Democrats Attack Judicial Candidate For Catholic Beliefs

The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. However, one could easily think that the latter statement is actually true after watching Democrat Senators Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris harass judicial nominee Brian Buescher over his membership in a Catholic organization.

The Senators’ position was so blatantly anti-religious that Republican Senator Ben Sasse felt compelled to offer a resolution reaffirming the Constitutional position that those who are being considered for federal office cannot be subjected to religious tests. While the resolution passed with both Republican and Democrat support, Sen. Hirono snapped that Sen. Sasse had embraced the “alt-right position” by putting forward the resolution in the first place.

The comment came across as absurd to say the least, especially when one considers the fact that Sen. Sasse is not only soft-spoken and mild-mannered, but also well-known for his strong stance against the alt-right.

The controversy surrounding Brian Buescher concerns the fact that Mr. Buescher is a member of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization with nearly two million members that is well-known for its involvement in national and international charitable projects. The Knights of Columbus has partnered with the Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity and other reputable charities to help men, women and children in need. It is in fact recognized as one of the most charitable organizations in the world. However, like other Catholic organizations, the Knights of Columbus adheres to Catholic positions regarding marriage and abortion and it is these positions that are leading liberal senators to demand that Mr. Buescher take extreme measures to ensure that he can be “impartial” when hearing cases on the bench.

These measures include either terminating his membership in the Knights of Columbus or recusing himself from any case in which the Knights of Columbus has taken a position. To make matters worse, both senators used their position to slander the Knights of Columbus organization. Sen. Hirono described it as an “alt-right organization” with “extreme positions”. Sen. Harris denounced the Knights as a sexist organization and decried its stance on gay marriage and abortion. Neither Senator has offered an apology for these attacks. In fact, Sen. Hirono doubled down on her assertions when speaking to the press about her comments on the floor.

Thankfully, Sen. Sasse isn’t the only one who realizes that questioning a judicial candidate about his or her religious affiliation is utterly ridiculous in a country that is supposed to embrace freedom of speech and religion. Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard pointed out that, in the past, Democrats were the ones who helped Americans understand that Catholics could be good public servants and elected officials. Given this fact, she noted that it was wrong for party members to automatically attempt to disqualify a judicial nominee based on his religious affiliation.

A number of both alternative and mainstream journalists have also come to Mr. Buescher’s defense, noting that it is wrong for any senator to go after conservative judicial candidates simply because they happen to be conservative. Being a dedicated Catholic does not preclude one from having the ability to be a qualified, impartial Federal judge.

While Sen. Hirono is adamant that her calls do not amount to a “religious exam”, they are nonetheless extreme considering the fact that she and her fellow Democrat senators would not think to make similar demands of a judicial candidate who happened to be a member of a non-religious or LGBTQ organization. Brian Buescher should be judged on his experience, capabilities and qualifications, not his religious affiliation.

~ Conservative Zone

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23 thoughts on “Democrats Attack Judicial Candidate For Catholic Beliefs”

  1. You two little girls need to hide. Your eyes in shame. Who voted for you girls. Duh. Why are you using my tax dollars to foster HATE. Oh well . Didn’t know anything else to say duh

  2. Just what the hell is with these liberal whacko’s now a days?? In all my years (87), I have never known them to be so damned confrontational towards candidates. It is, in my opinion nothing more than obstructionism directed toward President Trump. Their hatred knows no bounds it seems. They would rather see America go down the toilet than work to keep this country a free Republic. We MUST remember these people come election time in 2020. Kick them the hell out of government and elect people who will work towards the betterment of America!!

    1. You said it catman, liberals would rather see America turn into a Cuba or Venezuela than give any credit to our great leader and rightfully elected POTUS! I am sick of them trying to destroy the silent majority of Americans because they are filled with hatred, and ignorance. This country was founded on Christian/Judeo principals, and it is high time we get back to those original beliefs before our country is destroyed by the liberals and BO’s Deep State! American Patriotic Christians will chose God over Government every time!

  3. These illiterate liberal left wing morons. The socialist Anti-American elitist are doing their best to destroy this Great Nation if we don’t wake & do something in a hurry then we will seize to be a free nation. It’s time we do something because our President Trump is doing everything he can to “make America Great Again” but if we don’y pitch in we will fall.

    “If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under”

  4. These liberals are against America. All payoff by nazi Soros. Start checking their banks accounts. Ungodly hateful people who will destroy America.

  5. 2nd Chronicles 7:14
    My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
    The Church has to do it, not the whole country. When, and if, the Church becomes the body of Christ these wicked demons will run and hide.

  6. I’m shocked and dismayed that Mazie Hirono has become such a bigoted anti-religious person. This has developed since she went to DC from Hawaii.
    We were friends in Hawaii, in the 1990s, and she was mentored as a ‘rightwing Democrat’ by none other than Sen. Daniel Inoue of blessed memory.
    Shame on you, Mazie.

  7. whether for or against ELOHEEM and/or THEIR Son, everyone has a religion even if it is a pagan occult demonic one or false. everything is classified by it’s religion, whether it be limestone, quartz, or other mineral, plant or animal.

    and i, do not even confuse the religion of any lion or tiger. that, are more honest about their religion.

  8. “Sen. Hirono snapped that Sen. Sasse had embraced the “alt-right position” by putting forward the resolution in the first place. ”

    In other words this Hirono has no clue what the US constitution states.

    The resolution was redundant as the US constitution clearly states that NO RELIGIOUS TESTS are allowed as a criteria or requirement to hold public office.

    Remember even DEMOCRATS spouted this every time someone questioned Obama’s religious beliefs.

  9. This is not just “wrong” it is Illegal to disqualify someone for public office because of their religious beliefs.

    That is is the Bill of rights and these Dems are trying to throw out our Constitution.

    This needs to be Publicized so that NO Catholic votes for Kamala Harris-she is a disgrace to our beliefs !!

  10. They will burn in hell for eternity along with all alt libs. If I ever see one of them in church I will cry out until they are removed. Pelozi was excommunicated from the Catholic church over murder of the unborn. They will cry out for mercy when they are in hell.

  11. The Dems had no problem with John Kennedy as their presidential candidate. They did not demand that he repudiate the Catholic Church and its teachings. They did not claim that the Pope would be calling the shots in the White House. JFK said at the end of his campaign that, “I think we have buried the religion issue once and for all.” His party has clearly proved him wrong.

  12. [“Sen. Hirono snapped that Sen. Sasse had embraced the ‘alt-right position’ by putting forward the resolution in the first place.”]

    Nobody knows if Sen. Sasse’s resolution of affirmation of the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution, which Sen. Hirono has taken an oath to protect from all enemies, whether foreign or domestic, is really just an ‘alt-right position’, or if Sen. Hirono’s attack on Sen. Sasse’s resolution of affirmation to the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution, is just another Democrat embracement of the ‘alt-left position’ of the communists’ goal of the destruction of all Christian religions?

    Strange how Sen. Hirono never complained when Obama appointed a Muslim judge to the federal court, whose Islamic beliefs, as written down in the Islamic holy book the Quran (Koran), demands the killing of homosexuals and all infidels (non-believers and people of other religions) who refuse to convert to Islam. Quite a difference between Catholic doctrine (all Christian doctrine) and Islamic doctrine, the first asking for belief in their doctrine, the other mandating and demanding death for non-belief of their doctrine.

    Sen. Hirono has chosen a side to support and promote, and that side is against Christianity and it’s followers and believers, as she denies Christians any position in the federal government, especially as judges.

  13. For the future of families, children and our nation, we need leaders that uphold our constitution, Bill of Rights and work in an honorable way that makes us proud to be Americans. Hirono and Harris are a disgrace and set terrible examples of leadership to future generations. No wonder the youth of today are acting out and show little respect for teachers, parents and each other. Look at these two senators who will stop at nothing to malign others. That’s pure evil.

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