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DOJ Issues Stern Warning to Lockdown-Obsessed Democrat Governors

Everyday Americans are witnessing what would happen if Democrats seized political control of the country following the November elections. Liberal governors and mayors across the country have gone rogue with freedom-stripping lockdowns they plan to enforce indefinitely. However, the U.S. Department of Justice has put them on notice, saying that extending crushing lockdowns will not stand.

“Reports of your recent public statements indicate that you suggested the possibility of long-term lockdown of the residents in the city and county of Los Angeles, regardless of the legal justification for such restrictions,” Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband wrote. “We remain concerned about what may be an arbitrary and heavy-handed approach to continuing stay-at-home requirements.”

Democrat Mayor Eric Garcetti and LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer reportedly stated they plan to crack down on citizens who leave their homes or reopen businesses until a vaccine is available. Although promising clinical trials have been reported, it could be months or even years before a cure has been proven effective.

“There’s no city in the world that right now doesn’t have some sort of orders and restrictions…,” Garcetti reportedly said.

The liberal mayor has authorized power and water to non-essential business shut off during the pandemic for breaking his overly harsh Stay at Home order. Led by U.S. Attorney General William Barr, the DOJ warned the mayor he cannot use the pandemic as an excuse to stoop to lawless dictatorship.

“Simply put, there is no pandemic exception to the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights,” the DOJ warning reportedly stated.

The DOJ has intervened in instances in which elected Democrat officials engaged in discrimination against people of faith and church leaders who conducted worship within CDC social distancing guidelines. In Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s administration wielded lockdown power to target citizens wrongfully. Sheriff’s departments have refused to arrest or fine those who won’t follow her unconstitutional edict after the state legislature refused to pass the measure. Reports indicate her administration unlawfully stripped a barber of his license without due process.

In Oregon, child services were reportedly called to intimidate a woman who opened her salon.

“And, if you can possibly believe this, on May 7th, Child Protective Services showed up at my home,” the salon owner said fighting back tears. “They questioned my husband and I. They questioned my child, without me present, they searched our home, and I’ve never expected such a violent, aggressive, vindictive thing ever could have been done to me or my family because I’m trying to earn a living, because I’m trying to work.”

The state is run by Democrat Governor Kate Brown, a career politician who rose through the party’s ranks since 1991.

In Illinois, the DOJ recently joined a lawsuit filed by state Rep. Darren Bailey to loosen measures that are having a debilitating impact on citizens. Democrat Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker indicates that his lockdown order will extend indefinitely, despite the fact the state only provides him with 30-day emergency powers. Rather than return to the state legislature for authorization, he went rogue.

“In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Governor of Illinois has, over the past two months, sought to rely on authority under the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act to impose sweeping limitations on nearly all aspects of life for citizens of Illinois, significantly impairing in some instances their ability to maintain their economic livelihoods,” a DOJ statement reads.

Everyday Americans are getting a first-hand look at what a Democrat majority could lead to after the November elections. These bad actors make China’s Communist Party look like amateur dictators.

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38 thoughts on “DOJ Issues Stern Warning to Lockdown-Obsessed Democrat Governors”

  1. The longer you let these emperor wanna-be’s implement their agenda, the more violent the reaction! Almost like that was the plan.

      1. I used to be a democrat but I can tell anyone that will listen, “Do you want to live under the fist of what is going on now? Do you want to be controlled from the time you wake in the morning until you go to bed at night?” I certainly do not and have every intention to vote Conservative Republican. I love my freedom. The past few months is only a sample of what will happen if the Democrats take over.

  2. ” These bad actors make China’s Communist Party look like amateur dictators. ”
    . . . a government by and for the people, not a government TO the people

  3. This is exactly their plan however the commies have never been very good at the execution of plans. The thought of power and money always gives them away as they cannot be trusted with either. They aren’t even trying to hide the communism/socialism thing. So what exactly do you think would happen should these tyrants gain control in November? I’ll tell you, civil war 2 is exactly what will happen. People of America will never turn to such a way of life myself included.

  4. We have proof of just how insane these Democrats are and what they will do if allowed power of any kind. they need to be dethroned, locked up, and throw the key away.

  5. The democrats want civil unrest and violence. Perhaps They will be Affected First, then maybe they will change their minds?

  6. The last democrat who loved this country, served in the military and cared about the PEOPLE was killed by his own party. His name? John F. Kennedy. I would bet he is rolling over in his grave right now.

  7. It is long past time for the federal government to step in legally and do much more than issue “stern warnings”

    1. Absolutely true Jack. A stern warning is not going to stop them. It is time for action with consequences or they will never stop.

  8. And I thought we lived in a free country. Looks like I”m very wrong. For a Mayor of a city to cut off the water and electricity for a business to make sure no one works there is absolutely unbelievable. The FBI needs to be called in to arrest that Mayor.

  9. Great it’s going to keep all Democrats and liberals home sheltering in place… cowering in corners and refraining from their annoying protests and criminal behavior. Something good comes out of bad everytime.

  10. A review of the history of Eastern Europe following WWII and a comparison to that to today should scare the H–L out of anyone who believes in the Constitution. A book to read (though not specifically on that) is “Survival Is Not Enough”. I was written by a professor in a major Eastern University in the 1970’s before being a leftist was required for that type of position. His area of expertise was Russia (Imperial and Soviet). He was a member of the National Security Council and can not be said to be a right wing fanatic; though he was a conservative. His point was that the communists had decided to gain control of the US educational system and media in order to manipulate the people. Notice anything?

  11. Wow, the DOJ issues a warning! You mean the corrupt bunch of Obama thugs that caused most of this miss! Boy, those governors must be shaking in their boots!

  12. Wow- Dems really want a doomsday ending – any bad news for citizens is welcome to Dems that blame Trump for ANYTHING negative even if he has no hand in it. They are despicable- and they want public office? They are unamerican and should be severely punished at voting time for their cruel activity. They are spending a gazillion dollars and hopefully it’s all wasted. How can Americans tolerate their cruel and communist ways??

  13. Re: your first sentence: we’re seeing what happens when the Republican president refuses to do his job. He turns tail, runs and hides, saying it’s up to the governors to manage the crisis and that he’ll be a back-up. So, we have 50 grown-ups doing it as best as they can, while chicken-shit Trump avoids taking the heat. What a pussy.

    1. FYI Moron; the 10th Amendment prohibits Trump (any President) to interfere in any state’s business unless the state requests help, or a National Emergency exists. Trump has no control over what each state’s idiotic govt does, that’s where the AG can step in and issue fines, suits, charges under the Constitution/Bill of Rights. Learn the facts before you spout off your warped unverified rhetoric. You’d be doing yourself and everyone else a favor.

    2. wake up you delusional moron. you should do your research before you start your nonsensical rants. typical dumbocrat, deflect and distract. did you keep the stimulus money? i would bet that you did, you hypocrite. keep watching cuomo on cnn. sounds like something he would say to hold his corrupt brother not responsible for his lack of leadership. you parrot him perfectly

  14. Civil Disobedience is not a crime,neither is voting out all Democrats that think they own the people they work for. I say take back your towns,cities,villages,your civil rights and your freedon and dethrone these tyrants before it is too late

  15. Someone help us in Michigan we are being held prisoner by our governor…SOMEONE DO SOMETHING !!!!!!

  16. Whitmer of Mi. is in a power grab…….. trying to show off for deep state elites……..Open…OPEN Michigan ! ! !

    1. What every American should do (and you’d win) in every tyrannical state is file individual lawsuits for damages and loss against every single Governor, Mayor, IG, AG, etal…who violated their Constitutional rights. You would win hands down as you all can clearly prove they caused you a hardship – loss of jobs, loss of income, loss of utilities, cars, boats, homes, etc…and tack on mental stress and duress. Watch how fast they do an about-face then.

  17. They must allow people to vote in person because if they try to implement mail in votes only, your vote won’t count. Let’s just see how far they will go to rig the election. They tried mightily in 2016 but didn’t rig it enough. Let that sink in, Hillary lost a rigged in her favor election. The democRAT party is now trying it again and doing so openly. Get up and go vote In person or the democRATs will vote for you.

    1. US CITIZENS VALUE THEIR FREEDOMS Thank you very much for highlighting our rights and our freedom

  18. What every Governor should understand is that they may be the Governors of the State in witch they reside, the citizens of the nation did not relinquish their US Constitutional Rights protected by Rule of Law WHEN THE NATION SHUTDOWN. They do not become criminals for simply going outside. Going outside is NOT a crime. I can accept the idea of guidelines to help prevent getting this virus, but they are only guidelines and have nothing to do with Rule of Law. If these Governors think they are the law, they are sadly mistaken. They should also understand it was the citizens who chose to follow these guidelines for their own safety and the safety of others. In times of emergency, a degree of citizens freedoms are curtailed for the better good of the people, but when a threat is neutralized the people have every right to take any risk that may or may not be harmful for themselves or others. When people take steps to neutralize any threat it is their choice to make. If a business chooses to require those who serve the public or who may or may not come into their place of business wear a mask or social distance this is their choice, not the governments choice to make. If a customer chooses to use the service of any business, they too have this choice, not the government. This is called Liberty. Liberty to make decisions at a individual level. These Liberties are protected within our US Constitution for a reason. To insure the Freedoms of ALL US CITIZENS. This means every citizen in the United States, not just citizens in some States. Any government office from the towns we live in to the Office of our US President has the obligation to insure these Liberties are forever accepted in our free society. If government officials can not accept this, then they should not run for office or deal in government. US CITIZENS VALUE THEIR FREEDOMS!


  20. They have the illegals to vote for them. That’s what they are banking on. Let every illegal vote and they stay in the US, give the illegals free education, medical care and all the privileges we Americans pay for with our taxes to keep themselves in power. I live in California and our jerk governor closed a Veterans elderly facility so he could give the illegals money since the didn’t qualify for the federal stimulus check. The group Judicial Watch took his sorry A$$ to court saying he was not allowed to use tax dollars for that so he shut out Vets. What a sorry bunch we picked. But we can vote straight Republican tickets and clean house.

  21. Everyone in the country should be on notice in regards to what we are witnessing in these states where the governors are drunk with power, it’s a window into the future and shows us all how they would govern over us..beware America open up your eyes…

  22. Dim wits as usual did their usual. Give em an inch and they go for the mile. The difference in the two parties is now outstandingly obvious. This election will be a landslide for the GOP. Sic these lunatics from the party of the insane asylum run by lunatics in leadership and donors called the DNC Mr. Barr. It is time to move on and leave this bunch in the cesspool of DC that needs to be seriously cleaned out.

    And as it turns out the Riots are another ploy of the left and dim wits. Bused in strangers are doing the worst to those communities as the owner of the antifa bunch and busing scheme stands back. This is what was done in Ferguson Mo a few years back but was not publicly exposed like today. An old tactic that needs to be recognized and stopped. That would be Soros and the DNC leaders and donors. It is past time for the DOJ to connect the dots and punish the ones responsible for the destruction and agenda!

  23. quite a few had used the word PLAN how right you are . now what is our plan. yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death , I will fear NO EVIL for thou art with me ; thy rod and staff they comfort me . well this is all we really need we must raise up to our god and know in our hearts that he will protect us in our move to open the path to our religious believes . this will help support our country and start to bring us together again . close your eyes to the left and move forward with Christ and be free of this TYRANNY and distraction of our believe in him

  24. why don’t these moronic governors understand the rule of law? they were elected to serve the people. the dumbocratic party is pushing hard to reverse that. REPUBLICANS for ever. TRUMP 2020

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