAID FOR! Dr. Fauci Accused of BRIBING Scientist to Keep Lab-Leak Theory a Secret”

  1. Like all criminals in the government,follow the money and you will see who the criminals actually are.We need a complete clean out and sanitizing of our government today.Thru the decades since Democrats went to bed with the Communists in the late 50’s,it has been a steady destruction of our country ,it’s laws,Constitution,Bill of Rights everything is bastardized and torn them

    1. Google is presently paying $10,447 to $13,025 every month for working on the web from home. I have joined this activity 2 months back and I have earned $15,248 in my first month from this activity. I can say my life is improved totally!
      Look at it what I do———————————————>>>>>

  2. Fauci should be indicted and his retirement rescinded! He’s a little weasel and it’s time to put out the traps! He’s lied to the American people and has caused intolerable financial ruin of our country! Our kids can barely pass and some schools, like in Baltimore have reported that the senior class had a 1.0 grade point average!! 1.0!!! Fauci made the virus with our tax dollars, he lied to Congress, the American people and for what? More money from big PHARMA!! He should be given the death penalty, it’s the death judgement he pronounced on the American people! I pray someone does actually throw his azz over the Potomac!!! Of course, no GOP that gives a damn will allow him to fade into the sunset and without consequences!! Maybe politicians in both Houses of congress should be swinging from their corrupt necks!!!

  3. scientists cannot be bribed; they deal in truth and finding out the truth with facts and repetitive testing. Crooks can call themselves scientists all day long and will never be anything but a fraud.

  4. Anyone can be bribed including scientists. Just because they work in science doesn’t exclude them from good moral behavior. All humans are capable of doing their worst or best. Most just do as they’re told and don’t care to exercise critical thinking and reading comprehension skills. Fauci should be made accountable for everything he said and did. Read ! Look at how many died and will die as a result of the COVID vaccine.

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