Democrats Praise Gun Confiscation As Biden Regime Gears Up for FINAL Gun Control Push

The Democrats are the party of “never letting a good crisis go to waste” and just as you would expect these low-lifes are trying to use the recent shootings in Maine to achieve their goal of destroying the 2nd Amendment once and for all!

The shootings, carried out by one mentally-ill man, left 18 killed and an additional 13 injured.

Naturally, leftists have jumped at the opportunity to claim that law-abiding citizens and their firearms are the problem here.

Joe Biden has responded by pushing stringent gun control measures which effectively seek to make gun ownership a thing of the past.

“I urge Republican lawmakers in Congress to fulfill their duty to protect the American people. Work with us to pass a bill banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to enact universal background checks, to require safe storage of guns,” the president said.


But according to Biden, even that’s not enough. He is pushing for gun manufacturers to be held liable in ridiculous lawsuits that would bankrupt them, and really are just a fear tactic designed to scare American weapon manufacturers out of the business.

The White House used several different avenues to go all-in on using this recent tragedy to take away American’s guns.

Biden White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Thursday called for new GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson to “work together” with Democrats “to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines.”

“Now is the time, now is the time to find common ground. Let’s work together to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines, let’s work together to enact universal background checks, require safe storage of guns, and keep guns out of the hands of criminals and dangerous individuals who have no business being armed with a weapon of war,” parroting a near identical copy of Biden’s words.

Even Vice President Kamala Harris seems to have joined in on the push – celebrating Australia’s 1990s firearm confiscation program and suggesting that it’s the only way to solve gun violence in America.

Similar to what the Democrats are trying to do today in America, Australia cracked down on firearm ownership in 1996 following a heavy dose of media propaganda surrounding shootings which depicted guns as the problem.

That crackdown saw the Australian government initiate a mandatory gun “buyback program”, a fancy way to say they confiscated almost 700,000 privately owned firearms.

Harris also implied that America could learn a thing or two from the gun laws in Australia – which have made it almost completely illegal for citizens to own guns.

“Gun violence has terrorized and traumatized so many of our communities in this country. And, let us be clear – it does not have to be this way, as our friends in Australia have demonstrated.”

Bear in mind that Harris is praising the same Australian government that went full authoritarian during the COVID pandemic, sending the military to round up and imprison any individuals who refused to comply with their forced vaccination efforts.

That’s the type of tyrannical government which the Second Amendment allows for us to fight against and the fact that Biden’s team is pushing so hard to eradicate that amendment suggests they are finally ready to embrace full authoritarianism – just in time for the 2024 election.

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6 thoughts on “Democrats Praise Gun Confiscation As Biden Regime Gears Up for FINAL Gun Control Push”

  1. Any Citizen with any sense can look around and see who and what the Marxist Democrats, Elite and tech are. They attack our freedom of speech, Religion and especially our 2nd Amendment rights. They open our borders to everyone bringing us Crime, Drugs, Human Trafficking and prostitution. Not only that but they aide and abet these criminals with Free food, education, healthcare, housing and other social services, costing the taxpayers billions of dollars while we struggle to make a living. The Marxist Democrats are only interested in Power and money and will lie, cheat and steal and use Race, climate or any other crisis to gain more and turn America into a Marxist dictatorship! They are destroying our Energy Independence, they are destroying our food system all in an effort to make all citizens dependent on the government. Biden’s digital currency is the last Straw as it will give them complete control over your money and by extension your life. If they don’t like what you buy or who you donate to they just press a button and you have no money! Don’t believe it? Just look at what Canada did to the Truckers who were on Strike; they confiscated all the trucks bank accounts!! A Fed Coin will allow them to do it even faster. The Democrats need to be arrested for Treason for failing to Defend their Oath of Office to defend and protect the Constitution and trying to overthrow our democracy and it needs to be done now!

    1. I ­­­­­­a­­m ­­­­ma­­k­­i­­ng 28­­5­­ Dollars e­­a­­ch­­ h­­o­­u­­r ­­­­f­­o­­r w­­o­­r­­ki­­n­­g­­ ­­­­on­­l­­i­­n­­e. ­­I n­­e­­v­­e­­r ­­­­t­­h­­o­­u­­g­­h­­t ­­­­t­­h­­a­­t ­­­­i­­t ­­­­w­­a­­s ­­­­l­­e­­g­­i­­t­­ b­­u­­t­­­­ ­­m­­y­­ ­­­­­­b­­e­­s­­t­­­­ ­­f­­r­­i­­e­­n­­d­­ ­­e­­a­­r­­n­­s ­­­­29,0­­0­­0 d­­o­­l­­l­­a­­r­­s ­­­­ev­­e­­r­­y ­­m­­o­­n­­t­­h d­­­­o­­i­­n­­g t­­h­­i­­s a­­n­­d­­ s­­h­­e ­­­­sh­­o­­w­­e­­d ­­bs50 m­­e­­ ­­h­­o­­w­­, C­­h­­e­­c­­k ­­i­­t ­­o­­u­­t ­­b­­y.

      V­­i­­s­­i­­t­­i­­n­­­­­­­g F­­­­­­­ol­­­­­­­lo­­­­­­­w­­­­­­­in­­­­­­­g­­­­­­ L­­i­­n­­k—————————————————>>>

  2. Biden thinks he is a president. Not. Anyone who goes against the constitution like swamp has are full blown traitors to the American people. Guess swamp doesn’t understand us. We shoot wild animals for target practice. Our children and grandchildren probably can shoot better then Biden’s new military members. So please try and take it. Bible says an eye for an eye. Try reading the Bible Biden.

  3. I’ll go back to an old saying and I truly believe it, when they banned guns only outlaws will have guns and I’ll be one of the biggest outlaws around! Come and take my gun, I might go down but I’ll go down defending my right!

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