Florida Labs Omit Negative COVID-19 Test Results

A number of Florida laboratories have been found to have misreported their coronavirus tests rates. According to the Florida Deptartment of Health, “many laboratories have reported 0% negative tests.”

These labs are saying that every single person they have tested is positive for the coronavirus. Even amid a true pandemic, that is highly mathematically improbable.

In many examples, it has become glaringly obvious that the labs expected not to have their claims questioned. But when Fox News asked the Orlando Health laboratory for confirmation of their claimed 98% positive infection rate, the lab was only able to provide support for 9% of positive results. That means that 89% of their positive tests were unable to be verified. For anyone who is not familiar with the way things are done in the healthcare industry, missing that amount of documentation is an egregious level of incompetence or negligence.

Similarly, the Orlando Veteran’s Medical Center reported a 76% rate of positive tests but was only able to verify 6% of them when asked.

On Tuesday, the Florida state health department said all Florida labs will be required to report all coronavirus tests whether they are positive or negative. Most notably, the department reported that most private labs were not reporting negative results.

At present, Florida is reporting approximately 12,000 new cases every day. That’s an increase of 2,000 per day over the previous month. On the same day that the Florida health department announced its new requirements, 132 Florida COVID-19 deaths were reported.

However, the fact that hospitals receive as much as $13,000 for every single reported COVID case, remains an underlying cause behind the false reporting epidemic. What’s more, when all of this is said and done, lawmakers behind the legislation that encourages false reporting could be considered complicit in the nationwide push to constrain the freedoms and economic viability of all Americans.

Back in 2018 the so-called comedian Bill Maher showed the total disregard leftists have for the majority of Americans by wishing that a recession would hit to erode support for President Donald Trump. Elections do hinge powerfully on economic conditions faced by voters, and it is for this reason that many Trump supporters suspect that Democrats are ginning up the COVID crisis to destabilize the economy.

Whether this conspiracy theory is true or not, the effect on the economy of the pandemic is undeniably bad. It is not incorrect to notice that the majority of mayors and other leaders who are pushing the lockdown orders most fervently are Democrats.

But amid all the panic, both organic and orchestrated, there have been many reports of hospitals, labs, and mortuaries attributing non-COVID deaths to the virus. Many healthcare workers have risked their livelihoods to report that people who die of unrelated injuries or conditions have COVID-19 listed as the cause of death even when they have died for other reasons.

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17 thoughts on “Florida Labs Omit Negative COVID-19 Test Results”

  1. Time to take the money from the hospital’s that are falsifying the numbers. This is no joke this is a political move by the demoncrats. To gain more power if you people can’t see this you are just as dumb as the rest of the world. They even got caught on a hot mic in the beginning fox had a hot mic going and low and behold one guy had his mask on and the rest said you don’t need that this whole thing is not bad at all and we have a vaccine for it. These politicians and news media are lying to us all this has got to stop. We don’t want communism in our country and we won’t let it happen I would rather go to every house and senate buildings and pull these tyrants out and try them for their high crimes of treason and punish the all by the laws in our Constitution tar and feathers then hang them for their crimes this corrupt government has done enough damage to our country time for them to all pay the price.

  2. The Dems have tried every scam they could over the last 4 years to remove a president that does what he says he will and is for the people. I think this is another attempt to make him look bad. New York gov Cuomo has blood on his hands for sending COVID-19 patients back to nursing homes after Trump had The Javits center restructured to serve for this purpose.

  3. When is the truth going to be told by ALL the so called “news” media? Americans deserve to know the real truth about this whole situation and how the Socialists are destroying our democracy! Enough is enough! Time to boycott the mainstream media!

  4. Like I’ve been saying all along this virus is a Democrat scare tactic to control people. The Flu is real, and IF there is such a thing as COVID it was fabricated by Soros and the Dems to make people think Trump is at fault !!! They are doing a great job at controlling this country and they think REAL Americans are too stupid to see through their BS.
    Vote Trump and a FULL RED Ticket in November !!!! This is the only way to stop the insanity !!! Of course, Then they will move on to something else !!!

  5. Everyone please read : Nicaragua Betrayed, By Somoza The left destroyed this great Patriot and their trying to do the same to our Great President Donald Trump as well as Destroy the USA just like they did to Nicaragua a once Productive state turned into a wellfare state by the Left. Iran Contra was a result of the Betrayal of Jimmy Carter and the leftest Democrats.

  6. Why did Mr.Barr say that our former President, Barak Obama and Mr.Biden were exempt from being prosecuted. Old Cinese proverb says: ‘ When the fish starts stinking, it starts stinken from the head first.” DCP

  7. People of America are Not stupid, they are aware of the cheating, lying, killing of the POWER HUNGRY leftist dems….Sending those with this virus to nursing homes is just murder for the older residents at the homes…cuomo should be in prison or sent there himself…Florida LYING about how many folks have this virus…Over 90% that were tested were NEGATIVE!!!!!!!! Don’t let these LYING dems get away with this….VOTE all of them out in NOV…NO mail in votes that will somehow get lost…Go IN PERSON to vote and save YOUR country….

  8. Now we have another hot issue and that is the President’s order that all hospitals send their COVID data to the HHS first instead of sending it to CDC. I suspect he has a very good reason and part of it could be the hacking of our medical data and lab results of testing for a potential vaccine. If China and Russia want to be the most powerful country in the world, then to have a COVID vaccine first would be the answer for them. What better way to beat our wonderful President in the upcoming election than to have people believe that he is reporting false data to make him appear better. Mr. President, I believe you have our country’s best interest at heart. I know you have a good reason for changing the process relating to the reporting of the virus data. Hang in there!!

    1. The testing should be for Covid 19 only! We all have corona virus from colds or flu vaccines. I hope he can trust the HHS as people have lost faith in Fauci and the WHO.

    2. Sadly, Dr Fauci cannot be trusted to provide advice on C-19 as he has been in bed with his friends in WHO.
      Also, just like the hospitals cannot be trusted as they want the money- every C-19 patient receives federal money.
      The C-19 numbers testing positive cannot be trusted, as labs are not reporting negative tests, only positive test numbers.
      The media cannot be trusted because the have a hate President Trump agenda.
      BLM cannot be trusted because the have a political Marxist, anti government agenda.
      The Democrats cannot be trusted – Schiff, Shumer, Pelosi have told so many lies they no longer know what the truth is.
      Joe Biden cannot be trusted – he only says what someone else tells him to say and sadly he is out to lunch.
      Bernie Sanders can be trusted to say what he believes, but it is all false – free everything!
      Everything has become so very political, nothing can be trusted. Voting cannot be trusted, because the DNC has been trying to rig elections by mail fraud voting – just look at California allowing non-citizens to vote.
      Many of the churches can no longer be trusted – all they want is money – 501C-3 has stopped them from commenting on what is right or wrong, and not what the bible or what God says.
      The court system cannot be trusted, because the judges have become leftwing puppets that make up law to suit their agenda instead of what the Constitution says.
      The education system cannot be trusted because of leftwing agenda and propaganda, and control by the Teachers Union.
      Our neighbours cannot be trusted because we don’t know or care who they are.
      Trump can be trusted because he is the President. But then so was Obama – who only made things worse.

  9. Why is this not investigated or prosecuted? There are a lot of people who cannot leave their home or go to work, school,shopping or church (rioting and looting is ok)because they tested positive, and are not. I see a lot of class action lawsuits coming! Profiteering and politicalization of this virus is just wrong. I WILL remember this on Election Day!

  10. The testing should be for Covid 19 only! We all have corona virus from colds or flu vaccines. I hope he can trust the HHS as people have lost faith in Fauci and the WHO.

  11. OBAMA SHOULD BE PROSECUTED , ALONG WITH THOSE RATS UNDER HIM……..He was only in it for the money he could realize from his position………..He could care less about this Country, his wife also……..look how much he had when he left office……on a Presidents Salary?

    1. odumbo is the biggest POS in this country. He cares nothing about the American People, he proved it by his worthless presidency!!! Ask his little ‘Boy Toy’ Reggie who michael (michelle) couldn’t stand because he was getting all of odumbo’s time. (If you know what I mean). Google ‘Down Low Club’ in Chicago & that is all you will need to know. These treasonist demoncraps like piglosi, scammer, shit, touchy/feely joe, mad max,hitlery, fart boy (swawell), dirty dick (durbin) have ruined this country. soros should be arrested, all his assets confiscated & sent to Russia to be never heard from again. fauci is a disgrace for what he did with over $3.5 million dollars he gave to wohan labs to create this virus. This was all a set-up. He should be sent to prison, the little weasel. There is a revolution coming & I sure as hell don’t want to be a politician!!!

  12. The democrates have been trying to get rid of our president since he was elected, they will lie and make anything up
    to try to get people to believe them. President Trump has done a lot of good things for this country. Another thing you never hear is the president has not excepted a salary. Let vote for the President in 2020

  13. Has it occurred to anyone else that Florida, Texas and Arizona report the high test number of Covid cases? Do you think that mail in votes would be accurately counted coming from these shares? Lie about cases and lie about votes….I am fed up.

  14. Have Faith, Not Fear, no matter what the left, & the evil, among us has planned, God has His own Plan. There is an old saying, give them enough rope, & they will hang themselves. Just have faith, pray, & wait, for everything to happen just as it is suppose to. They do not call us the silent majority, for nothing, wait until November, & we shall see. May God Bless America, & May God Bless All Americans.

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