When President Donald Trump trounced Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, at least one celebrity realized she needed psychological treatment and care. Comedienne Chelsea Handler saw the signs of a complete breakdown manifest. And although her condition had yet to be labeled, Handler recently confessed that she suffered “Trump Derangement Syndrome” — or TDS.
Although the silent majority who elected President Trump crack wise about liberal snowflakes such as Handler losing their … business, the activist and talk show host admits she was unable to reconcile her radical extremism with the stunning conservative win.
“I had a midlife identity crisis once Trump won because I had never had my world feel so unhinged, I think,” Handler said. “I had to pay a psychiatrist to listen to me b&*% about Donald Trump for about the first three weeks.”
If her lack of mental fortitude borders on pathetic to hard-working conservative Americans, Handler has come full circle to understand that her liberal sensibility is frail, to say the least. She reportedly opened up about her TDS on Real Time with Bill Maher.
“And I realized just how spoiled and privileged I had been all my life to realize — to be this upset and this on-a-10 every day and the outrage and the anger. I just wanted to f–ing fight people, you know? And I was like, ‘I have to go see a psychiatrist,’” Handler said. “I pivoted, I pivoted towards weed and cannabis. And for me, who’s kind of a very active and high-strung person, I needed — the cannabis was a gateway drug to meditation.”
Many recall Maher hoping for an economic collapse, rampant unemployment, and a stock market crash just to prove President Trump’s policies were not uplifting Americans. Talk about TDS! Hardy conservative Americans who previously scratched their heads trying to comprehend the confused thoughts and emotions swirling in the liberal mind — this is a dark glimpse.
Conservative talk show host Greg Gutfeld of Fox News’ The Five was kind enough to cut Handler some slack after her confession. At least she came forward, and that may help others reconcile the fact that Democrats put perhaps their worst candidate for president forward in the midst of backstabbing Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders against a populist icon and household name, “Trump.”
The fallout was exacerbated by the fact the fake news media had not been fully exposed for its biased, misleading and factually-incorrect reporting. Networks such as CNN and MSNBC didn’t just give the nod to Hillary. They assured liberals that the opposition had no pathway to the White House.
In hindsight, other Democrats are starting to come to grips with the fact that the left was upended due to ineffective economic and trade policies and selecting a “nasty woman” as the party’s torchbearer.
For example, U.S. Attorney in New York Preet Bharara uncharacteristically went off the rails after Hillary was soundly defeated. These days he reportedly says he wasn’t “thinking fully rationally” after the election, and that prompted Trump to fire him from his post. Up until then, Bharara was widely considered a level-headed and impartially determined prosecutor. TDS tripped up more than a few liberals.
That being said, numerous prominent liberals have apparently not sought help for their psychosis. Alec Baldwin, who plays President Trump on the formerly funny Saturday Night Live, has shown signs of a psychological break with reality. He recently claimed he could go toe-to-toe with Trump.
If I ran for President, would you vote for me?” Baldwin tweeted. “I won’t ask you for any $. And I promise I will win. Beating Trump would be so easy. So easy. So easy.”
Since the 2016 election, Baldwin has made plenty of splashy headlines for aggressive and unhinged behavior. He was arrested and charged with assault over a parking spot. After taking a guilty plea, he was sentenced to anger management.
“When you go to anger management you realize you’re not that angry,” he said with a laugh.
Alec, that’s called denial. Perhaps Chelsea Handler could pass along the name of a good TDS therapist!
~ Conservative Zone
I thought the 60’s were bad, but today, these liberals are so totally unhinged it makes the 60’s look sane in comparison. It’s difficult to believe that so called adults act like a bunch of 2 year old’s. It’s downright pitiful.
The current 40-something nutjob crop are the children of the worst of the Sixties. And Antifa and millennials? The kids of those kids. “TDS” is really just a manifestation, like any other common over-reaction to having one’s perfect entitlement denied by reality. The underlying disease is Leftist Liberalism.
Agree…and something the most regressive psychopaths on the entire planet refer to themselves as “progressive”…go figure!!!
If fearing for the downward spiral of America, where a minority of Americans elect a man devoid of principles to the highest position in America is TDS; If being angry that the republicans in congress allow this person to continue to do things that will negatively impact or country is TDS; if concern that there is a cult of Americans who are so easily conned by Fox, Hannity, Carlson, and Trump that it is reminiscent of Hitler’s Germany, is TDS then I have it.
No no that’s called DENIAL of reality and the TDS is absolutely another problem you have. Some advice GROW UP and WAKE UP! Stop being led by the nose and using your unwarranted hate to justify your ignorance.
Fuck you, Liz. You dumb ass liberal cunt.
Appreciate being called as a cult. Funny thing is I thought we were all Americans. Legal Americans. Our President has done nothing more than make America great again.
Liz said, “where a minority of Americans elect a man devoid of principles to the highest position in America is TDS”
Because the United States is not a democracy, but a republic. Nations within a nation. The selection of its chief magistrate by the States is to prevent the tyranny of the majority.
It is guaranteed!!! If/when comes a tyme when an R gains a solid majority of the popular vote, but a D gains the selection as POTUS due to the electoral college, you people shall again be singing its praises.
Guess you must have voted for the ex Secretary of State, one of the highest offices in the USA, requiring TOP security clearance, who by their OWN admission was too stupid to know that “C” on official documents meant confidential/CLASSIFIED??? Would not doubt you bought the fairy tale also that the Russians “hacked” the DNC despite the fact that due to the speed of the transfer of data that this was IMPOSSIBLE and that it HAD to be a “download” – remember Seth Rich??? Oh, by the way, all that to deflect the Wikileaks “leaks” on Killary, which have YET to be debunked!!! Claiming TDS IS a cop out for your ignorance!!!
This IDIOT comedian was DERANGED WAY BEFORE Trump was elected. BUT , like the rest of the Democrats, they have to BLAME it on somone!
Hey bibbo, stop in front of my house, i can relieve you of that terrible burden.
How cares what Chel. thinks, why didn’t she leave the Country when Trump won promises promises. Who in the world considers her a Celebrity any way. She is nothing but a foul mouth wanna be.
One of the main reasons people flipped out was because of all the fake news telling everyone Hilary had it in the bag. Every day leading up to the election CNN and MSNBC, along with others were saying how far ahead Hilary was and the election would not be even close. What they were betting on was Hilary and Friends had a whole scam playing out with Russia putting out lies about Trump along with the insurance that the DOJ let Hilary off for her e mail scam that she would take care of them all once she was elected. Boy were they in shock when Hilary lost and they had to go into full attack mode to devert attention from everything they did. First the fake FISA warrents and the fake dossier that after four different investigations still found no collusion. For the past three years CNN, MSNBC, and a host of other left media outlets have continued to lie to the American public in hopes they could turn the tide against Trump. Even after their ratings plunged into the toilet, even after getting caught in lie after lie, they continue to lie to the few who still listen. Finally, the truth is coming out about what they all have done and hopefully they all will pay dearly for what they have done.
Not to mention the ones who were “conned” by Obama, the Clintons, Alexandria, Pelosi, Hank Johnson. and myriad others…
Liz, sounds like your really talking about the Obama era of a downward spiral. He had no business being president based on his color, as he had no experience whatsoever. Proven by slowest economic recovery in history, highest unemployment. Rising of ISIS that was supposed to be JC. Our economy was in tatters. Race relations worst in 50 yrs. thank god Trump has turned all around. Yes you need to see a shrink Liz
Tell us something we don’t know. The liberal fascists are quite funny when you look at them. We SUFFERED thru 8 nightmarish years of that muslim Obama and remained adult. Every day I was afraid of what he would try to pull off that day. It was more scandals than any president I have ever experienced and I am 75.
Hey Liz WAKE UP !!! A “minority” of we Americans is all out BS…..the majority of we Americans voted for the best potential president and his performance in office has shown us to be correct with are choice!
You and your “fellow travelers” need to give it up! Trump is here to stay (irritating tweets not withstanding) and will be here through 2024.
If you can’t, or won’t, handle it, do yourself and all of us a favor and LEAVE!!
Have a wonderful day.
And I suppose they think that they are actually going to win in 2020 ?? YouBettcha !! Mr President, Keep Shoving the MAGA Right Down Their Throats !! They are getting EVERYTHING They Deserve !! – Johnman
My theory is still in effect. It states that stupid people will continue to say and do stupid things in their continuing desperate attempt to garner the attention they seek and crave but do not deserve. And so it goes.
No more dems after 2020. Nope… They will not have the Congress not the Senate not the white house. They must go home again losers and wine pine go off throw fits burn stuff yell at the sky cry piss and moan see pshycs. Hate and be mad till 2024. And then lose again. They are void. Losers.
What a bunch of spoiled Hollywood brats.
Several friends who live in small, supposedly solid Dem towns began voting Republican many years ago, they just don’t advertise that they do. Makes me wonder if those who count the votes know.
Chelsea has a frog up the rear. She keeps croaking!
That silly woman child, her derangement has NOTHING to do withTrump!
Who cares about CH. She’s a moron. She has to blame her shameful behavior on something so she doesn’t have to accept responsibility so it TDS.
CH grow up and get a life. Stop living in a fantasy world.
The democRATS are the real deplorables. Their ideas are not what real patriots think and feel. Who in this world bred and raised all of these imbeciles? Vote conservative in 2020, and MAGA.