Even CNN is Casting Doubt on Joe Biden’s Chances Now

Last Week, CNN released a poll showing that Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s lead over President Donald Trump was shrinking — which probably means the president is ahead by at least five points.

Remember back in 2016 when all of the mainstream news outlets were proven totally, wildly, and hilariously incorrect in their election projections? Of course, you do. It has more or less defined our entire political culture ever since. The New York Times famously apologized for having done such a poor job at telling the truth objectively and promised to do better… and then promptly went on to scream “Russian collusion” non stop at the top of their lungs for four consecutive years.

All of the major issues since then have revolved around the battle between people who slavishly believe everything that CNN and MSNBC say and those who can’t understand why anyone believes anything they say. We and our audience are in the latter group of course… because anything else is strange madness.

So, why would we listen to anything CNN has to say today? Good question. Anyone with a serious mind, anyone who gives a monkey’s foot about the truth, and anyone who has ever read a history book knows full well that the MSM is nothing but the propaganda arm of the DNC, occasionally lent out for the purposes of never-Trump, RINO Republicans. But we repeat ourselves.

However, it must be said that CNN has thrown us a bit of a curveball. The poll published last week sheds doubt on Biden’s chances of winning in November. So the question is, did they forget to throw out all of the work done by inexperienced reporters who haven’t figured out what CNN is all about yet, or are they up to something?

Interestingly, they had published an earlier version of this same poll that delivered the opposite conclusion, that Biden was winning opinion polls handily and that Trump’s chances were hammered toast.

So, why the quick switch? Well, we think we’ve figured it out. Since the last presidential election, the metrics that analysts use to try to predict these things have all gone out the window. It’s become more like the stock market where speculation can make or break a stock, or even whole markets. In other words, it would appear that the consensus at CNN is that if they report news that makes Trump voters feel confident, then Trump voters will be less likely to show up on election day to pull the hammer for the big man.

To be fair, they aren’t wrong. Trump voters are not the kind of people who like sidelining their own lives for political reasons. If Trump supporters believe Trump has got reelection locked in, we would just as soon not take a day off work to vote. The executives at CNN and their kind know this.

But what they don’t seem to understand is that Trump voters don’t watch CNN. At the end of the day, we just don’t show up to their mass brainwashing sessions. Why would we? We have jobs, families, and friends – and now that Kamala Harris is on the Biden ticket, we have even more reason to vote against Biden.

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24 thoughts on “Even CNN is Casting Doubt on Joe Biden’s Chances Now”

  1. The Crappy News Network. Failing to tell the truth is the least of their vices. Making out crappy fake news is a tradition for them now they are giving the tabloids a run for their money

  2. Don’t believe a word CNN says! They’re all a bunch of liars. Those that don’t lie has got to be the “dumbest folks” holding a pencil or a crayon!

  3. CNN the worst reporters and dishonest , totally biased , how can they live with themselves, or look in a mirror at themselves. They need God in their lives, then they could never talk about Trump and his voters , the way they do with such vitriol. The people in the DNC that they hold up as such wonders, are Godless, hipppocrites, without morals!!!

  4. I don’t turn to the fake news, makes me so mad to hear the garbage, being a TVwatcher, don’t want to kill my TV. What I have no choice in listening to are Biden’s adds all over. Except for raising of taxes, most of his ads are riding on the coat tail of our great President. Of course we all know he is not the one that thought up these ads, and one of the ads does not sound like Biden. They even steel what our President has done, making the left try to look good.
    I am in favor of absentee ballot BUT NOT MAIL IN VOTING.

  5. Trump supporters must show up on Election Day! Don’t think Trump’s re election is a shoe in. Democrats will do what ever they can to win this election!

  6. CNN, MSNBC, and all the others, even fox has gotten so bad, you can’t believe 1 thing they report. Its not even reporting, all they do is repeat what Democrats tell them to say. Its a joke, they are going to have to answer for all their lies, bearing false witness and every other corrupt thing they have done, and I for one can’t wait for their punishment;. Rot in **** where you belong

    1. BOTH her parents were foreign-born, and what I have read , in this country ILLEGALLY..SO all she is, is an “anchor baby”. What we have here my friends is a “female obama” and AGAIN the U.S Constitution will be IGNORED, because she has a “D” after her “title” and all of her “experience ” was “earned lying on her back to get what she wanted.

  7. With Biden being arrested on Felony charges yesterday in Russia, I think it is the end of the road for him now for sure. If Kamala Harris plans to run for anything in America, she better be willing to prove she is a native born American. We won’t fall for that one again. CNN= Clinton News Network.

  8. Without Kamala Harris, Corn Chowder Biden will have already forfeit the Presidency. Its amazing that California may not come out in force to support him. California will implode on itself IF they dont give Biden the majority electoral vote. Its better for California to come out and vote electoral majority just to lose the election than to NOT vote him in at all.

  9. The GOP (LOL) swore they would do something about election fraud years ago. Let’s list all the things they have done: ……. ……. …….. …….. . Nothing.

    The Democrats meanwhile have been busy instituting mail-in voter fraud all over the country, signing up the family pets, resurrecting the dead, enfranchising felons, empowering illegal aliens and generally lying their fannies off about Biden, Harris and Trump too.

    The polls do not matter! What matters is the FRAUD that’s coming in November and the people who claim to be on “our” side are doing nothing but aiding and abetting it!!!!

    Look for even more RIOTS at and near polling places in November. It’s coming. The COMMUNISTS have done it many times before.


  10. I ve stopped watching most news except for my local station,
    And the Israel channel and sometimes Fox, I dont have time for lies and brainwashing, period.
    As an independent I know who I’m voting for.can you guess?

  11. I watch CNN just to see what they are saying and more to the point, WHAT THEY ARE NOT SAYING! Really, they should have their licenses removed. They cast everything Trump does and says as racist and/or homophobic. They tell outright lies and crop statements or paraphrase them to appear as almost criminal. The worse is the conclusions they come to that are so far off the mark, one would think they never heard the man speak.
    Do cable outlets have the same licensing rules as network stations? As for NBC, ABC & CBS, the news regarding Biden seems contrived, their comments bolster whatever Biden says into the wisdom of the ages, while he stumbles and stammers through scripts incoherently and often not completing thoughts or sentences.

  12. CNN is a GREAT form of media…
    …if you like fairy-tales, untruths, hearsay, conjecture, and bold-faced lies.
    …other than that its WONDERFUL!

  13. The all out- blitz to demonize and discredit Mr. Trump by the corrupt cnn and other liberal “news” media will intensify as we get closer to November – all to no avail ! I can’t wait for the liberal reaction when Mr.Trump wins again. Will the partisan fake media accept the results? You know the answer .

  14. What is reality is that DJT lost the popular vote by 3,000,000 votes. Your projection of the CNN poll is a false projection off their info, with nothing to support it. Truth is Fox doesn’t know what the truth is and QANON is a collection of conspiracy theories, having nothing to do, with any reality. The saddest part is that the president is giving credibility to conspiracies. It would be nice if he new the difference between conspiracy and reality. They are only outdone by the thousands of absolute lies and untruths that he has claimed or told.

  15. Trump is the most honest President in history. CNN and the liberal news media spins, distorts contorts and lies what the President says. Anyone with any sense knows this.

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