Fake News Media & Pollsters Colluded to Mislead Voters in Battleground States

Americans have now suffered through a second presidential election with political polls bearing almost no resemblance to final vote tallies. Either the pollsters are completely incompetent, or they once again tried to mislead conservatives that their votes would not make a difference in battleground states.

“I do know as a factual matter, that the claim — and I think I’m quoting now — ‘our pre-election polls were really, really good,’ is just not true,” Fox News host Tucker Carlson said. “And if that were true, then the New York Times wouldn’t have given Joe Biden a 70 percent chance this morning of winning Florida.”

Taking Florida would have fast-tracked Joe Biden’s Electoral College votes to the White House. But he wasn’t even close to winning the Sunshine State. Polling outlets such as CNBC assured voters that Biden held a secure 9.2 percent lead in the Real Clear Politics average, and 9.1 percent in “trusted” polls such as NBC, among others, just weeks before Election Day. The narrative polling outfits were shuffling through the fake news media was obviously, “stay home Republicans, voting is a waste of your time.” It clearly serves a political end.

As Tucker Carlson took the inherently biased pollsters to task, he stumbles across a connection that few are reporting. The establishment media works hand-in-glove with left-leaning polling outfits knowing they are rigging the results.

In October, Breitbart unmasked national polls for including a significantly greater number of registered Democrats than Republicans in a “reliable” NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.

“Thirty-five percent of poll respondents self-identified as Democrats, while only 27 percent self-identified as Republican, and 32 percent self-identified as Independents, resulting in a survey sample that was Democrat +8, a significantly higher sampling of Democrats than measured in the most recent national Gallup Poll of party affiliation,” Breitbart reports.

Needless to say, fake news outlets joyfully reported that Biden held a double-digit lead despite the inherent bias hidden in the data. And as much as phony pollsters want to backpedal after ballots have been cast, they claimed Biden held decisive leads in battleground states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and even North Carolina. The facts are those states should have rightfully been cast as dead-even or leaning toward President Donald Trump.

But therein lies the rub. The establishment media and polling organizations are largely comprised of Democrats and liberal elites. That’s why these organizations objected when a Trafalgar Group poll was included in the Real Clear Politics average.

During the run-up to the 2016 election, Trafalgar reportedly published among the most accurate polling data. They ranked among the only impartial organizations to assert that Hillary would not ascend to the presidency. This year, Trafalgar insisted President Trump would carry states such as Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina. The findings went largely underreported. Why?

It doesn’t take a GPS tracking device to figure out the answer. Pollsters need biased and fake news media companies to publish their findings, so they skew them to fit the political narrative. When CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times favor Democrats such as Hillary and Biden, so do the pollsters. After calling for landslide wins by Democrats in back-to-back presidential elections, the collusion is obvious.

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35 thoughts on “Fake News Media & Pollsters Colluded to Mislead Voters in Battleground States”

  1. I love my country , I love being an American , I love my flag , We are not a racist country ! I have never been so embarrass to be an American as I am today. The Democrat partyis trying to steal the presidential election and they don’t care who sees and who knows .If we allow them to do this we can never have a free or fair election again . If we don’t fight now we can never fight for our rights again !!!



          GET THE NEWS ON YOUR SIDE!!!!!!

  2. In my opinion the election was rigged. The Democrats have been trying to run him out of office sense the start.

    1. All true Americans should boycott fake news fox news .they are liars and you see they tuck their tales and run like the cowards they are. Go to newsmax and see the real news. Democrats go to hell!

  3. We are one nation under God. We were created in the image of God and all created equal.The Democrats have divided this country OUR President who has done so much for us in bringing people together.He has been nominated for the nobel peace prize numerous times he has accomplished so much for all races.He has integrity, compassion,love, dedication and the list goes on.The Democrats don’t want this TRUE AMERICANS DO

  4. Rigged is put it mildly…it’s not just the cheating democrats…it’s the biased media..kinda like Hitlers, the cry-baby establishment…the socialist groups..you know George Soros and sons…they all need to be sent to Getmo!

  5. Power is the source of evil and that is what is happening today in the election results. The dems, media and elites of this country want power at any cost. They will lie, cheat and even steal to gain power. We have seen this since 2016. America needs to wake up. The Liberals are a racist elite society that is bundled in money and profiting globally. Why would they ever support an America First Campaign. In the 50’s there was the red scare but today we have the liberal scare that does not live in real America but in a bubble that empowers themselves and their global friends. George Soros is the root of this enigma in America. He and his elite friends have tried to control the world. It must be stopped and justice will be rendered in some form or another. America wake up you have been scammed! Power over God, Power over empowering our work force, Power over the hard working people of America! They have used conspiracy, racism, riots, violence, media to destroy the unity of America. It began with Obama and now we are seeing the true colors of the Liberal DNC. My friends, wake up !

  6. I am sickened by this attempt to steal this election by the Democrats! And the elitist Republicans who have yet to come out strongly in support of our President! We also need Term Limits in Congress!!

  7. Yet again I am amazed that this has not been picked up on, and mentioned before. Just like here in Australia, the ABC, and in Britain the BBC, do not report the news in a professional unbiased manner. It is always tainted by left-wing, socialist bias.
    And four years ago the US mainstream media joined them.
    I listen to them as they click into left-wing defensive mode, outraged at the very thought that there have been any irregularities in the elections. These are supposed to be unbiased reporters and commentators. They mock any suggestion that there have been any irregularities or counting of spoilt or late ballots and that the Presidents asking for all the ballots in those close-run states to be rechecked, is not only a joke, but it is also an outrage. My question to these arrogant brainwashed fools is ‘How do you know that everything is fair and above board?’ That is why the president is asking for them to be rechecked. Given what the President has had to endure, from the democrats over the last four years, with the almost non-stop attacks, and false accusations, all supported and extensively covered by the mainstream news, and media services, who didn’t think that any of these democrats ludicrous accusations, were a joke or outrageous. I think that the President now has every right to ask for a recount, and an investigation. I think that the socialist voters, need to factor into what part the mainstream media has played in over four years of bias reporting, and what damage that has done to the President, and all those people who support him. The issue is not just about what has happened over the last week, it is about what has happened over the last four years. It would appear to me that the US doesn’t have free and unbiased news services, and media information anymore. They have allowed themselves to become little more than propaganda services and outlets for the far left socialist agenda. President Trump has achieved more with his domestic and foreign policies in four years with his business background than Biden has managed as a professional politician in forty years, It is the Democrats need to reoccupy the oval office at any cost, and the media supporting them, that has divided the US, not President Trump. Modern-day socialism is like cancer, you don’t realize that you have it until it is too late.

  8. We all need to support and encourage our President, to fight this fight just as he as fought for us before. Please, contact your U.S. Senators, Governors, and be sure to include slip, sliding Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. You can find out all their phone number by googling them. I would suggest calling each of their offices, McConnell’s DC phone wasn’t taking call, –due to an unusually high volume of calls. The fact that his office wasn’t prepared for calls–clearly proves how ill-equipped our elected officials are. You might also consider sending them emails or better yet a real letter. We must fight this fight because as a previously commenter wrote, ‘if we don’t fight this fights we will never ever have another free election’. Ask those who criticize President Trump for these lawsuits, “what would have happened had every state acted as Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina”? We simply cannot let this become the norm in any of our elections.

  9. Here it is Saturday, voting is almost rendered useless as I see votes being lost, uncounted, or worse counted for a candidate not on those ballots. How do we stop this? How do we regain control of a system that has worked for 240 years. In the worst case, how do we avoid a civil war? We have seen a vice presidential candidate putting up bail money for antifa thugs and doing nothing to try to stop the riots, police shootings and increased tensions between the people of our country. Americans wake up! Your country is being methodically stolen! Socialism is the worst system there is and we are on the brink of losing America as we have loved it. Do not go down gently people, do not let them take our country. Support our constitution, fight to keep our way of life!

  10. If, from all I have read here is true(and I think it is) then why haven’t they been called out. The Bidens are corrupt, but like the “Teflon Don” everything just rolls off and thy don’t have to answer to anyone. How did the country I love so much get to this point. First they take out the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer from schools. Then thy stop teaching American History and instead teach students every thing but History. The students have the right to know how this great country became AMERICA and not how the left-wing Dems preach to them. I pray every day for God to help us get back to One Nation UNDER GOD. I am so glad I grew up back when God was #1 Country #2 and Loyalty #3. If we all pray for our country, maybe we could have that again I surely hope so. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

  11. Ask Tucker Carlson to ask Fox News why their on-air “pollsters” predicted that early AZ win for Biden, hmmmm???
    And please ask the Murdoch Media which side they’re playing.

  12. I’m sickened by the obvious chicanery of the Dems stealing our election. How anyone with 3 functioning brain cells could have voted for Sleepy Creepy Joe and Horizontal Harris boggles my mind. I guess his campaign promises of free stuff for everyone did the trick. No tax hike for under $400,000? Yeah, right!
    The wealthy can move their taxable assets and our great companies will simply move again as they did under Obama. Who’s left to foot the bills for his freebies? Thank the Lord we still have the Senate. It will be the firewall against the Left’s agenda.
    Mr. Trump hasn’t had a minute’s rest from the attempts to successfully impeach him, the fake news, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, the Mueller fiasco, the Deep State, and Obama holdovers. I don’t know how he withstood the onslaught.
    I’m adding 2 prayers-the first and most important is for the SC to take the election case and rule in our favor. The second is that in Biden is the next President, that he stays healthy for his 4 years. Lord help America if Horizontal Harris ends up as President!

  13. Power is their goal. Steps they follow:
    Divide and conquer
    Create a scapegoat
    Create chaos
    Make it a movement
    Political trash talk
    The Thing is never the thing
    Seize power
    We MUST get back on track and never let this happen. Let’s all fight for our freedoms once again! Back our President Trump and our Constitution! NOW!

  14. MORE PROOF YOU HAVE TO BE A CROOK TO BE A DEMONCRAT. THEY KNOW NO OTHER WAY TO LIVE. I predicted six months ago when they said there would be mail-in ballots that they would extend the count time so that they know how many ballots they had to stuff to have a win…..and that is exactly what the bass turds are doing. iF FOR SOME REASON, BIDEN SHOULD PREVAIL, LET’S HAVE A SPECIAL COUNSEL INVESTIGATE HIM AND HIS CROOKED FAMILY….WE HAVE TO INCLUDE AND BRING INTO COURT ALL OF THOSE WHO WERE ASSOCIATED WITH HIS SON, HUNTER, and that includes Paloooozi’s son, Kerry’s (I believe) step-son. Romney’s son (or son-in-law) and all those connected to Biden in Ukraine and China. Further if he should assume office I will give him the same respect that the demoncrats have given PRESIDENT TRUMP for the last five years.

  15. I stand firmly with our President¡. He must continue to fight the fraud and he needs our support. I have no doubt this could have been finished election night with President Trump easily winning re-election! Lot of hardworking, family oriented and very smart people between the two coast’s and we have shown who we want and trust to keep our country the best it can be for the present and for all future generations! Short of violence I will help him any way I can!!

  16. I can’t believe the mental strength of our President. He had to fight the corrupt media and the Democratic lies and constant badgering of collusion with the Russians and still was able to make this country great again. They want him out so bad because he is not a corrupt politician. As a matter of fact he is not a politician he is one of us. He loves this country as we do. I have been praying for him and our country. God help us all!!!

  17. These treasonous hypocrite libs(lying sack of Schiff) don’t know the meaning of the truth! They are at it again and just as mentally deranged as the rest of the Globalists NAZI Muslim Commie Liberal Demoncrats! Deep State, BLM, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Fauci, Hollywood, Academia, MSM Fox and the rest of Fake News, Swamp News and you know the rest!! ‪Expose, Boycott, Sue, prosecute and bring to justice all these lying Fake News deep state treasonous Godless NAZI commie liberal demoncrats and RINOs! Mutt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Sessions , AG Barr, Richard Burr, Ron Johnson,Susan Collins, Murkowski, Kasich, Gowdy, Justice Roberts, Bolton and you know the rest of the traitors. All the useless republicans that talk a lot of BS and do nothing! Drain the rat infested swamp President Trump! Yours truly, the patriots of America! Watch your back, President Trump! I for one, support you 1000%!

  18. President Trump there are too many intercessors to number who are praying & doing warfare prayers on your behalf and VP Pence. We know our God answers prayers from his children!! God will make a way where there seems to be no way!!! God will use a UTurn to turn things around and that God is going to allow all those who have spoken lies and curses upon our land and our President to Boomerang back upon these wicked people and God is going to remove those evil people in government out of their positions! Let’s keep praising God and singing praise songs to our God! Satan Hates when the children of God start praising Jesus and singing praise songs out loud to our Soon & King Jesus as every knee will bow & every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord! Let’s pray for the evil schemes of the enemy to be revealed and destroyed! Amen !

  19. It is time to start organizing the patriots to keep from losing our country we must be willing to do everything possible to save our country there have been too many men and women that Fault and died for the freedom of this country now it appears that it’s time to fight for it again are too many criminals in our government is time they were thrown out and sent to GITMO Where they can enjoy the warm tropical climate designed just for the criminals we have that have to go there we have to organize the deep state is very day there’s a bunch of Republicans that are deep state to it does not matter Republican or Democrat you’re either with us Or you’re our enemy our country is not for sale it’s already been paid for by the blood of our dearest people I do not know about the rest of the people but I am red white and blue through and through I do not intend To live under Tierney it’s time to organize for the sake of our country God bless the USA God bless the Trump administration God bless our patriots no mercy for traders to our country

  20. And one more thing there is no way in hell that even half of the people voted for Joe Biden everyone knows he’s a criminal and a pedophile and his son is the same probably even worse we must not be allow our country to fall into the hands of Joe Biden or Kolyma Harris They will try and destroy everything Trump has done it must not be allowed to take place these criminals need to hear with a loud voice cheating stealing from the American people is over and has anyone seen AG BARR I pray he is not part of the deep state he needs to prove to the American people that he is not everyone knows the Democrats have put this together to steal the election hell Joe Biden admitted to the American people on national TV it is out there you need to look it up and see for yourself he admitted it and he must prove That he is Competent enough to serve as president he will not be able to pass a cognitive test everyone needs to scream for him to take the test in front of both sides of the parties Everyone say with a loud voice he must take the test they made Trump take the test now it’s his turn and it’s time to bring Harrises record to the front where the American people can see it I mean everything that she has done it is our right to know it’s all right to know everything Biden has done the laws that he has broken and the money is still in the jobs that he has sent overseas everything must be put out in the open we must demand this the American people still run this country in this time these politicians learned that in no uncertain terms the Democrats have been twisting the constitution to fit their narrative it is time to constitution is followed to the letter or the people that will not follow it must be censored God bless the USA God bless the Trump administration God bless our patriots and you need to start telling everyone there is no mercy for traders to our country and right now there’s a bunch of them in Washington they need to be held accountable also the news media and big tech it’s time we putStop to it amen No mercy for traders no mercy for traders to our country!!!!!

  21. My stepdaughter voted in Arizona in Maricopa county and she lives in New York. Her vote should not count! It’s against the law and it’s fraudulent for her to have voted here!

  22. Even the Democrats know they are stealing this election and not just the Presdient. Congress seats of people that should not even breathe the same air as real Americans! Several have video evidence of people buying Muslim and AOC votes because they both should be tried for treason. Postal workers forced to post ballots with the 3rd even though they came later. Boxes of ballots appeared at four in the morning and not on vote for Trump is mathematically impossible. To many crimes to list but I know Trump is very smart and already had something in place because he knew as we all did Democrats had this planned from the first election. He the AJ Barr is in the deep state and does nothing I believe we will see a Civil War.

  23. I cannot believe any adult would believe anything other than that the polls, like the mainstream media are a pack of liars.
    YES LIARS. Deserving of losing everything. Including a country to call home.

  24. I am very frightened as to the direction this country is taking, honestly doesn’t seem to be at least a number 5 top priority! It scares me as far as my government leaders are concerned! My Dad and Brother and Uncles fought for this country’s freedoms and it sure as hell did not include communism! It also did not include allowing foreigners into our country to receive benefits that some of American citizens have a hard time receiving! I volunteered at a food bank and people were suffering!

  25. It’s a sad day in the history of our country . I cannot believe that a criminal and his corrupt family are this close to the presidency of our great country . I used to watch fox for news I will never watch or trust what they have to say again they are no better than CNN.

  26. God bless president Trump and his family they are true Patriots and I wish them the best I am truly sorry that this is happening to President Trump he deserves so much better.

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