Democrats have been falsely accusing Republicans of hamstringing minorities from gaining political clout for decades. Those slanderous remarks will be on full display as the Democratic Party’s own presidential nomination formula effectively blocks candidates of color from participating in debates. The operative word for liberal’s empty rhetoric is “hypocrisy.”
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has slated four nationally televised debates between Jan. 14 and Feb. 25 in pivotal early primary states that include Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina. The Iowa caucus is scheduled to be the first primary, and the method used to provide candidates national exposure prevents any of the current minority presidential hopefuls from delivering their message.
To qualify for the debates, Democrats must prove they have a minimum of 225,000 individual donors behind them, post a rating of 5 percent in DNC-sanctioned polls, or at least a 7-percent competitive rating in a pair of state polls approved by the DNC. The underlying factor in the left’s debate policy is that a candidate either requires years of national political experience of millions to spend on advertising. Given the liberal narrative that minority candidates have economically and politically lagged behind white Americans, the process appears racist by the party’s own platform.
Those qualifying for the debate cycle have been narrowed down to former VP Joe Biden, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren, Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg. The DNC will effectively hold an all-white field that contradicts its national platform of being the party of inclusion. Political pundits at both ends of the political landscape have honed-in on the contradiction and put DNC officials on the defensive.
“The DNC has been more than inclusive throughout this entire process with an expansive list of qualifying polls, including 19 qualifying polls thus far for the January debate, 9 (of) which are state polls,” DNC spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said. “In addition, we have not only expanded the list (of) poll sponsors this cycle to include online polls, but we have expanded the qualifying period for the January debate to account for the holidays.”
Minority hopefuls such as businessman Andrew Yang and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker find themselves victims of their party’s wealth-first scheme to put forth a standard-bearer who can take on President Donald Trump in the 2020 general election. Yang stands just shy of qualifying, while Sen. Booker has yet to register 5 percent in the polls.
“The escalating thresholds over the past few months have unnecessarily and artificially narrowed what started as the strongest and most diverse Democratic field in history before voters have had a chance to be heard,” angry candidates stated in a memo to the DNC prompted by Sen. Booker.
While polling realities may not seat them at the front-runner’s table, exclusion suppresses their political voice and hope of a prosperous future campaign. Americans may recall how Hillary Clinton bought and paid for the DNC’s blessing, and subverted Sen. Sanders’s legitimate shot at the party’s nomination in the run-up to the 2016 election. Although the DNC has been working overtime to put out the political fire caused by minority exclusion, one candidate continues to prove the party’s inherent hypocrisy.
Wealthy businessman and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is self-financing a mega-campaign by heaping millions into political advertising. Bloomberg threw his hat into the ring late in the process, but his more than $135 million ad-buy has pole-vaulted him into debate qualification.
According to resources such as Real Clear Politics, Bloomberg has secured 5.6 percent of national Democrat support. Some polls have him as high as 7 percent without having gone toe-to-toe in the high-profile debates. Bloomberg, a multi-billionaire and former Republican turned independent, is expected to spend at least $500 million to secure the Democrat nomination. Some reports estimate he could invest upwards of $1 billion to face President Trump. Outgoing candidate Yang has called out the DNC for its racially biased process before being eliminated himself.
“I grew up the son of immigrants, and I had many racial epithets used against me as a kid. But black and Latinos have something much more powerful working against them than words. They have numbers. The average net worth of a black household is only 10 percent that of a white household. For Latinos, it’s 12 percent,” Yang said. “And the question is, why am I the lone candidate of color on this stage?”
The answer is quite obvious. Democrats use race, gender, and wealth to create class warfare and pit everyday people against one another to get power. The DNC debate policies demonstrate it’s not about equality for Democrats. It’s all about money and power.
No surprise here. The Democrat party is the party of racism and it has always been racist.
The Demo-Rat party cares about one thing and one thing only POWER OF THE PARTY
This is a Communistic way of divide and conquer. This is and always will be the party of
White supremacy, KKK, look at the back ground checks of the parties mentors.
Now their finally showing their true colors. If and when the Demo-Rats of the
minority want to succeed fairly they all should leave this hypocrisy and join the
Republican party but they have change their ideologies about America in general.
Then these candidates can achieve their greatest expectations.
AND RINO’S BUT VOTE.!!!!!!!!!!!!
It doesn’t matter WHO debates at the DNC! . . . Nobody is interested in it. Team Trump and his allies 2020.
Oh we’re just figuring this out now? Would you like to take a stab at who will be the nominee? Joe Biden? Nothing says coverup like Joe Biden.
The democrats do not want mainstream minorities in their ranks. They only want people who are like the which is to say anti-American.
Well, I guess it’s no surprise Nancy Pelosi isn’t the only hypocrite in Congress!