Far-Left Rep. Pramila Jayapal Brags that Joe Biden is “Movable”

Recent comments by progressive Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal cast serious doubt on the narrative that former Vice President Joe Biden is leading a “moderate” ticket for the Democratic Party.

Many people wondered if Biden’s selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as a running mate was a slap in the face of progressive voters. However, according to Rep. Jayapal, progressives have nothing to worry about because the former vice-president is “movable”.

“He is movable, he is listening, and he does understand that we need turnout from young people, from folks of color, and I’m going to do everything I can to help get him elected,” she said during an interview on The Daily Show. ““And then, I’m going to be right out front making sure that we continue to push for the policies that we need as a country.”

Put in other terms, left-wing Democrats see Biden as a puppet that can be managed by the most radical members of his party.

Rep. Jayapal, the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, recently told Trevor Noah that she and other far-left activists have already been able to “significantly push” the former Vice-President to do things he hadn’t signed on to doing before. Furthermore, she added that she intends to keep pushing him to the left before the November elections and afterward if he becomes President of the United States.

While the statement is meant to encourage progressive voters who are wary of the Democratic Party after Sen. Sanders’ defeat in the primary season, it is likely to alarm anyone concerned about the far-left agenda and the effect it would have on the lives of ordinary citizens.

If far-left progressive lawmakers had their way, the United States would resemble a socialist nation more than a free one. Draconian legislation would make it impossible for people to work as freelancers as companies would be forced to pay everyone full-time wages and benefits. The Green New Deal would force landlords to invest in making their homes energy-friendly, and then rent these homes out for a set price to people who may not be able to pay for it.

It would shut down the oil, gas, and airline industries, putting tens of millions of people out of work. School choice would be a thing of the past. The Electoral College would be dumped in favor of a popular voting system. And if Rep. Jayapal’s statement is true, Joe Biden would are forced to sign off on all of it.

Those who think that Biden is “moderate” should look at the people who control him. The Democratic Party is rapidly moving to the far-left, and the former vice-president has surrounded himself with progressives such as Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Rep. Pramila Jayapal. While he refuses to publicly come out as progressive, that refusal may not last long.

Joe Biden, far from being a stable, centrist candidate, is telling the truth when he says that he is merely a “transitional” figure. It’s time we start to take that statement seriously.

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10 thoughts on “Far-Left Rep. Pramila Jayapal Brags that Joe Biden is “Movable””

  1. Isn’t this the horrible harpy who was so rude to Bill Barr a few weeks ago? So, the Left is populated with rude, entitled, folks with no self-awareness and no compassion and they are the ones out there speaking about compassion, self-awareness and civility.

  2. So why should we vote for a puppet?
    At least POTUS makes up his own mind.

    So who will debate? “PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE”

    Are we voting for “School Class President” ?
    OR a President of “OUR USA” ?


  3. Democratic Socialistic Nazis in Congress has lost every brain and all commonsense that an average person was born with, they are Stupid, Uneducated Morons. Their plan to save America is ti to turn it in a third world Socialist Pile of carppy Manure.

    They are against everything that American stands for, They hate the Constitution, they hate the rights of the legal citizen, Democrats stands for Nazi socialism of the 1940s, US law means nothing to them unless they can use it against a LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN. They act as if the LAW doesn’t mean a thing to them, they are LIARS, MURDERERS, THIEVES, and a total ASS HOLE.

    USMC who has the gut to serve, Democrat has NO GUTS, NO HONOR in themselves, they are the Devil spawn

  4. I want someone to study the K. Harris ancestors in Jamaica and give the American people the correct number of slaves that they owned. I have heard numbers from 70 to 80 slaves were their property. Before every black in America automatically votes for the Babeling Biden ticket, they should see just how BAD her lineage is. Maybe she would like to know.

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