Since President Donald Trump took the oath of office last year, devastated liberals have blamed him for everything they perceive is wrong in the world — but the latest accusation may take the cake as the craziest yet. A recent Los Angeles Times article even goes so far as to hold the President responsible for the apparent rising popularity of Satanism.
August Brown, the author of the piece, feels feminists and the disenfranchised are especially embracing the occult due to Trump’s divisiveness.
Referring to practicing Satanists in Los Angeles, Brown said, “Given the never-ending chaos in American life, when nuclear war seems to many to be just one juvenile presidential tweet away, a coterie of artists are rediscovering Satanism’s imagery and rituals in a city with a long, rich and weird history of contrarian philosophies.”
The author portrays the kingdom of darkness as a force of empowerment and an innocent, harmless vehicle for expressing rebellion and popular culture. The article outlines a satanic ritual performed in November of 2017 by married couple Alexandra and Zachary James in the dimly lit basement of their house in Los Angeles.
As she was being watched by about a dozen friends, Alexandra James joined her husband at an altar containing a bleached human skull. At the altar, Ms. James raised a sword and sketched points crossways on her husband’s chest. With organ music playing in the background, Alexandra addressed the group by proclaiming, “On this altar we consecrate swords to direct the fire of our unholy will” and “A human skull, symbol of death. The great mother Lilith created us all, and will destroy us all.” The fired up crowd chanted, “Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan.”
A few hours after the ritual, the assembly heard the shocking news that convicted murderer Charles Manson had died. Instead of grieving the man associated with Satanism, the group celebrated his passing by drinking a few beers and enjoying some psych rock songs. One attendee joked about the possibility of Manson’s spirit being reincarnated as a small dog, and the likelihood that she’d end up adopting it. The atypical lightheartedness of the evening seemed to help persuade the author of the Los Angeles Times piece that the increasing allegiance to Satan is simply an unusual show of “doctrinal disputes, favoring inclusivity, especially for women, often the losers in both traditional religion and radical politics.”
Brown appears to rationalize, or even encourage, participation in the occult for those who vigorously oppose Trump. News reports suggest thousands of witches around the world are casting a spell on the president each month in order to prevent him from carrying out harmful and destructive acts. The monthly spell, which was initiated in February of 2017, has apparently become a global sensation. Vicky Adams is the owner of an occult store in Hollywood, California. In recent months, she’s been swamped with people desperate to learn more about the spell and purchase the necessary ingredients to carry it out. One of the ridiculous, coveted ingredients is an orange candle, which mocks the President’s rumored fake tan.
Due to Trump’s very public endorsements of Judeo-Christian values, the new converts to Satanism highlighted in the Los Angeles Times piece will likely remain furious with him for the long-haul. In December of 2017, the President boldly declared that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. During the recent White House tree-lighting event, Trump reiterated to Americans that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. At the ceremony, the President said, “For Christians, this is a holy season, a celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” He went on to state, “The Christmas story began 2,000 years ago with a mother, a father, their baby son, and the most extraordinary gift of all – the gift of God’s love for all of humanity.”
When he addressed attendees at the Values Voter Summit in October of 2017, Trump put religious liberty at the forefront of his speech.
“In America, we don’t worship government – we worship God,” the president said. “Religious liberty is enshrined in the very first amendment of the Bill of Rights. And we all pledge allegiance to … one nation under God. This is America’s heritage, a country that never forgets that we are all are – all, every one of us – made by the same God in Heaven.”
~ Conservative Zone
I can see CLINTON or OBAMA linked to Devil worshippers but Trump not freaking way..
The Devil is so mad that Jesus intervened and Killary Jezebel was dethroned. Most if not all Demon Rats are devil worshippers along with the Fake News media. I call them the walking dead, just look at most of them, all they have to do is grow horns.
You are so right. If Rocket Man gets his rockets to work and has to launch one, I hope it hits the Hollywood sign and takes out the “entertainers” (who ARE devil worshippers for the most part) and sinks that useless state into the sea where it belongs!
I’m a Californian, but I agree with you and unfortunately, even though there are a lot of us here on your side, the ones on the other side have the Megamouths and are the loons, thats what you hear most. Again, remember who the Media favors.
Amen to that brother!
They look in the mirror and call President Trump exactly
what they actually are…
you are so right
Trump doesn’t have to do anything to make the public move toward the occult, it was prophesied long ago. 2 Timothy 3King James Version (KJV) 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their’s also was.
How stupid!
You are the one who is stupid if you can’t see what this guy is saying is right on. You can keep your head buried in the sand if you want, but Satanism is alive and well here in America. The majority of politicians and film “stars” worship the devil. Look into it. Whether God and the devil are real or not (and they are) these “elite” pieces of human excrement believe it and gladly give their souls (and children) to these dark forces for fame, money, etc.
god said truth becomes the lie and lies becomes the truth also god spiritually blinds those who do not want to believe in holy bible king James only truth
Thank you Doris, you are so right. Soros is EVIL along with O. Soros was born Jewish, and during WW11 he helped the Nazis find the Jewish people so they could take them to concentration camps. All one has to do is take one look at O and think back to when we were kids and who we were taught about, well that is who he looks like.
The rise in Satanism is being caused by the lack of good God fearing Christians. Remove God from your life and you get darkness ,hate ,violence and immorality. People this day want to to what they want ,how they want and when they want
disregarding God and the 10 Commandments. When you live that way you are inviting Satan into your life.
You know what? Whether you hate him or not, Donald Trump is the freely elected President of the United States – so just get over it!
What’s kind of funny, is that atheists have no problem believing in Satan. What does that tell you?
They’re not really atheists, they’re just God-Haters.
A FUNNY: I was in a group that dealt with religion’s. We went around stated or faith. The female next to me said Satanist, I asked “truly” her response was (Not a joke) “Honest to God” I about choked on my coffee. NOW WOW next they will blame him for the Assination of Kennedy.
Since there are barbaric muslims why not have satanism?
They are one and the same. My Bible says the only prophet that is to come after God – Jesus was here on earth would be the False Prophet, which came 5oo+ years after Jesus. Guess who that was and he has many followers today.
You have to look at the source for this outrageous GARBAGE. In California half the population is so screwed up they can’t even decide their own gender. Lunatics run most government in California. Nobody in their right minds would ever consider the craps they portray or say in California..It’s nothing but an open air ASYLUM .
We have to consider their crap … it’s all over in the streets. Public defecation is now the new norm in CA. Add that to the ASYLUM tragedy.
The same thing is happening right here in N.Y. his highness “king Andrew” just did a “royal decree” taht the “WE THE TAXPAYERS” will now be FORCED to foot the bill for “transgender reassignment surgeries”. Because the “poor” cannot “afford” it. If they can’t decide what SEX they are, they should drop their drawers and look. If they STILL don’t know, LOCK THEM up in a mental ward for the criminally insane, because they are MENTALLY ILL.
In NJ , our Gov. just signed an EO declaring ILLEGAL ALIENS a PROTECTED CLASS and we lucky NJ taxpapers are to pay for their college Ed. and whatever else they need ! WTH is going on??? Citizens get shafted , ILLEGALS get rewarded for breaking the LAW !!!!!
So true the previous administration is linked to satanism..They work all the time to incite riots, racism etc to bring down our country.. It doesn’t matter what’s going on they are always stirring the pot with evil and hatred
The President has continously stated, “God Bless you, God Bless our work, and God Bless America.” When the President proclaims the One True God to the whole Country, asks God’s Blessing on America, and acknowledges His Divinity before the world, he will receive God’s Blessing and Protection.
As far as the rise in the occult, this has been going on for years, and should be discouraged as they do human sacrifices, as well as animal sacrifices. I would recommend everyone who can, to purchase a St. Benedict Medal, and wear on your person, as well as hang up on door, or windows of your home.
This is the powers of evil vs. The powers of light. Jesus is the Light which enlightens every man who comes into the world.
People have always worshiped the devil. This is nothing new.
F Y I Satanism was budding during the Muslim FRAUD’S destruction of Christianity,America and it’s citizens.It took 8 years for these EVIL/SATAN adoring idiots to start pushing their sick and evil so called religion on Americans.Weban also thank the Crime Syndicate Democrat party for aiding and abetting this destruction
Ha ha ha ! The Liberals are so funny they make me shit. Hahahahaaaaaa.
This is hilarious and entertaining watching liberals melting down exposing their insanity!! LOL!!
I admit, I know little about Satanism, mainly, because I believe Satan was one of God’s creations, who disagreed with God, and turned against Him. If you worship Satan, you join his rebellion against God. That’s not a smart thing to do, in my opinion. So, I haven’t seen any reason to learn about Satanism. So, I’m not sure, but, if you worship Satan, don’t you believe you have a soul that Satan wants? Why would you want your soul to spend eternity in Hell with Satan? I believe in a spiritual being called the Creator of All Things, that created the Universe and everything in it. I need no more than Him.
Actually, you need His Son (Jesus) if you don’t want to be excluded from eternal life. I am not saying this, these are the Words of Jesus himself… “I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME”
Trump is a Godly man. I never realized that before he ran. I feared he would be just another politician in it for himself. Instead I see a rich but regular guy from Queens who believes in God and in America. I began wearing a cross necklace during the Obama Regime, when America was at its lowest ebb, figuring showing my faith to the haters would be a nice gesture. If they attack me, well, that is their choice. I cannot be responsible for what results of their actions.
God bless America and Trump.
No, President Trump isn’t the cause of the “rise” in satanism, he is a Christian. The liberal mind hates God, Christians, Christianity and every thing that is good and normal. They have sold their soul to satan and follow his path. They are of a reprobate mind. Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
Liberals are a hypocritical lot. Example: If you think that the idea of two men sodomizing each other to be wrong, then you are labeled as homophobic. Some even have the audacity to say they are Christians. Maybe they should read Leviticus again?
Trump goes to church on Christmas. If that makes someone a Christian, what do you call the people who go to church weekly?
Good for Trump!!!
The Clintons admitted being satan worshipers. Soros is the devil. Obama’s follow the same as the Clintons. He’ll is total corruption where they have all the money and they open the borders and watch the people kill each other for their entertainment.. loo
These satanics will be in the third circle of hell .
I hate to break this to those useful idiots but Satanism took off under bathhouse barry’s regime; not under President Trump.
Typical Left-brain twist: unable to accept responsibility for one’s own actions. Unbelievable lack of grown-up thinking.
They need an excuse because they know it is wrong. Ergo, the perfect excuse….. Trump
If Brown’s IQ was 2 points lower, he’d be a tree. He is just another reason why Americans need to stay away from recreational drugs.
That chore was left up to obama. He is the cause of the rise of satanism. Remember what he said. while stand in Wright’s church? He condemned the Holy Bible and he condemned God.
Until 2009, conservative scordially despise the liberal dem bloodsuckers.
By the time that jan 2018 rolled around, we hated the liberal dem bloodsuckers with a depth intensity and bitterness,that had no bottom.
The election of Donald Trump almost certainly prevented civil war.
What was the response to this by the liberal compost heaps?They doubled down.
We can no longer coexist with these scum, we must physically separate ourselves form them it is that or civil war.
We all know what the answer is to dealing with these life forms.Why are we waiting
I heard about the spell casting a while back, so I started asking the Lord Jesus to send their spells back on them 5 fold.
Join me in that prayer.
To bad for the devil. Jesus beat it into the ground with a big ugly stick, the cross where He gave His life. Musta been a great & good shock for the devil to see that Jesus didn’t stay dead for long.
I gave you a true story ,you can publish it ,or do what ever you please with the story. No matter what you do with the story it shall stand when you see God.
You libtards are on fn crack !!
You libtards are on fn crack!!
Donald Trump only has those neo christian judeo values because the air head evangelists are feeding him lies and corn syrup. and filling this nerd dro a full of malarky about him being Gods right hand man. lmfao well according to the Holy Scripture which by the way doesn’t lie he ain’t it and His name is Yeshua not Donald Dump, Trump is a liar and many things negative like Satan yes he attract Satanists because deep down. Evangelists are Luciferians and worship demons. how? That one particular edict they preach “prosperity seed sowing” is luciferian from satan himself. So yes he caused alot to worship Satan father of lies and murder.
This article is a sad commentary on how people are gravitating to the darkside of evil in Satan, instead of cultivating the rewards and blessings in acknowledging Our Lord Jesus Christ. I can’t but help think that The Almighty God has had enough of people in our society, these sad souls in particular, poking their collective fingers in His eyes. This kind of activity by those pathetic souls envokes judgment and wrath. It is not Godly activity that they are involved in. If people, but opened their eyes, they would see that judgment has already begun. I don’t know what other people would call it, but the severe drought, fires, and now devastating floods and mudslides are certainly an indication of judgment. Then again, three seriously devastating hurricanes in recent months, also took its toll in destruction and mayhem. Yep! There is STILL flood waters in the streets down south and STILL no electricity for many. The continuing denial that even God exists, tends to bring punishment.
I don’t know WHEN people are going to wake up to leading a Godly life. Our president has accomplished much good in his first year, but you have all the democrats, the Rinos and never-Trumpers, and including the Main Street Media in such a tailspin with their unbridled hatred for this good man…ya, hatred is a no no too, for hatred IS evil. FYI – God punishes evil. Know it and believe it.
Anything that comes out of the lib RAT’s mouths does not surprise me. As God has said. Satan is the father of all liars. And all these people do is lie. It’s unreal how they bring up anything to discredit Mr. Trump. Or those around him. Or those who voted and back him. But as the Lord stated. Mans way seems right to him. But in the end it leads to his destruction. And run to it they do.
Saul Alinski penned a book called “Rules for Radicals” and dedicated that book to Lucifer whom he openly admired. The function outlined in that book were evident, if you observe closely, as a basic foundational motivation for the entire eight years of the Obama administration.
Hillary Rodham used that books author for her Wellesley senior thesis. and for a time before his death was in regular contact with Alinsky.
She would later marry William Jefferson Clinton but retained the name Rodham until her husbands political career suffered from the stigma and she then adopted the Clinton name.
I do not know that Hillary is herself a Satanist but from the way she has conducted herself over the past forty plus years there is question. I have had a chance to observe results of her actions for a long time and she adheres more closely to the Alinsly Rules for Radicals than any other doctrine (Political or Religious) that I know of.
Keep in mind that only people who believe in Satan become Satanists: Christians and Muslims. Non-religious individuals, of course, don’t.
The left continues to get more and more outrageous with their lies and dishonesty. They have the nerve to link President Trump with Satan while a large majority of them are atheists and muslims. At the same time they were the ones who booed God at their DNC. Also, they’re the ones who support abominations like abortion and homosexual relations while attacking Christians and Israeli Jews. Satan is known as the great deceiver and the father of lies. And it’s become truer than ever concerning the left, not only in this country but all over the world.
Of course he did….I have never seen so many “Demoncrats”
In the news.
Liberals and “democrats” are speaking at the mirror of their own creation. Perhaps their image will fade away as their “truthfulness” is revealed to be the bunk it has always been.
the left are the most evil people in the world. anyone that believes incommunism, abortions, murder, homosexuality, are definitely possessed by demonic spirits. I pray the the Lord keeps His hand on Mr. Trump and protects himfrom all of these demonic nut cases. they will all have to answer on judgement day, and I hope that I am there to watch our Lord cast them into the lake of fire, made for the devil and his angels.
I want to see that as well. But don’t you think that WE are being evil in wanting to watch that happen?
America turned its back on God in the anything goes era of the mid 1960s through the 1970s. Came back some during the 1980s when we saw how much of a disaster Jimmuh Cahtah was. Reagan was the best we had ever had, times were good, people made money and lived god lives for the most part. Clinton wrecked that and dragged America into the toilet, Bush raised us a bit, then Obama pulled us to his home, the 9th level of Hell.
Kids are not allowed to pray to God, but anything else goes. People are fired for being openly Christian. People are fired for being openly conservative. Now we have Trump and things seem to be recovering. We have not even seen the wanton killings and destruction of Antifa-BLM following the election.
Dems want to boycott the state of the union address? Please do, the room will smell better!
I agree with what you said until you got to Bush. Both of them (41 & 43), only raised demonic spirits. They are some of the most corrupt and evil people in the US government’s history! They are Satanists (posing as Evangelicals) who have played along with the Demoncraps since day one!
Make that Good lives, I cannot find an edit button.
The disdain of the media : there is a great disdain for the media because of their constant attacks on President Trump by taking a story or a situation or words he speaks and they run with it , adding their own spin by making it a negative and a narrative news story making our president always in the wrong- I call it as i see it ”BLACK JOURNALISM” absent from the truth-
As far as accusing President trump of satanism – it’s the media and the democratic party are controlled by Satan himself. they operate under the spirit of ” Wickedness in high places” As LONG AS THEY BEHAVE THIS WAY ONLY MAKES PRESIDENT TRUMPS SUPPORTERS AND BASE MUCH STRONGER AND HAS SUPPORTERS LIKE ME TO DEFEND HIM. I REST MY CASE.. HAVE A GOOD DAY!
So what else is new? Those fake news idiots and their stupid, blind followers have blamed him for everything else! If people wonder what’s behind the rise of Satanism, look no further than Hollywood, D.C., fake news, etc. etc…..where all the spiritually blind ones are! They’re the REAL reason for the rise of Satanism!
Bulletin: Satan & Satan alone is responsible for the rise of Satanism. He is assisted in this by the millions worldwide who have turned their backs on Jesus Christ. Donald Trump is anything but one of these.
I can see that none of you are really true believers of the Christian faith,
Jesus would Never close the doors on anyone who is seeking refuge from Poverty, Hunger and or annihilation. cant you see that Trump is the Great Deceiver?
He’s promising anything, that you all want to hear, and you all are accepting it
as self-centered selfish thoughts, and are all willing to pass it off that he is your redeamer and is doing a great job even if he does wreck the lives of Millions of Families. ..Small Childern , born in the US ,are losing there parent or parents Dont they have any right ? as U.S. Citizins ? Some Married to a US citizens, are losing there spouse.
there are some that have served in our military, have been sent back t a country they may have been born in but have never really been there other than being born there. they all have lost and are losing there loved ones. Trump is using
We are getting rid of all the criminals, to convince you all .
The Fact is , they are not all criminals.
a very great number of them are being treated very unfairly, I mean, whats wrong with you people? don’t any of you care ? is your answer, JUST SEND THEM ALL BACK TO ANOTHER COUNTRY , DONT MATTER WHERE , JUST GET RID OF THEM ALL !
Then you are all phony Christian followers. You don’t really know who Jesus is.
God Bless us all, as we are all sinners, But you all deserve the cake.
First off, if someone from one of those s#%@hole countries marries an American, THEY WON’T BE SENT BACK. No good Republican wants to see these families broken up.
The problem is this… these “dreamers” can send for their grandfather, grandmother, brothers, sisters, cousins etc. etc. etc. So it is not just one person we are talking about. I say let the ones who ARE NOT CRIMINALS stay. Then BUILD A WALL AND KEEP THE REST OUT. Trump is right, we need more people from Norway and less from San Salvador.
By the way, who do you think you are calling people “phony Christians”? A real Christian would know the Bible commands people to FOLLOW THE LAWS OF THE LAND, WHEREVER YOU LIVE. You are confusing compassion (which we should have) with the survival of OUR CHRISTIAN WAY OF LIFE! These people are NOT Christian, they are mostly Romanists (Catholics to the unenlightened) Catholicism is a CULT. I should know, I was born and raised one. But by the Grace of God I came out of the Cult of Pope, Virgin and Sun Worship! Praise Jesus
Trump is only trying to make America great again! And don’t act like you know these are all outstanding members of our society, because you don’t have a clue. If they are all so wonderful, then why didn’t they come in the correct way, instead of sneaking in like a thief in the night? A lot of people in this country are tired of watching illegals walking around with signs telling us how they hate America, and hate our President. To all those haters, I say “don’t let the door hit you, where the good Lord split you!! And come on back when you can do it the right way!
Eliseo Acosta, you must be on another planet or in another life, the so called dreamers are just as they have been described, ILLEGAL ALIENS. I don’t have a problem with immigration, as long as it is LEGAL immigration. The children affected by the DACA policy need to be taken care of by the country they are associated with. The country that their parents came from, not the US. The DACA policy was illegal in itself, of course there is the perpetrator of the policy that is to blame for this policy, the idiot that was in the White House, obama. We have roughly the same amount of LEGAL residents of this country who do need help and that is the veterans; some are homeless and hungry. Why don’t we hear more about them from the politicians who are crying so loud about the poor DACA children????????
I think the only ones that can be blamed for the evil in this world are the dems . They only care about what is good for them. We need leaders to come together for the good of the people, not a select few. I am sick of all of them , throw them all out and elect people who will work for our common good.
Let me get this straight, liberals believe in Satan, but don’t believe in God…
They REALLY ARE a special kind of stupid!
Gosh, this is so last year. I think I commented on something of the same two months ago.
Satanism is no big deal if you go to their website. They are pretty much the same ilk as the Pastafarians.
If Christians hadn’t made so much out of the Satan idea no one would have read the article.
Calling the kettle black? Look at what the democrat liberals stand for? Clearly they follow the ways of Satan, not the other way around! Liberals are synonymous with satan himself!
This misses the point. Satanists are people who believe in Satan, such as Christians (at least, the conservatives) and Muslims. Trump believes only in himself. He has encouraged lying and fraud, which are essential to all religion (particularly the conservatives), but, otherwise, his only connection with Satan is his impersonation of him.
The communist a.k.a. Democratic Party is the party of Satan! I seen Trump do nothing but honor this country under God or military or police and the American people, all me a Satanist would go against that.
If any president caused more people to turn to Satanism: it Was Barack Hussein Obama. During the Obama administration they tried everything they could to remove the concept of G-d from society. Displays of the 10 commandments were removed and replaced with statues of Satan.
Another piece of warped thinking How someone can be the cause of satanism is the most assinine thing that i have ever heard of.The devil made me do it.BULL****
Let me see! Donald Trump is the cause for rise in Satan Worship! Really?
Okay, for the sake of argument let us look at what he has supported.
1. He is pro life and anti abortion. Who is pro abortion? That would be the Liberal Left.
2. He is anti Communist! What group is pro Communist? The Liberal Left.
3. Donald Trump defends the rights of Christians and Jews to practice their religion! Who appears to be against Religion unless it is Islamic? Sounds like the Liberal Left.
4. Donald Trump opposes Pedophilia! Who supports notions of Pedophila and thinks it is alright for 45 year old transgendered males to shower or change with 12 year old girls? That would be the liberal left.
5. Who supports Genital mutilation; the wearing of the burka and the subjugation of women? The Liberal left. How do they do this? By enabling the Muslims.
Now who is evil and supports Satan? The Liberal Left!
Satanism hasn`t risen, it has merely been uncovered.