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D’Souza Calls Out “Gangster-ization” of Democrat Party

Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza says there is a “gangster-ization” of the Democratic party, meaning that the Democrats are acting like gangsters by exerting the power of government when punishing their political rivals.

D’Souza coined an interesting new term in the word “gangster-ization.” Basically, it just refers to a political party acting like thugs, bullies and gangsters. In this case, it’s referring to those in the Democrat party, especially those in the highest positions of power, acting like gangsters.

For example, look at how D’Souza was punished harshly pertaining to campaign finance. He was punished more harshly than others would have been for the same type of offense. As he says, that was wrong.

Films have been very powerful over the years in conveying important messages. And D’Souza’s most recent film, with the compelling title “Death of A Nation,” opened on August 3. It says that one of the greatest issues for Americans now is the Democrats’ weaponization of government to push political punishment on their enemies.

D’Souza says the gangster type of attitude is creating a great deal of tension and in fact is a huge contributor to the country being so divided these days.

“I attribute this mainly to the gangster-ization of the Democratic Party,” he said. “If I can cite my own case as an example. I was charged by the Obama administration for exceeding campaign finance laws. They threw the weight of the federal government against me…But under Obama and under Hillary, you had this turn in which the weapons of the state are used against political opponents. There’s no way to compromise with that. It’s not like we can have a middle position on that. We actually have to just stop it.”

Interestingly, D’Souza says that even though slavery was abolished so many years ago, as compared to back then, Democrats still have similar toxic attitudes toward black and Latio people and others.

“The Democrats identify an ethnic group and they say, ‘We’re not going to campaign for your votes as individuals,” the filmmaker explained. “We want your votes collectively, and we’re going to create an institutional dependency and inter-generational dependency on the Democratic Party. You’ll never get out of poverty, but we’ll take care of you forever and in exchange, you’ll agree to vote for us.”

D’Souza went on to talk about money and wealth, and the differing approaches between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to that:

“Lincoln argued people have the right to keep the fruit of their labor, and more than 150 years later, the Republican Party stands for keeping the fruits of your labor, and the Democratic Party “stands for wealth confiscation,” he explained.

D’Souza conveys some very compelling points that make a great deal of sense. And no political party should be a gangster or bully. Certainly that shouldn’t happen in the United States and in 2018. Democrats need to work instead to heal the rifts and mend fences, rather than creating even more problems than those that already exist.

~ Conservative Zone

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28 thoughts on “D’Souza Calls Out “Gangster-ization” of Democrat Party”

  1. Thank you! Mr. D’Souza for your insight and factual information on what is going on with the Democratic party.
    Can not wait to see your film “Death of A Nation.”

  2. D’Souza could not have said it better.
    “Gangster-ization” of Democrat Party;
    The perfect description of what is going on w/ the Democratic party.

  3. Wow how correct Mr. D’Souza is. Desperation with the Democrats is so scary you wonder how anyone can believe in this Party. This is leading to danger for this Party – so sad for them.

  4. I tried to share this in FB and what I got was a message saying that it could not be shared because some people have complained that it contains hate speech. How can we then complain to FB that those who complained are using hate speech?. I am serious about this, because there is no hate speech whatsoever in this message and if some people can request for a message to be blocked simply because they feel that what is being said is hateful, than how is it different to complain that those complaints are themselves hateful? Is there anybody there that can respond?

    1. I don’t go on facebook because
      they censor for the wrong reasons.
      they hate conservatives but loves
      liberals and socialist commies.

  5. I always though of your comment about “criminals” Comparing them to the Democrats. “What is the difference between the Criminals and Democrats?” They are all the same. Very true the way things is been going on these days. Perfect description for the Democrat Party.

  6. I am very grateful that he has the insight and courage to keep bringing out the truth. Obama did all he could to punish him and break his spirit and still he bravely continues to bring out the real truth. He has significant insight and I hope and pray many young people begin to hear and assimilate his message of truth. Our country desperately needs to heal and needs to avoid what the democrats are trying to do. Freedom once lost will not be regained.

  7. I would add that the “Democratic Socialism” increasingly embraced by the Democrats and advocated in our schools is exactly what Venezuela adopted. Hugo Chavez was democratically elected using appealing (sounding) socialist snake-oil and Maduro followed although Maduro’s election was very suspect. Look at what it has led to!! The destruction of what used to be the richest nation in South America. Venezuela is never likely to recover without a lot of bloodshed and the people have no means to resist. That example is exactly what awaits our nation if voters are so dumb to elect socialists. Socialist’s have no intention of benefiting the public no matter what rhetoric they use to gain votes. It is all about political power and a government in control over the people. The freedom that has made our nation unique is in jeopardy today.

  8. I cannot share this article because I get a message: Warning: This Message Contains Blocked Content
    Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive. What does that tell you? It tells me that cowardly corrupt democrats don’t want you to read the truth. Mr. D’Souza isn’t the only one to know that these bumble-headed fascist democrat idiots are pond scum lower than whale shit. Be very careful America. The time will come when you will have to even choose your friends from your countries enemies. Can you do it? For the sake of the next generation? For the sake of a Constitutional Republic? Can you???????

  9. Thank you Mr. D’Souza. You are so right about the Democratic party. Can’t wait to see your film, Death of a Nation. Keep up your honest reporting., Sharon

  10. Roy Grider
    What is alarming is that well-minded people are taken in by the Democrats. The Kennedys and Martin Luther King were the last political liberals with honest intentions.


  12. what do you think happened to 50’s & 60’s American-Italian Mafia? where did they all go? why do we only hear of Russian Mafia nowadays?

    they infiltrated government, specifically, the Demoncrap party

    gangsterization is exactly what has happened, quite literally

  13. It is a natural impossibility for governments to redistribute an amount of prosperity (money) without at the same redistributing an even larger amount of poverty (cost).

  14. Exactly right. The Dimms are using dictator’s tactics to continue to enslave the ill-informed in the 21st Century. If not stopped, they will turn the country into another Venezuela. We must built the wall to stop the fuel ( Non-informed people) they need to complete their destruction plans.

  15. Nothing new here: Democrats have been “demonizing” doctors with rules and regulations that could turn them into felons by utilizing business practices that other professions have been doing for years (including lawyers).

    Ostensibly these regulations have been put into place to “protect patients.” That is a lie. These regulations have been adopted and RIGILDLY enforced to CONTROL doctors and take over their professional and business lives. They have also created cottage industries for lawyers and other regulators.

    If doctors make a couple of mistakes billing for nursing home patients, they can go to jail. But those regulations do not apply to Democrat politicians. We are living in a two-tiered legal system. I think most people recognize that.

    Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)

  16. I am Canadian and know what its like to live under a Liberal numbskull trying to run a government like we have now.
    The polls show we will have a conservative landslide next election. Snowboard instructor Justin will be history

  17. Dinesh has an uphill battle … The entire ‘March through the Institutions’ was created by the Left (All forms) to destroy the history of America and replace it with an ever expanding catalog of Big Lies. Almost a hundred years after this effort began, pro-Americans literally have no institutional power out. And the few institutions that have not been taken over by the Left have been poisoned. We have virtually no leadership that is immune: Even those handful of conservatives who have cash flow must kow tow to the Left and lick their jackboots lest their businesses be targeted with a Liestream Boycott.

    Meanwhile no one with the power to organize even a shadow of a ‘Vast RW Conspiracy’ has any clue how to do so – or else they’re not interested.

  18. Only way to save this country is to vote all of the current demo-gangsters out of office and keep Trump as president through 2024. The current dems are the ones Khrushchev said would bury us from within. Let’s try to prove him wrong! I hope people are seeing just how the Roman Empire fell apart. President Trump is probably a God-send. Let’s help him!

  19. What are you talking about? Our own President is a bully. Just listen to the stuff that issues from his bloviating mouth.

  20. We saw ‘Death of a Nation’ last evening and it truly puts into perspective just what the Democrat Party is all about from the very beginning. Every student who is old enough to understand what true freedom means needs to see this, but I’m afraid the ones who need to see it just won’t bother to. That’s all the more reason that we who have seen and have learned need to spread the word of who the real fascists are, who the real white supremacists are and how the hatred that we’re seeing now towards our President, who loves America, is compared to how Abraham Lincoln was also hated by the Northern Democrats to call for his assassination. We were also impressed that Hitler got his idea to exterminate the Jews and the mal-formed children from a Progressive Democrat President Andrew Jackson who was responsible for the extermination of many of the Native Americans. Interesting isn’t it? Everyone must see this remarkable movie made by a true lover of America, Dinesh D’Souza. Thank you sir.

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