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Conservatives Won’t Shed A Tear Over Speaker Paul Ryan’s Exit

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan recently announced he will not seek re-election, and American conservatives have not shed a single tear.

Widely considered a mainstream Republican with the ability to navigate both sides of the aisle as well as stubborn ideological groups such as the Freedom Caucus, Ryan emerged as a centrist political rock star. Given today’s extreme political polarization, many would think of him as a breath of fresh air, a reasonable man in unreasonable times. That’s not how many of today’s conservative voters view his positions.

As liberals push for open borders, sanctuary cities, gun seizures, higher taxes and support for street gangs such as Antifa, many conservatives want political leadership that matches the “resist” and “obstruct” tactics of radical, extremist Democrats. As one left-leaning media outlet aptly penned a headline: “Paul Ryan is leaving because he lost the fight for the Republican soul.”

Although the opinion piece goes on to basically trash conservatives, most notably the president, the fundamental thinking holds true for many on the right. The soul of the Republican party is no longer the domain of big corporations and Washington elites. Red State voters have gotten a taste of America First policies, and they like it. Numerous reports have pointed to Speaker Ryan and Pres. Donald J. Trump clashing over policy issues.

Let’s take a look at the outgoing Speaker’s real policy legacy:

Did Paul Ryan Promote America LAST Policies?

Critics point to Ryan’s marred relationship with anti-American worker. His moves lined the pockets of multinational corporations, and favored illegal immigrants over U.S. citizens to the detriment of lower income people’s wages. These are just a smattering of the anti-populist things on Speaker Ryan’s resume.

Ryan Fought Pres. Trump’s Trade Tariffs

As the president began unveiling his strategy to level trade tariffs against countries such as China, Ryan coyly resisted. Ryan was quoted as saying: “What we’re encouraging the administration to do is to focus on what is clearly a legitimate problem and to be more surgical in its approach so that we can go after the true abusers without creating any kind of unintended consequences or collateral damage.” His support of trade agreements such as NAFTA and unwillingness to rein in unfair and illegal trade practices by China position him far afield of Conservatives today.

Ryan Tried To Push Through Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants

As the 2017, year-end spending bill was coming to a vote, Speaker Ryan reportedly attempted to slip in a piece of legislation that would provide amnesty to illegals and displace American workers. This occurred as wage-tracking began to show a significant bump for lower-income Americans. The move would have created a surplus of low-wage immigrant labor and cost hard-working Americans jobs.

Ryan Resisted Pres. Trump On Immigration Reduction

One of the key drains on American wages has been an overabundance of immigrants that are willing to work at low pay. Even though the American labor force is near what are considered full levels, allowing upwards of 1.5 million immigrants into the country each year stagnates wages. Speaker Ryan staked out his position against the merit-based system proposed by Pres. Trump when Arizona Republican Sen. Tom Cotton proposed the RAISE Act. The legislation would have cut new arrivals in half. Ryan stumped against the measure.

“I just think arbitrary cuts to legal immigration don’t take into effect the economy’s needs as the boomers are retiring,” Ryan reportedly said. “With baby boomers leaving the workforce, we’re still going to have labor shortages in certain areas and that is where a well-reformed legal immigration system should be able to make up the difference.”

Ryan’s Retirement Is The Left’s Worst Nightmare

The left has never understood what Trumpism is all about. It’s an America First amalgamation of policies that always favor U.S. citizens. In many respects, Paul Ryan was a centrist globalist who tried to balance national and international forces. It’s absolutely true that he lost the heart and soul of the Republican Party when Trump rolled back the clock and reminded everyday people that America could be great again.

Political insiders understand that Trumpism exists light years to the Right of Speaker Ryan. On a recent segment of left-leaning “The View,” John McCain’s daughter, Meghan McCain, let a jeering audience in on a stark reality.

“Cheering kind of surprises me a little bit because Paul Ryan is a politician of an era gone by. He was one of the most powerful congressmen between 2009 and 2016, before Trumpism sort of completely took over,” McCain said. “He is a really classic conservative, and this party is the party of Trump now. People like me who are old-school conservatives, we’re really on our way out.”

“Do you know what comes in its place? Trumpism, and I assume if you don’t like Paul Ryan, you probably hate Trump more,” she said.

Yes, and today’s populists and Evangelical conservative voters will hold the door for Ryan on his way out.

~ Conservative Zone

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26 thoughts on “Conservatives Won’t Shed A Tear Over Speaker Paul Ryan’s Exit”

  1. John “WetStart” McCain: “People like me who are old-school conservatives, we’re really on our way out.”

    So since when do “old-school conservatives” climb into bed with Muslim terrorist animals, especially to the extent of hosting such as ISIS’ BUSINESS OFFICES within the borders of “their” State???

    Fact: A Globalist is a filthy Globalist is a STINKING Globalist. And a man who hosts Islamic terrorist offices on US SOIL really SHOULD be tried, convicted and Constitutionally sentenced – for TREASON.

    As for Mister Ryan, wasn’t he maybe just a leetle bit TOO friendly with Mr. Podesta (of Comet PingPong Pizza infamy) and all those FBI-verified Paedo Code Symbols? So off HE goes. 😉

    Note: Have the proper drop-chart, a good eye for the variables and plenty well-stretched 5/8″ five-strand Hemp Rope, all within easy reach. Will travel. May Kind Holy Creator have MERCY on the SOULS of those who are thus Lawfully chosen as Example to the Others! And that is all. 0{;-|o[

    1. There is a reason y Republicans can’t get a good speaker, because Republicans represent only the rich, the 1%. Nancy Pelosi who represent’s the middle class is the greatest Speaker since Tip O’Neill. Hopefully we will her back at the helm, soon.

      1. Sorry to bust your bubble Ronald but Nancy Pelosi’s e;evator doesnt go all the way to the top ! The onl;y way she will become speqker again is if the Dems take the house and all I have to say about that remember 2016 the Dems got surprised . . . .I think it could well be another Conservative victory, any one who would vote for a Democrat that has gained from pres Trumps actions would be a fool to wound themselves in the foot by putting any Dem in office since they, unlike the Repubs, are required to not have any personal decisions themselves all of the thinking is done by Schuemer, and all he is thinking about is if Trump proposes anything good for the American people it must be stopped ! nOT EVERFY ONE IS LOCKED BRAIN AS YOU ARE AND MIGHT WEANT TO VOTE FOR THEIR POCKET BOOK !

    2. I for one will NOT miss him! GLAD to see him GO! Now, just keep cleaning out the swamp! That includes RHINOS too!

  2. We can only hope that we get a decent replacement for Speaker of the House. Can’t remember the last time we had a good one. And the leadership in the Senate is worse.

  3. Ryan, along with McConnell, is a RINO and no true conservative has any use for a RINO. You suck, Paul!

  4. With RINO’s like Paul Ryan, who needs a Democrat? Mr. Ryan: Please don’t let the door hit you in the rear end on your way out. However, a hasty exit will be most appreciated by many, many conservatives.

  5. Shedding a tear… sh^t, they should have been calling for his head, the little Eddie Munster grown-up clone of a treacherous NWO-elitist SOB!

  6. Ryan wasn’t the speaker his wife was she was the one give the orders and boy wonder followed her to a tee. She controls him and owns him. Ryan thought he was the speaker but fooled again and many in the house knew it which is why none were sad to see him go he’s leaving cause he kept his mouth shut for 8 years and paid off sex offenders accusers left and right to hide the crimes in the house on his watch there was no order it was chaos over and over ryan is a sad excuse for a man he’s going home to be a man hahahahahaha funny as hell.

  7. If McCain likes him then I most certainly do not. Ryan is a RHINO and honestly I am thrilled he is leaving, His support for our President was awful and I for one am glad he is stepping down. Go off an enjoy that family and stay out of the way so Our President can MAGA without your RHINO interruptions.

  8. Doesn’t anyone remember when people were asking, no, practically BEGGING Ryan to become speaker? Recall his one main caviat for acceptance?……that “I do not work on the weekends”. THAT infuriated me because being a combat veteran I recall that we NEVER had a weekend off. Not one single talk show host, not even Rush Limbaugh has mentioned the unconscionable statement of this narcissist.

  9. Deep State is everywhere!!! The liberal demoncrat Nazi’s party at work here!!!!!!!!!!!!Don’t forget the RINOs (Ryan, McShame , McConnell, Rubio , Grahams etc..,) they’re just as bad! Drain the rat infested Swamp ASAP, President Trump!

  10. I believe Ryan is leaving because he believes the media garbage that the Democrats are going to flip the House and Senate and he will be blamed, and rightly so, for a large part of it. I believe the flip is all garbage anyway.

  11. Never have i heard a more welcome sound , than when i heard this back stabbing rhino was leaving he swamp. President Trump is surely breathing a sigh of relief to know this north end of a south bound skunk was checking out . Only wish they could keep this low life from collecting a retirement check .!!!!! Had a bad feeling about this creep yr’s ago . when first hearing of him, and it’s not gotten any better for sure !!!!!!! DOKO IEKI NY.???

  12. “Yes, and today’s populists and Evangelical conservative voters will hold the door for Ryan on his way out”. this says it all!

  13. It would be great if getting rid of Mr Ryan and Mr McCain would solve the problem, but it will not. We still have the “slower and surer” progressives/globalists like Mitch McConnell, Oly Snow. Bob Corker, John Cornyn in the Senate and more than 100 representatives in the House. Every Conservative needs to look at who their Congressioal Representative is taking money from and socializing/meeting with. Get rid of the Globalists/Progressives in the primaries. Then, vote Democrat only if you are happy with higher taxes, massive illegal immigration, greater numbers of unemployed and welfare recipients, and lesser freedoms.

  14. Why would conservatives be unhappy with Ryan’s departure? He was responsible for cooperating with Democrats to pass their unreasonable spending bill. With friends like Ryan, why would conservatives need enemies?

  15. Paul Ryan is poorly educated, heartless and clueless, like most conservatives. Trump is the lowest of the low, a stupid, narcissistic pervert.

  16. Lets HOPE the people of his district has the SMARTS to elect a REAL REPUBLICAN. Not another RHINO like ryan. Now we need to get RID of mccain

  17. I’m not sad about Ryan leaving at all ! He is a RINO, he took big money from Big Pharma, for his campaigns. I did NOT like how he voted. He wouldn’t work with President Trump.

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