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Do Current Polls REALLY Favor Democrats?

It can be disconcerting when the only reputable news network on the air reports that certain House polls favor Democrats in the upcoming mid term elections, but we must be sure not to get distracted. Fox News is actually doing us a huge favor by reporting this to us. It gives us a chance to rally our voting base ahead of the elections.

Mid term elections are always more important than the hype that comes every four years under the election of a new President. Most policy is done at the state and local level. Your sheriff and your district judges will have more direct impact on your life than any federal employee. If you have power here, then you have real power that you can wield in your defense against liberals.

Speaking of liberals, their bought-and-paid-for shill networks never report honestly on polls. If you watch MSNBC or CNN, it seems like every poll shows that Democrats are ahead in all parts of the country, at all levels of government. This is disingenuous, and actually does liberals a great disservice. We don’t have a problem with this, because this disingenuous reporting is exactly what lost Democrats the presidency in 2016. It is also why they will lose many seats in the mid terms at the state and federal level.

It is time to get out the vote. If the liberals are ahead, then it is always best to know the truth.

~ Conservative Zone

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17 thoughts on “Do Current Polls REALLY Favor Democrats?”

  1. If I’m polled I tell them I’m voting for the Demorat, in Michigan unfortunately it’s Bobblehead Debbie Stab-em-all. There is no way on the face of this earth I will vote for her or have voted for her, her time has come and gone. Bobblehead is suppose to represent the whole state not just her “base”. Even though there are only 2 Senators per state they still have a “base”. I like to give them false hope!

  2. As far as I am concerned, the Commieonazicrats don’t have a chance. I will just put my “X” under the elephant and leave. I haven’t voted for one Commieonazicrat in the past thirty years and I don’t intend to start next month. The last time I voted for a Democrat, there were actually honorable people in the party. Now the Democrat Party has become the Commieonazicrat party and I will not consider them.

    1. White men without college degrees represent the one heavily Republican group whose certainty to vote is lower than average and has increased less than other groups since 2014. In contrast, white women with college degrees are up 15 points to 88 percent. For white women without degrees, the figure is up 12 points

  3. Black voters has 36% support President Trump, Spanish voters over 30%, support him according to the polls!! The blue collar voters voted 70% for President Trump and rural voters voted 79% for him in 2016 and with the booming economy they will again!! The Walk Away program has Democrat voters walking away from the Democrat Party byn the millions because they cannot stand what the radicals are doing to it!! The DNC chair Perez comes out and says that there are no more moderate Democrat voters in the Party, so where did the millions of them go?? The you have the American voters desert the Party because of the Judge Kavanaugh “smear campaign”!! Were in hell are the Democrat Party going to get a Blue wave when they have no idea how many Democrat voters they have left to vote for them???? They are telling a BIG FAT LIE with their polls and are going down to defeat as a result!! The figures
    just do not add up???????????

  4. Why does ANYONE trust political polls? If all we were looking at were DEMOCRATS vs REPUBLICANS, that would be one thing, but that is NOT what the polls are about. Democrats cheat – ENORMOUSLY. Some of their voters vote 5-6 times. Some of their voters are illegal immigrants. Some of their voters vote in more than one state. One seldom, IF EVER, hears of Republicans doing ANY of those things. It should be MANDATORY TO HAVE MONITORS AT EVERY POLLING PLACE CHECKING THE VALIDITY OF EVERY VOTER. Prior to the voting both parties should have to show proof that they have no cheaters, and IF CHEATERS ARE FOUND AFTER BEING SWORN THERE ARE NONE, THE LEADERS OF THE PARTY CHEATING SHOULD BE DISALLOWED TO EVER HOLD ANY OFFICE IN AMERICA THAT IS IN ANY WAY POLITICAL…….AND HE SHOULD BE HANDED A HUGE FINE TO BE PAID. Otherwise, ignore pollitical polls because they mean NOTHING.

  5. Fox News is NOT a reputable political polling outfit. In 2016, they over sampled democrats by a wide margin almost all of the time, just like the disgusting main stream media. And in 2018, they might be doing so again (I haven’t checked this year). But what is new this polling season is that so many people have telemarketing and Robo call blockers and cannot be polled over the phone. As a former statistician, this reduces reliability of any poll that cannot reach the target audience. In addition, some voters lie to pollsters because they don’t want the questioner think poorly of them because they give Donald Trump a favorable rating, voted for him in the past, or are planning to vote Republican this year. And as far as the corrupt media goes, leave it to them to ask loaded questions to achieve an answer they desire. Furthermore, some polls are not publishing the number of democrats and republicans sampled, so that readers can judge the fairness of the poll. That said, I expect the GOP to maintain a tiny majority in the House and pick up 2-3 seats in the Senate.


    1. Becky, there’s only one problem with that. Some states, including Kalifornistan, hand out drivers licenses like candy. Voter eligibility needs to require a valid passport, or a birth certificate. Naturalized citizens would also need a valid certificate of citizenship. Anyone who can produce a utility bill in their name can get a state issued drivers license or id card.

  7. Surely we are not going to let this voting thing happen again like 2016. “NO ILLEGALS-VOTE!!!! ONLY WAY TO VERIFY THAT IS A PICTURE ID THAT YOU ARE A REGISTERED VOTER

  8. What has happened in the last few weeks with the Kavanaugh hearings and with the mob scenes throughout the country has turned a lot of moderates into Trump voters and they are motivated to comeout a ditch the dims..BIG TIME!!! Yhe dims have no idea what is happening here outside the beltway. The Republicans may lose some seats in the house, but should keep a majority, but in the Senate it is looking more and more like the Republicans will take at least 5 to 7 seats that would give them a minimum majoity of 6 easts max of 8 seats and, if the dime continue the CHAOS and rioting the skys the limit both in the house and the Senate!! As conservatives we should hope the communist dims continue their uncivil activities, because something bad will eventually happen by just shear numbers.. Of course I hope nothing happens bad, but the way they are acting they are askig for trouble!! Just let them continue their craziness and we should contrast ourselves and them to the public and we will definately win!!

  9. Polls are so easily manipulated they can never be trusted to be accurate.

    Everything from only polling people from a list they already believe will support the response they want to declaring people who do not answer the way they wish as “not qualifying for the poll” or “already have enough of their demographic” to polling 100+ people to find the “9 out of 10” they can use to support their side of the issue have been used to manipulate answers to fit what those running the pole wish the results to be. There is probably a lot more methods of manipulation that I did not cover.

    For so long the democrats have relied on controlling information keeping the people uninformed and those unable to think for themselves blindly believing what they spout.

    Now people are waking up and realizing this as the democrats have less control over information than any other time in history and the actual truth gets out about the false claims democratic politicians make some even including the politicians themselves caught on video confessing the truth.

    Their response is to attempt to censor the internet and social media in an effort to silence the truth that contradicts the propaganda the mainstream media has been outed as spouting as if it was proven fact or actual news when the simplest investigation into their claims reveal the truth.

  10. the polls are accurate! however they only poll Dems

    so when you see a 43% approval rate for The Don, it means 43% of DEMS approve of him

    Blue River Of Tears in a few weeks

  11. I remember one key point about “statistics” from my Professor: one can use the information is anyway possible to prove a point. Polls are based on stats’ and survey (whom they choose) to prove a point or position. Thus, the value is tainted and I’ve got a bridge to sell you in NYC. Say what you please, but numbers can and are used to misinform the populis to substantiate their (emphasis) point and not yours. Moral of the issue, “I’ve got a bridge to sell you!”

  12. We are blessed,All of us democrats and Republicans,To have President Trump is a leader,The democrats are the ones who are electing him,He’s doing what he said clean the Sewer,Put this country back on basic training.We need more a**holes to run this country.They can’t by him,When they keep lying about him,And his accomplishments,Is the bottom line.I am not republican or democrat.We need both,To represent this country,I see the Democrats is being delusional.Common sense is not so common to The Democrats,For they say President Trump Is accomplish nothing except to win.Consequences for the Clinton Actions.So as I see it it is what it is,And we are so blessedTo have this crazy guy leaders out of our problems,God bless America.

  13. Polls have become nothing more than the opinions of a target group, and you know what they say about opinions. The democratic party should be required to change their name to reflect their actual political stance (I think the New Communist Party would be far more appropriate). It should be obvious to anybody with two firing neurons, that their “base” is acting like Bolsheviks, while those planted in law enforcement services (FBI, DOJ, Homeland Security, etc.) act more like the Gestapo (Strzok, Brennan, Mueller, etc.).
    We are actually in a political fight for the life of this country, and if the democrats are able to cheat their way back into power, it may become an actual fight.
    The liberals have proved that they will resort to violence to get their way, and if they push too hard, sooner or later, true Americans are going to start pushing back…it won’t be pretty!

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