On the afternoon of February 14, 2018, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz allegedly entered Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Florida, where he fatally shot 17 people and injured many more with an AR-15 rifle. Cruz had been expelled from the Florida school due to disciplinary issues. Once he completed his bloody reign of terror, Cruz reportedly fled the scene by attempting to blend in with the frantic, fleeing crowds of students.
After visits to a nearby Subway and a McDonald’s, police spotted Cruz walking down a sidewalk by himself. Cruz was apprehended without resisting arrest. Like many other cases of mass shootings, warnings signs were present. Unfortunately, the much maligned Federal Bureau of Investigation mishandled them badly. As a result, America is reeling from another senseless tragedy forever altering the lives of the victims’ family members and friends.
According to a statement released by the FBI on February 16, 2018, someone with close ties to Cruz reached out to the government agency on January 5, 2018. The FBI reported that this individual “provided information about Cruz’s gun ownership, desire to kill people, erratic behavior, and disturbing social media posts, as well as the potential of him conducting a school shooting.” Established protocols required the details of the caller to be evaluated as a potential threat to life. The FBI admitted the report was supposed to have been sent to the FBI Miami Field Office. At this point, appropriate investigative inquiries should have been taken.
Protocols weren’t followed. The FBI Miami Field Office never received the disturbing details about Cruz. No investigation was launched.
FBI Director Christopher Wray stated, “We are still investigating the facts. I am committed to getting to the bottom of what happened in this particular matter, as well as reviewing our processes for responding to information that we receive from the public. It’s up to all Americans to be vigilant, and when members of the public contact us with concerns, we must act properly and quickly.”
He also offered, “We have spoken with victims and families, and deeply regret the additional pain this causes all those affected by this horrific tragedy. All of the men and women of the FBI are dedicated to keeping the American people safe, and are relentlessly committed to improving all that we do and how we do it.”
Astoundingly, the FBI also botched another warning relating to Cruz in September of 2017. According to the Los Angeles Times, Ben Bennight discovered a disturbing comment under a video he posted to YouTube. The comment, written by someone referring to himself as Nikolas Cruz, read, “Im going to be a professional school shooter.” Alarmed, Bennight, who resides in Alabama, contacted the FBI. After a short investigation into the matter, the FBI closed the case. The government agency allegedly couldn’t identify the person who made the comment.
According to Fox News, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, called the FBI’s inability to follow protocols “inexusable.” The former Republican presidential candidate urged Congress to start its own investigation into the FBI’s unfathomable behavior. Florida Governor Rick Scott, Republican, went a step further asking Wray to resign. In a statement, Scott said, “The FBI’s failure to take action against this killer is unacceptable…seventeen innocent people are dead and acknowledging a mistake isn’t going to cut it. An apology will never bring these 17 Floridians back to life or comfort the families who are in pain. The families will spend a lifetime wondering how this could happen, and an apology will never give them the answers they desperately need.”
Sadly, this isn’t the first, or even the second, time a mass shooting followed the inaction of the FBI. In 2015, a glitch in the FBI’s background-checking structure enabled Dylann Roof to buy a gun, which he used to murder nine parishioners at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina. In 2009, the FBI was blamed for a failure to act on emails between Nadal Hasan and terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. Hasan murdered 13 individuals at Fort Hood, Texas.
Wray replaced the fired James Comey at the FBI a mere six months ago. He’s come under intense pressure from Republicans during his tumultuous, short tenure. Besides the FBI’s tragic oversights concerning Cruz, the government agency is dealing with blatant signs of bias in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into possible collusion between President Trump and Russia.
~ Conservative Zone
While passing out blame how about some for all the kids at that school who saw that he was troubled and did nothing to help.
Children in school have no responsibility to report aberrant behavior of fellow students, although it might help.
This is an adult issue, and despite hearing and recording two separate telephone warnings, FBI did nothing.
However FBI has been diligent in their efforts to get a Constitutionally elected president impeached.
I wonder what the special agents tell their OWN kids why they screwed up so badly?
Sanjosemike(no longer in CA)
San Jose Mike
I disagree with your statement that kids don’t have any responsibility to report on a fellow student. That statement in itself is irresponsible. It’s the reason young people don’t take responsibility for their own actions. I’m not saying it was their fault. It was definitely the responsibility of adult law enforcement. The FBI dropped the ball. BUT kids need to be taught responsibility from per-school age. A big part of our young generation blame all their mistakes on someone else.
We are waiting for the resignation of the head of the FBI ..
It seems to me that is cut and dried why the FBI and the JUSTICE system is not to be trusted.It has been getting more and more corrupt for 35 40 years maybe more. Enter Hillary and Bill doing anything that brings in money,drug trafficking,human trafficking,selling uranium to russia,fraud in elections, it is suspected and almost a sure thing because of circumstances and lately hit men admitting that they were payed by the Clinton’s to protect them, it goes on and on.they are connected with all the dirt and with the other traitors.This started years ago and nothing was done and so they got bolder and bolder and have the whole system wrapped up with their evil ,illegal money for blackmail.There are many more than the Clinton’s involved but they are sure involved.The evidence is brought out daily of all these many traitors including the fake of fakes Barry/Obama and they are still walking,excuse me being chauffeured around and still doing their evil.WHY are they not brought to JUSTICE. I still want to know who gave the order to shoot the rancher to two FBI agents sworn to protect the citizens of this country.The aforementioned said “The men and women of the FBI are dedicated to keeping the people of this country safe” piss poor job. You are not living up to your oath and in my mind are enemy’s of the country that you have sworn to protect. I believe in the military that would be desertion and call for a firing squad.
Wherever the Clinton’s go, there is a lingering smell of feces.
Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)
The blood of those young people killed is own all those senators and representatives that are taking money from the NRA, and do not want to ban assault weapons. Shame on you guys. We are going to see all of you on JUDGEMENT DAY.
I agree that many government systems have been compromised and politicized. However, I don’t agree, other than notification, that the FBI has the responsibility to police local problems. That is NOT their role. This problem was created by local authorities who did nothing and have been handcuffed by liberal laws which basically make it illegal to arrest anyone and hold them or commit them to a mental health facility if they haven’t committed a crime yet. Basically many, many people knew this kid was nuts by no one did anything because our laws don’t allow it. Talk to your state representatives who have caused this and many other problems. I won’t go into why here except to say they are more interested in whose funding their next campaign and how they will get rich off of it.
NRA has nothing to do with this
It seems both the FBI and CIA are having a hard time to follow men who have come under their surveillance for possible future criminal activity (or terrorism). Seems to me they need to restructure their surveillance program. Obama and the Obama Administration did a lot of Harm to this Country
The FBI was and is absorbed in covering its own trail of cowardice sewn as it tried to cover the foulness of Hillary Clinton. They , with many others, believed she would be the current president and, therefore, an indictment for criminal activity was not possible, Very simple…and FOUL. NRA has nothing to do with this atrocity. Fire everybody at the FBI down to the janitors.
The entire upper FBI struckure should be fired with no back pay or retirement income–the first one comey-and alot more–The current person in chARGE SHOULD STAY–BUT HE SHOULD INVESTIGATE THE ENTIRE UPPER STRUCTURE OF THE FBIe AND KICK THEM OUT–ALSO, ALL MEMBERS WHO WERE FOLLOWING THE DEMOS IN THE Pssed year aND DOING WHAT THEY ASK SHOULD BE GONE–THE DEMOCATICS SHOULD All face actions as to their cmplacence –and all should be released with no right to work as an agent of any kind for the law enforcement. They were all working for the democarTICS TO GET HILLARY ELECTED.. TIME FOR COMPLETE ACTION OF FIRED,,, IF THEY ASK FOR COURT–AND ARE FOUND GULITY THEY SHOULKD SERVE MINMUM OF 25 YEARS AT THE MILITARY PRISON IN KANAS.
Heads should roll. People should be fired for these mistakes. The FBI has lost touch with what they do … it is time for someone to fix that / get them back on track and it will not happen with the people in place now. Fire people / start over again.
the NRA all ways get’s BLAMED. IT’S ALL THE NUT’S OUT THEIR.
True – The FBI and the local Police by agency killed thge students at parkland school.
Their anti gun policy makers and administrators just wanted to do nothing – given all the evidence that the shooter was stereotype typical of such shooters world wide. The leftist police leadership knew all they had to do was wait, then make excuses, and obfuscate after it happened. No one gets fired, no one loses their pensions, and the leftist mantra of “the ends justify the means” moves the socialist agenda ahead once again.
To the unbalanced mind of the liberal their is no political benefit to stopping a catastrophe
Well other than the FBI what about ALL these other folks that were aware that this kid was mentally disturbed. Don’t we have social workers in these school systems, where we they, how about the administration, what about the local school board. It’s not, and perhaps they are the least culpable in my opinion, the responsibility of the FBI to monitor local problems. They are concerned with more national threats and criminals who rob banks, conduct criminal enterprises across state lines, etc. The local people were not only much closer to this issue, the mental health of this kid, they had the authority and responsibility to protect the kids at that school. Evidently, a lot of people thought this fellow had some loose screws in his head yet they did nothing. No counselling, no mental health evaluation, no psychiatrist, no commitment to a mental institution, zero, nothing. Why is that? Aren’t we paying these people to do this job and why then wasn’t anything done.
Henry – Things like that happen anytime there is a “Gun Free Zone” which is an open invitation for something like that because the gunner knows NOBODY will resist him because there are NO guns allowed in that area. It just goes to show you that no matter how many gun laws you have, they will be ignored by the mentally incompetent or the criminal.
F.B.I is incompetent!! That being said fire the higher ups and some of the regular agents. They are performing at an all day long coffee break level. Paying no attention to real crimes. They probably could have stopped the Vegas incident also. Time to reinstall other responsible people into our top law enforcement agencies. Stop playing politics and start doing your jobs!!!
The FBI are partly responsible, Broward County school board, Eric Holder and Barack Obama share a great deal of the blame as well. Worth reading is an article by Sundance at theconservativetreehouse.com The article explains in detail policies enacted called “diversionary programs” and were essentially about stopping High School students from being arrested. The article is titled “School Shooting Was Outcome of Broward County School Board Policy – Now Local and National Politicians Weaponize Kids for Ideological Intents…” One very important part of the article alludes to the fact that if Nickolas Cruz had been arrested and booked for one of at least 41 disciplinary actions taken against him by the school system, he would have been on file and the FBI data base would have denied him the right to buy the weapon he used to murder 17 American citizens. A grim story of yet more government overreach into our lives. Worth reading the entire article.
I cannot believe that the FBI is that incompetent. More like the powers that are in charge at the FBI decided to ignore the warning signs in hopes of a mass shooting happening that could be used as an excuse to promote more restrictive gun control. The FBI has been corrupted by Democrats and filled with some employees that are doing the bidding of the Democratic Party, instead of enforcing the law and justice.
This is another example of a bumbled undercover action instigated by the FBI (Like the The Fast and Furious Disaster) designed to mislead the American People into insisting on unnecessary gun control measures.
If the Democrats were really interested in saving lives, they would stop taxing the middle class out of existence, they would pass mental health support legislation, they would pass legislation to restrict the use of alcohol, they would limit illegal immigration, they would stop promoting abortion as birth control, they would stop passing laws decriminalizing crimes, they would stop trying to legalize drugs, and they would build more prisons to punish the criminals, and protect the innocent citizens.
I don’t think the FBI (deep State) “handlers” IGNORED the warning…. they utilized it. I believe they saw an “opportunity” to “use” a loose cannon” to carry out their deep state “plan” to AGAIN attempt to push for the DEMOCOMMUNIST “‘golden goose” of “GUN CONTROL.” How else would a “dollar store employee” get the funds for an expensive AR 15 AND all the accessories to go with it, and the “instruction” of how to use it? I also think the “sheriff” “instructed his officers to stand down for maximum carnage.
After all he is a “close personal friend” of HITLERY ROTTEN CLINTOON. (need I say more?)
Yes, blame everyone except the NRA. By the way, during the last election cycle Marco Rubio received $3,303,355; John McCain received 7,740,521; the GOP received $17,385,437. These are not made up numbers. Receipts are available for those who wish to see them. Why are we so fixated on guns in this country? It’s disgusting.
What are you going to do if a man with a gun breaks in to your house, & starts shooting at you & your family? How do you defend yourself? The MAIN reason for the 2nd Amendment was to protect the GOOD guys from the BAD guys in government. Once they disarm us, we become just like the Germans when Hitler confiscated their guns, sitting ducks.
I live in Colorado and after Columbine all school in District 6 have ALL school doors locked. They installed a small camera in the wall and it has a button you push to notify the staff in the office that there is someone outside by the doors and they can see you in the camera. If they can not they tell you to step infront of the camera. If they do not know you and you can not tell them who and why you are there you are NOT let in. Also, they can see if it is a student that has been exspelled and would know to not let that x student in the school and can notify authorities. The one thing I have noticed is that the person that has gone into the schools and done this horrifing thing to these kids is just walking in. Which leads me to think these schools do not have ALL school doors locked. Yes it’s a pain in the butt to have to push a button and wait for someone to let you in to get your child or for a meeting or whatever. However, it’s at least a step in the right direction in keeping the kinds safe. So I’m sorry people it’s not just the government, it’s not just the gun laws. The school districts can do things too to help protect the kids that are in their schools. And I did not just bring up Columbine as an example, which it was. My one son knew a few kids that went to school at Columbine and one was a girl that died that day because of the shooter being able to just enter the school and yes because he got ahold of guns. However, one thing I am grateful for for the school districts in Colorado is they have atleast tried to help protect our kids that go to their schools. Obviously I am sure there is still more that can be done. But the school districts NEED to step up also.
Two words. Deep state. Nobody is that much of a screw up in the F.B.I., they don’t hire idiots. I wonder if this was intentionally botched just like the fast and furious gun running scandal. Is this how the deep state would get Trump to abdicate on gun control?
Do the people who sell the arms have children, do the people who do not make the laws more strict about arms, have children? apparently no, they are not the ones losing their loved ones, so…
You are wrong! Most conservatives have families just like everybody else. And, they lose their children too. Not just to guns, but drunk driving illegals, or rapists, or any other number of things. Most of the people that were shot in that Vegas shooting were conservative, gun carrying people. So it’s NOT just liberals. And, actually, liberals don’t usually lose their children in massacres. If they did, they’d understand the 2nd Amendment. If they disarm America, we can kiss this country good bye.
Bill Clinton made schools target rich environments when he had schools designated as “gun free zones”. Since schools have been declared such, criminals have not once played shoot’em up at school because criminals follow all the laws that the rest of us follow. Oh, they’re criminals thats right, they don’t follow the law. You can’t legislate morality. Inanimate objects do not kill people, people kill people. Anything can be weaponized when used for unintended purposes. Outlawing guns or attachments to guns is not the solution. The root cause needs to be addressed. Young people are not spending enough time interacting face to face. These children are watching violent movies, playing violent video games, listening to music with violent lyrics and are becoming desensitized to violence. We have had access to guns in this country since we were colonies, and yet school shootings are a recent phenomenon. We really need to figure out the root cause and fix it.
We need a completely new FBI.
I say that the FBI was quite competent & complicit in this obvious false flag. There is more than enough evidence to raise an issue of doubt on the Internet that the complicit Media won’t touch. Not to mention the speed & organization of the students march & protests. It smells of pre-event planning. All that aside as my purpose is to posit a much deeper & overlooked drug issue. That is the deliberate doping of the patsy. How does one get a candidate to execute such a crime? Answer: scopolamine. A drug developed by our clandestine agencies after WW2. When administered, It makes one an obedient zombie with no external signs & symptoms. Conscience is removed. You execute the crime. A little pre-rehearsal by by the presiding alphabet agency & the usual drills that accompany & voila! The best part is no recollection whatsoever by the patsy. Can we trust our agencies to administer an immediate toxicology to determine what drug the subject was under the influence of? Probably not as it would be potentially incriminating. This & all the other crap that the FBI & other agencies are fomenting is reason enough to end them & start from scratch.
Well, the Broward County police dept deserves a bigger share of the blame than the FBI. The local police were called to Cruz’s home THIRTY NINE times because of violence. Either toward his adoptive mother, or his younger brother. Then we have the Children’s Services, who decided he wasn’t a threat. And, then we have the psycho therapist who said he wasn’t a threat to himself, or to others. So a lot more people than just the FBI are to blame. The sheriff says they are investigating to see if officers dropped the ball. Duh! You reckon? And, then we have the idiot resource ARMED officer, who hid outside while the shooting was going on, plus other officers that arrived, also stayed outside, rather than going in & trying to stop this kid. Who knows how many lives might have been saved if that dufus deputy had done his job. And, one reason he was able to shoot so many, is because there was supposed to be a police drill, with them shooting blanks, to show the kids what to do in an active shooting. This whole affair could’ve been prevented if even ONE person had done their job right.
The FBI appear to be an arm of the Democrats to attack their political opponent!
the DOJ and FBI need to be reorganized from top to bottom and have fresh blooded personnel that work on creative ideas and according to the law.