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Illegal Drug Trade BOOMING with Biden’s Open Border

Human traffickers, drug smugglers, and criminals of all kinds love open borders. They love open borders as much as they would love it if everyone left their doors unlocked at night. Under the fraudulent Biden Administration, criminals of every stripe are pouring across our southern border. With them come stolen children, trafficked women, domestic slaves to be sold cheaply, and lots and lots of dangerous illegal drugs.

Of course, there are also legitimate refugees. There are those who are fleeing abhorrent circumstances created by poverty, the deprivation of criminal gangs, and criminal governments, but we repeat ourselves. There are those who hope to obtain a safer, more prosperous lifestyle and are willing to work for it. Sadly, for such people, life on the border must be all but intolerable. Surrounded by desperate criminals, and desperation in general, decent people without the resources for self-defense cannot hope for much. More sadly still, many of these end up becoming sex slaves and labor slaves.

So it is for them and for the future victims of the criminal sea in which they subsist, that we hang our heads in consternation.

Inevitably, the flow of drugs coming across the border has been ratcheted up to levels it has never before reached. To make matters worse, we’re not talking about 1970s strength marijuana. The Mexican drug cartels have stopped producing grass for American markets altogether. They cannot compete with the GMO weed being produced in American labs and in American basements.

No, today, all of the South American drug trade aimed at North American users is made up of heroin and cocaine, just to name the staples. But it’s much worse than that, as much of these drugs are laced with the deadly Chinese-created synthetic opiate, Fentanyl.

Fentanyl is so dangerous that just a few grams of the drug can stop the respiration of a healthy, 200-pound man. It is hundreds of times more potent than heroin and thousands of times more potent than morphine – and most people who take it know this. Sadly, the American pharmaceutical industry has grown so powerful and has gotten so out of control that they have intentionally addicted hundreds of thousands of people to opioid drugs — artificial pain killers. Those inarguably dangerous prescription drugs are more expensive than the heroin coming across the border.

Inevitably, this means that Americans will become addicted to painkillers, drop their exorbitantly expensive opioid prescriptions, and feed their addiction with illegal heroin. Many of those people will get a batch laced with Fentynal and die, drowning in their own phlegm.

This, dear reader, comes at a time suspiciously near to our exit from Afghanistan — where the opium blossoms wave in the desert breeze. We ask you, is it a coincidence that the middle eastern heroin supply chain is cut off just weeks before the south American one is blown open? If the lessons of the last four years have taught us anything, the answer may well be, “No.”

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2 thoughts on “Illegal Drug Trade BOOMING with Biden’s Open Border”

  1. This is just another of many ways to rid America of its constituency. This is all being allowed purposely as another killing agent of the American populous.
    It’s most likely killing more Americans the the man made virus we’ve been fighting for almost two years now, just not getting the coverage from our loving and Oh So Truthful media!!

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