The current chair of the California Democratic Party recently called for a boycott of the well-known In-N-Out Burger chain for committing the seemingly unforgivable offense of donating money to the GOP. The call came in spite of the fact that In-N-Out has also donated money to Democrats, and not only failed to galvanize widespread Democrat support, but even backfired as Republican politicians and voters came to the restaurant’s defense.
Naturally, there were a number of hardcore, left-wing activists who were absolutely appalled to discover that their favorite burger chain dared to donate money to the Republican Party and swore that they would never eat there again. Some spoke of “saving the country” from the GOP by failing to give business to those who support GOP political candidates. Some talked about a boycott being a good way of showing displeasure with President Donald Trump and his policies, while others simply stated that they no longer felt the restaurant was an inviting place for Democrats.
On the other hand, there were plenty of Democratic voters who were unwilling to change their eating habits just to make a political statement. Many of these individuals noted that the fact that In-N-Out Burger offers great food at a great price is more important than the restaurant’s political positions. Some also pointed out the fact that In-N-Out benefits the state of California by offering numerous job opportunities to state residents. What is more, the eatery offers better pay to its workers than many other fast-food joints in California.
Republicans, on the other hand, jumped at the opportunity to show their support for the restaurant by ordering large lunches and posting images of their orders on social media. Others, such as California GOP gubernatorial candidate John Cox, publicly expressed their positive opinions of the restaurant. As it became clear that calling for a boycott of a great restaurant simply wasn’t going to turn out well, the Democratic Party in California began to distance itself from its party chair’s comments. The state DNC communications director noted that the call for a boycott simply expressed the party chair’s view, and that the California Democratic Party itself was not calling for an official boycott of the restaurant.
The In-N-Out debacle is likely to fade into the background as voters pay attention to other newsworthy issues concerning the upcoming mid-term elections. Even so, California’s Democratic Party has clearly made a fool of itself by calling on voters to boycott a business simply because that business holds opposing political viewpoints. As the spokesman for California’s Republican Party accurately noted, it is disappointing to see the Democratic party go after a much-loved business with a good employment record simply because that business does not support all of the DNC’s candidates.
It’s worth noting that In-N-Out is hardly the only restaurant to have a preference regarding who it donates money to. While conservative restaurant chains such as Chick-fil-A have made national headlines for supporting right-wing causes, plenty of other eateries also support the GOP; these include popular chains such as Wendy’s and Dairy Queen. On the other hand, there are also plenty of national restaurant chains that patronize Democratic candidates, including Starbucks, Panera Bread and Chipotle. However, GOP parties in various states have never called for an absolute boycott on these eateries over their political donations.
While individuals are free to spend their money as they wish, the idea of calling for a boycott of a business simply because that business does not support a particular point of view is simply absurd. Companies, like individuals, have the right to use their earnings in any way they wish. Thankfully, even many liberal voters are realizing that stomping on anyone who disagrees with them is not an intelligent course of action, which is why the In-N-Out boycott was pretty much over even before it got started.
~ Conservative Zone
I’m supporting In-N-Out to help show that politics shouldn’t be used against a business as a weapon!
Final solution for CA-Mag 10.
I just tried to post this and was blocked by Facebook due to the fact, that they said some people would be offended! I don’t think they understand how very offensive they are to God because of their censorship on truth!!
• “The In-N-Out debacle is likely to fade into the background as voters pay attention to other newsworthy issues concerning the upcoming mid-term elections. Even so, California’s Democratic Party has clearly made a fool of itself by calling on voters to boycott a business simply because that business holds opposing political viewpoints. As the spokesman for California’s Republican Party accurately noted, it is disappointing to see the Democratic party go after a much-loved business with a good employment record simply because that business does not support all of the DNC’s candidates.”
What a shame that Satan has gained such a foothold in the Demoncrat Party and is successful in blinding progressive liberals, filling them with hate for anyone or anything that has opposing views to theirs.
►”If Faith is STRIPPED AWAY, something has to fill the void. That’s a pretty GOOD DESCRIPTION of exactly what PROGRESSIVES ARE GOING FOR. Nature abhors a vacuum, so if spirituality does not fill a person, then things like envy, greed, and a sense of entitlement will. To move toward that vacuum, PROGRESSIVES PUSH REASON INSTEAD OF RELIGION, GOVERNMENT INSTEAD OF GOD, and TAXES INSTEAD OF CHARITY. They agree with Freud, who said of religion, “Let us put away childish things,” and THEY WORK TO KICK GOD OUT of our schools, bar Him from our courtrooms, boot His likeness off our town squares, and LOCK HIM OUT OF GOVERNMENT COMPLETELY..”
Why would you expect anything else? The progressives’ playbook was written by Saul Alinsky, and he dedicated that book to Lucifer. The left has sold its soul, and struck a bargain with evil. If we want to preserve the country we love, we must become the “moral and religious people” for whom the Constitution was written.
What has happened to the democrats. They seem to be spiraling off into lala land, and they are getting worse by the day. Not just silly but further and further into abject insanity.
The best thing that can happen to any business is for the left wing loons to boycott them – it causes sales to go thru the roof.
Well it is nice to see that the entire sate of California does not belong to the Islamic Muslims. Maybe more will grow up now and fight to remain Americans.
No longer looks like the Democratic Party that I supported for years.
So sad.
So pathetic.
I am walking away.
Reasonable, middle-of-the-road, Democrats have already left.
Millions to follow.
The CA Democrats have indeed overreached on this attempted boycott. They should concentrate of electing enough Representatives and Senators to the the majority need to impeach Trump and kick all his kiss-ass syncophants in the GOP out of Congress.
impeach Trump? for what? i’m pretty sure a sitting Pres can NOT be impeached for no reason other than certain snowflakes don’ t like him
The House must charge him with a crime (violation of an actual law) and then the Senate must convict him of that crime.
Americans are an independent, free minded, and contrary people, they don’t like to be told what they have to do, as Democrats are famous for demanding of others. So the more the Democrats tell the American people what to do, the more the Republican, Independent, and some Democrat voters will surely do just the opposite, and probably why there will be a “Red Wave” in the 2018 midterm elections, as the American people being contrary and doing the opposite the Democrats and liberal biased mainstream media keep telling and expecting them to do.
The DNC has swallowed the “insanity” pill…when the radicals in this country hi-jacked the Democrat Party back in the 1960’s…the Democrats placed themselves in a position of which they will never be normal again…The DNC has become the party of the “numb and dumb” and the “hateful and UN-greatful”..and worse.
The Democrats are not Americans! They are Democrats!
Show me something intelligent that Democraps have done.
Not at all surprising that this insanity is coming out of California…the world’s largest loony bin.
This is just one reason why we need to make the Democratic Party an embarrassing footnote in history, and make sure that this country is never again assaulted by a Democrat administration such as the last one, which has fostered such hatred and divison among Americans.
Everything they touch becomes bass ackwards…love is hate, patriotism is treason, their treason is patriotic, good is evil, evil is good, ad infinitum, ad nauseam!
Democrats have become so insane,they even make Trump,a crazy guy,look better.This country really going off the rails.
that crazy guy has actually accomplished quite a bit on the path to making america great again
– brought manufacturing back
– brought billions of investment dollars back
– brought unemployment figures to RECORD lows across the board
– added millions of jobs to the economy
– soaring stock markets
– wage rises for millions
– bonuses for millions
– leveled the international trade playing field
– closed trade ‘ back-doors’ used to bypass tariffs
if that and more is CRAZY – give me more crazy!!! sure as heck don’t want another career pollytician as Pres
I will never understand how some people, mostly liberal left wing radicals like Bill Marhe would rather see the country go down in flames than president Trump be successful. Marhe twice wishing for an all out depression meaning millions of people including families with children would lose their jobs, their homes and probably their children.
I don’t care which party is in control as long as it helps America, I am neither a democrat nor republican, in state local and national elections I have voted for both parties in the past. I will never vote based on the letter (D) or (R) next to a candidate’s name like too many voters do. They don’t care about what the person stands for or their voting record (most voters never look up voting records of their candidates) they simply vote based on the D or R.
I consider myself a member of the constitutional party, yes I vote republican 90% of the time but I have voted democrat.
Even though I voted for John McCain in 2008 because l am a veteran and a member of VFW post 1848, McCain was a POW running against a very liberal Chicago democrat who was nothing more than a public organizer, never even been a boy scout. But Obama won and I had high hopes with his promise of “change”, many of his campaign promises were good ideas, but of course Obama went back to the status quo same ‘ol same ‘ol DC politics.
Candidate Obama complained and bashed then president Bush for doubling the debt from $4.5 to $9 trillion which was a true fact. Obama took over with a $9 trillion debt, when he left the debt was at $19 trillion. Obama also destroyed his own party, when he took control in 2008 the democrats had more control than any party in history, the democrats controlled all three Houses, they even had an extremely rare super majority in the Senate meaning they had a filibuster proof Senate.
Obama and the democrats could have passed or repealed any legislation they wished without any GOP opposition due to their filibuster proof Senate. Obama and his party had a real chance to bring the change he promised but failed miserably.
This was how they passed the horrible affordable care act (AKA Obamacare) and speaker Pelosi famous words “vote on it now, read it later.” because they knew it was going to pass, there was nothing the republicans could do to stop it. I believe the democrats really thought the voters would have republican/Bush backlash and keep them in power no matter what they did or how slow they did it, on top of that Obama was a new comer and Pelosi and Reid manipulated him due to his lack of experience.
Instead of keeping all that power or doing great things to keep the power Obama and the democrats blew it, big time.
Look, the famous 1994 104th Congress elected in the first midterms after Bill Clinton was elected led by Newt Gingrich was the first time in nearly 40 years the Republicans took the House and Senate, it was backlash for Bill Clinton signing NAFTA into law in Dec. 1993 which weakened the unions which traditionally votes democrat, they were mad at him and voted republican instead, I know this because I was heavily into the IAM union at that time. Bill Clinton just assumed the union votes would always be there just as Obama, Pelosi and Reid assumed the voters would be Bush-lashed and they were wrong.
With their total control in all 3 Houses and their super majority filibuster proof Senate Obama, Reid and Pelosi could have done what Newt Gingrich and the famed 104th congress did, they worked for 100 straight days and passed the famous “Contract with America” 10 bills that helped spark the growth of the 1990’s which president Bill Clinton wisely signed into law. The republican controlled House and Senate did this with a democratic president.
Obama came in his party had complete and total control to pass or repeal any legislation without any GOP opposition and because they did such a bad job they lost the House in 2 years, the Senate in 6 years and the White House in 8 years.
That is bad, really bad, Obama was the leader, the man, the top dog, the big cheese, he could have kept most of the promises he offered us as a candidate but he did not and they lost all that power. It’s sad because the good they could have done, where was Sen. Diane Fienstien in those 2 years from 2008-2010 with her assault weapons ban or any kind of gun ban?
She waited until the dems lost the House because she knew even with a rare super majority many democrats would not have voted for it and she did not want to put her democratic colleagues on the spot… Yep, Obama was the worst thing to ever hit the democratic party in a century, lost all three Houses and the kicker to most democrats is they lost to Donald J.Trump even though Hillary out spent him by tens of millions of dollars.
Terrific post !!! The best I have seen in months. Keep it coming. Thank you !! …..JBA
Wow, only in California.
Feel free to come here ILLEGALLY and leach off the ever fewer taxpayers.
Feel free to brag about half your family being here ILLEGALLY with forged papers like state senator kevin deleon.
Feel free to live homeless anywhere you want to.
Feel free to crap all over the streets and similarly discard your drug needles.
BUT don’t you dare to hand out a soda straw.
AND certainly, don’t dare to criticise anything the demo-rat mafia in Sacramento doesn’t like or approve.
the amazing thing is the fact that people will still vote for this craziness, the millennials because they literally don’t know any better, people who don’t want to lose the ‘ right’ to slaughter their own offspring, people who don’t want to lose their hand-outs and of course the illegals
there absolutely will be a Blue Wave come November,,,, or rather a Blue River – of tears
Ever since President Trump won the Democrats have been making fools of themselves. I hope they don’t stop making themselves to be fools.
We’re really lucky here in Florida…the Democratic party has fielded such a left-wing whacko for governor that even some liberals will be offended.
Hopefully the country’s Democratic party will do similarly.
Be sure to get out and VOTE! “early and often”…seriously, take a few friends with you.
Is it any wonder I’ve been an Independent for 47 years? The two party,”lesser of two evils” system has had it in my book! We as Americans need to return to the multi-party system our forefathers envisioned. Tories, Whigs, Libertarians, Labor, Green and Independents need to get back into the game instead of being forced to the sidelines by the “Big Two”! How would you like a football league with only two teams? Or only two baseball teams playing each other for eternity? It’s like having an ACME and a Food Lion only in your town. Each one runs a sale on different items each week, but there’s nothing to keep their prices in check! Eventually the prices go up anyhow, and they just keep “ping-pong”ing their sales without actually getting ahead of the other!
Liberal Democrats….usually mad …. usually WRONG !! See Detroit Michigan !