In today’s society of the left overdoing everything, gender reveal parties are yet another way to garner additional presents and an accepted excuse to throw a party.
In case you haven’t attended one or heard about them, a gender reveal party is exactly what it sounds like: a party thrown by expecting parents where you as guests learn the gender of their baby. The expecting parents sometimes know the sex of their baby and sometimes they too are in on the surprise.
What Makes up Gender Reveal Parties
Take a quick look at Pintrest under gender reveal party ideas, and you will find an abundance of examples about what goes on at these parties. Guests are often encouraged to wear pink or blue based on what their “boy” or “girl” guess is or even asked to put on a funny mustache for a boy or cute ribbon for a girl once they arrive.
At some point in the party, the gender will be revealed in a neat way. Smoke bombs that smoke blue or pink, a cake that is cut into dyed blue or pink, pink or blue balloons in a box that is opened are all common ideas. The point is the gender of the baby is very much focused upon, and feminists appear to have a huge problem with this.
Explaining Feminist Outrage
Admittedly, the many parties and required gifts that go along with anyone’s big life event can become a bit excessive in today’s society. After all, even weddings sometimes demand more than one shower now. There are engagement showers, bridal showers, couple’s showers and honey moon showers all for one couple.
However, as you might have guessed, the problem feminists and gender activists have with gender reveal parties has nothing to do with the “party” itself being redundant. No. They are outraged because the parents and those attending these parties are “labeling” the unborn child as either male or female when that “person” might prefer to identify as the other sex.
Heat Street’s Emily Zanotti recently weighed in on this issue when she appeared on Mike Opelka’s podcast. She said the gender activists and feminists are infuriated by these parties because they reinforce the idea that gender is absolute. They believe it’s oppressive to tell kids what their biological gender is, and these parties only reinforce the differences between girls and boys – making these celebrations a focus of their dissidence.
The Absolute Truth About Gender
Whether the feminists or gender activists want to admit it or not, people are born as either male or female. Therefore, having a party that focuses on which one a couple is having isn’t evil, and it most certainly is not oppressive or in any way abusive. These parties are simply another way to celebrate the life or lives coming into the family or circle of friends. How liberals can find fault in this is amazing, yet it really shouldn’t be because there isn’t an issue they don’t find offense with in some form it seems.
Even though gender reveal parties can be considered a bit much even for many who would call themselves conservatives, the problem with the parties is never the fact that it highlights whether a baby will be a boy or girl. The problem is that most often that it’s yet another party one has to buy a gift for.
If there is any good that can come from feminists and gender activists finding fault with gender reveal parties, it’s this: The next time you are invited to a general reveal party, at least you will know that by attending and supporting it, you are going against the feminists and gender activists’ agendas.
~ Conservative Zone