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COVID-19’s Big Lesson: America MUST Become More Medicine Independent

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted a national security threat that no American could have imagined. After the outbreak of the coronavirus strain in Wuhan, China, began infecting people in the U.S., it has become abundantly clear that the U.S. is not medication independent. That dark truth is that everyday Americans are at the mercy of the Chinese government if COVID-19 spikes.

When President Donald Trump won the historic 2016 election, his America First policies focused on revitalizing our economic strength, energy independence, and shoring up other areas that could make the most powerful country on Earth look weak. The previous administration had put the U.S. military at risk by allowing rival nations such as China to seize control of mining “rare Earth elements” that are required to operate fighter jets and missile systems. Not even the president knew America purchased the vast majority of medicine and supply chain medical technology from the communists.

“The spread of the coronavirus and its effect on small businesses occurs against a structural backdrop. The backdrop is that our economy is dangerously reliant on China for the production of critical goods, including goods and technologies needed to fight the coronavirus,” Florida Senator Marco Rubio reportedly said. “According to the U.S. Census Bureau, last year, China accounted for 88 percent of electric hand drill and saw imports, 87 percent of air conditioning machinery imports, 83 percent of hydraulic jacks and hoists, 72 percent for cell phones and parts, 58 percent of forklifts, and 51 percent of lithium-ion batteries.”

That is a staggering level of reliance on a foreign entity whose values and political system runs contrary to the U.S.

Rubio, like many foreign policy experts, believes initiatives such as China’s “Belt and Road” are strategies to secure global dominance of over goods and products. The communists recognize that even with their vast population numbers, they would not be able to defeat the military superiority of the U.S. or its determined citizenry. They are playing a long-term economic strategy with human necessities that will hold the world hostage within 50 years.

“It is the outcome of a deliberate strategy by the Chinese Communist Party, which made biomedicine and high-end medical equipment a priority of its Made in China 2025’ plan,” the Florida senator added. “Now, in the face of a pandemic, the absence of domestic capacity in critical medical sectors has critically endangered both the U.S. health care system and our economy.”

Holding life and death through medication supply chains puts every other nation at risk. For that reason, President Trump has already issued an executive order calling for increased respirator production in the U.S. An order requiring America to regain medication independence is reportedly being crafted in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

“China has managed to dominate all aspects of the supply chain using the same unfair trade practices that it has used to dominate other sectors — cheap sweatshop labor, lax environmental regulations, and massive government subsidies,” Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro said. “This is not just about public health and safety. It’s about our very national defense.”

America can’t afford to allow China’s communists to get away with this again.

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16 thoughts on “COVID-19’s Big Lesson: America MUST Become More Medicine Independent”

  1. Medicine independent? COMONNNN!!!! How about supply chain reliability. Stupid to think medicine requirements is anything but a retro solution.. it doesn’t fix the problem, just Band-Aids the system till the next injury. Sure, Medicine’ independence is necessary, but so is Independence from all supply Chains initiating from filthy corrupt countries where from factory floor workers to CEO’s they put diseases onto products and visitors.
    Do you want a Band-Aid or solutions to what causes a Band-aid to be needed… SARS, Corona, Swine flus endlessly repeating.
    Nothing is cheap, everything has a cost, all debts have to be paid, supply chains from filthy countries suck.

  2. It is not as though the manufacturing capacity we once had in this country can be magically re-started. We lack the people with skills, and a low cost of production given that wages here are much higher than in China. That means prices will spike because of scarcity. When the shelves are bare of consumer products made in China, this will cause another freak-out by people already spooked about just how quickly their lives can devolve into chaos. Merchants have less to sell, causing more unemployment, and the cascading effects of lower tax revenue and less economic activity spiral out of control. Probably the biggest worry is the heavy reliance on Chinese pharmaceuticals since our country has become so drug dependent. We have no ready plan B here either.

  3. Thank you, Clinton, Bush & Obama, some of the most corrupt & worse Presidents since Wilson & Carter. It’s not China that screwed us, it’s our own government threw their Progressive, Globalist, Elitist policies. We know where the blame lies, now let’s fix it.

  4. Get out of China. The Government are all compulsive liars to never be trusted on any level. what they want is world domination and control at any cost to the people of China.

  5. I agree with both Mike & Rick. I worked in the Pharma. industry for a few decades as a machinery mechanic. During that time I had to move 3 times as the company I was working at was moved out of the country. Bristol Meyers, Warner Lambert and penicillin manufacture Beacham Labs. Now in my retirement I am an Adj. Instructor at a local Tech. school teaching my trade to young men & women, a little bit ” to little to late”. I have been saying for years that if we as a nation had to fight WW 2 again we could not, No industry, No skilled workers, NO way to access raw materials, and finely No will or soul to win, RED Bernie has too large of a following of kids who just don’t give a damn about working just give me everything for free.

  6. Stop doing business with China, they cant be trusted. DO NOT import anything

    There will be more manufactured viruses coming.

  7. Made in America… for America… Get Congress and Senate on the same page, eliminate all political posturing, work with President Trump and do whatever it takes, regardless of cost, and bring companies back on to U.S. soil ASAP! Create a more fair tax rate for ALL ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES, with a heavy emphasis on Manufacturing. We can no longer leave OUR COUNTRY, OUR CITIZENS, at risk-dependent on foreign countries, foreign governments that may not have OUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART… We must once again take complete control of our future. We are the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH.. let’s act like it! During this unforeseen horrific virus outbreak, EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN, regardless of your political affiliation, most importantly, including the youth of our country, many of whom feel they are either indestructible or not at risk, but continue to put all of us SENIOR CITIZENS, IMMUNE SYSTEM COMPROMISED CITIZENS, MEDICALLY CHALLENGED CITIZENS, at RISK of SEVERE CONSEQUENCES FROM THIS COVID19 VIRUS, including possible DEATH! Our great nation is in desperate need of the YOUNG PEOPLE, being totally and unequivocally RESPONSIBLE! We cannot afford let our guard down.. cannot afford to be careless or carefree, cannot afford to be cavalier and failure of our youth our millennials to take this extremely dangerous virus for granted, like going out and partying in large numbers, going to the beaches- just saw yesterday that there were THOUSANDS of millennials and younger on the beach at Saint Simons Island in Georgia, and realized that many of these youngsters could be A symptomatic and infect many of their friends and other strangers on this beach and thousands of them will them go back home and potentially infect their OWN PARENTS, their OWN GRANDPARENTS-potentially KILLING THEM! This scenario could be CATASTROPHIC! So if any MILLENNIALS, any young people of our country, are reading this, I am pleading with all of you to help PROTECT ALL THE ELDERLY, MEDICALLY COMPROMISED CITIZENS OF OUR COUNTRY AND BE MORE RESPONSIBLE, MORE ACCOUNTABLE, MORE CAREFUL AND MORE CARING THAN EVER BEFORE… BE SOMEONE THAT HELPS SAVE LIVES… NOT SOMEONE WHO CONTRIBUTES TO TAKING LIVES. Thank you all! GOD BLESS OUR GREAT NATION! Let’s all work together and help get this virus stopped.❤️

    1. Our Military can be stopped since many componants are from China, Our meds are either manufactored there or ingrediants are , dog food has poisoned some of our pets I am 85 a prime target for this virus But please voters SAVE MY COUNTRY> Support President Trumps efforts to save the manufactoring joba and vital componets we need.

  8. Not too long ago pharmaceutical & Biotech manufacturing in Puerto Rico was encouraged by our Government with a big
    Tax break which was drastically reduced 10-15 years ago.
    This led to transfer of manufacturing to Brazil, India & China
    Let’s not forget it’s all about profits and
    a Congress that has enriched itself with
    Graft from the drug companies

  9. No matter how fearful you may become, remember we can beat this virus if we work together. This is not the time to be political. This is a time when “United” in the United States means something. Everyone wants this virus to stop because it could prove fatal to them or their loved ones. I might add that we should be praying if it calms our fears. At this point how this virus was created is irrelevant. The issue is how we deal with it. One thing for sure, the US has some of the greatest medical minds on the planet. They will not hesitate to ask other nations how they dealt with pandemics in their past if they think it might help. I am also sure that even those who post comments may offer their assistance if they might have a possible idea to stop this virus. History has proven that mankind can overcome diseases that kills thousands. We will end this virus. We just do not know how long it will take.

  10. Absolutely, we should do less business with China, and not just with regard to medical items–with regard to EVERYTHING!!

  11. The reason are kids are the way they are is our school systems, and the liberals that teach at are colleges. This needs too change yesterday.ONE WAY IS STOP FUNDING THEM! They are as corrupt in are face as you can see . They need to de stoped now or we will be in big trouble!!!!!!! The kids are our future!!!!!!

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