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Government “Lunch Break” Shows Which Dems Are Running in 2020

Since their crushing defeat in the last election cycle, Democrats have entrenched themselves in a “resist” and “obstruct” campaign that panders to their extremist base.

These “never-Trump” liberals found themselves stuck between a rock and hard place during what many are calling a government “Lunch Break” rather than shutdown, after Democratic leadership caved after just two days.

But, a few senators towed the radical party line and voted against restoring pay to military service personnel and reopening the government in the name of illegal immigrants. And, you can bet your bottom dollar these “resist” Democrats have presidential aspirations. Let’s take a look at a few of the more obvious examples.

Bernie Sanders

The Vermont independent turned Democrat got outflanked and outmaneuvered by the Hillary machine in the last election, but there’s no reason to believe his ambition ended there.

From getting raked over the coals by DNC interference to bought and paid for Super Delegates, in a fair fight, Bernie probably would have earned the Democratic presidential nomination. Despite the fact the Bernie will be pushing 80 by election day, he’s been hard at work resisting Pres. Trump and promoting his Our Revolution political action group.

He may not get the military vote after cutting off their paychecks, but he remains the liberal to beat heading into 2020.

Elizabeth Warren

It’s no secret that Massachusetts Sen. Warren has her eye in the White House. It’s also no secret that she polls super low among soldiers and the outdoors people that nearly got booted from national parks due to her anti-budget vote.

She has reportedly been amassing political donations that exceed her 2018 re-election needs, and many believe she’s watching the polls and considering a presidential run. Although she’s on the same page as Bernie Sanders in terms of ultra-liberal policy, she lacks the ability to inspire voters, unlike Sanders.

Being effectively and repeatedly demeaned by Pres. Trump who calls her “Pocahontas” hasn’t exactly made her the DNC’s fire brand. The smart money may be on her running to show she can make a good VP running mate.

Kamala Harris

The California senator checks all the right boxes for a radical liberal candidate. She’s a big fan of sanctuary cities, single-payer healthcare, and revels in her anti-Trump posturing.

Being an African-American woman will likely appeal to the identity politics wing of the party. And, her relatively short tenure and youth (52 at election time) help prop up her ability to capture her party’s nomination. When addressing her “Nay” vote to re-open the government and pay soldiers, she said she “wouldn’t back any end-of-year spending bill unless DACA was addressed.”

Sen. Harris appears unflinching in her “resist” approach, and she’s in it to win it.

Corey Booker

If anyone can make a serious run at the popular Bernie Sanders, it’s this senator from New Jersey.

In no way does he stack up to Sanders as an idea man. But, Booker has been aggressive and vocal in his attacks on the Trump Administration, and he’s a fake news darling. Willing to toss around slurs such as “racist” and “bigot,” Booker appears ready to leverage his African-American status to fire up minorities of the Democratic base. A Philly media outlet described Booker’s public persona to a “T” recently.

“His overacting was on full display before the Senate Judiciary Committee and TV cameras. Booker posed, pretended, preened and generally made a fool of himself shouting at Nielsen about President Trump’s latest inexplicable comments regarding immigrants from certain parts of the world.”

In many ways, he’s open to getting as nasty as the Republicans did during the last presidential primary, and that positions him as a foil to tough-talking Pres. Trump. A Trump-Booker debate might require a steel cage.

Kirsten Gillibrand

The senator from New York is one of the dark horse possibilities for 2020. She thumbed her nose at re-opening the government after the “lunch break,” citing the illegal DACA immigrants as her reason.

He post-vote tweet read: “I am deeply disappointed that today’s outcome fails to protect Dreamers. They deserve better from the elected leaders of the only country many of them have ever called home. I want to see the government re-open as much as anyone, but this bill fails to fix the moral issue we must solve. That’s why I voted against it.”

However, she doesn’t seem to enjoy the super-left support of the others in this list. That may be attributed to her denouncing former Pres. Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. But, that stance does position her well in today’s #MeToo backlash against abusers. She’s a long shot that may enter the race.

~ Conservative Zone

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44 thoughts on “Government “Lunch Break” Shows Which Dems Are Running in 2020”

  1. I don’t see any of these defeating Trump, or another Republican candidate. Both parties need new people, with new ideas, commitment to improving country for its citizens, and stout heart to deal with nay-sayers.

  2. So, they got stomped with Far Leftist Hillary in ’16.

    So their grand new strategy is to go even farther Left in ’20?

    Oh, brilliant. LOL

  3. All these likely Dem candidates are wacked. Those “of color” think they can do anything Because of their skin color. Those who are white don’t have 2 brain cells to rub together. As long as Trump can keep the fraud to a minimum, none of these wackadoodles have a chance.

    1. You forget one thing. DemonRATS don’t like self-reliant people. They like, and want people tied to government handouts, so they can get back in power. Then I remember back when Sander was running, he had a large following of, If it’s free, It’s for me people.

  4. All five of these potential candidates have a proven track record as liars and unsuitability for any position of public trust. Harris was a pathetic joke as AG in California and her record will sink her candidacy. Sanders is an avowed communist and about ready to leave this planet for his just desserts in the next life. Booker is considered one of the most corrupt politicians in America and has no chance. Gillibrand is so stupid she reminds me of Barbara Boxer.

  5. Yeah, Princess Gitcheegoomee will be in the field, and her campaign HQ will be a BIIIIG tee-pee. She is such an idiot. And Mr. Commie, Bernie Sanders, will be spouting his usual Socialist crap . . . another idiot, but without the headdress and buckskin. Corey Booker is a total bigmouth jerk who should go back to the slums of Newark, NJ. Lots of thanks to stupid Chris Christie for just GIVING him Frank Lautenberg’s Senate seat. GEEZ!!

    None of these twits, nor the two I didn’t bother to mention, should be any problem for Donald Trump to steamroll.

  6. I think any of the Demonic-rats that run are nothing but a bunch of Wacko’s or Freako’s. The best thing to do is vote all of the Demonic-rats out of office ! ! ! You’ve got to be kidding…Bernie the commie Sanders is going to try again, makes me want to “PUKE MY GUTS OUT” ! ! ! I along wit a lot of other people think that the “DEMONIC-RAT PARTY” should be abolished and outlawed due to the trouble they have caused (and still are) causing ! ! ! They can’t seem to get over the fact that “KILLERY THE BITCH CLINTON” didn’t get elected ! ! ! “GET OVER IT” stop whining, moaning and bitching like a bunch of little kids throwing temper tantrums ! ! Get back doing the job “WE THE PEOPLE” elected you to do ! ! Listen to the will of the people, quit doing what ever the hell you want to do stop this outrageous, uncontrolled spending of the “TAXPAYERS” hard earned money that was paid in to run the country ! ! You just blow it on worthless projects, while there are things that are desperately needed to get done ! ! ! ! Quit sending billions and billions of American dollars to other countries in the form of “FOREIGN AID” ! ! the money never goes for what it was intended to, instead it ends up in the pockets of the government officials, crooks and wealthy, what a waste of “U.S. DOLLARS” ! ! That same money would, could and should be used to help the citizens of this country ! ! ! there are homeless, hungry and persons in dire need of health care, and this includes our “VETERANS” who put their lives on the line to keep this country free for no-good “ASSHOLES LIKE YOU” Now you won’t even help them ! ! ! “SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON YOU YOU WORTHLESS PIECES OF S**T! ! ! Definition….Politics…..Poli is Latin for many and tics are bloodsucking critters ! ! ! “NEED I SAY MORE” ! ! !

    1. i`ve been a Democrat 50 years, my home state is Illinois, i left Illinois because of tax, and spend democrats,( Dick Durbin). I`ll be voting for Trump!

      1. George – glad to have you onboard. I don’t necessarily agree with everything Trump says or the way he says it but he is NOT a corrupt Politician, that I can say with surety. The drain the swamp language that Trump uses now and early on in his campaign has proven to be more and more appropriate than anyone would have imagined.
        Define the Deep State however you like but rest assured it does exist. These very people, party’s aside, have given Hillary, Obama, and others a pass on corruption, while doing their very best to remove Trump from office.

  7. If any of those anti-American Socialist are elected, God help us. And I’m beginning to think God is looking down on us and saying, “You got ourselves into that mess so get yourselves out of it. I haven’t got time for a bunch of damn fools.”

  8. I would not vote for any of these even if one was the only candidate on the ballot. I hope the people they currently represent will take the same stance at any future election. Look what they have done for our country.

  9. These are all ridiculous choices.
    Can you picture any of these as President?
    Can you imagine Corey Booker as a diplomat, standing on a table
    beating his chest, and doing his best gorilla sounds?
    Can you see Pocahontas, extolling her native american roots on the campaign
    Can you endure 4 years of Bernie Sanders caving in to our enemies, when he
    caved to the Hildabeast?
    Can you imagine our country under Kamala Harris? Open to all immigrants, anti-whites, spending
    sprees, no pay for our military families?
    Can you imagine Kirsten Gillibrand at the helm selling out our military and spending all our money
    on the dreamers? NO THANK YOU to all of these individuals! Trump 2020!

  10. The only legit candidate was left off was Uncle Joe, and he’s a far stretch. The Party is a dead party because they have
    no new idea’s and their candidates are too far Left. The Country is more then NY, California and Washington state.
    Thank God we have a President with new Idea’s, a brain and his Love of this Country, something we didn’t have for the last 8 years.

  11. One constant among all of them: they are liars and deceivers. Keep watching them and they will show you the same. Come on. One is a pretend American Indian and another says we have to many kinds of deodorants in America——maybe we need all the deodorant from the constant stink!

  12. No Problem! Trump will have this country in such good shape by 2020 that he’ll be a shoo-in. North Korea will back off, the Palestinians will make peace with Israel, ISIS will be history, and the troops will come back victorious from Iraq and Afghanistan. China will defer to American foreign policy. The country will be empty of illegals. We will be tired of winning. Mark my words.

  13. Has the Party really fallen this low now? This is a pathetic collection of abject losers. The last halfway decent Presidential candidate they fielded was JFK way back in 1960.

  14. Of all of this worst of the worst, Corey Booker is just plain a racist idiot. Kirsten Gillibrand has the best chance and being from NY is going to hurt her as NY is regarded as the place that elected Andrew Cuomo who has ravaged NYS and has proven he could wreck anything! Easily Cuomo is a death sentence to people who want to work. Gillibrand would destroy the USA economy in a few short months!

  15. Anyone with a half a brain wouldn’t vote for a Demo(RAT) but there is a lot of stupid people out there.
    I think this comment tells it all.
    No Problem! Trump will have this country in such good shape by 2020 that he’ll be a shoo-in. North Korea will back off, the Palestinians will make peace with Israel, ISIS will be history, and the troops will come back victorious from Iraq and Afghanistan. China will defer to American foreign policy. The country will be empty of illegals. We will be tired of winning. Mark my words.

  16. And not a one has enough name recognition to defeat Trump. If this is the best the Democrats have, then Trump will easily coast to a second term.

  17. Just more of the same-old-same-old. All a bunch of the usual LYING DEMOCOMMUNISTS.
    Being from N.Y. I KNOW gillibrand isn’t ANYONE you need ANYWHERE near the Whitehouse.
    She is cut from the same cloth as that COMMUNIST DICTATOR “governor” we have shoved down our throats, that thinks he is a “king” and ALSO is eyeing a Presidential “run”. If he DOES “RUN” the people in this country should RUN AWAY from him, or be FORCED to endure the CRAP WE “NORTHERN” N.Y.ers have had to since he was voted in by the COMMUNIST LIBERAL DEMOCOMMUNIST MAJORITY/ILLEGALS we have here in the larger cities of SOUTHERN N.Y.

  18. ROTFLMAO – I can’t beli8eve that these tax-n-spend Demokrats actually think they stand a chance against the American economy, low unemployment numbers, consumer confidence, and world accolades. The People’s Demokratik Socialist Republik of Kalifornia will self destruct before 2020; therefore, 3 million unlawful migrant’s votes will not be counted and POTUS Trump will waltz into the White House, again. This will be quite a feat for 70+ gentleman. I sure couldn’t . MAGA!


  20. I really wish that we the people could change the POTUS to 6 or 8 year terms each run TRUMP needs at least that much time to fix what is broken. Obama and the Democrats have f*#ked up our country so bad. but Trump look at how much he has fixed in only his first year jobs taxes health care a $20.00 raise to SSI rebuilt our military strength turn around the law enforcement. that Obama f*#ked up so bad in 8 years giving our money to other country’s taxing us for not having health ins. SSI cost of living raise $3.00 in 8 years cut our Military here & around the world tied the hands of our troops. that got so many killed for no reason other than to let ISIS come to power. and opened our borders to let ISLAM in to take over our country from with in. and drugs gangs from MEXICO as a cover for his Muslim Brotherhood take over with the full help of the DEMOCRATS & Hillary as sec.of State time for all of us to do your research.

  21. When will the formerly moderate democrats realize the they have not left the Democrat party, but that the party has left them. The party has turned hard left since JFK who was the last Democrat who at least tried to speak for the America I knew. It is time for those disenfranchised moderate democrats to vote the radicals out so they can rebuild the party as one that speaks for mainstream Americans not the radical left that currently has a chokehold on the party. Wake up before it’s too late!

  22. I am sure there MUST be some moderate or even conservative Democrats out there but are left spinning in the wind created by the blowhards listed above. However, in the meantime, I will continue follow President Trump as he brings us back to what we CAN and SHOULD be in this world.

    If the Dems go with one of this crowd, they had better be prepared to be blown into the ocean off both coasts by the Pesident Trump’s’ whirlwind landslide in 2020. Can’t wait!

  23. The liberals will give us Bernie and Trump’s margins will grow in every state. However, it will be a bumpy ride getting there with Trump having to deal with the ‘impeach at all costs’ mob in the Democratic party and the stealth Rhinos. Love, hank

  24. I think I might get Rosie O’donnal for POTUS with Hanoi Jane as VP[OTUS. Does no one believe the Dumocrats were hired by the people to help run this country, not to bring it down. I know it’s a tragic situation. However sad putting illegals before our own citizens. How many of DACA have they adopted, provided for? Are the taking money out of their excessive salary’s to help them? By the way DO NOT vote for the above team.

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