The silencing of conservative voices is nothing new, but the perpetrators are usually progressive business owners, social media brands and colleges. This week, a new entity entered the fray and silenced another conservative voice — a pageant winner and beauty queen.
Miss Michigan 2019, Kathy Zhu, is an outspoken conservative and supporter of President Trump. These values led to sanctions from the pageant community and eventually, the loss of the crown she competed for and won last year.
Zhu, a University of Michigan student, competed for and won the coveted title of “Miss Michigan” in the Miss World competition, but has recently lost her crown and title. Zhu spoke with Breitbart News about her decrowning and the ongoing silencing of conservative voices and Trump supporters in a wide range of institutions in the United States.
Last week, Zhu lost her title because of what the Miss World governing body called “offensive” social media tweets and posts in her past. According to Zhu, she was targeted not for her own behavior, but because of the ongoing bias within the governing body of the pageant itself – bias that is not restricted to just beauty pageantry.
“The director reached out to me through text and email saying that I had been basically decrowned because I have made racist, Islamophobic, insensitive tweets, which I completely denied. That’s when everything happened,” Zhu said.
Zhu, who is Asian, continued, stating that the term “racist” has been weaponized and aggressively overused by progressives, who use it to get rid of dissenting voices and outspoken conservatives in all walks of life.
“It’s crazy how they can just throw that word so easily now. It delegitimizes the word itself…I just want people to know that there is a bias against conservative voices,” Zhu continued.
Zhu’s crime? Her response to a booth on her school campus; the progressive run program was set up to support and promote awareness of “World hijab Day”. Zhu came under fire by both her fellow students, and eventually her pageant community for her “racist” opinion.
Zhu pointed out that the hijab represents oppression for many women around the world:
“There is a ‘try a hijab on’ booth at my college campus. So you’re telling me that it’s now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?” Zhu wrote in a tweet.
The aftermath and pushback was immediate.
After losing her crown for questioning the hijab and those who were promoting it, Zhu spoke out to Breitbart and other conservative outlets, exposing the toll the progressive agenda has taken on both college campuses and on the pageant industry. The pageant did not respond to requests for clarification on the beauty queen’s decrowning or their motivations for revoking this honor.