The pro-Life movement recently won a decisive victory when the Georgia legislature passed “Heartbeat” legislation that will save unborn children. The measure cleared the hurdle by the narrowest of margins on a 92-78 vote that required 91 to pass, and the bill is expected to be signed into law by Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.
“Georgia values life. We stand up for the innocent and speak for those who cannot speak for themselves,” Gov. Kemp tweeted. “The legislature’s bold action reaffirms our priorities and who we are as a state. I thank these lawmakers for their leadership and applaud their undeniable courage.”
Conservatives are hailing the bill’s passage as a landmark achievement that was hard-fought in a political climate that has far-left Democrats passing infanticide laws in places such as New York.
“This bill recognizes the fundamental life of the child in the womb is worthy of legal protection and balances that basic right to life with the very different situations women find themselves in in pregnancies,” the measure’s sponsor State Rep. Ed Setzler said.
Other Georgia supporters are saying the legislation is an absolute policy game-changer. Rep. Jane Robbins reportedly called it “the most historic pro-life legislation passed in Georgia since Roe v. Wade.”
“The legislators faced withering pressure from pro-abortion forces, including the predictable outrage from Hollywood, but by and large they held firm to their principles,” she said. “CWA (Concerned Women for America) is very grateful to all the Georgia leaders who helped get this bill over the finish line.”
Although the Republican governor was quick to applaud the pro-life victory, he also renewed the commitment to ensure children grow up in a loving environment. His office plans to work diligently to streamline regulations and policies to help children in need enjoy the opportunities they deserve in life.
“Our efforts to protect life do not end here. We must work to ease the adoption process, find loving homes for those in foster care, protect the aging & vulnerable,” Gov. Kemp tweeted. “Together, we will ensure that all Georgians are safe & have the opportunity to live, grow, learn, & prosper.”
But the infanticide movement funded by far-left extremists is unlikely to yield to the majority of Georgians who choose life over murder. Left-leaning organizations such as the ACLU were already planning to challenge the “Heartbeat” legislation even before Gov. Kemp officially signs it into law.
“If Governor Kemp signs this abortion ban bill into law, the ACLU has one message: We will see you in court,” ACLU executive director Andrea Young said. She also tweeted out propaganda in lock-step with that of the taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood abortion clinics.
“Georgia just passed the 6-week abortion ban,” Planned Parenthood Action tweeted. “To the politicians in Georgia and everywhere who are after our rights, we see through your lies. Our right to abortion care is not debatable. No bans. Not now, not ever.”
Hollywood’s elitists have also taken to social media denouncing the measure with an online petition. Led by personalities such as Alyssa Milano, Sarah Silverman, and well-know President Trump hater Alec Baldwin, a public pressure letter includes an outright threat.
“We can’t imagine being elected officials who had to say to their constituents, ‘I enacted a law that was so evil, it chased billions of dollars out of our state’s economy.’ It’s not the most effective campaign slogan, but rest assured we’ll make it yours should it come to pass,” the letter states.
At least the leftists admit that abortion is a billion-dollar murder for hire industry. Some went as far as to claim the movie and film industry could withdraw from doing work in Georgia over the measure. They might want to check their powder, given the recent trend of Christian and pro-life films that are dominating the box office.
The independent pro-life film Unplanned recently made a stunning box office debut, earning upwards of $60 million in domestic theaters. The film has wowed broad audiences despite its promotions being blocked by major networks and reports that 99,000 Twitter followers were mysteriously deleted. Christian and Pro-Life films continue to win an uphill battle in everyday American hearts.
But Democrats are not persuaded that voters are inclined to do the right thing by unborn children. Georgia Rep. Vernon Jones has reportedly gone on the record trying to frighten Republicans that signing the “Heartbeat” measure into law could upend their majority in the 2020 election.
Rep. Jones conveniently sidesteps the fact that the country is almost evenly divided on the issue, with the pro-life side trending positively each day. It appears extremist infanticide laws have upended the Democrats’ popularity among voters. The Georgia pro-life victory also enjoys the support of the White House, where President Donald Trump recently awarded $1.7 million in additional funding to pro-life family planning clinics.
~ Conservative Zone
Abortion up to point of birth is nothing but murder. Liberals want everyone to think their warped way and it’s time States and sane people stood their ground and don’t let states like California and New York force their stupid ideas on other States. Congratulations Georgia for standing your ground
Stop trying to control women’s bodies. Sadly sometimes abortion is necessary for so many reasons health being one. No no no one should ever be forced to bear a child they don’t want. Most of these “babies” are not babies but tiny tiny embryos . They are not yet people not yet a human being they are part of the woman’s body she should be able to decide if her pregnancy should continue. You all bs “ prolifers” you are not we are because we realize not every life is worth living we should and we do have the right to terminate a pregnancy.
Should the Supreme Court invalidate Roe v Wade I will devote the rest of my life to overturning their decision women will march and fight we will not go back
To back alley dangerous
Abortions. Making it illegal does not end it. It just makes it very dangerous.
Eleni: Let’s put it this way> If a woman has a health issue, then she should not try to get pregnant, if it’s going to
harm her! However, We know that a Christian isn’t going to opt for an abortion! & little darlin’; an embryo is a
human baby, it just hasn’t reached a bigger size! You eleni must be one of those pro-liberal murderers, that want to murder babies, cause anyone who wants an abortion on demand is a murderer, & should be legally stand be4 a Judge & be tried for murder! And…Yes, I’m proud to say I’m a “PRO-LIFER”, AND I STAND W/GOD WHO IS
PRO-LIFE ALSO!”: It’s too bad that you don’t stand w/GOD! One day soon, when you stand before HIM, & have to give an account of wanting/or agreeing w/those who want to murder their unborn/or just born babies HE will tell you “I don’t know you, depart from me, & you will be thrown into the pit of hell , where you will be tormented forever thru-out eternity! AND…Eternity is a”NO-END GET OUTA HELL CARD!”
From the “DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE”, the statement of why the USA is a sovereign, free and independent nation, and why human Rights are given by GOD, and therefore cannot be rescinded by any person or government. – 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence.
{ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are ‘created equal’*, that they are endowed by their Creator (GOD) with certain ‘unalienable Rights’**, that amongst these are ‘LIFE’***, ‘Liberty’ and the ‘Pursuit of Happiness’****}
* – ‘created equal’ – The basis for all people of every race being equal in all Rights and Freedoms.
** – ‘unalienable Rights’ – That these Rights cannot be rescinded or revoked by any person or government.
*** – ‘LIFE’ – Nobody is allowed to violate or take one’s Right to live, as all scientists have determined that all life begins at conception.
**** – ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ – An individuals Right to choose and decide for themselves their own want or need, and their Right to pursue their own choice and decision of their own want or need, without any person or government forcing it’s choice of that person’s want or need on that individual person. (such as Obamacare)
Without the belief and acceptance of everything in that second paragraph, first sentence, of the USA’s “Declaration of Independence”, then nobody is ever guaranteed and warranted any of those human Rights gifted from our GOD, which then any person or government can take those Rights away from anyone or everyone at the desire of the in power or those running the government, that then controls the lives of it’s subjects, instead of the people controlling the government with Rights from their GOD that guarantee and warrant all their freedoms.
I am so sick and tired of woman saying that it’s there body and can abort the real live baby in side there bodies. If they want to have sex then there are ways to not get pregnant. It’s called contraceptives. You are complicent in the murder of an unborn child. So don’t give me that lie that it’s a medical reason of the womans life. That is rare in most cases. And Afro-American woman have destroyed more of their race than any slavery did. If you woman really want to take on something meaningfull how about being concerned about black on black crime