In yet another devastating defeat for Democrats attempting to discredit the stunning victory of Donald J. Trump, the House Intelligence Committee has exonerated the president of any Russian collusion during the 2016 election.
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence launched a full-scale investigation into Russian meddling and possible collusion in January 2017 after ranking members Adam Schiff (D) and Devin Nunes (R) had been briefed by intelligence agencies that Russian entities had engaged in pre-election propaganda efforts.
After more than one year, continued work with the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies, more than 70 witnesses testifying before the congressional committee, and vast amounts of taxpayer money being spent, zero evidence has been uncovered linking the Trump Campaign to Russian collusion, zero.
But what Americans are discovering is that when the president called the hearings a “witch hunt” on Twitter, that may be the truest statement.
Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski recently went on the record outlining just how big of a farce the House probe became. Lewandowski sat through two rounds of questions before the committee answering every question in full. Having spent more than 12 hours of interrogation voluntarily, the Republican strategist recounted how depraved the witch hunt became.
“I was very clear. I never interacted with Russians. The candidate never interacted with Russians. The was no collusion. There was no cooperation and there was no coordination. I could have had my testimony done in five minutes,” Lewandowski said. “Mr. (Adam) Schiff wants to use this as a bully pulpit for him. I sat through, on Thursday of last week, and said ‘before I get up and leave. I been here for 4 ½ hours, are there any additional questions before I get up and go home and see my family.’ And there were no additional questions.”
“So, this notion that he wants to grandstand and have people come back and talk some more. He had all the time in the world to ask me any questions he wanted,” Lewandowski added.
Of the more than 70 interviews conducted by the committee, high profile Democrats such as Andrew McCabe, Susan Rice, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Samantha Power, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, and John Podesta were linked to various interference concerns, most notably the DNC and Hillary Clinton Campaign-funded Dossier and FISA warrant. To date, the only publicly known coordination with known Russian entities were efforts to discredit candidate Trump through the purchase of the salacious and widely discredited Dossier created by a former spy.
Although no actionable evidence has surfaced linking Pres. Trump or his campaign advisors to Russia, Democrats such as Rep. Schiff pressed to continue the McCarthy-esque hearings.
Following the 14 months of information provided by U.S. intelligence agencies and live testimony, no charges were brought to bear against members of either party. From the 13 indictments leveled in the Mueller investigation, the picture appears to be that Russian entities worked to sow the seeds of discord in America by using social media to influence opinions about candidates.
The Russian propaganda favored Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein and attacked Hillary Clinton. On the conservative end of the political spectrum, Russian efforts appeared to target senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, favoring Trump during the primary and then attacking him after winning the election. Despite a mixed bag of propaganda, the House Intel committee voted strictly along party lines to disband its congressional investigation.
Schiff, despite staring defeat in the face, did what he could to keep the failing narrative alive.
“While the Majority members of our committee have indicated for some time that they have been under great pressure to end the investigation, it is nonetheless another tragic milestone for this Congress, and represents yet another capitulation to the executive branch,” he said. “By ending its oversight role in the only authorized investigation in the House, the Majority has placed the interests of protecting the President over protecting the country, and history will judge its actions harshly.”
The House report did, however, uncover potential FISA court abuses by the Obama Administration that are under investigation by the Department of Justice, a “lackluster” effort by Pres. Obama to stem social media intrusion by Russian operatives and 25 recommendations to the Trump Administration about preventing future meddling by foreign entities.
The House committee had been the source of continual anti-Trump and factually misleading leaks from start to finish. It appears that Trump has been fully exonerated, and the Mueller investigation continues to indict political outliers for interference and others for unrelated offenses.
Democrats may want to brace themselves for an embarrassing end to the Special Counsel’s efforts as they are tasked with explaining to voters they wasted time, energy and taxpayer dollars attacking the president.
~ Conservative Zone
if the demoncrats had to pay out of their own pockets for these attacks on our president,just because they don;t like him.the witch hunts would stop.
You have that exactly right. Amazing how the weenies whine, cry, and stomp their feet because they didn’t get their way. I am also disgusted with the lying, cheating, stealing, and dirty dealings of the Democrats. It would be laughable at all the ways they disparage Republicans (who are no angels) when the Democrats have the market cornered on immaturity, selfishness, and the despicable behavior of the thieves they are.
The Dems never pay for anything out of their pockets. It is statistically true that Dems make almost no contributions to charity while Repubs and Conservs make many. That being said until the Repubs and Conservs as I have already mention have plans to actually force back the lying inflaming enormous energy of the left nothing will happen and the left will win. Just use Newton’s law of physics.
what has the nonsense cost us?
Close the whole thing down. Mueller has fond nothing connected to the alleged purpose of his investigation. And the public is tired of hearing about it. There was no collusion between Trump and Russia. And if there was not any crime committed there can not be any obstruction of justice! What as obstructed?
Enough is enough? And there has been more than enough of this farce.
Mueller will keep his biased nose in the public (taxpayer) money trough as long as he’s allowed, by witch hunting Democrats.
Mueller will keep his biased nose in the taxpayer money trough as long as he can.
I am an outside observer from north of the boarder
Never has there been such a blatant liberal biased and hypocritical slant put on the truth by the Clinton acolytes and this was, in my opinion, all been initiated by Obama and executed by the DNC. The US is becoming a tin pot dictatorship under the liberal media and DNC and I hope that someone has the kahunas to level charges against the whole corrupt colluding organization on the left. They need to be in the slammer. By the way I am for shutting down Guantanamo Bay and moving the facilities to the Aleutian Islands for safety and security
if you believe that the deep state is going away, think again! It would not matter whom was elected President in the Republican party, the deep state was embedded over the 8 years under Obama. Remember his battle cry, Change was about to become history and it was not going to be for the best for America citizens. Obama could have been a great president, but his whole agenda was to bring America down, as he once sided with the most prejudice hating blacks in America. His father , whom he so desired to be like absolutely hated America, and so it is with George Soros, the man behind the deep state. George Soros makes millions , maybe billions on creating government failures, and he was the man behind funding Obama and Hillary. Ever wonder why he hates America? I am pretty sure that what he was in his early years, was not someone that cared about life or liberity, but hate for Jews and America! Ever wonder why he changed his name once fleeing Germany ? The deep state is going to take another 8 years to clean up, if the republicans have the guts to fight and stand up to the liberals.
Excellent. The other point I would extend is that this deep state started way before Obama although he strengthened it. The Democrats are pros at narratives that hit the primitive brain and instill fear. They have been saying that the Right are racists and care not for the poor. They have a Marxist mentality. We are in deep trouble.
Obama followed Rev. Wright who said that we must weaken America and who hated Jews and Whites. It is the idiots of America who did not do their homework. Just read Wright’s site. He is evil.
And Obama is and never has been for the poor.
Also Soros is a Polish Jew who sided with Hitler. He too is one of the most evil beings on this planet.
There needs to be an audit performed on the so-called special investigative mueller team. All the financial appropriations they spent falls under the government heading of waste, fraud and abuse. All funds must be accounted for and returned to the general public.
Talk Talk Talk…….Americans are not learning anything from all of this except those who already know. Do you really think that the momentum of the left with all the population that the new generation is matches at all the Right? Whenever something like this is said that Americans are learning it is just fooling all of us. If the Right does not have better plans like sending people out to talk even in other countries as the left does then there are no matching forces to meet the left with….This is bullshit…And we should all be much more concerned…They will get Trump and all of us who believe in the Constitution.