In under two years, Pres. Donald J. Trump and the GOP majority in Congress changed the economic trajectory of the nation. It seemed new standards and records were set on an almost weekly basis. Wages rose, unemployment plummeted, and the GDP surged well beyond expectations. But now as the president turns to his social agenda, Democrats have seized power in the U.S. House and are threatening to derail long overdue social justice reforms.
In what is undoubtedly shaping up into one of the most grotesque hypocrisies in Washington Swamp politics, the far left would rather continue the “resist” and “obstruct” movement than secure freedom for prisoners that were sentenced to overly harsh terms. Many were victims of the Clinton-era “three strikes” and mandatory minimums crackdown that sought to bring African-American “superpredator” felons “to heel” as Hillary’s racially-charged remarks claimed.
Although bipartisan criminal justice reform has been lingering in the Senate for a vote, Democratic leadership and presidential nominee hopefuls are willing to leave mostly over-sentenced minorities behind bars rather than give Pres. Trump a win.
The bill which the president supports would include new sentencing reform guidelines that Democrats such as Sens. Dick Durbin, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Reps. Sheila Jackson Lee and John Lewis objected to being absent in previous legislation. They said in a joint letter the bill “would, in fact, be a step backward” without such a measure.
“We are unwilling to support flawed prison reform legislation that does not include sentencing reform,” the Democratic lawmakers reportedly stated in a letter.
With Pres. Trump offering more reform than Democrats envisioned, the legislative battle is beginning to look a lot like the DACA youths. Democrats had insisted that upwards of 700,000 so-called “Dreamers” be given a pathway to citizenship. But when Pres. Trump and the GOP offered more than 1 million in multiple immigration reform measures, Democrats voted it down in lockstep.
The president has taken members of his own party to task over criminal justice reform and has made headlines by using his pardon power to gain the release of people who he says were “unfairly” sentenced. The Trump-backed bipartisan bill would reportedly “require the federal prison system to evaluate inmates after sentencing and provide services to help them avoid becoming repeat offenders, including drug treatment, job training, and mental health counseling.”
The left strongly supported these common-sense measures during the Obama Administration. But even with a majority in Congress, Democrats failed to act. The issue is shaping up to look like another DACA talking point that Democrats want to cry racism over, but never truly solve.
The outcry to do the right thing by the children who were brought to the U.S. illegally at no fault of their own has gone quiet in the biased mainstream media. It was deafeningly missing in the mid-term elections, and Americans are beginning to hear the sounds of silence from Democrats on criminal justice reform.
Unfortunately for the radical left, the president’s First Step Act reportedly sailed through the U.S. House 360-59. But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP have a backlog of bills that must pass before the session ends.
“Hopefully Mitch McConnell will ask for a VOTE on Criminal Justice Reform,” Pres. Trump tweeted. “It is extremely popular and has strong bipartisan support. It will also help a lot of people, save taxpayer dollars, and keep our communities safe. Go for it Mitch!”
In ordinary circumstances, there would be no eleventh-hour rush to pass legislation that has such broad sweeping support across party lines. But Senate leader McConnell has said he will only bring the bill to the floor if it has the 60 votes needed to pass. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has been making considerable noise on the issue.
“I will tell you that we need the help of one person. The one person who had the power to allow this vote — and I’m not saying he’s stopping it — but there is one person,” Sen Paul said of McConnell. “He’s from Louisville, he’s fairly well known, and he has the power to allow or disallow this vote.”
But Sen. Paul may not have all of the backroom vote facts. Already presidential nominee hopeful Democrats are trying to muddy the waters. The GOP would need a handful of Democrats to support the measure, and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has been noticeably quiet on the legislation.
Once the clock strikes midnight and the next Congress enters, partisan politics are expected to ramp up, and Democrats are expected to throw excessively incarcerated Americans under the bus as they vie to recapture the White House.
~ Conservative Zone
The GOP needs to show some strength while they can. Tomorrow is to late. The Dems are going to try and destroy this Country again and we can’t let that happen.
Can’t the President use executive order to get some of this stuff passed? bammy used it in the worst possible way, but Trump can do it for good. Can’t he?
If it was not for the judges that ignored the ones Obama made on the grounds only congress can revoke one then gave no hesitation to declare Trumps revoking of unconstitutional actions Obama made unconstitutional. For example when Trump abolished Obama use of religion as a bases to fast track certain “refugees” discriminating against Christians fleeing the same nations apparently REMOVING a religion requirement was somehow establishing one according to the judge.
All republicans should pass and support Trump. and for the dem’s dont forget Trumps veto power next year.
Just do what is right not party lines!
Your publication throws up the question is Kavenagh qualified.
He is of course more than qualified. But why even ask that question. It is a way of demeaning him.
Trump is doing a great job. How about the question where was Obama during the Benghazi attack on our embassy. When good men do nothing our nation perish.
What do you expect as I said before they hate and despise President Trump more
and they don’t care about the American people as long as they get their way.
The DUMB American voter voted for these A$$HOLES and put them in power
so what did you expect. Just maybe next election they will vote RED and get
America back on track. God help us if we get an Socialist Communist Marxist
president in power the left will kill this country once and for all. Might as well
change it’s name to the United States of Venezuela.
TRUMP 2020 OR ELSE!!!!!!!
Releasing felons before the end of their term sounds very much like a Democrat idea and this move has exposed the hypocracy of the left. Releasing felons is something that we have experienced in the leftist state of California. By the way three strikes was very much a grass roots issue and had conservative support.
I think something should be done about the CRIMINAL DEMOCRAT PARTY ! Why are they able to lie cheat and steal when they don’t really even GIVE A DAMN ABOUT OUR COUNTRY? ! OR OUR PEOPLE. I want some real answers about why the Democrats can get away with all of their illegal
Stunts that they pull. They don’t even try to hide the fact that they are SO CROOKED! That Use to be crooked Hilary’s Name
That should be what we call the
Crooked Democrats ! They have earned Hilary’s name ! I hope they wear it With Pride for who they really are ! The Dems are using their Power to line their pockets with our hard earned money !
Rules need to be set up to keep the government for the people not for themselves!
There is nothing honest or honorable about today’s so called Democrats. They are all liars.
The DemoCommunist promise sentencing reform but they now are dragging their feet because he Republicans are trying tho get a bypartisan ill passed. So rather then keep their promise they will let whatever injustice in Sentencing continue because the Republicans pruposedto do something about it. The DemoCommunist are a ting like a bunch of two year olds instead of Adults and the Democrat voters who voted for these DemoCommunist are most at fault they knew the tennor of their candidates anf voted for them anyway. So for every compromise purposed they will obstruct and slow down for the next two years and it is not Trumps Fault but the Leftest DemoCommunist, and the leftist media that provides a platform for them.
You are so right Crooked Demorats like crooked Hilary they should be ashamed of themselves. they care more about there party then they do about the country!!!
Democrats want “sentencing reform.”
Well, he fired six shots at police and but only wounded two of them. Okay, 6 months probation.
He beat up the old lady and forged her SS check. Naughty naughty! Don’t do it again.
He stole the car because he had to get to his probation meeting. Case dismissed! Free to go!