Fake News: Media Refuses To Report Issues That Make Biden, Dems Look Bad

Antifa rioters set fire to a federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, children are being ripped away from loved ones and shoved into cages at the Southern border, and the establishment media refuses to publicize the horrific failures of President Joe Biden’s first 100 days.

Everyday Americans need to remember the true facts of the Biden, Kamala Harris debacle. This is not the fake news and mainstream media’s first foray into altering the political perception after Democrats win the White House and majorities in Congress. And former President Donald Trump wasn’t the first Republican to be treated unfairly.

During President George W. Bush’s tenure, the left-leaning press ran running body counts on how many U.S. soldiers died in the War on Terror. The Republican was targeted with a barrage of narratives and coverage designed to systematically undermine his presidency. When Obama won the Oval Office, those casualty counts all but disappeared from fake news television.

Portland street violence was plastered across mainstream media outlets during the run-up to the 2020 elections. CNN — widely considered the leader in fake news — was more than happy to blame former President Trump for the epidemic of violence or call Antifa-led attacks “peaceful protests.”

“’F— the United States!’ Antifa try to break into the federal courthouse in Portland. Federal officials just removed the barricades protecting the building after months of #antifa attacks on the building,” independent journalist Andy Ngo reportedly tweeted from the scene. “Now they’re back again.”

But the recent attack on the Portland federal courthouse is not an issue the biased media wants to revisit. Such escalation would disprove their phony pre-election narrative that ousting Mr. Trump would start the healing process. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, moderate Democrats and those persuaded to vote for a leadership change have begun to realize they got scammed by Biden and Harris. Both Democrats went on the record denouncing how unaccompanied minors were held in custody until their parents could be found.

“What happened? Their kids were ripped from their arms and separated, and now they cannot find over 500 sets of those parents, and those kids are alone. Nowhere to go, nowhere to go. It’s criminal,” Biden said with theatrical compassion during the run-up to the 2020 election.

The mainstream media went to great lengths to initially cover up the fact it was Obama who built the detention centers and put “kids in cages.” In less than three months, Biden has created an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. The detention centers he and Harris promised would never be used have reopened. Many have exceeded the maximum capacity and the lawful number of days they can remain in the Obama-built “cages.”

According to data coming out of the U.S. Border Patrol — despite a gag order imposed by Biden — an estimated 4,200 kids are being held in short-term cages. That figure recently skyrocketed by more than 30 percent in a single week. Since Biden took office, U.S. Border Patrol discovers an average of 565 unaccompanied children wandering across the border each day. Nearly 10,000 entered the country illegally and were sent to “cages” in February alone. This is clearly the result of Democrats advertising the border will be open, and Biden will cease all deportations.

Everyday Americans have a right to information that paints a true-fact picture of government activities. You won’t see much — if any — coverage on issues that make the Biden Administration and Democrats look like incompetent, corrupt career politicians. That’s largely because the fake news and establishment media don’t want people making informed decisions.

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23 thoughts on “Fake News: Media Refuses To Report Issues That Make Biden, Dems Look Bad”

    1. Orwell’s 1984 is here and now, look at all this political speak , it is nothing else then turning the truth inside out .

    2. I have given up on Fox News and now go to News Max channel as they routinely get both sides of any story and bring together both republicans and democrats on panels to get both side’s opinions and comments. I used to read the WSJ, but it is also biased in favor of liberals. Hence, I do not read any news publications any longer and I doubt that is going to change. Sad story for America.

    3. Spot on Gracey, watch a “WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING ” this communist takeover started a long time ago and has finally come to fruition

  1. The democratic party, day by day are trying to undo every single good policy that President Trump enforced. It is a total disgrace. Immigrants coming through the border, need to be documented and tested for covid 19. They could start an uptake in the virus, and nobody will be aware of it, because nobody knows who these people are and or where they have been and if they are infected with corona..
    It is incompetent of the news media and lack of their transparency of the actual truth that is betraying the people of the USA!
    President Trump is no longer in office, but yet the media just can’t help themselves from still verbally bashing our former president ! They should be ashamed of themselves. The wall needs to be finished. To protect our women and children from the drug cartel and the sex traffickers immediately! Biden needs to accept his mistake and continue the building of the wall.

    1. He never will admit his stupid mistakes.
      Hell he probably doesn’t even know what he does say.

      They really dont care if Americans get the virus or die.

      It’s all about their agenda. They cant even leave poor President Trump alone even now.

      According to the government our borders arent in crisis.
      Theres no problem allowing us to have thousands of illegals in the country.
      Whether or not they have the virus isnt a worry.

      Look how much murders ,rapes,violence and drugs have occured .

      The bordering states are to support them? To teach them ? Course our kids cant attend school

      They are fed 3 meals a day.With all the jobs lost,some of our families have no food.

      Many Americans out on the streets.
      No food,no clothing, no home.
      Isnt this OUR country ????
      More and more is taken from us.
      More and more our country is collapsing.

      Their placing children in foster homes while our children have no one accepting them that are homeless.

      This country is socialist.
      Dictated by communist.
      If this government is not stopped we will be a third world country.

  2. Welcome to a country run by a ‘tyrant, dictatorship’!! Biden’s own words, ‘any president using EO’s to run the country is a tyrant’!! He’s broken ‘records’ by the number of EO’s he’s signed. Worse of all, not even knowing ‘what’ he was signing. He and Harris have broken ‘records’ of how many ‘promises’ made while candidates and ‘broken’ while in office–both numbers of and ‘time’ involved! Yes, Nancy, time to ‘really get to work here’!!! OK–The ‘facts’ are in and we know exactly ‘what’ we now have in office and running this country. This ‘group’ are against everything America ever stood for and are rapidly destroying our way of life. Not to be ‘pessimistic’ but, what are we going to do about it?!! This country was never used to being run by a ‘tyrant’. It was always ‘somebody else’s’ problem! Now what?

  3. The article doesn’t mention anything sane people don’t already know. The mainstream media is all about left-wing propaganda. The media and DNC fear a free people, especially free people who are armed with intelligence, facts, and guns.

  4. Porpaganda mainsteeam fake news media are brainwashed from
    Anti America socialism that Rock Bottom of credible new net that most of people are Turn off the New on TV,
    I’m Refuse listen BS and I won’t wached,

  5. Just know when the taxes get raised, and the democrats make more needy people then what will happen will make the great depression look like dust on your hand. Make sure to go blame all your democrat friends

  6. WAKE TFU. Expose the truth. Trump could not take a S*** without it making a news scandal. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Brain damage appears to be what the news media wants in office, this is including Pelosi whom is showing signs of dementia.

  7. This is a case of WAKE TFU. Expose the truth. Trump could not take a S*** without it making a news scandal. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Brain damage appears to be what the news media wants in office, this is including Pelosi whom is showing signs of dementia.

  8. Is there no stopping the biased media? I’m old enough to remember when we looked to the newspapers for news and information we could trust. What happened? If not for the biased reporting, we would still have our Pres. Trump where we need him.

  9. He never will admit his stupid mistakes.
    Hell he probably doesn’t even know what he does say.

    They really dont care if Americans get the virus or die.

    It’s all about their agenda. They cant even leave poor President Trump alone even now.

    According to the government our borders arent in crisis.
    Theres no problem allowing us to have thousands of illegals in the country.
    Whether or not they have the virus isnt a worry.

    Look how much murders ,rapes,violence and drugs have occured .

    The bordering states are to support them? To teach them ? Course our kids cant attend school

    They are fed 3 meals a day.With all the jobs lost,some of our families have no food.

    Many Americans out on the streets.
    No food,no clothing, no home.
    Isnt this OUR country ????
    More and more is taken from us.
    More and more our country is collapsing.

    Their placing children in foster homes while our children have no one accepting them that are homeless.

    This country is socialist.
    Dictated by communist.
    If this government is not stopped we will be a third world country.

    Pigloski, horrendous harris,Schumer, shift waters ,McConnell, Cortez, Omar, all these “Dick tators ” all need removed from office and sent to the borders.
    No protection which is what their doing to us.

    Sorry I’m rambling,but this seriously pisses me off !!!!!

  10. It’s time for Biden and his buddies to be thrown out of the government. They are power hungry idiots without a real plan for America. I am embarrassed to tell anyone I am from America. What a disaster the DemonRats have brought to a once great nation!!!

  11. I recognized the discrimination in news reporting 60 years ago. At that time there was not a Fox News or Newsmax to help clarify the news.

  12. Biden is nothing more than a patsy and if anything goes wrong who do you think everyone will blame. The people actually running the country have nothing to lose. Biden just does what he is told and reads the teleprompter but has no clue what he says. His famous words before the feed was cut off (i guess they want me to take questions now) and at that moment the feed was cut.

  13. When news becomes so biased in it’s reporting they cross over a slim line from editorial writing to propaganda writing and talking. Talking heads with a biased toward a people that continually listen to them and pave the way for more of this non waving flag movement. Don’t kid ourselves these pundits and News organizations are well financed and are not just a threat to our freedom they are the tool to the destruction of this nation’s liberties. News when accurately reported is a guide to how and when the people of this nation need to speak out and protect our liberties. When that news is the opposite so is the outcome of the people. The democrats have used the media since the days of the Irish mob use in Boston in the late 1800’s.. The democrats have always been a voice for the Mafia, Mob actions and they are no different today with one exception. Today they out and out tell you they are using the mobs like BLM, and NATIFA and they are controlling the News media to tell these stories as it make since to do so for Democrat Leadership

  14. They have been hiding behind their press “privilege” for far too long. It is time the LIAR-SPREADERS in the press get locked up, as they are, and have been, promoting sedition!!

  15. In one appearance when he finished reading he actually asked Nancy what she wanted him to do. So we know who’s running the puppet called President.

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