GOP Canvassers Speak Out About Treatment They Received in Michigan

For those who have not yet heard, there was a dust-up in Wayne County, Michigan when two GOP canvassers, Monica Palmer and William Hartmann initially announced they would not certify the election results due to irregularities concerning the number of votes recorded compared to the number of ballots counted not matching.

Then, after facing tremendous pressure, including insinuated threats against their families and accusations of racism, they relented. They were promised that there would be an independent and comprehensive audit of the Wayne County precincts where the discrepancies were so egregious.

How bad were the discrepancies? According to the affidavit filed by Hartmann claims that 71 percent of the 134 absent voter counts were unbalanced and unexplained. He said he announced his concerns and reiterated that if the votes didn’t match there should have been some explanation. Palmer reported the same discrepancies in the vote counts, stating she initially voted not to certify and still believes the results should not be certified until these concerns are addressed.

In her public statement following her attempt to rescind her certification, Palmer claimed that during the public commentary, Vice Chairman Kinloch pulled her into the back of the warehouse to offer the compromise stating that he had confirmation from Governor Gretchen Whitmer that they would conduct an independent and comprehensive audit to clarify the differences in the precincts where they were so notable. Minutes after the vote was taken, Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, announced, on television, that anything done in the motion was non-binding and that she wasn’t agreeing to it. Palmer says she made a good faith effort and was misled.

Once they certified the results, though, it became evident that there would be no audit – and that there was never any intention of honoring the agreement. As a result, the two GOP canvassers filed affidavits rescinding their certifications of the results in Wayne County. They claimed that they were coerced into certifying the results through bullying tactics and under false pretenses.

Among the bullying tactics used during the two hours of public comments after the pair initially refused to certify the results were accusations of racism along with personal threats and even revealing, publicly where Palmer lived and where her daughter attended school. Since the night in question, both Palmer and Hartmann have received death threats that are currently under investigation by the Michigan Attorney General, Dana Nessel. Nessel announced that her office will investigate all threats made against government officials, whether they are elected or appointed, and regardless of party affiliation.

Unfortunately, there is no legal process in the state of Michigan to rescind election certification votes, so the affidavits are merely symbolic at this point. However, the efforts on behalf of the state to block a fair and comprehensive audit speaks volumes. At this time, the certification in Wayne County stands and the state of Michigan has certified election results for Joe Biden.

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25 thoughts on “GOP Canvassers Speak Out About Treatment They Received in Michigan”

  1. I guess we are now living in Russia or might as well be. I know the Lord is more powerful than these crooked politicians so all I can do is pray. If this election was on the up and up, WHY AREN’T DEMOCRATS CALLING FOR INVESTIGATIONS? THEY ALREADY KNOW WHAT WILL BE FOUND – JOE BIDEN DIDN’T WIN THE ELECTION – HE STOLE IT.

    1. To Doris A. Brown: DEMONocrats will not investigate DEMONocrats…Gorge Sorrows (George Soros) won’t allow it !


  2. I am so disappointed that my fellow citizens are capable of these despicable and treasonous acts for thirty pieces of silver. These must be direct descendants of Judas,
    and long may they share his fate.SHAME!

  3. This prevarication and threatening is wide spread among the democratic party. Look what they’ve done over the past 4 years. It’s it any surprise that they would break all rules to achieve their nefarious agenda? They’ve calculated and concocted a plan to steal the election along with big tech and the media hoping that time will be too short to reverse their bogus numbers. December 14th is coming, and time is running out.


    1. Truer words were never spoken. Those Democrats that are in charge anywhere dealing with elections are nothing but Communist loving POS. All thieves.

    2. To Harold: The Lie-beral DEMONocrat Syndicate…their modus operandi/ forte’ is; fake, hate, negate, ingrate, denigrate, degenerate, agitate, instigate, segregate, separate, isolate, desecrate (Bible burning), depopulate (abortions), and DOMINATE! They have the Look-At-Me-See-How-Nice-I-Am Syndrome AND ARE FUGITIVES FROM TRUTH !


  5. Not one Democrat in the state of Michigan can be trusted. They are ALL corrupt. If you support the tactics used, you are just as guilty. Nice job Whitmer and your corrupt constituents. Hope to see you lose the next election. Lying about a gas tax increase in your election debate was the very telling of your ethics.

  6. It was more than a mere dust up, more than insinuated threats also…Democrats actually began doxing Ms. Palmer and her children and that included at least one Democrat Representative, where they went to school, and personal information…that is why they caved to Democrats and voted to certify the election results.

  7. There is one who is omniscient and righteous who will right all wrongs! All will become revealed and He will require all to answer for their deeds.

  8. The first thing WRONG those two GOP watchers did WAS TRUST GOV WINDBAG! DO NOT TRUST “ANY” AND I MEAN “ANY” DEMOCRAT. They are FALSE FACES, which mean they CANNOT tell the truth!


    Do you actually think those Dumbocrats have even considered what their illegal actions have done to our Nation? Hell no! But they WILL FIND OUT if our President Trump is not declared the winner! Are they ready and waiting? Of course not! But Patriots are ready!

    Time will tell…

  9. Yes, indeed! We are a country of Socialists for the rich. Tax breaks for the rich & farm subsidies when our trade policies fail to name two programs that qualifies as Socialism. Get your labels straight.

  10. I do about $10 million in business currently in Mi. that I’m in the process of moving to companies in Ky. SC. And tx. And will be moving that business first of the year to states that have more integrity and honesty.
    I know this will effect two of the companies in Mi. And maybe they can use our exit as a stepping stone to getting honest government in the future.
    I have already moved all business from Portland Or. and all in Ca. Equaling $170 million.
    I’m very hopeful the loss of tax revenues in these states would act as a wake up call to act correctly in the future.

  11. Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves with many of them likely saying, “I told you so” when you limited the government to two parties. I am ashamed of the depth of corruption in our government. I work for the federal government, and have witnessed first hand the fraud, waste, and abuse of people, money, and resources. Agencies are stuffed with cronies who aid and abet one another in corrupt practices. The preamble to our constitution should be changed from: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” to “We the chumps….in Order to allow the corrupt and wealthy, must lay down and bow to their demands…..” When you read the preamble, and then look at our Democrats……do you see ONE shred of this preamble in ANY of their actions. I am sickened every time one of them claims to speak for the American people.

  12. Could be this all started with Justice turning a blind eye nd eye to this or that because it wasn’t bad enough? Then there was “who was involved? was it a Democrats or a Republican? It was like hitting a ball over the net. Back and forth, each time loosing interest. Soon you get tired of it and forget it. In the meantime down the road several years, many more things take its place. We have NO judicial system. When the Attorney of The United States says he sees no fraud in the election, we have a BIG problem.

  13. I’m so distraught over the thought of our presidential election being stolen, and that’s what happened I can’t sleep. Never in my life did I ever believe the Democratic party would be so corrupt they’d steal an election. But that’s what they’ve perpetrated. They won’t win and some will go to jail, maybe even a firing squad. It aint over till the fat lady sings.

  14. Harpozo soon! The Lord tells us that it will only get worse from here on out.
    I see it like this, clearly Christ Jesus will call His Bride Home then Danial’s 70th week/tribulation will begin shortly. These goonish freaks will be in Hell til the great wht throne Judgement Day of the Lord then they’ll be tossed into the Lake of Fire for Eternity! Life here on earth is a vaporous time/short – it’s what one does w/the Lord (except Christ Jesus etc) during this short spell will determine ones eternal future.
    note; read Romans chapt 1 vs’s 18 – 32 – most of these evil ones truly knows who God Almighty is – again, read Romans ch 1 vs 18 – 32 – this life is short, we’re going Home SOON!
    note 2; I’ve had several major heart attacks, I’m still here and don’t expect to die I hope we’ll here that shout soon ‘come up hither’

    God Love
    Bless You

  15. This is the only way Biden could beat Trump by cheating. Trump warned this would happen when they started taking about the mass mail in ballots. I hope the ones that did this get caught and they put them under the jail. Anyone that voted for Biden, I hope you know you are the reason that the USA will be no more. We the people are the ones that will lose because our constitution will be demolished by these crooked people. So thanks for backing a lying crook and before you get all butt hurt about this post , all you need to do is look what he did when he was the Vice President with his son hunter. I can’t say I am sorry if I offended anyone because the truth hurts sometimes

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