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Colorado Professor Bans “White” Material from Political Science Class

A politics professor at the University of Colorado took insanity to new depths by removing all writings and references to white men from his curriculum. The reason? He told students that white men are “over-represented” and that he wants his students to study political viewpoints from “the margins”.

Thus, Professor Chad Shomura’s “American Political Thought” course acts as if the Founding Fathers and great Western writers such as Locke and Rousseau simply don’t exist. Their ideas on mercantilism, federalism and the political theories that they put forth are completely ignored even though they stand at the foundation of the Constitution and the American way of life.

Instead, the students in the class are kept occupied as they learn about Filipino empowerment in Hawaii, intersectionality, racism and how to use a hacked set of Tarot cards. Professor Shomura’s class also includes poetry, an ethnography and Ta-Nehisi Coates’s book “Between the World and Me”, which slanders 9/11 first responders.

As ridiculous as this part of the course is, it is only one part of the problem. This is one of the few political science classes available at the university. This means that political science majors at the University of Colorado are almost forced to take Professor Shomura’s class in order to get a degree. Even students who don’t necessarily agree with Professor Shomura’s point of view, or who would rather learn useful information have to sit through hours of “fringe thought.”

There are sure to be students who come out of the class changed for the worse. These students then feel the urge to turn into “social justice warriors” who take on every instance of perceived racial aggression or “microaggression” in the hopes of making life happy and fair for everyone who is not male or white.

Students taking this class are receiving almost no information about actual American political thought — the namesake of the course. The Constitution is not discussed or even mentioned in Professor Shomura’s class.

Thus, students aren’t taught about “white male” ideas such as free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to live lives free from excessive government interference and other important principles. They have no earthly idea why the Founding Fathers created the Electoral College. They receive no explanation as to why many Americans object to government being more active, rather than the opposite.

Offering a course on American Political Thought that does not include any prominent American voices is like offering a course on African-American issues without including any African-American writers. Naturally, no one would imagine creating such a course. If one did, the howls from politically correct students and faculty members alike would ensure that the course would be extremely short-lived.

Unfortunately, there is a common perception in the world of academia that excluding white men and their input from university courses is the way to go. Professor Chad Shomura is doing his students, and indeed society at large, a huge disservice by failing to provide a factual education on politics.

~ Conservative Zone

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14 thoughts on “Colorado Professor Bans “White” Material from Political Science Class”

  1. Stand up be firm tell this Ass to get with the program, if he wants to be an activist take it outside..
    When will people stand up and fight back.

  2. How do you destroy a nation from within? First you must destroy it’s society by destroying the culture that formed it. How do you destroy it’s culture, by destroying it’s history by denouncing it’s history and claiming it was evil, and that multiculturalism is far superior to the culture that made the society great and in doing so made the nation the greatest the world had ever seen, At the time the Roman Empire was destroyed, this is what happened as they were forced to accepted multi-culturalism, which resulted in Rome itself, there were 9 foreigners to every Roman. Then Rome was destroyed by barbarians because they could no longer get the Romans to volunteer to join their armies to defend the empire, as the foreigners certainly would not.

    When Americans are no longer proud of their history and the great feats accomplished by their “Founding Fathers”, in taking 13 small irrelevant colonies, and making them into the greatest nation the world has ever seen, through the principles and philosophies that they proscribed and implemented in their great documents of the “Declaration of Independence”, the “Bill of Rights”, the “US Constitution”, and the “Federalist Papers”, that form our culture, causing foreigners from every nation in the world trying or wishing to get here for what that culture has created in it’s society, then the USA is already lost.

    This loss of respect and honor for our history and those who created and lived it, will then cause the American people to no longer defend the USA’s principles and philosophies that made us great, nor fight against our enemies on the battlefield in wars started by our enemies that want to take our place as the greatest nation on Earth, just as what historians report happened to the Roman Empire.

    As what has been said by our “Founding Fathers”, the USA and it’s people can never be defeated form outside, but only from within, as has been started by the destruction and lost of honor and respect for our own history and those who created and lived it, by those socialist and communist whose desire it is to change what has made us great, capitalism, free enterprise, and the American people being allowed to choose for themselves what makes them most happy, and pursuing that happiness with government restraints. But what the socialists and communist want is to force on the American people socialism and communism, when they can convince the American people that our nation is evil and must change to what they proscribe, socialism and communism, to become good and make all the American people equal, as people are in North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela, all equally enslaved by the masters of socialism and communism.

  3. I must say I don’t know why this deserves a whole article. I’m sure this course will not go on forever and political thought is certainly not limited to government. So, it is more a disagreement as usual over the concept of “the idea of change abruptly.” I would say to support the professor, the reason these changes seem so cutting and abrupt is that the impetus for them was as well (being the wrongs of the white male). That said, there should be cursory mention of white males. Saying the views of white males are not allowed in the class is damn right impossible since writers and contributors to the texts used were sure white males (not there? Well then a video used in class you happy?) And there may be white males in the class offering a very important view. So this is all bunk all around on all points. I’d like to take this class. See what he’s trying to say. Interesting if there were a point, or if he just threw it all together.

  4. Why is someone like this able to teach? Just blows my mind. Randy, unfortunately we are the USA are already there and if Hillary had been elected, we would have been there. I see it every day. When a country has lost its morals which started in the 60’s, and God is taken out of everything, the society cannot stand for long.

  5. I agree with you Randy131. Well said, and this is clearly what is happening. I live near Washington DC. The latest college idiocy comes from George Washing University, home of the “Colonials” (their mascot). Since colonials were all white men, 25% of the student body has voted to chage the mascot. Of course the administration, faculty, and alumni have no willpower to oppose this stupidity and instead “teach” the young students the history of the colonies and why the mascot has solid historical appropriateness, but also, compared to the accepted morals of that day, should stand as a shining beacon of freedom (despite its shortcomings, compared to what we know and experience today). The next step will be to change the name of the school and eventually the city since George Washington wasn’t perfect either.

  6. The University of Colorado can provide another course that includes the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, etc., so students can take it and/or Professor Shomura’s class, or both. I’d love to know about Filipino Empowerment in Hawaii and anything else the professor teaches.

  7. Thank you Randy. We can’t continue to ignore what is happening to American History, values and traditions. Our traditional, historical American textbooks gave credit to many black historians from George Washington Carver to Harriet Tubman. American traditional textbooks gave credit to every international philosopher, poet, author, or scientist without dishonoring them with human weaknesses. It could inspire the youth to goals of personal accomplishment, if so desired. It was some of our best training literature from the 1950’s, to what I taught for many years in the public school. Apathy is allowing the promotion of Socialism, Communism or Islamic ideals as Hitler altered textbooks with only his words. Islamic phrases are being chanted in our public schools and in the Muslim schools. LGBT push their agenda, but their rights should stop, where my rights begin. If you want these extremist ideals, then go the countries, that have your beliefs and stop trying to destroy America. Many people are fleeing nations of turmoil, that are struggling with what you are pushing to change in America. Please save America from the attitude, that we owe everyone a living. If everyone gets everything free, who is working to pay for it? If you tax only the businesses, who pay your salaries and benefits, then what’s left to pay the overhead on the business? They will run to other countries to survive. Just like all those coming through our borders.

  8. Randy131-Well said. I agree. This seemingly Japanese professor is racist as I see it. It’s racism against American whites. Just because they wrote the Constitution, the Federalist papers, etc., that is no reason to remove them from US history. Basically, he is trying to rewrite US history to suit his agenda. I hope political science students choose another university to get their degree. Since when is only one point of view being taught without students being able to see both sides and use their own brains?

  9. When I was confronted by a college student who asked me what was my most pressing personal freedom crisis. I was still a High School student visiting the college as part of an advanced group of students who were college prep majors.

    I said, “My parents get confrontational when I want to play Jimi Hendrix and Frank Zappa on my personal stereo that my grandparents bought for me.”

    His comment, “Move out.”

    OK, HS Grads, I’m going to give you the same advice that was given to me. “Move out.” There is no reason you should be forced to go to that college, study this racist’s curricula, or read his racist books. Find another college.
    Better still, depending on the spiritual atmosphere you were raised with; “Shake the dust from that college from your sandals as soon as we reach the curb on our way out.” That’s a paraphrase of what Yeshua bin Yusef said to HIS followers when HE was confronted with a similar situation more than 2,000 years ago.

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