Democrats Are Now Calling for “Climate Lockdowns” — Whatever THAT is…

Conservative pundits have long predicted that the COVID-19 lockdowns would create a precedent allowing local and national leaders to shutter larger swaths of the country to push other agendas — including climate change. Well, now it’s actually happening.

Far-left activists are now calling on nations to “take drastic action” in order to avoid “lockdowns to prevent climate change.”

“As COVID-19 spread earlier this year, governments introduced lockdowns in order to prevent a public health emergency from spinning out of control. In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again—this time to tackle a climate emergency,” Mariana Mazzucato wrote in a piece published by Market Watch in September.

A “climate change lockdown” would be even worse than the COVID-19 lockdowns. Environmental activists are talking about banning private vehicles, prohibiting the consumption of red meat, and forcing fossil fuel companies to stop drilling, among other guidelines. In fact, proposed climate change lockdown guidelines sound a lot like the infamous “Green New Deal” that far-left Democrats have been pushing for the last few years.

The COVID-19 lockdowns have given the world a preview of what this would look like. Suicide rates are through the roof and the economy is in shambles. Tens of thousands of small business owners have shut down permanently; others hang on by a thread. Poor and lower-middle-class individuals can’t pay their rents, and hundreds of thousands are in danger of being evicted as soon as rent moratoriums lift.

Homeowners who depend on rental income to pay their own mortgages are in danger of defaulting. Schools remain shut down, and millions of children are failing to receive a basic education via virtual schooling.

Climate change lockdowns would exacerbate every single one of these problems while raising electricity costs throughout the nation. But here’s the thing — we already know that the people proposing such dramatic changes have no intention of following any of their own rules.

As the entire nation has already seen, liberal elites have no problem breaking quarantine whenever it suits them. House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi got her hair done when all of California’s hair salons were supposed to be shut down. California Gov. Gavin Newsom had a fancy indoor party with well over a dozen guests while he barred state residents from doing the same. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently held a COVID-19 briefing indoors, and not a single person in the room was wearing a mask.

Destroying the lives of billions of people all over the world isn’t going to solve any problem — climate-related or otherwise. But now we have a clear idea of what the the radical left wants — to make lockdowns a permanent fixture of American and global life. This cannot be allowed to happen.

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25 thoughts on “Democrats Are Now Calling for “Climate Lockdowns” — Whatever THAT is…”

  1. They need to stop this nonsense. God is in control not people. People will die more from this than from all the diseases put together.

  2. Boy are we reading some retarded people stuff? These people thing they can control the CLIMATE! Wow! Look who is STUPID! You leftist don’t have a CHANCE IN CONTROLLING THE CLIMATES! YOU CAN’T SAVE YOURSELF FROM HADES! SO just forget it! GOD CONTROL EVERYTHING! EVEN YOUR HEART! YOU DIED WHEN HE TIRED OF YOU OR READY FOR YOU! SO STOP BEING STUPID!

  3. Book of REVELATION TELL you everything that is happening is happening now! It even says there will be FOOL who think they can control the weather and people. But these are the FOOL who are ALREADY heading to HADES! Because they are ATHEIST AND UNBELIEVER! GID KNOW THEIR HEART AND MIND! He was the CREATOR OF THE WORLD AND CREATOR OF THE PEOPLE. IT WAS HIM WHO BLEW LIFE INTO ADAM AND EVE! YOU don’t see animals doing the thing you see fool doing on earth

  4. What all this is about is CONTROL! Democrats want to control Our lives, if not by covid, it will be something else! Democrats don’t want small businesses to survive, they would rather have it all socialised, as to tell you what you need, when you need it and how much! President Gerald Ford summed it up when he said,” When Government has the control to tell you what you need, government will also control what you have”!

  5. Don’t understand why the leftwing lunatics think that climate change is something they are. gonna see in their life times, by the time our civil war is over they will all be dead, and earth will still be spinning around the sun.

  6. All left agenda’s are only about tyrannical control of the population.
    It has absolutely nothing to do with liberties or caring for people.
    This has been proven by the dictatorial actions taken by almost all democrat dictators aka democrat politicians.

  7. The problem is that we let them get away with it!!! We allowed them to steal the election! We have no one to blame but ourselves the only way to stop the nonsense is to not et them steal this election!!! We must rise up as one and demand a revote, paper ballots, no machines counting and transparency. Then we will have fair and honest elections. That will put a stop to this nonsense.

  8. There are NO “climate change crisis” . . . just TREASONISTIC TRAITORS attempting to ERASE our FREEDOMS and LIBERTIES. Find these traitors and ARREST THEM immediately for TREASON and SEDITION as per the U.S. Constitution, and send them to FEDERAL PRISON – IMMEDIATELY. GITMO or LEAVENWORTH will do FINE. This is EXACTLY what the GLOBALISTS ELITE want, to take away each country’s Sovereignty to “fight” this NON EXISTENT “problem”. One Thoroughly Enlightened PATRIOT sounding THE Alarm. Team Trump and His Allies 2020.

  9. I too am tired of the corrupt Democrat dictators. This has to stop. I agree, paper ballots only, I.D. required, no mail in voting, absentee with a very good approved reason like military service with plenty of verification. At least 2 observers and continuous video recording per counter. Machines and computers are too easily manipulated just like internet address links that send you to to a different site than displayed, voting computers can be programmed to display your vote, but actually count a different vote.

    Praying every night for President Trump to find enough of the Democrat voter fraud to secure his re-election.

    Criminal acts among elected and government employees must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, without accountability, the corruption will continue.

  10. This stupid nation is voting itself into suicide and richly deserves what it’s getting and going to get soon! Problem is, those of us who didn’t vote for all that shit and don’t deserve the consequences still have to deal with them. We’re already seeing the pushback and it’s only gonna get worse, as stupid Americans realize the only thing they hate worse than Trump is themselves.

    1. The trump haters all hate him, BUT ASK THEM WHY and they can’t give a good reason. .He has helped the average working class people with Less taxes , more jobs’s and a FAIR SHOT at trade issues>>The democrats are going to take back all the good he has done ,raise all the taxes back, plus more taxes on everything..

  11. why anyone would ever vote for a dumbocrat is beyond my pay scale. All they do is lie , steal, and cheat their way into winning Sorry to say 90% are thieves and the other 10% agree with the other 90%. The dems today are a bunch of back stabbers, would sell their own parents out to get there way… Lock downs are not working. .Get the kid’s back into school now ..Let the business owners open their business and get on with their lives.. You allow large retailers like Amozon, and , Wal mart and others to stay open, ,Starve all the little people out. They want to control all the people, this is called socialism
    / communist party members…

  12. YES !! Keep spreading the word !! These liberal idiots believe all of their own B.S. and will doom us with their gullibility and fool belief in all of these “imagined calamities”. Resist them at every opportunity and keep spreading the word !!!

  13. We the people have the right to take up arms and throw all of those stupid lame brain none working people in Washington , right out the front door. If we don’t stand together, we are all up the creek without a paddle.

  14. I am not sure about ‘Climate Change Lockdown’. Now ‘Martian Invasion Lockdown’ has significantly more truth so I’ll go for that one.

  15. well, here it is. I guess demonrats that wish biden is installed with all the baggage he brings with him or in tow may get their wish. the virus only affected republicans and conservatives, because all of these increases I bet have to do with trump events. GOD forbid we mention the unmasked, looting free loaders that lay spittle all over their demonstrations and riots because then WE are the racists ones. sooooo, they dont want to kill ALL just those of us who disagree with them. or so they think, this disease as with ALL diseases does not look at skin color or politics. but hey they (libtards) keep voting these idiots in.

  16. If you believe in climate change, you must be a vegan, or else you’re a hypocrite. I didn’t realize there were so many vegans, not that I’m against vegans but I am against hypocrites.

  17. In order to completely stop the BS of climate change and Covid 19 HOAXES, WE THE PEOPLE need to seize the assets, arrest and execute all Globalists and their damn puppet politicians.

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