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Detroit School Named After Ben Carson Reveals Anti-Trump Bias

Famed neurosurgeon and current HUD Secretary Ben Carson has come a long way from his poverty-stricken childhood in the Detroit area. He became a prominent pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, then was a 2016 Republican candidate for President of the United States and is now part of President Trump’s cabinet.

So, he deserves a great deal of respect and recognition, and indeed, a high school in Detroit is named after Carson. But that honor might go away before long.

Yes, the Benjamin Carson High School of Science and Medicine, which was dedicated in 2011, might change its name. LaMar Lemmons, a board member, wants to give the school a different name, and some residents also do not like Carson being part of the school’s name because of local attitudes about the president. The board voted the other day, and the result was 6-1 in favor of giving the school a different name.

According to the school’s policies, the board can change a school’s name to honor “individuals who have made a significant contribution to the enhancement of education.” They can also change the school’s current name if “information newly discovered about the current name of the school is negative in nature.”

Even if the board does move forward with erasing Carson’s name and legacy from the school’s name, the name change will not happen immediately — likely not until the next school year. Also, there is a process to be followed, including surveys and community meetings, before any name change becomes official.

According to school’s website, the school “provides a college-prep curriculum that offers unique experiences for students interested in science and medicine, including partnerships with the Detroit Medical Center, Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine and Henry Ford Health System.” The courses are “very heavy in science and mathematics” and “rigorous,” and “every student who enters the high school knows the expectations of staff, partners and parents is for them to complete college.”

“The school aims to honor the contributions Dr. Carson has made not only to the global medical community, but also as a role model for Detroit students with aspirations and interests in science and medical fields,” the website adds.

So why take that honor away from Carson, when he has done so much to promote education, inspire countless students and save many children’s lives while working diligently for decades as a world-renowned neurosurgeon?

It is quite petty to change the school’s name simply because Carson is serving the country in the Trump administration. No matter what the board members’ and citizens’ political views might be, they could at least agree that Carson is an American hero and success story who inspires students to pursue important work in the areas of science and medicine.

Sadly, there’s no reason to expect anything less from the radical left.

~ Conservative Zone

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27 thoughts on “Detroit School Named After Ben Carson Reveals Anti-Trump Bias”

  1. Dr. Carson is a role model for people everywhere, but the ignorant, ghetto sheep who are led by the left would eat their children if the lefties tell them to.

  2. The school only did this because Ben Carson was appointed by Trump
    if Dr. Ben Carson won the presidency the school would never try to change
    the name what a very small person in a very high position with a pea brain
    idea would think of this. This educated idiot forgot about what Dr. Ben Carson
    did and will do for this school and it’s community. This is just another left wing
    liberal moron in a position. The town and community should stand up a fight this
    not for Dr, Ben Carson but for the future of the community and school. In the future if they don’t like
    something just change the name of the town streets highways banks ETC ETC.

      1. It is part of their harass, threaten, censor etc. anyone who supports Trump that democrats have been demanding since day one after they finally got it through their heads that Hillary was not the winner and nothing they can do will change that fact.

        Just like their futile attempts to censor history by trying to RETROACTIVELY punish long dead people for actions that were not crimes in their day by removing even the good things they did from the history books. In essence rewriting history to remove them and what good they have done over one issue.

        If they feel that strongly about it they must stop using every modern convince that exists because of the people in the past they want to vilify.

    1. “The educated idiot…” I beg to differ, there is no such thing as an educated idiot…a “learned” idiot yes…many of them ranting freely and obscenely across the landscape. Places like Berkeley are teeming with vocal learned idiots who “refuse” to be educated…get my drift???

  3. Detroit blacks don’t realize that they are standing with politicians that have done nothing for them or their children – however many in other places see what Trump has done for them and it will gradually resonate.

  4. Dr. Carson is my hero, he over came so many barriers besides poverty, ghetto experiences, and raised by a loving single parent whom pushed him to achieve. A world famous surgeon, a conservative who loves America looking at her strengths over her faults. A true local role model of self achievement and never giving up. He was my first choice as candidate for President. He wrote a few untrue things in his biography, was caught, came forward and asked for forgiveness. When he withdrew from the campaign, he told us to support Trump. He said, he believed Trump intended to help America not continue to destroy her as under Obama. In HUD his inner city philosophy to help is self improvement opportunities through small businesses loans, and most important to him, private property ownership for poorer African americans. Carson offers freedom from dependence on one political party willing to destroy this nation for one party dominance and power.

    1. Claire, It’s DETROIT not Chicago that want’s to Dishonor their leading citizen because he’s on the Trump Cabinet. I was born, educated and worked in the Detroit area, but now don’t mention my association with the area other than to just say I’m from Michigan and ignore the questions of “where.”

  5. That’s something to be expected of the City of Detroit. Dishonor an honorable man whose achievements are worthy of aspiration. For 60 years, Detroit has been ruled by one party and one philosophy that have proven to be disasters. So, who will be the replacement? Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan , Jesse Jackson? And as long as spelling is not important in that school, how about Al Sharpton?

  6. After learning this “idiot/racist” decision to remove Dr. Carson’s name from the school, I am certain, this Liberal/Socialists proud themselves in been “Honorary Members of the ALL INCLUSE” hypocrite Mob!

    Have never met so many weak, sissy, coward , in my life! Yet, Academia is well not for not having Brass Balls when it comes to honesty, decency, and moral standards!


    Semper fi.

  7. You can’t fix stupid.So many people are filled with hate that they can’t see straight.Detroit is always run by Dems.and they hate Trump and anybody associated with him.

  8. I am a Democrat who is “Terminally ill”, and I don’t live anywhere near there, so why am I bothering to comment.? Because in the Last couple of years I , not being a “Spiritual or a fan of Religion. Yet since my “illness”, where I lost both Legs & then 5 months later from “trying to save my legs”(poor circulation from Blood Clots & Diabetes & Doctors lacking the Proper training) I developed Cancer of The Larynx & Voice Box just 5 months later. I have “End Stage 4 Throat Cancer(Laryngeal Cancer), which I believe was from being given too many Antibiotics through an I.V. for 23 weeks to try & save my Legs. I came to find Jesus, I was so “stupid it took quite a bit to get my attention!” I am “Happier now Than I have ever been. What I found in Dr. Carson was his “Steadfast Duty to His Medical Career, all the while “Working His Life as Jesus would want him too. Dr. Carson took on Politics hoping to make “Bigger Change” in the Health of All Americans.I am 60 years old, and beside Jesus Christ, it takes a “Good non-self centered man or woman to make me “Fell warm, and Protected” as long as they continue to “Try” to make Change. The Biggest “Back Draft”from taking his name off the school is how the students may Look Less on a Medical Career, & not see that Dr. Carson “Struggled from being poor & Yet made so much of Himself”. Taking his name off the school would be a Detriment for our future of our Youth!
    Richard Higgins

  9. I’m thankful, Mr. Higgins, that you have come to know the Lord Jesus as your Savior! It is sad to see our countrymen with so much hatred in their hearts for President Trump and other leaders. Dr. Carson is certainly a man our country should be proud of for his love for our country and what he has accomplished in his life. May the Lord bless you and be your comfort in the days ahead. As I’m sure you know, Dr. Carson is also a believer in Christ.

  10. The ultimate sign of Trump Derangement Syndrome…this sort of imbecilic attitude is now rampant across the bastions of the liberal, progressive(?) – more like regressive – leftist democrats who would prefer to see the country literally fall apart father than be “rescued” by Trump. Asininity and ignorance are good bedfellows…both widely supported by the mainstream corrupted media…

  11. “I came to find Jesus, I was so “stupid it took quite a bit to get my attention!”

    Better late than never. Some people will NEVER find him, and will pay for it for ETERNITY. There’s an old saying, There are no Atheists in a foxhole. It may have taken you a life taking illness to find God, but you’ll be spared from suffering in Hell.

  12. The reality comes in a September 27, 2015 post on cia-drugs listserv, a listserv an excerpt highlighting the most important part here:
    September 27, 2015 at 4:53:53 PM PDT
    Working with Bush Skull & Bones forces.  
    Reminder Ben Carson has been active in Eugenics via (a director of both) the Kellogg Foundation and Yale Corporation.
    In Santa Cruz … the Kellogg Foundation funds Marxist organizations such as “Fellowship for Reconciliation” and race based community organizing Los Barrios Unidos.   They sent “riot kits” to Ferguson according to New American Magazine. Kellogg fluoridates according to their own web site 350.000,000 people in the America’s and provides massive vaccines for populations world wide.  
    The 2016 Presidential election is an intelligence operation.
    Below shows former activities of the Ben Carson’s campaign manager C. Boyden Gray part of the skull & bones network. 

    Arlene Johnson

    1. Hillary did win the popular vote by 2-3 MILLION votes. Asshole Trump is a minority President. The winner of the Presidency should be the candidate who got the most votes which was Hillary. The electoral college gives smaller states more power than they deserve. If each voter’s vote counted the same Hillary would have won the Presidency and we would not have Asshole Trump as our President. So this idiot would not be our President and we would have the first female President. Trump could be preparing his next bankruptcy and be busy touching women inappropriately. I hope he does not do serious harm to this country before he is out of office.

      1. You know nothing about the Constitution and why our for-fathers put the Electoral College in our Constitution.
        If Trump had won the popular vote and Hillary had won the electoral vote you would have been happy for the Electoral College.
        It is going to take anther 6 years or more to repair the damage that was done to our country that was done by Obama.
        Most of America is thankful that Hillary is not the first female President.

  13. I am wondering if the board of directors of that school gave the students and teachers the opportunity to know who Dr Ben Carson is and explain how he was raised by a single mother in a poor family and how he managed to become the great man he now is , and then they would be asked to vote on the decision to keep or remove Doctor Ben Carsons name from the school ….

  14. What a shame. The children will never know what a Great man Ben Carson is.
    Due only to administer’s bias.
    Oops your ignorance is showing.

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