The establishment media continues to run like clockwork, and the phony narratives that former Vice President Joe Biden leads in the polls are right on time. Of course, intelligent Americans are not buying a single fake news headline because we know how this sequel ends.
In the run-up to the 2016 election, fake news media outlets barraged voters with lopsided polling data that proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that Hillary Clinton would emerge victoriously, and conservatives should not bother voting. As Biden cowers from COVID-19 in a basement tossing criticism at a president bringing the country back from the brink, some of the most bizarre polls are surfacing.
Outlets such as Real Clear Politics are touting Biden leading the Commander-in-Chief in “Battleground States” such as Utah. The only problem with that ridiculously biased “poll” is that Utah remains a solidly Red State. President Trump earned 515,231 votes, outpacing Hillary’s 310,676 in 2016. Utah Independent Evan McMullin nearly caught Hillary at 243,690. RCP goes on to include heavily Republican North Carolina and Texas in “Battleground States” the Obama-era flunky would win if the election were today. Nonsense.
Outlets such as left-leaning USA Today and the Morning Joe opinion show are trying to convince voters in true Battleground States that Biden leads in Michigan and Pennsylvania. The media hacks aren’t really fooling anyone by claiming these key states as swinging away from President Trump. The electoral votes add up to the stuttering, befuddled Democrat topping the 270 mark for the win. Add Michigan, 16, Pennsylvania, 20, Utah, 6, and North Carolina, 15, to Hillary’s 232 tally in 2016, and Biden would win a nail-biter at 289. The math is pretty nifty, and the narrative transparent.
But the establishment and fake news hacks are crafting their own supporting hoax to back up the outlandish claims. You may want to be seated to laugh at this one, but sources such as USA Today are insinuating the young voters of the Bernie Sanders socialist movement are prepared to throw full support by the racist, sexist, bigoted, hair-sniffing, corruption-scandal-riddled former Obama number two.
“Most young voters prefer Bernie Sanders, but that doesn’t mean they won’t vote for former Vice President Joe Biden in a November election against President Donald Trump, according to a new poll released Thursday by the Harvard Institute of Politics,” USA Today reports. “Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, holds a 60%-30% lead over Trump among likely voters ages 18 to 29 years old, the poll found, only one point below a 62%-31% lead Sanders, the Vermont senator, would have among young voters if he were the nominee.”
Everyday Americans may recall how many of these young Bernie enthusiasts turned out to put the first Democrat women in the White House — not many.
Fake news media outlets such as CNN recently claimed President Trump trailed by as much as 12 percent in the polls, and MSNBC had him behind by 10 percent. If you stop and think about it, those claims are less bold than in 2016. We all know how that turned out.
As I said before, I do not listen or respond to CNN, MSNBC, NYT or any Liberal polls, they are fake, phony.
C’mon Hillary, better jump in there so you can experience a loser trifecta. Still have my signs of “Hillary for Prison” waiting to be posted all over town.
Who d’ya suppose is behind this Biden hatchet job ? Hillary has taken great pains to keep her ‘ I swallowed the Canary ‘ face in the media. She’s just the one who could concoct an assault on Biden from the ‘ sexual predator ‘ angle which she seems to favor . . . and knowing full well that the Republicans would pick up the mantra in retaliation for the Democrat sexual assault attack on Trump!
If her coup is successful at the DNC convention, then the Republicans will have a field day dragging out all the old Hillary smut, plus a few NEW accusations and she’ll be defeated again!
To Hell with Most media!
How about Fox News Polls? – Worse than any other, then displayed in all of their shows.
Seriously? Just because you don’t like the results doesn’t mean the polls are bad. Most polling data is weighted and results reflect the bias. Anyone who cannot process that is going to be disappointed in November.
For those who do not believe that the mainstream US media are, intentionally and deliberately, fake news, they should recall the day of the US presidential election in 2004 when the New York Times published a front page news that “according to its exit polls taken from those who had just voted for their preference for president of the United States on that day, it (meaning the new York Times) had detected “a strong current” across the country (meaning the United States) in favor of the Democratic Presidential nominee, John Kerry” (John Kerry as you might remember lost that election and later became, unfortunately, Secretary of State in the Obama Administration). John Kerry used to be referred to by the sobriquet “the tall guy”, is currently serving as the self appointed consigliere to the Islamic Iran guiding those murderous and plundering Ayatollahs in the murky waters that President Trump has shoved them into, and Mr. Kerry is hoping that the Democrats would be back in power by November and once again the Democratic party can play their paddy cake game of money with the lovely Ayatollahs!!) That announcement by the New York Times on that November day in 2004 even led some European media to mistakenly believe that the election was being won by the Democrats and they began printing the life story and background details of Mr. Kerry and showing film clips of his life on their networks. A New York Times lady reporter was even shown exhibiting exhilaration (almost ready to dance with happiness) on said news by NWT exclaiming that “if these numbers (meaning those so called exit polls) held, George W Bush would be out of a job by the end of the day”. Well, those numbers didn’t hold and no such “strong current”, and not even a weak current, existed on that day in favor of Mr. Kerry, and as usual the New York Times was, as they are doing today, lying in their teeth, making up the news and trying to manipulate and influence the voters who were still going to the polling stations to vote. All throughout that voting day and the day after, in November 2004, as the votes were being counted, President George W Bush stayed comfortably and steadily ahead of challenger Kerry (both in popular and electoral votes) and not only won his second term to Office but the Republicans also gained seats and increased their majority in both houses of Congress. Even the Democratic leader in the Senate, Tom Daschle, lost his seat. Where on that date the New York Times had found the “strong current across the nation” it claimed in favor of Mr. Kerry? It could have only happened in their own fraudulent mind. Such fraudulent journalistic practices are not new to the New York Times and to other fake news media.
One could also remember the Washington Post who on the “eve of the elections” in 1980 confidently announced that “according to their latest polls President Carter (“The Man from the Plains”!!) had moved ahead of challenger Ronald Reagan in public opinion for the job of presidency of the United States!! This startling news was even quoted by ABC News on that night (the eve of the elections 1980), however, within a few hours from said announcement, by as early as 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on the election day 1980, all three major networks (including ABC) announced that according to their projections they were declaring Governor Reagan as the winner of the presidential election. By 12 noon even President Carter acknowledged and conceded defeat and telephoned Ronald Reagan and congratulated him. In fact it was the largest, and I’m sorry to say, the most humiliating defeat an incumbent president of the United States had ever suffered in his reelection campaign. The scale of Reagan’s victory (which was repeated four years later) was so great that on his coattails the control of US Senate was taken back from the Democrats after 26 years. Whom then the Washington Post had been polling on the eve of that election that led them to such lopsidedly mistaken conclusion? The answer: from nowhere, they just made it up and weren’t even caring that within only a few hours they would be proven so laughably wrong. Now, aren’t they fake news?
Sam Nariman
Here’s some real news. Biden is a liar and a coward. Tara Reade is a brave and a great American lady.
Tara is just another pawn on the chess board. She was urged to ‘ come forward ‘ by either The Committee to Re-elect Trump, OR a DNC faction that wants to sink Biden’s ship and insert a more preferable candidate. Given her history of having been a Biden staffer and a solid Democrat voter/supporter all her life, I strongly suspect a DNC coup.
These fake poles may have a major backfire result on the Democrats. They are assuming that just by the very mention of Biden being in the lead in the poles that the rest of the country will behave like sheep and vote Biden. The assumption being that if so many are pro Biden or he is in the lead that we should vote for him. This premise is faulty because it assumes that people cannot think for themselves and will just toss their support with the so called majority of the people voting democrat.
I do not believe for one moment that the American people are that insane and stupid. Why would anyone vote for a government leader that is against America. Supports infanticide and abortion. Supports Euthanasia. Supports transgenderism. Is anti Christian. Is against free speech. Wants to disarm law abiding citizens. Supports Bill Gates and his poisonous vaccines. Activity supports the Islamic take over of America. Supports Communists. Was partially responsible for the Iran deal Nuclear money laundering deal, that jepordized the safety of all the people.
Why would the people vote to support the very leaders who have openly admitted they support the destruction of the country and support taking directives from the UN?
A vote for liberal; Democrats and All Socialists is a vote for the destruction of freedom all over the world and the murder and enslavement of all of us who are free.
Thomas Pratt
That’s what happened in 2008 and 2012.
Just think you Dummycrats what goes around comes arounds, Fake news will get you nowhere,lyeing Hillard will not help you
i will never vote for a democrat again,you cant trust them they beleive their own lies.
Said it all in a nutshell. May God bless all Americans including all the brain damaged liberals.
The problem is this… fake polls lead a large portion of the public to believe their candidate can be elected, when in fact, he can’t. No one in his or her “right mind” can believe Biden can get elected dog catcher. Too old, too senile, too corrupt in many ways. I’m an independent who votes all over the map but at the moment my map doesn’t include many Democrats. And that’s their fault. They’ve gone off the planet in many respects and their way too old in their leadership. I’m not alone and that’s a problem for Democrats.
One more thought… like him or not, Trump will chew Biden into little pieces and spit him out during any debate that might take place between the two. Biden’s about as nimble as a concrete block encased in ice.
The everyday American voter will look at these poles and think “OMG, I thought Trump had it sewed up! Guess I better get out and vote after all. Can’t have ole Sleepy in there”.
The Mainstream Liars following the orders of their Chinese Communist Party and Democratic Communist/Socialist Party of the USSA. Bought and paid for propagandist.
The Republican Party honors God.
The Democrat party honors Satan.
I choose God.
Who do you choose?
US Citizens were forced to base their votes on who was running for office and not the Party of that person during the 2016 President Election. This basically made polls obsolete. Voting the Party-line has not served the nation for the last fifty years. Politicians have been taking the value of a citizen’s vote for decades and the voters have had enough Political Correctness. The people now know that being Political Correct only applies to people deemed Political Correct. They saw this clearly when a person who clearly committed criminal acts was allowed to run for office in 2016. Lying to Congress is a criminal offense. Lying to the nation should be.
In regard to Political Correctness, now the US Citizens are forced to vote for a candidate who is not fully mentally qualified to become our next President, he is also just another corrupted person by being Political Correct. It seems the major motivation to get elected as a Party Member is more important than giving the people what they want or need. This applies to all politicians, not just Democrats. The US Constitution and Rule of Law be damned.
Our US Congress is broken and needs fixing NOW. If it is not, the nation will turn Communist sooner than later. We already have people screaming Socialism Now. Who is saying Socialism is good and our Republic is bad? The politicians when they say “it’s the right thing to do”. Following Rule of Law is the ONLY “right thing to do”.
I see hundreds of national polls every day and so far Trump is leading on every one of them. These are not weighted polls and anyone who wants to can vote. I particularly love the polls on the Publishers Clearing House website. The smallest lead for Trump is 65% to 35% today.
For those who do not believe that the mainstream US media are, intentionally and deliberately, fake news, they should recall the day of the US presidential election in 2004 when the New York Times published a front page news that “according to its exit polls taken from those who had just voted for their preference for president of the United States on that day, it (meaning the new York Times) had detected “a strong current” across the country (meaning the United States) in favor of the Democratic Presidential nominee, John Kerry” (John Kerry as you might remember lost that election and later became, unfortunately, Secretary of State in the Obama Administration). John Kerry used to be referred to by the sobriquet “the tall guy”, is currently serving as the self appointed consigliere to the Islamic Iran guiding those murderous and plundering Ayatollahs in the murky waters that President Trump has shoved them into, and Mr. Kerry is hoping that the Democrats would be back in power by November and once again the Democratic party can play their paddy cake game of money with the lovely Ayatollahs!!) That announcement by the New York Times on that November day in 2004 even led some European media to mistakenly believe that the election was being won by the Democrats and they began printing the life story and background details of Mr. Kerry and showing film clips of his life on their networks. A New York Times lady reporter was even shown exhibiting exhilaration (almost ready to dance with happiness) on said news by NWT exclaiming that “if these numbers (meaning those so called exit polls) held, George W Bush would be out of a job by the end of the day”. Well, those numbers didn’t hold and no such “strong current”, and not even a weak current, existed on that day in favor of Mr. Kerry, and as usual the New York Times was, as they are doing today, lying in their teeth, making up the news and trying to manipulate and influence the voters who were still going to the polling stations to vote. All throughout that voting day and the day after, in November 2004, as the votes were being counted, President George W Bush stayed comfortably and steadily ahead of challenger Kerry (both in popular and electoral votes) and not only won his second term to Office but the Republicans also gained seats and increased their majority in both houses of Congress. Even the Democratic leader in the Senate, Tom Daschle, lost his seat. Where on that date the New York Times had found the “strong current across the nation” it claimed in favor of Mr. Kerry? It could have only happened in their own fraudulent mind. Such fraudulent journalistic practices are not new to the New York Times and to other fake news media.
One could also remember the Washington Post who on the “eve of the elections” in 1980 confidently announced that “according to their latest polls President Carter (“The Man from the Plains”!!) had moved ahead of challenger Ronald Reagan in public opinion for the job of presidency of the United States!! This startling news was even quoted by ABC News on that night (the eve of the elections 1980), however, within a few hours from said announcement, by as early as 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on the election day 1980, all three major networks (including ABC) announced that according to their projections they were declaring Governor Reagan as the winner of the presidential election. By 12 noon even President Carter acknowledged and conceded defeat and telephoned Ronald Reagan and congratulated him. In fact it was the largest, and I’m sorry to say, the most humiliating defeat an incumbent president of the United States had ever suffered in his reelection campaign. The scale of Reagan’s victory (which was repeated four years later) was so great that on his coattails the control of US Senate was taken back from the Democrats after 26 years. Whom then the Washington Post had been polling on the eve of that election that led them to such lopsidedly mistaken conclusion? The answer: from nowhere, they just made it up and weren’t even caring that within only a few hours they would be proven so laughably wrong. Now, aren’t they fake news?
Sam Nariman