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Hey, Wasn’t Donald Trump Supposed to Go to Prison This Week?

Tampa, Florida – July 31, 2018:  President Donald Trump addresses his supporters at a rally in Tampa, Florida, on July 31, 2018.

This article was written on July 11, 2024. This was supposed to be the day when Donald Trump was sentenced to a million years in prison for the worst crime ever – someone at the Trump Organization labeled payments to Trump’s lawyer as “legal expenses.”

Instead, Trump is ascendant in every poll. He’s tied with Joe Biden in Minnesota, which no Republican candidate has won since Richard Nixon’s 1972 landslide.

Biden’s own party and donors are calling on him to leave, while Biden is steadfastly refusing to be unwedged. This is so great!

Poor Barack Obama and Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC). They were all set to steal another election this fall.

Obama has his network of ballot harvesters ready to start collecting the ballots. Good grief, they’ve imported 30 million illegal aliens to help steal the election. All they have to do is register to vote and Obama’s team will harvest the ballot.

The black election workers from Congressman Clyburn’s AME Church are strategically stationed in swing state precincts to count the rigged ballots.

But as Obama himself has warned, never underestimate Joe’s ability to eff things up! Everyone in Joe’s own party is now saying he cannot win, so no one will believe it if they rig a fake victory for him this time.


Joe, for his part, feels incredibly put-upon right now during the few hours a day when he’s awake. He’s always been a mediocre dud who wanted everyone to take him seriously.

He used to walk into rooms in the White House when he was VP and find low-level staffers laughing at him behind his back. This is Joe’s big Revenge of the Nerd moment. He’ll show ‘em this time! He’s a big somebody!

He’s also sitting on that big pile of cash that donors raised for him back when everyone was pretending he wasn’t a dementia patient. The campaign has made it clear that any replacement candidate cannot have the money—and the FEC rules agree with this. Biden has an estimated $240 million in the bank and any replacement candidate will be starting with zero.

George Clooney hosted that big fundraiser for Diaper Joe just a couple of weeks before the election. They raised $30 million for him that night. It was the night when Obama had to grab Biden by the wrist and lead him off the stage like a dog when he zoned out and forgot where he was.

Today, Clooney is admitting that Biden can’t win and wants him to step down. Clooney says he wasn’t the “same old Joe” at the fundraiser. Notice that, like everyone else, Clooney didn’t say anything until after Joe tanked in the debate. They all knew.

The problem that Democrats have with the voters is not the fact that their candidate is mean, nasty, old, suspected pedophile who can’t remember what he ate for breakfast. Their problem is their sh*t policies.

The latest Gallup poll shows that the top policy concerns for American voters are the disastrous economy (36%), illegal immigration (22%), and poor government leadership typified by Joe Biden (20%). The issues that Democrats normally win presidential elections on aren’t even close on the list. Abortion is at 3%, health care is at 2%, and gun control is at 1%. Maybe the intelligence agencies will stage another one of those mass shootings with one of their MK-ULTRA wind-up toys like they always do.

They tried to shore things up by having Biden give an interview to Bill Clinton’s hatchet-man, George Stephanopoulos, at ABC News. It obviously didn’t go well. After the interview, a TMZ reporter overheard Stephanopoulos telling someone on the street that he doesn’t think Biden can serve another four years.

ABC News ordered Stephanopoulos to apologize, or they’d fire him and take him off the air. Stephanopoulos has never been a brave man. You’ve already guessed what he did.

When they’re telling their nominee to drop out of the race, they’re already admitting that they’ve lost. The fact that they can’t remove him from the race makes it even funnier.

I honestly thought a couple of weeks ago that Trump would be going to prison today. That’s one prediction I got wrong this election season. It’s hard to believe things turned around so quickly.

It’s more proof that the hand of Providence is watching over and protecting Donald Trump and the America First movement.

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6 thoughts on “Hey, Wasn’t Donald Trump Supposed to Go to Prison This Week?”

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