The Democrats have been oh so desperately trying to use the crooked courts to remove President Donald Trump’s name from the ballots in 2024 and at least one Democrat is admitting how truly dangerous this is for the future of America.
David Axelrod, one of Barack Obamas’ former top advisers is warning that these blatant election rigging efforts would be devastating to the country.
“I have very, very strong reservations about all of this,” Axelrod said of the rigging mission.
He went on to note that if the Democrats actually do succeed in keeping him off the ballot in any state – blocking MILLIONS of Americans for voting for him – it won’t turn out exactly how the left is hoping.
Axelrod believes that the authoritarian action of keeping Trump off the ballot will backfire big time on them, galvanizing tens of millions of more voters for him, while simultaneously exposing just how radical the left has truly become in recent years.
“I do think it would rip the country apart if he were actually prevented from running because tens of millions of people want to vote for him. I think if you are going to beat Donald Trump, you are going to have to do it at the polls,” he said.
Axelrod is certainly no fan of Trump – but even he can see that this is not going to end well for the Democrats – or America.
This warning comes after several states have seemingly gotten more comfortable with the idea of removing Donald Trump from the ballot, claiming that he violated the 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause, despite not having been found guilty of orchestrating an insurrection.
Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows removed Trump from the state’s primary ballot though after Maine GOP Chairman Joel Stetkis appealed the decision, it was reversed.
Before that, the Colorado Supreme Court filled with far-left activist judges ruled that Trump is ineligible to run in the state, but Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold reversed that decision and said Trump WILL appear on the ballot – pending a final ruling from the nation’s high court.
Axelrod predicts that the U.S. Supreme Court will take up Trump’s case “fairly quickly” and “will leave him” on the ballot but that’s not the real issue here.
This is all so concerning because blue states have decided that they’re going to use the false J6 narrative to try and justify removing Donald Trump’s name from the ballot, a move we would expect from communist countries like China – NOT America.
Ultimately there are two ways this could go.
The Democrats could keep pressing forward with trying to remove him from the ballot and manage to convince moderate voters that their reasoning is just, swaying the public’s opinion of the former president through mountains of propaganda.
Alternatively, what Axelrod fears most could happen, these efforts could backfire tremendously and actually make Trump more popular than EVER BEFORE!
The ultimate unanswered question is the insurrection that Trump has been accussed of and never been found to be guilty of. The speech and the security camera videos omitted from the Jan 6th scam investigation have proven beyond a doubt his innonce The biased Media has consealed evidence from the public and the Judicial system that proves the corrupted Gov, (SWAMP) who fear Trump and his First term to destroy their existence.
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Take a look at this……………………….
Not that I liked Trump but what I can’t accept is watching our Democracy being shredded by radical party democrats. With that being said, I have no choice but to vote solidly against this to preserve our republic. The 2nd Amendment guarantees that the citizens have a right and duty to stop tyranny when all else fails. Dems should cease this radical attempt to alter and interfere with the people’s right to decide.
Those crooked corrupt idiots will not
stop until they they get rid of Trump. They are petrified he will reveal their illegal shenanigans and prove the traitors they are. What I can’t comprehend is all the people who actually believe they are good for our country. It all nails down to their hate of Trump. He’s a fighter and he will not ever give up. All their phony impeachment and insurrection lies will not defeat him. Oh and let’s not forget the Russian coup. Of course they have Soros and Hollywood padding their pockets. Why aren’t they helping our homeless instead of giving the illegals the royal treatment. I could go on and on with my hatred for Democrats and why they are the ones who should be in jail or better yet face a firing squad.
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I am an independent, meaning I vote for whom I feel is best for the country and whatever needs to be decisively addressed regardless of social upset by any political views. It takes a strong and moral committed person for the leader of our country. Name-calling, blame- finger pointing does not solve any problems. If the problem is there, I expect my President to do what is lawful to address the situation for a solution. “Of the people and for the people ” should not be just words on a paper. No group of people who are looking for their own interests should have a greater impact on the decisions that need to be made. Using the opinions of popular individuals to sway the decisions is, at the least, a technique taught in any high school speech class . Individual opinions are just that….individual opinions. Every single individual opinion is another opinion. No one opinion is “the right opinion”.
I am an independent, meaning I vote for whom I feel is best for the country and whatever needs to be decisively addressed regardless of social upset by any political views. It takes a strong and moral committed person for the leader of our country. Name-calling, blame- finger pointing does not solve any problems. If the problem is there, I expect my President to do what is lawful to address the situation for a solution. “Of the people and for the people ” should not be just words on a paper. No group of people who are looking for their own interests should have a greater impact on the decisions that need to be made. Using the opinions of popular individuals to sway the decisions is, at the least, a technique taught in any high school speech class . Individual opinions are just that….individual opinions. Every single individual opinion is another opinion. No one opinion is “the right opinion”.
The democrats are showing how despicable they are. They’re the enemy within and they’re afraid that Trump will destroy the worthless biden in 2024 so they’ll do everything they can to keep him off the ballot. Hopefully, there SCOTUS will rule in his favor against the states that are taking him off. Since when does the States have the right to keep people off the ballot? We live in a Constitutional Republic and we have the RIGHT to vote for whomever we choose, we don’t need the socialist loving enemy within to dictate our Rights. We need to beat them in 2024 and get those disgusting useless POS out of Office.
Trump did not do anything illegal on January 6th. It is the Democrats who made it look like it was a wild take over when it was not on January 6th.
Democrats will stop at nothing to bring down this great country and hand it to Soros.
The dems have been “liberally” editing investigations, recordings, films, rhetoric and elections for generations. They have even more confidence now since they have never been held accountable. There are civil and criminal remedies for these situations but we never seem to see them penalized. It doesn’t help when the state courts have tremendous bias. Justice is not being served. Hollywood, mass media, and Big Tech have all aligned themselves to present a unified front supporting the liberal agenda. Americans are constantly bombarded with this inaccurate and destructive information, no matter which way they turn. Over time they will tend to believe this illegitimate platform. Telling a lie over and over again is part of the democratic strategy. It has worked for them forever and they will continue that strategy until it is forcefully stopped and they are held accountable. They know that if they keep repeating their party line that a certain category of people will get on board with it. Catch the culprits responsibel, put them in the defendant’s chair, try and convict them and put them into prison where they belong. There have been enough countries in the world that have succombed to this strategy over time. We can’t let the same strategies deprive us of our civil liberties and turn America into another autocratic disaster.
The Democratic party will always be the party of slavery. It has never changed, just changed its methods. From slavery to welfare, to opening our borders to millions of illegals, to insurmountable debt to fund its agendas, to promotion of hatred between races, to destruction of the middle class, to crime ridden cities with little or no punishment for the criminals, to indoctrination of our young people to hate America, to fabricated Russian collusion charges to impeach a President they don’t support, to orchestrating a fake insurrection at the Capitol, to prostituting our Constitution to keep a political opponent from running for office, to denying millions of American citizens the right to vote for the candidate of their choice. No consequences, no prison time, no obliteration of a corrupt party, and silence from most of the Republicans representing us. But thank you, President Trump, for fighting back on our behalf. The hatred for you from both sides of the aisle has uncovered a Swamp even bigger than we ever imagined. We are no longer relevant to those who “serve” us. Our politicians are compromised and selling us out, the Democrats by their actions and the Republicans by their cowardice. Our biggest enemy is truly within.