It’s been common knowledge for many years that “Creepy Uncle Joe” can’t keep his hands to himself. Nonetheless, it is still surprising that the mainstream media is currently paying a great deal of attention to recent allegations that the former Vice President got “handsy” with a woman. What is even more surprising is that there is very real evidence that those stirring the pot against Joe Biden are fellow Democrats who are running for the presidency.
At least one of Biden’s backers thinks that Sen. Bernie Sanders is the one behind the smear campaign, and it’s easy to see why. Lucy Flores, the former Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor in Nevada and the first woman to publicly accuse former VP Joe Biden of inappropriately touching her in public, endorsed Sen. Sanders in 2016 and was even a member of his Our Revolution board at one point. However, Ms. Flores later had a falling out with some people who were members of Sen. Sanders’ network, and left her position at Our Revolution.
There is also the fact that many of the people who would support a prospective Joe Biden candidacy are not the sort who would support a Sen. Bernie Sanders presidential campaign. Joe Biden is viewed as being far more centrist than Sanders, whose calls for a Green New Deal, free Medicare and free college tuition would naturally draw in progressive voters rather than moderate or independent ones.
Sen. Sanders isn’t the only person who could have encouraged Ms. Flores to go public with her allegations. She has been spotted attending Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s campaign kickoff in El Paso, and has told the press that she attended an event for Julian Castro, another Democrat presidential hopeful.
Flores, together with others, met with Sen. Kamala Harris’ campaign manager. Flores has not endorsed any of the presidential hopefuls that she has met, but it is conceivable that any one of them may have encouraged her to speak out against Biden in the hopes of boosting their own campaigns.
The fact that the former VP is well over seven points ahead of his nearest competitor is sure to rankle other Democratic candidates who hope to square off with President Donald Trump in 2020. While Biden is viewed by many as the candidate who is most likely to beat Trump due to his blue collar appeal, it is clear that even many fellow party members are more concerned about their personal ambitions than helping their own party.
While it remains to be seen who is behind the recent campaign to expose Creepy Uncle Joe, it is clear that the allegations will have a negative impact on his campaign should he decide to run. At present, he is still polling ahead of all his rivals mainly due to his name recognition. However, the voting public is fickle, and the fact that there are literally scores of Democratic presidential hopefuls to pick from means that those who would have voted for him could easily rally around one or more other candidates.
The fact that other women are following Flores’ example and coming forward with their own stories about is sure to build momentum against a potential Joe Biden 2020 presidential run. There could be a drastic turnaround in Biden’s fortunes. However, at present, his chances of winning the Democratic nomination appear to be slim to none.
~ Conservative Zone
Biden is the last of the “Old Guard” progressives. They look like they are wanting to spend for freebies for voters, and they don’t mind doing it; but, they really are more interested in making themselves more likely to survive! Many GOP are the same way.
So, Biden, picked by Hillary to be with Obama to insure a weak no VP to stop her after 8 years of waiting, is not good enough to win, but he might stop Sanders from getting the nod at a Convention.
Dems lose with either and may turn to one of many extremists.
Thats what its about.
President Donald J. Trump
HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS AN AFFRONT TO HUMAN DIGNITY: With millions affected worldwide, human trafficking is a global atrocity that deprives millions of their universal human rights.
Human trafficking, also known as modern slavery, affects people from all backgrounds at home and abroad, placing millions into a sickening form of exploitation.
Per the International Labor Organization, there may be as many as 24.9 million victims of forced labor across the world, with millions going unidentified and unseen.
Children are especially vulnerable to this evil practice, as they account for 25 percent of modern slaves.
Victims are compelled to perform labor or commercial sex acts through the use of fraud, force, or coercion, reducing the value of human lives to that of mere commodities.
I don’t disagree with your article and I believe that what you have presented is accurate and reflects what we know today.
Another alternative that might also be possible is that this gives Barrack Obama a chance, not to be the bad guy in outing Joe Biden, and opens the door for the party to ultimately support Michelle Obama for the Presidency.
What do you think?
Randall, I hope you and all those who think or want Michelle Obama to run for president, are wrong. Why does she think she can run or be president? She is a big hypocrite and a liar. Just because we had a black president who opened the doors for others doesn’t mean anyone can run. Obama gave black people a bad name and those running now are no prize either, and Michelle would be included too. Yes, Obama has been quiet for now, but I hope is not because his wife will run (heaven help us – not another Obama ruling the country). But the man is such a sneak that he could be behind all this or at least knows who is behind it. On the other hand, Biden cannot be trusted either. His and his son’s involvement with China and payments they received, are disgraceful.
Like her husband, Barack Hussein, Michelle is unfit to run for president. She is lazy and she is dumb. All they did while he was in office was enjoy lavish vacations at taxpayer expense and accomplish nothing good for we the people. Should she be president, it would be deja vu all over again. Despite his hands being tied behind his back with all the hoaxes against him, President Trump has accomplished more good than all his predecessors.
My first thought was Nobama. He wants back in the White House big time! My opinion and my opinion only is why he’s not backing anyone. He can get Michelle in then rule once more! I certainly hope I’m wrong. Hope people aren’t stupid enough to put another Obama in! That would be like putting Oprah in there! She’s got big bucks but totally unqualified!
Creepy Joe’s connections to the Ukraine, along with Hunter Biden and his dealings with the ChiComs, also with
Hunter are far more damaging. This would blow back on The Sainted One, Obama. Barry hasn’t been out front for Creepy Joe either. I don’t think they want anyone looking too hard at these and other suspicious dealings during
Barry’s Reign.
I agree that I find Joe Biden’s and Hunter Biden’s connections to china and the Ukraine far more offensive than his touchgate scandals. They profited to the tune of billions in this regard using Joe’s position as VP for bait.
Crazy Bernie and his minions learned well from Killary how to cheat the other competitor. Remember when Donna Brazile as head of the NDC leaked Bernie’s talking points to Killary. Now Crazy Bernie is using the same dirty tactics against Creepy Joe. Oh Dear ! And they think they can outmaneuver Trump?
This is the show we all knew was coming, Dems against Dems. The left media going against each other, and Americans are loving it. All these women coming out now are Dems who want someone else to run against Trump besides Biden. While I am not a fan of Biden in the least, I do see his hands on style as harmless and would not think much about it. But like the Kavanagh scam, their timing comes to mind. All these losers the Dems have running have no problem stabbing each other in the back thinking the American people are stupid enough to believe anything they say. Republicans are playing it perfect by letting the Dems destroy each other which will leave no one to run in 2020. Dems will eat their own young to get what they want.
fakebook and twister blocked my post. why even bother and let these demorat lunatics fight and bled themselves on the wasted fund. when election due, who will survive in the general election? i can’t even keep track who is running and what platform are these morons running on? MAGA MAGA TRUMP TRUMP won’t even have to spend a penny for 2020 re-election will win in a landslide.
With any luck the Dems will smear each other relentlessly so we can get on with making America great again instead of socialistic.
I believe the new Socialist tainted Dems. are going to generate the direction to a candidate. Look how the left is groveling to secure the favor of the far Left. I think they will by-pass Bernie because he is older and prepared them to go in this direction. He can’t be controlled by them if he were to win. A younger candidate, who has sacrificed their integrity to be elected would be my guess to be chosen. Unless the economy falls apart, no one will defeat Trump. You will always vote your self-interest. Are we better now than 4 or 8 years ago.? You bet your sweet donkey we are.
BIDEN has so much in his background, he won’t get off the ground. His Ukraine garbage with his son….
his creepy-crawly attitude toward women….His smart alec response and letting the world know in a TV
show that his wife said he could have had Hillary’s job but he got Veep….all these things, he doesn’t think, he
thinks he is popular and people just ignore his stupidity. You need a President who has some brains….
maybe Trump isn’t what some people like….Hey…how many votes did he get with the COMMON PEOPLE
IN THIS WORLD. He says “hell.” Dear God, he’s going to hell for that? We are surviving now and getting out of hell
from the Obama Administration and his part in it. Biden is a loser and the world knows it, they just tolerate an
old geezer…Go play with the grandchildren, Jo,
Please vote Trump 2020, It will be our last chance to save the USA.
Well it looks like someone is on the ball, I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out the obvious. In case anyone out there in never never America doesn’t know this is a typical POLITICAL ASSINATION BY those socialist, islamist, communist new comers who want to destroy our country. I am far from a fan of Biden, but look at the Socialist Democrat Fielld and what they stand for, then look at Biden (the establishment). This is worse then the GOP divide, at least the Rhion’s are not totally against the Constitution.
What is wrong, and waht is totally Political is Pelosi and Schumer and their fellow establisment leaders are blinded trying to destroying Trump rather then watching after their hen house which is being overrun by Socialist Scum Bags.
The facts are right in front of your face. It takes three thing to change a country to Socialism or Communism. (1) Control the Media, (2) Control Education, and (3) Control the Judicuary. These people have accompilshed all but the last (Juicuary) because Queen Hillary lost and could not select a Supreme Court Judge, and add to that Trumps dismantelling of Oblaimers deep state and Executive Orders Opening the Boarders to those who would love Socialism without knowing what they would loose. Even our Millinials are for Socialism, and they do not have the sense to see what they are doing supporting it.
So, the rats, the vermine have had to come out into the open and show their hand. People as it stand now the country is being divided 51% and climing to 49% and that needs to change. AOC, Pelosi, Schumer er al need to be stopPed, not just dealt by defending our rights, STOPPED.
Exactly WHAT are the qualifications for the position of President of the United States of America?
All the Liberal wannabes haven’t got a clue. They just want to get there to loot the store.
Would you hire Fauxahauntas or Spartacus or Bernie or Beto to run your 7-11 store for you?
They would give everything away and you’d end up broke in no time.
Just like what would happen to America and “We the People” if one of these Libertards ever were to be in charge.
A politicians only job is to get themselves re-elected and they will lie, cheat and steal to get that done.
Vote to re-elect President Trump and save our Country.