Fox News Cancels Lou Dobbs After Smartmatic Files Defamation Suit

Fox News host Lou Dobbs has been cancelled. Despite being the highest-rated host on the Fox Business Network, the broadcaster’s run has been abruptly ended without much explanation.

However, the explanation seems clear. The cancellation occurred just one day after Smartmatic filed a $2.7-billion defamation suit against Fox News, including Dobbs. Smartmatic is the company behind Dominion Voting Systems, the organization Dobbs and many conservatives have argued were involved in changing votes in the 2020 presidential election.

Smartmatic argues Dobbs provided false allegations regarding the company’s role in the presidential election. Dobbs frequently noted his concerns with voter fraud immediately following the election, as well as hosting guests who raised similar questions with Dominion Voting Systems. Most concerns focused on the tremendous spikes in votes toward Joe Biden in the early morning hours following election night.

But Fox News is not the only one to face legal attack from Smartmatic. In the past month, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and attorney Sidney Powell have become the focus of the company’s lawsuits. Smartmatic has also threatened legal action against MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for his accusations about voter fraud.

Dominion Security Director Eric Coomer has filed an additional defamation lawsuit against several entities he claims led to receiving death threats that forced him to go into hiding. In addition to Giuliani and Powell, his lawsuit includes Michelle Malkin, the Gateway Pundit, Joseph Otmann, Newsmax, and One America News Network.

The latest move against Dobbs, however, serves as an example of cancel culture to the extreme. The popular host worked for the Fox Business Network for more than a decade, providing it with one of its most popular programs while remaining one of the last true conservatives to speak against the left’s agenda.

Yet between a massive lawsuit and falling ratings behind news competitors MSNBC and CNN, Fox News remains in scramble mode. It appears its move to the left will continue to delete its remaining conservative hosts to follow its left-leaning competition.

Instead, conservatives are flocking to newer conservative outlets like Newsmax, OANN, and Right Side Broadcasting for stories free of liberal bias. Unfortunately, these networks are now becoming the new targets of Big Tech censorship, fighting to remain on Twitter, YouTube, and other platforms that seek to silence conservative broadcasts.

The attack on conservative media has escalated to brutal levels following the 2020 presidential election and January 6 U.S. Capitol attacks. Those seeking a patriotic point-of-view are now required to work diligently to find it.

Some are even looking beyond the U.S. for help, as Sky News Australia and other international outlets are starting to highlight news stories America’s mainstream media won’t touch. It’s a sad day when conservatives have to go international for a good story, especially when people like Lou Dobbs would gladly provide it.

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72 thoughts on “Fox News Cancels Lou Dobbs After Smartmatic Files Defamation Suit”

  1. this country thinks as a whole with the Mentality of a child, want examples, they don’t care about the moral direction i think they elected a pep. as president a lot of evidence on you tube of groping, enough to send a teacher to prison. and lets not be stupid there is no such thing as free money that a childish though or maybe a fairytale invented by the idiot speaker of the house. Remember when she said hamas was a boys club and refer to Qatar as her reference. I know a lot of people are hurting with loss of job and trying to feed their family so think on this why borrow money to send it to other countries. Example a Billion dollars to Egypt for their military, I’ve been to that country they need more to clean up their sewer it stinks. Then to buy multi-million dollar war toys, and of course the under-cover nuclear armed terrorist nation of Pakistan A multi- million donation to study Gender. They are set in there ways, just let a homo-sexual male enter the country and tell everybody his sexual preference and see what happens that’s all the gender study you need.

  2. Just turned off Maria. Thought I would never have to leave Fox. Mr. Murdock sure let us down, didn’t he?
    76 million voters voted for President Trump and Murdoch’s baby decided that people needed yet another country destroying liberal station?
    Well, Fox goodbye. I need truth, loyalty to our Constitution, saluting he the flag everyday, and honor. Thank God for OANN.


  3. This BS and Dobb’s was the only commontator that would tell it like it is, Your network caved to the lawsuit and what about all the ballots that were brought to the state of Pennsavainia and the vote checkers were ushured out of the building, and the boxes of uncounted ballots were counted, and the checkers were not there to make sure it was a fair election? What do you expect that the numbers were in Biden’s favor, when no was there to make sure it was above board and fair, and with them gone Mr Trump did not get any votes period, and a good way to cheat the election? Fair is fair and this was not a fair election and Dobbs was spot on, and so goes the constitution of free speech? Biden was declared the winner and it was not a fair election period and the election was rigged???????Biden is not my President and will never be???????????????????????????

    1. Right on! We forgot that it wasn’t those peaceful sign carrying demonstrating ‘cowards’ that lived by the ‘rule of law’ in those days that won the Revolution … it was those patriotic heroes that carried guns that made the Brits get out! Revolution is a positive solution! Politicians are a positive pollution! They start wars and upset civilization to satisfy their own purposes as long as it doesn’t affect their lifestyle in doing so! THEY WORK FOR US! Did we forget? Another insult is we allow those ‘no kid left behind’ graduated liberal morons to teach our children the opposite of what this country really is! We fought wars in other countries to get rid of their liberal scum but we allow reprobate God-cursed lower-than-scum liberals to exist here and, even worse, allow them to rule over us! Where’s the ‘revolutionary’ spirit? Do those in the military really understand these liberals are also endangering their families? The enemy is here!!! We should FORCE every registered liberal to be fully responsible for these law-breaking trespassing illegals and pay for their food, clothing, housing, education as well as being held responsible for their expected crimes! BLM scum, along with Antifa, are allowed to burn our cities down without interference … why not use our military [civilians if necessary] to burn down all registered liberal dwellings in the same manner? After all … isn’t ‘equal justice’ for all is our motto! Biden, an illegal ‘president’, hasn’t got the brains of a chicken and Harris is a smirking hyena-ass faced puke that’s even worse!

      1. Well said, still, all went too far in order to stop it, and when weakness/fear, weak character, etc… sits in, all could crash.
        There is no way, no turn, no submission possible for those who stay iron-strong with truth, with the right, with the American nation.
        I am a former polit. refugee, at the time from communist central Eu., spent the majority of my life in America, have citizenship, just after my husband passed away I returned a few years ago.
        I warned in my articles already in 1990 what is going on, children taught how great communism (murdered millions during that era) -B.O, took care of that.
        Anyway, it is so easy to show the truth to people who are confused, used, lied to.
        1. check data, videos, you name it…so much info. is available from commies era 1946-1990. Let’s call it shortly: “hell”- poverty, hunger, lack of everything, prisons full of innocent people, dying for nothing…
        2. Then check the same way data since 1990 (freedom! -today!
        Let’s call it shortly- a “heaven” to the comparison. Looks like flowering America. In Russia, central Europe, commies gone, freedom came, good life came, all build, rebuild, visit Russia today, compare… it’s miracle.
        And now AMERICA, the window of the free world is bowing to communist trash, brainwashed idiots, still those at the top going after power. Because under commies there are no votes, they sit on the throne and ONLY another successful revolution could remove them. You had a chance, but so many who should help to the last minute are traitors. What a shame!

    2. I watched the My Pillow CEO’s special on voter fraud. The evidence “is” there. No doubt. The lawsuit is a sham. Now..Fox News is a sham. I’ll be watching OAN, Dan Bongino on Rumble, Devin Nunez podcast etc. Perhaps Lou Dobbs will do a pod cast on Rumble so we don’t miss his insight. Man I miss Krauthammer.


    1. Looks like we’ll have to get some carrier Pigeons like those in war times, to send information back and forth. Or we could use wind talkers like the military did.

  4. ALL politicians think us deploribles are idiots, its nice that trump pulled back the curtain to expose the blatant corruption,but now everything he has done is going down the tubes, right in front of all of us. Shame on all of us…

  5. Very soon Fox will hit bottom of the bottle . The less than 10 guys can keep them going. Fox start pacing your bags. Ryan is turning the engine in Uhal truck with Wallace on the passenger seat.

  6. As far as I can determine, FOX NEWS is already at the bottom. Who would have believed that Rupert could have spawn complete idiots and given them control of his complete empire. They are determined to take everything ‘FOX’ to a lower value than rags like CNN & MSNBC, and they have. Goodbye FOX.

  7. I watch fox and friends every morning it is the only news I watch. There are a few shows like Marie B, Tucker C Laura I Life Libery and Levine and others. Fox if you don’t protect the integrity of these people who are speaking the Truth you too will lose your audience!! Fight back against Dominion, Smartmatic fact is this election was stolen, rigged right out in front of us. This is so huge that it is hard to believe But it happened!! So stand up to these companies and by your news people take them on !! If you got $1.00 from every American who voted for Trump you would have 74 million dollars to fight for what is right, not to mention those people who did not vote for him who now realize what a mistake they made , they will not say it but they will send $1.00 to support your effort. Don’t go and hide in a rabbit hole, fight them, these companies are crooked and evil and even Democrats have questioned the integrity of these machines and software in the past elections!!! Truth , oh and get Lou Dobbs back !!!!

  8. Just removed Fox News apps from my laptop and smart phone. I have moved to this news media that still believe in the truth.

  9. Back when the DEMONcrat House decides to legal marijuana these fool were happy to to destory the mind of the people! If I was DOBBS I file a wrongful LAWSUIT AGANIST smartmatic as well! Make them prove that they didn’t rig the election. Only way to get to the bottom of the truth is a civil war! Who else can win an election telling the people he doesn’t need their VOTE? For FOX NEWS NETWORK THE DAY THEY HIRED THAT FOOL NAME PAUL RYAN WAS THE DEATH SENTENCE FOR THEM! Now we know why every STIMULUS CHECK PASS BY DEMOCRAT POLITICAN GIVE MILLION OF DOLLARS TO BIG TECH TO SHUT DOWN THE TRUTH! OUR CONSTITUTION LAWS IS UNDER ATTACK AS WELL! Most of these big Tech are control by Liberal who took MONEY FROM CHINA! CHINA IS the one who made the software!

  10. Biden is not my President, Fox is not my news network,the election was a fraud, our constitution is destroyed and the whole world knows that TRUMP WON you can’t change what people believe with lawyers

    1. First time I can recall that any man was actually fired from his job for doing the right thing. President Trump did a wonderful, if not impossible job with all the pressure he received from the communists who’ve infiltrated our government. And for all those who voted for our dictator, Biden, you wanted him, you voted for him, you got him, now live with it. I’ve been voting for presidents since I turned 21 in 1946 and voted for Truman. Donald Trump is the FIRST one I voted for and not against someone because I felt he could do the job. Politicians are supposed to be employees with we the people as their bosses. Now, that’s gone. Perhaps forever.


  11. Companies that have a great reputation don’t hide their corporate officers and Board of Directors. All of their decision makers were removed from public view prior to the start of an in depth investigation. Lou Dobbs should never have been let go from Fox, as he was the only conservative voice left; which is really why he was terminated. Everyday feels more like a communist country. Thank you, Liberals.

  12. FOX NEWS you should have stood up for LOU !!! Bad decision FOX and you are wondering why your ratings are dropping?
    Whats next? you going to get rid of Hanity and Tucker next? for many years Americans have counted on your channel to get the real news inplace of fake news. Now it looks like your are caving in like the rest. As of today I will stop watching FOX and change to OAN

  13. Only a few left that keeps me on Fox and the rest with Newsmax! I’m waiting for them to go to Newsmax and I can leave Fox!!

  14. Stick a fork in Fox……they are done! They committed corporate suicide by censoring free and open speech. They actively helped defeat Trump and slapped their viewers right in the face. See Ya!

  15. I hate to admit it ,but I too will be shutting off Fox Who’s left to listen to Levin, Carlson , Ingraham, Waters and Gutfeld.
    At age 76 I will now have to spend money on some great books. So far this year I have cancelled the Chicago Tribune and The Wall Street Journal.
    I am for Trump . I wear my TRUMP ski hat and everyone compliments me for it and wishes they had one now.
    So goes the world.
    I’m from the Chicagoland suburbs . There no TV station to watch. They have all turned into rabid Democrats.

  16. The Board of Directors needs to get rid of the Murdock kids who have been running that network. Hey, BOD, if you want to make money and get back viewers, Fire the Murdock kids.

  17. Everyone should vent their anger over the election which I agree was stolen from we the people to their congressmen and senators i email them daily to remind them that they are republicans and are the next in line to be taken out by the democrats. If everyone that reads this text write their representatives daily maybe the right people will get the message we the people are pissed off. Trump is still my president Biden should be in a retirement home and is NOT my president.

  18. Some years ago a lot of us would listen to the BBC on short wave in order to find out what was going on here in the US; looks like we need to do something similar with Australia.

  19. Instead of getting rid of Dobbs you should get rid of Wallace, Cavuto, and Williams. I am from Hungary (legal immigrant) who came to this country so as to have freedom of speech, liberty, freedom of religion, 2nd amendment rights, and the privilege of pursuing life by my choice. So far “Socialism” and “Communism” are making great strides in this country because most people do not understand it or its consequences. If they hate this country so much, leave, move to N. Korea, Russia or China and live there for at least 6 months (if you survive that long). I became a citizen the right way as many others have done before me and some are still doing it.
    Dobbs is right, there was election fraud including the Dominion machines. What happened to justice. When the Left keeps saying that 60 court cases were debunked then the question is, Why were the charges not allowed to be presented?. All cases were never allowed to be heard. Go Dobbs!!! Fox you need to change your position back to conservatism or you will be lost and become part of Fake News.

  20. Do not give up! Let the Constitution be your guiding light. If we stick together, elect Republicans to Congress where the fight is, continue to voice opposition to everything the demrats and rinos do, support conservatives and resist illegal actions, we can get our country back. Remember our motto: “from many, one.” We must stand together to be heard.

  21. Lou Dobbs was the one Fox commentator I really looked forward to each day. Fox News just went down. Instead of allying with others being sued, they folded their tent. I always thought Fox was the one place we could go for accurate news. Now, that’s gone. I’ll have to look for another network brave enough to state the facts and stand by their people.

  22. Fox WAS our news outlet. No more, “comrades.” They were unique and now they are part of the herd jumping into the ocean of liberalism. We will not drown with them.

  23. No longer watching Fox. Can’t stand the propaganda. Our country needs to fight back. If you report truth, what the hell (as Dobbs would say) are you afraid of. Get him back and prove the fraudulent election. The world would watch if you took on step to prove Biden , his family and the Dems are corrupt with big money from the evil Soros.

  24. It is to the point that Fox News is caving into the Left Wing of the Democratic Party. They have been trying to destroy Fox since Obama was in office and now it looks like they are succeeding. Besides Bill O’Reilly, Lou Dobbs is one of the best things that ever happened to Fox News and Fox Business. Unfortunately I will no longer watch Fox News or Fox Business and will go to One America Network. Fox is rapidly becoming a part of the Fake News Media. Such a shame.

  25. Well, if FOX wants to go to the bottom try and become another “drive by” news station, become 1 millionth liberal. No one will even have heard of FOX after 3 months. In fact I’ m watching less of FOX just because they’ve only denied they ‘ll stay true.

  26. YET ANOTHER REASON TO ELIMINATE FOX NEWS FROM OUR LIVES!!! They have been so far left of center during the last year plus they’d break their neck if they tried to look to the right. GOOD BYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE. YOU WON’T BE MISSED!!

  27. I discarded fake fox long ago. Went to Newsmax. A few days ago when Newsmax censored Mike Lindell, I discarded them as well. Now it’s on to O.A.N. & Sky news. The power of the purse does have a voice, if you chose to. All conservatives should do the research on companies you spend $ with. I personally choose not to spend a dime with any liberal or democrap owned establishment. As a vet, I stopped watching NFL the first time one of the scumbag players disrespected the National Anthem, Which was years ago. A statement can be made with the power of the purse, Complaining without peaceful action is useless.

  28. You need a ‘tune-up’! Watch Newsmax for GREAT reporting! Fox tries to consistently and sublimely persuade us to accept the mindsets of liberal brain-dead repulsive ‘make you puke’ idiots like Juan Williams and that forked-tongue rattlesnake Chris Wallace but, fortunately, I’m not one to be swayed by someone else’s opinions since I have a mind of my own! That’s why I choose Newsmax AS A GENUINE NEWS SERVICE with great hosts because they TELL IT LIKE IT IS! Screw Fox and all their ‘friends’, typically gutless ‘live by the rule of law’ tunnel-minded cowards even while the ‘rules and laws’ are being shoved UTA. The next thing you may be seeing is the “BLM Hour” to replace Lou Dobbs! Maybe a liberal-reinterpreted moralistic ‘bi-sexual’ show with Obama as program host with ‘homo’ guests.

  29. We need to have President Trump start his own ” Trump News ” and hire Lou, Tucker, Jesse,Bill and other conservatives -Ratings would top all other news stations!

  30. I am very sad and afraid for our country since we can no longer have views and commentary by Lou Dobbs and others who tell the truth.

  31. Ted Turner’s 24 hour Cable News Network (CNN) started in 1980, 50 years ago. I encourage Donald Trump and family to start up a new cable channel to deliver real news, interviews, great movies, and documentaries that present balanced views. NO TRASHY PEOPLE OR ADVERTISEMENTS. I’d make my financial contribution to help start up such a network, and pay a monthly fee. I’m about ready to dump COX’s lineup, which now costs me $239/month for wi-fi and the 3 or 4 channels I actually watch. We Just read “The Art Of The Deal” and know Trump could pull this off. One last point. Government has gotten way too big because we give them a huge platform. Defund PBS and NEVER watch that sickeningly progressive channel, would be a good start. Watching political news all day is another. We should deplatform politics!

  32. The democratic party is on a Hitler regime , we should have divided America 50/50 democrates from Republicans and all was good

  33. I am am American, a veteran, a patriot, and a liberal.. My “patriotic point of view” is news that is reality-based, grounded in fact. I don’t need my biases confirmed, I want factual info. Tho I check in on conservative media (Lou Dobbs is an embarrassment) to see what they’re covering, I look to reputable sources for info, eg NYT, Wapo, the AP, Time Magazine, The Atlantic, The Guardian, as well as CNN, MSNBC, and PBS. BTW–any country I’ve visited in Europe always has CNN available, never Fox or other conservative outlets.

    1. Norman du pont You putting liberal after stating you are American, Veteran and Patriot? You are one of the biggest jokes to this country. Do you actually believe your party is for you then you deserve every thing they throw at you. You should get the Moron award for being gullible.

  34. Fox News is caving into the left. If they keep taking all the good new casters off the air I will and most of the right and neutral watches will need to leave and find it elsewhere fixes ratings are going down with all this

  35. It is high time for a Conservative News Network dedicated to promoting conservative values. The MSM is a putrid cesspool of cronyism and partisanship pushing an agenda that is destroying American families. Beat them at their own game

  36. Fox News caving like they have lately and now Lou Dodds, I’m finished with them. We have been watching Newsmax.

  37. I love Lou Dobbs show. I followed him from CNN to Fox Business. I guess I will have to go somewhere else to find a Conservative voice. Shame on you FOX.

  38. FOX News you just lost another long time viewer. Firing Lou Dobbs was the last straw. If you want me back you should fire Chris Wallace, Neil Cavuto and Donna Brasille !! I found a new home at NEWSMAX and OANN. GOOD BYE !!!

  39. I sill watch 3 shows on Fox and only 3 shows……Hannity, Tucker and Laura . The rest can go to HELL. Bring back Lou Dobbs!!!!!!

  40. Dear Patriots, We are experiencing what Job (pronounced with a long o, not as in the “job” where to go to work) went through when he lost his grown children and way of life, also, SO THAT the world would learn the mind of God in times of evil. Job was appalled why the wicked succeeded in chapter 21. His crummy friends arrived to talk him down with lies. Yet, the focus turns from self on to the supreme being’s mindset in chapter 36, verse 22 through chapter 37. What is to be done? Job felt desperate. Job begins to clear his head as The Lord answers him, personally, in chapter 38. Those words apply to all hurting from this fake election NOW. All of a sudden, in reading Job, our worldly concerns can start to melt as the Ruler of His universe continues His reply in chapter 39 though 41. Job comes to grip and replies in chapter 42. To everyone hurting, fearful of what we see, and know our country is perishing with the fatal blows to our US Constitution… please take the time to open the Old Testament of the Bible and find Job. We are living through what Job experienced for the sake of all humankind’s darkest days in need of a compass. Job was a real man, not a fictional character. He was torn between God and what sheer evil did to his life. We are dealing with that same evil actor, today, while the same loving God Almighty is carrying us through the deepest sand with only His set of footprints showing. The wicked Satan, with his small pack of demons, are pulling the strings of the Demon-crats.You know that already. But, here’s your life jacket. These chapters are our antidote! Here’s your power. Drink deeply for a fresh and positive attitude for your survival as it renders the Democrats powerless over your life. I’m not saying capitulate like once conservative news. Just the opposite. I put this arrow in my quiver to add to my intelligence and survival. It dissolved my frustration and inability to sleep and make good decisions. Satan wants you confounded because that’s the state where you will make negative decisions. Don’t comply. Put your big boy and girl pants on & dive into Job for the bigger picture. Recently, I lost someone very important in my life, unexpectedly, and I couldn’t concentrate while operating a piece of equipment which nearly took off my finger. Lots of and medical attention and permanent numbness but my finger was saved. The numbness is my reminder to stay focused. I was confounded and surely was in no shape to compete simple tasks… much less driving where catastrophic consequences could have occurred. I’m just saying, please don’t be confounded setting yourself up for injury to insult. Please read Job today. God’s got a plan through this…He’s just not telling us what it is. However, He gave us a road map through Job.

  41. Well I have stopped watching Fox News as they are supporting the communists in the White House, now I get my news from One American News on a cable network or on line at OCNN. True and honest news on every broadcast.

  42. i guess red china now is running the country watch out everyone you might get sealed in your house to die like in china fox news sucks

  43. The only reason left to see anything on Fox News is JESSE WATERS, TUCKER CARLSON, GREG GUTTFIELD, JEANINE PIRRO. They should all go to OAN or NEWSMAX. Let FOX have the liberals… hope they enjoy having a bunch of liars and criers like Paul Ryan.

  44. Smartmatic are run by thieves and criminals and they committed criminal acts with voting systems and calling t5hem out as what they are they were and are in the wrong and should have all their licensing pulled never to operate ever again all their lawsuits must be pulled and removed as THEY ALONE ARE AT FAULT PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS THE WINNER AND SHOULD BE PUT IN AS PRESIDENT, bIDEN SHOULD BE SENT TO JAIL ALONG WITH ALL WHO BACKED THIS PLOT TO OVERTHROW THE UNITED STATES.

  45. So goes FOX, right in line with big tech…the love for more and more power & money…when abused becomes the ‘root of all evil.’ And only the TRUTH, the real truth will set (us) free!

  46. All those ousted by Liberals, should band together and make it work for them. Lots of talent and potential for great successes.

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