Election 2020: Biden Empowered Antifa To Threaten More American Communities

Joe Biden’s words during the first presidential debate were music to Antifa’s ears. He falsely claimed the loosely-knit domestic terror organization is only “an idea.” Murder and mayhem are also ideas, except when left-wing extremists burn businesses, attack police officers, destroy communities, and bodies pile up in the morgue.

“Antifa is an idea, not an organization, not militias, that’s what his FBI director said,” Biden inaccurately stated.

FBI Director Christopher Wray delivered a stern warning to Congress concerning the Antifa threat. He stated that law enforcement considers Antifa to be a “movement” or “ideology” of extremists in the spirit of jihadists. The FBI chief also warned that its growing ranks are “coalescing regionally” to infiltrate otherwise peaceful protests and carry out attacks.

“We don’t really think of threats in terms of left, right, at the FBI. We’re focused on the violence, not the ideology,” Wray said. He likened Antifa radicals to both “lone wolf” actors and terror cells. He also said the FBI has taken on “any number of properly predicated investigations into what we would describe as violent anarchist extremists.”

Democrats and the fake news media continue their misinformation campaigns of pointing fingers at right-wing militias who peacefully protest. Despite efforts to downplay Antifa’s crimes across American communities, everyday people still catch glimpses of burning automobiles, destroyed storefronts, and police officers assaulted and murdered trying to restore the peace.

“An idea doesn’t burn down buildings. An idea doesn’t throw Molotov cocktails at people. An idea doesn’t assault people on the street,” commentator Dave Rubin said. “These are bad people and by design they are decentralized. So when Biden is saying they are an idea, it’s because he’s afraid that so much of his base, his radical base is actually in line with Antifa and if he says something about them, they will end up coming for him.”

Biden and his running mate, California Senator Kamala Harris, openly embraced the radicalism of the Democratic Party because they need the votes. They are willing to empower street thugs right up until Election Day — and beyond — to get elected. President Trump and conservatives have called upon the Biden-Harris ticket to denounce Antifa. The Democrats’ silence has been enlightening.

“They should. I think they’re afraid to. In my book, it’s virtually part of their campaign, Antifa.” Trump said. “The Democrats act like, ‘Gee, I don’t know exactly what that is.’ Take a look at Portland, take a look at any place you want to take a look at — they’re everywhere.”

Undercover journalist Andy Ngo documented the movements of Antifa and was a central reporter during the Portland riots. Left-wing extremists discovered his presence in 2019 and violently attacked him. His first-hand journalism speaks to efforts by the establishment Democrat-media to focus coverage on protests not yet infiltrated by Antifa thugs and then hurl blame at right-wing groups when violence ensues. They shy away from Antifa to give politicians such as Biden and Harris political cover.

“There’s a solution and you get on the path of working towards a solution by actually admitting there’s a problem. And when one half of this country is not willing to admit that there is a problem, then you can’t get on working towards even imagining what steps you can take to come up with solutions,” Ngo said. “Democrats have chosen really to stand in the way of what should be a nonpartisan condemnation of an anti-American, anti-government, violent extremist movement.”

Those who have taken a long look at Biden’s political track record see a troubling trend of him supporting anyone who delivers votes or enriches his family members. Biden bears responsibility for sending more than $150 billion to Iran that was used for terrorism. During his nearly 50-year career, he voted in lockstep with the segregationists and supported the NAFTA deal that sent millions of U.S. jobs overseas.

Recent riots have caused more than a billion dollars in property losses, hundreds of police officers have been hospitalized and dozens of community members have been killed. Biden’s refusal to reject domestic terrorists such as Antifa mean more blood spilled in streets.

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13 thoughts on “Election 2020: Biden Empowered Antifa To Threaten More American Communities”

  1. Biden/Harris live in a fantasy world – what they believe is real. Antifa and BLM are funneling money to his campaign and also believes they will vote for him. Joe, you are a fool.

  2. What the heck, Sleepy Joe is so far out of it that he thinks Antifa is a new singing group making a comeback from the sixties. Do we really want to elect him to the Nations most important job? I think not and after the VP debate last night, there is more reason to vote for President Trump. RVN 68-69

  3. Any red blood AMERICA know Joe Biden is NOT the one to lead this country. Don’t believe any tv ads that say otherwise! That has been the DEMONCRAT PARTY THINGS SINCE THE 1980! LIES after LIES til you believe them to VOTE for them! Only to get throw under the bus!

  4. If you take a determined look ; even an open minded one there are many reasons biden should not even be considered for the position of president. Consider one thing, he is a puppet that can ” not ” even form a complete cognitive sentence; he is confused constantly and leans on an earpiece with someone feeding him words to form his party narrative.

  5. And the nut case wants to be President of the United States!!!!!’ Get your guns ready people in case Biden wins and he sets Antifa loose on the American people!!
    God help us if this clown wins!!
    Wake up America!!!!

  6. The Dems are catering to these groups in hopes that they will support them. Well, Joe, if you win and they come after you , which hey will you better have a place to hide and kamila ,too. It is just like a lion that has a big piece of meat. He will eat it and then come after you to eat you . The Dems are fools , stupid fools to think they can tame these wild beasts.

  7. Burning down cities and tormenting citizens even up to murder is not an “idea” – it is terrorism at its worst.

  8. Why didn’t the debate moderator (registered democrat Chris Wallace) ask Biden to denounce BLM & Antifa instead of attacking Pres Trump demanding that he denounce White Supremacists? They try to insinuate that it’s the White Supremacist who are rioting and destroying American cities! How ridiculous! We all know it’s not! They should have 2 moderators, one democrat & one Republican to make the debates fair!

  9. Let’s not forget that Trump is bringing our troops home and Biden never met a war he didn’t vote for.
    Hope you all heard Harris bragging that Antifa and BLM won’t stop fighting even after the election. Here’s the Biden administration:

    Commie Bernie in charge of cancelling your private or employee healthcare and giving everyone including 22 million illegals ‘Medicare for All’.
    Stupid AOC in charge of the GND. Look up Dr Robert Hockett, law professor at Cornell U and the real author of the GND. He freely admits the GND is NOT ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE AT ALL. It is instead an ‘attempt to push the country in the ‘right’ direction which to a leftist means as far ‘left’ as possible.
    Beto the Dork in charge of Gun Control. Great. The guy who vows to take our ‘assault rifles’ out of our cold dead hands. He probably wants Swalwell working with him on ‘nuking gun owners’. How is a country with over 170 million legal gun owners and 300 million guns going to be controlled with 2 million cops?

  10. I think President Trump should go ahead & call Marshall Law to the cities that have rioters, and arrest all of the ones involved- put them in a military lock up til sometime next year or up to 10 yrs if they destroyed any property, if murder- 25 to life.

  11. We all have a big problem… the people here are already aware of the truth and are willing to work against the Dem machine takeover. The problem is the Dems have had control of the MSM, Hollywood, Music Industry, All schools K-12 and college, the teachers, the unions, the gov letter agencies, CIA, FBI, NIH, CDC and have been in cahoots with global orgs to bring about their New World Order. How do we try to get the ones who’ve been drugged with the blue koolaid to actually see the truth?? They are the ONLY way we can lose. But a lot of them have bought the narrative, (no matter how ridiculous and documented as false), it’s been bought hook, line & sinker???? They’re adamant it’s all true and they’re so consumed with hate they’ll willingly harm anyone who disagrees with them. They’ve actually become the cult they claim Trump supporters are. I’ve tried talking and they don’t resist, they get violent! It’s like a flesh eating virus has entered their brain.

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