Hillary Clinton: We Have to Be Ready if Trump Doesn’t ‘Go Quietly’

Hillary Clinton warned viewers that if President Donald Trump defeated by Joe Biden in November, he may not give up the presidency easily.

Clinton was speaking with talk show host Trevor Noah, of the Daily Show, via a remote link. Noah asked Clinton about her time in quarantine and cracked some jokes about her failed presidential bid. He focused on the idea that voters would regret their decisions now, and that Clinton should be saying “I told you so” to the general public.

“Because I know if I was in your position, I would spend most of my time tweeting, ‘I told you so’ and I would walk around the street just looking at people saying, ‘It could have been me, it could have been me.’”

Clinton’s response:

“Well, you know, before the lockdown I was doing all of that,” Clinton joked in response. “I mean there’s probably video.”

Things took a different turn when Noah asked for some insights from Clinton about her feelings surrounding the 2020 race. He specifically asked about mail in voting and President Donald Trump’s firm stance against this idea.

“It seems like America is on an ominous path to a November date when there is going to be a lot of questions in and around the election,” the host said. “Donald Trump is vehemently against mail-in voting. What do you make of this and what do you think the path is to getting people the easiest access to casting their votes?”

Clinton’s reply covered everything from voter suppression (if people aren’t going to vote Republican, Republicans don’t want them to be able to vote. She feels Republicans would specifically be targeting youthful voters and voters of color.

She went on to share the idea that if the election did not go the way Trump wanted, he might protest and even refuse to accept the results.

“Well, I think it is a fair point to raise as to whether or not, if he loses, he’s going to go quietly or not,” she said. “And we have to be ready for that. But there have been so many academic studies and other analyses, which point out that it’s just an inaccurate, fraudulent claim.”

Clinton did backpedal a bit when asked to clarify, stating that she wanted a fair election, and her comments about the President were worries that he might not “go quietly” if voted out of office. She concluded by reiterating that she believed that Democrats would be successful in November and unseat the President, but did not mention any specific candidate by name.

Amongst the ever changing news and restrictions surrounding the impact of Coronavirus, very little has been presented to the news media by the Democratic Party about their future candidate. While many expect this will be Joe Biden, concerns about his mental wellbeing have arisen and the candidate is absent from the public eye. Clinton did not mention him by name, only stating that she was confident Democrats would have a president in office in November, with a victory in both electoral and popular votes.

Featured Image by Gage Skidmore

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88 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton: We Have to Be Ready if Trump Doesn’t ‘Go Quietly’”

  1. Trump will win easily because in the end women both married and single will support him for safety even though they may not like him.He stands for Law and Order. People want to feel safe. The rioting has been overdone.

    1. Why can’t that lying witch just go away? She is a non-essential person with more bad baggage than the airports.

      1. She is a pimple on the tuchas of America! She is still upset because SHE LOST! She thought the fix was in, but, SHE LOST! She forgot about ‘We The People’ and us “broken, unemployable, veterans” and SHE LOST! But then look what happened! SHE TRIED EVERYTHING TO STEAL THE ELECTION BACK, BUT, SHE LOST! In the four states that were recounted, she had fewer votes during the recount and she STILL LOST! She is worried that Trump won’t leave if he loses? She is basing that comment on the fact that Hussein and his Marxist “Deep State“ stayed in Washington and did his best to undermine an incoming administration! But, it all backfired on them!!

        1. You’re sounding ‘Hillaryious’ again, dear…..you need to go take another long walk in the woods & stay there this time…….

      2. Talking about “not going quietly” – She is still complaining that she didn’t win and it has been nearly 4 years! Give it up Clinton! The only way you could make it to the White House is if the Democrats have an alternate plan regarding Biden. They know he couldn’t handle the job so maybe a last minute replacement. or make the VP candidate the person they actually want in office so that if Biden actually wins, they will become president. I tend to think the last minute swap out will be how it goes,.

    1. This is impossible. Hilary has no mind to think with and never has. Look at what she married. Then again look at what HE married.

  2. hillery has not left yet ,her perverted mind keeps spitting out bullcrap just like bill !wish that old prune would dry up , and shout up!

    1. She is the biggest disgrace, disrespected piece of shit in our great country. Killer, Lier, lier, pants on fire.

  3. So why is this interview not being done from a prison cell the way it should be done for all traders to this country the way Hillary Clinton betrayed us all. There clearly is no justice in America anymore if Hillary Clinton Barack Obama in all of the Socialist Democratic leaders are left not to answer for their crimes??? We are no longer the greatest nation in the world if we can solve this problem

    1. Thank you James I have wondered this so many times,Lock these power hungry monsters up along with Pelosi,Waters Harris, Shiff this bunch of liers can not even clean up California. And Biden oh my scary as hell SENILE as hell,he is to be the puppet for the socialist democrats, and do not think they will not try to copy Russia in the future.WAKE UP AMERICANS before it is to late.

      1. BIDEN is a patsy that if elected, will have the shortest presidency in history. They will remove him from office in 6 months, maybe at most a year and crown the woman they demand he chose as his running partner for VP as POTUS!. If no one can see this conspiracy, they are blind or part of it. They will say to all the women, “LOOK, WE ARE THE PARTY THAT HAS PUT THE FIRST WOMAN INTO THE OFICE OF THE POTUS, AND SHE’S AFRICAN AMERICAN!” No other potential presidential candidate has ever been told who to pick, you must pick this gender as your V.P., NEVER!

  4. Mail in voting is easy to cause voter fraud. I had a mail in ballot for primaries and didn’t mail it in so took it with me when I voted in person. They said there was nothing saying I had received a mail in ballot. I could have mailed it in and voted in person, voting twice. Makes me wonder who isn’t honest and does vote twice.

  5. I want to hear Biden say that if Trump wins in 2020 that he will accept defeat and not do what Hillary has done for the last 3 3/4 years!

    They failed in every attempt to remove the president. Here’s the list of their attempts
    (1) the Muller inquisition into the Russians involvement in the interference in the election and the fake Dozier report.
    (2) Adam Shift Impeachment hearings farce we’re a so-called whistleblower never appears close door meetings and witnesses with their own agendas and accusations that had no proof.
    (3) The totally disrespectful action of the Speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi during the President State of Union Address
    (4) The totally unpreparedness of the way they have handled the Covid -19 pandemic then have the UN mid Gaul to Criticize the president after sending support and equipment to help with the short falls

  7. The biggest fear voters have is that IF Bite Me got elected, he’d be slid out of the office and Killery would be slid into it.

    Now you’re talking Benghazi, Fast N Furious, toilet servers, and the new SECURITY Category called WHY BOTHER.

    Pay for Play gets a new jolt. Lincoln bedroom is again for rent.

    And AF1 becomes the Lolita Express.

    All normal day to day in the Klintstones household. One or the other will be on travel 365.

    And the media will be over the moon.

  8. Fuck Hillary ,the piece of shit Oboma that tried to destroy America Biden Pelosi Antifa Soros Shiff and the fucking socialist Dems, they need to be stopped before they destroy America, fuck all the crooked assholes

    1. Agree 100% with Mike Dillon- The senile Biden is only a puppet for the monsters the Dens, are. all you young better Study the last (along with now) century or your going to be living under dictatership.

      1. They all should be sentenced to prison or the electric chair for their dictator lies. They all lie out of their devil asses and have played politics with this coronavirus and deserve to burn in hell. I completely agree with you Mike.

        1. I did not mean the electric chair part (I am in the heat of going through an unfair issue)but what these leaders are doing is really destroying our country, it is an injustice, they are horribly dividing us, and I want it to stop.

    2. I am 110% on board ladies and gentleman !! Let the Dem’s try to steal this election through Covid mail in Votes !! It gives us the opportunity to take back our Country and hand these commie P.O.S. pinko, rat fink bastards an ass whipping they deserve.I for one am tired of watching BLM, Antifa , Clinton , Obama, Soros to name just a few trample on the constitution that I swore an oath to protect. TIME FOR A REVOLUTION !!!!!!!!! THEY ARE DRUNK ON THEIR OWN FARTS IN D.C.!! they have gotten away with pissing on us for so long they think because the echo chamber tells them so that there will be no consequences. If they had any sense they would take all that $$ they have stolen through public service and leave our country because when We The People take back over and Lady Justice is re-seated treason will again be punishable by Death by hanging !!!! I for one would take great pleasure in seeing several of these traitors hung, Hell I would pay for that ticket.

  9. killary is THE most EVIL human being on the face of this earth, with pelosi and soro very close behind…..SOOOOOOOO many power hungry old demented souless creatures, still trying to get their 15 min..at the expense of the American people……ALL are Godless or they would know SOON they will have to atone for all the misery they have caused….dems don’t want that old demented fool biden..if bide got in they would impeach him ,BECAUSE he is DEMENTED!!! then they play their ace in the hole and God forbid who that would be…….Folks you are NOT voting for biden, but who will replace him when they boot him out…DON”T be fooled by the dems..this is their plan..

    1. If they send me an unrequested mail in ballot I will vote TWICE for President Trump!
      Two can play at that game!

  10. Yo, Hil. You mean like YOU accepted the results of the last election? Geez, lady, you haven’t stopped whining about it for nearly 4 years. Hell, not even the Steele dossier THAT YOU BOUGHT AND PAID FOR didn’t work. And you wanted to run the COUNTRY?!?!?!? Crawl back under your rock, will ya??

  11. That old demented hag will not go quietly, so lets let her know how we ALL feel about her….Good BYE killary back under your rock….back to your perverted husband and hopefully, to jail for ALL the crimes you have committed against America and Americans….

  12. The way the demos keep talking I bet the election will be rigged in favor of Biden. I can’t believe the crooked demos can sleep at night with all the lies and the underhanded stunts they try to pull. Power and money sure does make them evil. Oh! the sins they have committed. Lord help them all.

  13. They allow interviews in insane asylums today? People in prisons always say they are not guilty. They play the blame game and write books like what happened?. They live in a different reality, and always find a few that will listen to their rants, and actually believe them. This is such a case. There’s a medication for that.

  14. We are “screwed big time” if sleepy Joe gets in, he will not be there long and then a black female will be president! Watch out white people!

  15. Hillary gaff forgot she was and still is not letting go of POTUS TRUMP WIN, hillary loss almost 4 years later!!!!!????? Get over it Hillary. Try resigning yourself to your fate as you have the blood of Benghazi 4, Seth and another man plus how many more!

  16. The Dems are pushing poor ol’ Joe for the Leader of the free world because he is the name-brand that the ill informed Dems voters can recognize. But The Party first has to insert the VP running mate who will slide into the presidency when ol’ Joe wakes up one morning to find that his own party wants him removed. Then “BINGO”, the newly inserted Democrat running mate becomes president of the most powerful Country in the world. The Dems are very sneaky but President Trump can and will defeat them and this treacherous plan in November. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. Our LIBERTY depends on it.

  17. Hitlery STILL hasn’t gone away quietly after LOSING the 2016 election. She needs to keep here scumbag pie hole SHUT.
    LOCK HER UP!!!


  18. Hillary will be the one screaming when justice finnaly catch up with her and her future home is PRISON or the electric chair.. than woman is a monster

  19. Low information voters fed by the fake news just want to keep you home by offering you more money so that the economy could go down a very deep shit hole! And create a great depression the likes you never seen. Don’t be fooled! Tyranny is their game! It’s very evident in all the liberal run shit holes that keep you to stay home like the useful idiots that you are! You can’t trust these evil liberal Commie Demoncrats!

    Bella Pelosi, better known as Dracula. Sneaked in a 1 billion Dollar funding for Plan Parenthood (The abortion factory) Illegal aliens and other things that have nothing to do with the Coronavirus bill. Evil and Devious indeed! Never let a crisis go to waste is one of the Demoncrat 10 Satanic Commandments.

    Wuhan Virus Bioweapon AKA: China Virus, Coronavirus weaponized by China and their Globalist treasonous Godless demoncratic Commie party and cohorts Soros the MSM fake media, academia, Hollywood, Millennials. Worst of all the treasonous RINOs..to crash the greatest US economy ever! And to take down the greatest president ever, President Trump!! Keep up the great work President Trump! 2020 and beyond! From the Patriots of a Commie free America!

  20. In all objective seriousness, is there anyone with an IQ not overpowered by liberal-progressive hypnosis who honestly can’t recognize Billary as the totally self-serving embarrassment she is to America’s political system? Granted, no one’s perfect, but that narcissistic semi-woman abuses the privilege.

  21. Hillary….the queen of projection. And did she go quietly away after she lost an election? This ugly harridan is banking on the fact that most democratic voters are stupid and has openly admitted this fact.

  22. Why isn’t this miserable loser hag not in jail yet? Killary(Benghazi) Clinton should just go quietly away!! Nobody wants to hear from you,demon-rat!! Disappear bitch!!

  23. Old evil soros trying to set up the US like a 3rd world coutry so he can buy dopeocrats leadership with him in charge. This old sicko has every crook
    ..the obamas killery. Schiff piglosi waters etc in office instead of in jail to lead. We must get rid of all these slugs and keep draing this horrid swamp liken trump has been doing for almost 4 years. You go Trump

  24. I’ve said it once I’ll say it again…Hitlary”s words are irrelevant because she tampered with evidence and should be in prison.

  25. Ms Lick a Lot should just disappear and go back to what she does best…..Licking her aids, that way her mouth is busy and we don’t have her spouting her senseless bullshit.

  26. Doesn’t any of Hillary’s supporters think about the problem that the Clinton Foundation needs to keep her in the news and hopefully for them for her to be appointed to some high ranking position in the U.S. Government where she could have some influence on decision making in order for some of the foreign governments to keep making large donations to the Foundation in order for her and Billy boy to continue their positions in life along with their daughter drawing an enormous income for doing nothing to earn it.
    This family has been sucking at the government teats their entire lives and have no way of contributing to society and someone needs to investigate their connections to George Soros whose only plan is to destroy America for his own personal financial gains and ego.

  27. Why doesnt someone stuff a used tampon in her mouth?? Everything out of her mouth are lies. She is a traitor to this wonderful country. Shes evil and probable murderer. Howvmany prople were murdered in her “circle”. Her and her pervert husband are as dirty and evil as they come. These evil people wont be happy until they destroy this country. Get ready fellow patriots, another civil war is coming


  28. The worst thing we have is not the pandemic… Is virus bat call PELOSI
    I and her cult of bats..
    Our heavenly sent President will be reelect to complete cleaning the swamp in Washington DC.

  29. Married to Her, no wonder Bill cheated ! She is awful. As to Biden I have a feeling the Dems are going to put Cuomo in to replace him with a black woman as VP. The feeling is that the Polls are for Biden but I know of many Reps that haven’t been polled, Dems that are for Trump and won’t answer and Indpend that won’t answer either. They are too afraid of the left wing loonies.

  30. Hillary Clinton can’t accept losing to Donald Trump in 2016. She has been plotting one way after another to make sure Donald Trump either gets impeached and in this case, lose the election in 2020. She has been the most persistent in running for president so she can set up a dictatorship for this country and has been behind the heavy bouts or red tape over the coronavirus. She has also been plotting people to be out of work over this pandemic and not be allowed to collect the unemployment benefits they should be rightfully entitled to collecting. She also has been behind the Benghazi attacks she is a professional at lying about like she has been over her campaign promises in the paat. She deserves to spend life in prison for her crimes and is truly a completely evil person.

  31. I find it interesting that Hillary Lying, two – face, back – stabbing, self glorifying, self enriching and self righteous Clinton claims that Donald Trump is like her. I furthermore believe that there is a very important reason that Joe Biden is being hidden by Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and AOC. Given the fact that Joe Biden has made several statements which show his mental decay. My grandmother and mother have and had Alzheimer’s disease and from what I have seen of Joe Biden.
    I furthermore believe that the man has it -, therefore I cannot believe that Joe Biden will last four years or even last six months.

  32. Saw a video from a gal in Yugoslavia yesterday. She was laying out the progression that led up to her country becoming a socialist country. It almost sounded like she was laying out what was happening here. The so called “protests” being lead by Antifa and the BLM are NOT PROTESTS. They are well prepared riots. No protester has EVER carried a leaf/snow blower that will be used to fan the flames of arson fires. No protesters before carried a change of close to disguise themselves from police and reporters. No protester carries sharpened pole to use as a weapon. No protester carries sledge hammers to smash cars and businesses. No protester carries a blow torch to cut the metal barracade in front of a federal property. Umbrellas to hide the identities and changing of clothes, backpacks full of frozen water, IEDs, lazer lights to blind officers and other such devices have been use in PORTLAND, CHICAGO AND SEATTLE as well as other locations. These are NOT the tools of peaceful protesters, they are the tools of VIOLENT INSURRECTIONISTS DETERMINED TO DESTROY OUR COUNTRY AND WAY OF LIFE. These are the people the Democratic Party are supporting over the American citizen. Biden is not a legitimate candidate, but the democrats are not going to disclose who their pick really is. Rest assured the individual will be favored by Communists, Marxists, Globalists and the United Nation as one that will fulfill their anti-American agenda over the wishes of the American citizen.

  33. Hilary Clinton is “setting Pres. Trump up”. She knows that the Democrats will cheat in the elections any way they can, and if they did win by their lying and cheating and Trump would naturally protest, they would say, “See, we knew he would not want to leave”. They are the most vicious, deceiving group of politicians I have ever heard of. They are willing to destroy our Country just to regain power. How frightening and disgusting!

  34. FU*K off you demented OLD hag……YOU are DONE no black, white or any other American will tolerate your EVIL bull crap any longer …dem, republican, independant……..Put her big mouthed butt in prison ASAP for her crimes against this Country

    1. I think she’s an idiot Trump will win she’s one track mind she’s oh Betty and I cannot stand her she’s a liar she’s a thief and she had no right not letting anybody know what was going on when we lost men over the sea she’s a hypocrite salvation put her out of her misery or lock her up like she should be I do not like her trump all the way

  35. Are u kidding, this stupid broom jockey has some very vivid imagination…… problem is senile creepy old Joe will not win in November hopefully those in congress who are so busy destroying our republic will also be removed…… do you honestly think they will go quietly not likely! I find it very funny these demoRATS always talk about what they would do to fix the problems they created, it didn’t take long before Trump set about fixing these ills …… the demoRATS simply cannot stand an America that actually works as the founding fathers designed it

  36. Hillary is counting on Biden falling on his face and she will step in and save the Democrats. Dream on lady it won’t happen you are not popular in politics and should just give it up. Biden is just not able to have a campaign outing without flubbing it up so their is definitely a problem there which the Democrats will not admit. We are definitely looking forward to the Presidential debates. We will wait and see the outcome.

  37. I would like to see all the crimes of Hillary and her group brought to jail.you no if it was republican that would be done already. i do not understand how we let a person like Biden run for president with his limited abilities. people open your eyes we need to get them out.Trump has done more for us in a short time then dems have ever Obama and Biden did nothing for any of us .Biden had 47 years for a zero. i no the US is better then that.We have a chance to change things dont let it slip by. oh i see aoc got our congress men yogo fired for what she will be insulted more the that with her attitude she should go back to where she came from leave our country alone

  38. i think that black witch hillary should crawl back into her calldren and close the lid and somebody please weld it shut

  39. I am 110% on board ladies and gentleman !! Let the Dem’s try to steal this election through Covid mail in Votes !! It gives us the opportunity to take back our Country and hand these commie P.O.S. pinko, rat fink bastards an ass whipping they deserve.I for one am tired of watching BLM, Antifa , Clinton , Obama, Soros to name just a few trample on the constitution that I swore an oath to protect. TIME FOR A REVOLUTION !!!!!!!!! THEY ARE DRUNK ON THEIR OWN FARTS IN D.C.!! they have gotten away with pissing on us for so long they think because the echo chamber tells them so that there will be no consequences. If they had any sense they would take all that $$ they have stolen through public service and leave our country because when We The People take back over and Lady Justice is re-seated treason will again be punishable by Death by hanging !!!! I for one would take great pleasure in seeing several of these traitors hung, Hell I would pay for that ticket.

  40. All the Dem belong in prison.fat ugly hillary REMENBER Benghazi those brave men would not have died it was that bitches fault. You are so right Biden is Senile as hell is being used as a puppet for the socialist filthy democrats, ugly 80 year old pelosi arm shaking lier she trying to spread The PELOSI VIRUS all over china town go live in China you witch .

  41. Clinton, Now why can’t you take your Lard Butt and leave Quietly? President Trump is going to WIN by one of the biggest Landslide Victories in Political history, and will also be winning new seats in both the Hose and the Senate. Now Lard you can lay back down and eat your Chocolate covered Cherries.

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