The events of 2017 may go down in the annuls of history as a rebirth of American populism that shook the world. In movie terms, the election of Pres. Donald J. Trump was an epic “Return of the Jedi” and the forgotten American worker finally had a political voice and champion.
The president stood his ground against the Deep State, Fake News media, eliminated job-killing regulations, extricated the nation from bad international deals, appointed a true conservative Supreme Court Justice and unleashed the irresistible force known as the U.S. military. However, there are tremendous battles to be fought in 2018 in what appears to be a pivotal conservative year.
Why A DACA Deal Is Complicated
On its face, many people feel the young Dreamers that were illegally brought to America deserve a pathway to citizenship. They are not at fault and the United States is the only country they know. The simple idea of Congress granting what amounts to amnesty does not seem unreasonable. But, such as simple solution would perpetuate the very problem. And, that’s exactly what serves the Democrats’ best interests.
Given the widely considered unlawful executive order that Pres. Obama signed to kick a solution down the road, the Dreamers are inclined to vote Democrat. That means adding upwards of 100,000 new left-leaning voters. Obviously, this is not in the Republicans’ interest. But compassion makes up a core conservative principle, and that selflessness will win GOP support.
Despite this, DACA legislation must also address the roots of the problem or the country will continue to suffer illegal immigration. The majority of the Dreamers were smuggled across the southern border. Republicans want a solution to the problem going forward, and that’s a key reason why the president has called for a wall.
The second problem is that these 100,000 Dreamers would increase the population by upwards of 500,000 if current chain migration policies remain in place. Imagine the people who broke the law by dumping these then-children in America now get citizenship based on them becoming anchor babies at long last. Dems are banking on these people voting Blue, which is why they are likely to fight the policy change. It’s just political self-interest.
A secure southern border and end to chain migration are necessary to restore reasonable immigration policy. This will be a major political battle in 2018 and the Dreamers are stuck in the middle.
California Takes Aim At Ammunition
Effective January 1, Californians are banned from buying ammunition outside the state’s borders. Along with becoming an official “sanctuary state” and contradicting federal immigration law, the West Coast liberals apparently don’t believe in the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment or Commerce Clause.
California politicians understand the new ammo law means online purchases must be shipped to in-state dealers and gun owners will pay higher prices. The process also creates point-of-sale background checks and an additional fee. Couple those onerous costs with the fact that California has a “good cause” requirement to get a conceal carry permit, and the country can expect significant, high-profile litigation.
The court cases will look a lot like a car wreck as gun-rights lawyers lose in the liberal-leaning Ninth District Court of Appeals, and have the laws and regs stuck down at the U.S. Supreme Court — think travel ban Part Two.
Conservatives Will Have Their Cake
The so-called “gay wedding cake,” or Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case has been heard by the U.S. Supreme Court and a final ruling is expected by June. At issue is the right of a master baker to decline services for a gay wedding based on his religious beliefs.
Although bakery owner Jack Philips has taken losses as the case traveled through some extremely liberal courtrooms, many conservative Christians anticipate a SCOTUS win. The basic issue is the Constitution’s Equal Protection clause and forcing someone to work in any capacity amounts to involuntary servitude.
Given that Pres. Trump has installed Justice Neil Gorsuch, who has a proven record of supporting religious rights in cases such as Hobby Lobby and others, many expect the conservative wing to protect religious faith.
America’s Enemies Get A Chokehold
Although candidate Trump spoke (rashly) of dismantling the United Nations, now-Pres. Trump installed perhaps the most forceful U.N. Secretary in history, Nikki Haley. She has succeeded in asserting American interests on the international stage and North Korea now suffers extraordinary economic sanctions.
Perhaps the most remarkable accomplishment is that China has sided with the U.S. against its communist neighbor, and stands aside as South Korea seizes ships that provide energy resources to the “Rocket Man.” North Korea’s dictator may have a nuclear button on his desk, but he won’t have enough money to buy a cup of coffee soon. The economic chokehold the administration has imposed on the world stage now has other nation’s such as Iran seeing political upheaval against their rogue leaders. Some call this “winning.”
Going forward, NFL players may continue to kneel, but the rest of the country appears ready to embrace God, guns and American values.
~ Conservative Zone
Correction: Nikki Haley is not the UN Secretary as mentioned in the article. She is the U.S. ambassador to the UN.
Whatever she is she’s one he’ll of a woman(person)! I couldn’t be more proud of her and our GREAT President. I applaud their efforts to save our country from Obama and Killary and all their counties..Great job!!!
Easy—require the wall be funded, end lottery and chain migration then agree to fix DACA. Green cards with no citizenship or rights to vote for them and any offspring. That will shut up the demoncrats because everybody knows they don’t give a crap about Mexicans they just want their votes.
Though “no fault of their own” as the DEMOCOMMIES keep saying ILLEGAL, is ILLEGAL…. PERIOD. All these democommunists are looking for are VOTERS pure and simple. And YES ILLEGALS DO VOTE. They were not only ALLOWED to vote in places like N.Y. and MEXIFORNIA, (and many other states) but ENCOURAGED to do so. Even the FRAUD OSCUMBAG encouraged these illegals to vote in a speech on nation TV and nothing would be done to them “if caught”. It is time for the ILLEGALS to go to the BACK of the “line” and go through the “process” if they want to come here. This SPITS in the face of the LEGAL immigrants that took the time and MONEY to do it the RIGHT way.
I am totally opposed to allowing any Dreamers to remain in this country- this just follows the Democratic attempt to massively fill the country with Democratic voters. My own exception would be those who choose to serve a tour in our armed forces and receive satisfactory discharge. Why are we obligated to follow a plan set in place by essentially a US hater?
Obama set out to change things and the people voted for his type of change (whether they knew what he was really doing)
and now many of his followers will pay the price as this nations Obama direction destroys all that 200 plus years that our Constitution attempted to prevent from ever happening. Obamas legacy(s) will, sadly, remain for many years to come.