If you own a home in Ireland, – be it your primary residence, a second/holiday type dwelling, or any ‘spare property’- if there is an empty bedroom, you are expected to pledge that room to an asylum seeker for periods up to year.
The Irish Refugee Protection Programme expects you to ‘put that space to better use’, according to the Irish Red Cross.
“Pledging a vacant property or spare room will play a significant and valuable role in helping Syrian refugees rebuild their lives and settle in Irish communities,” the program’s description reads.
Established by Dublin nurse Elizabeth O’Herrin in 1939 to provide humanitarian aid, the Irish Red Cross is administering this program as part of Ireland’s effort to resettle approximately 4,000 asylum seekers from Italy and Greece.
In this newest national campaign to house migrants, the charity explains that any asylum seeker or refugee (there is a difference) who is homed through the program will also be provided with education, healthcare, employment support, and a caseworker.
Each adult receives €21.60 per week, as does each child in a family. (€ 21.60 is approximately $25.48 USD.)
In their 2015 campaign, hundreds of Irish people pledged free rooms and vacant homes in response to the over one million refugees landing on Europe’s doorstep. Less than 90 responses resulted in actual accommodations for migrants; many people who pledged actually withdrew their offers when contacted by the Irish Red Cross.
Of the 492 pledges received in 2015, almost half were immediately withdrawn; others were deemed ‘too rural’, failed the assessment or became ‘temporarily unavailable’ due to ‘changed circumstances’. Still, other offers failed because the person pledging did not want to take in a single male refugee; almost all singles waiting to be placed in Irish homes are single males.
While Irish Red Cross Migration Program Manager Eve Leonard admits that this program to date has had a low accommodation return, she is quick to add, “In terms of integration, this is a really good model for refugees to engage with Irish people and for Irish people to engage with refugees.”
To cite a success in the program, both the Irish Red Cross and most mainstream media outlets celebrate one Mary O’Reilly of Baldoyle in Dublin. Images of the beaming Ms O’Reilly, – Lolly, her Tibetan terrier in her arms – grace a number of websites. Beside her stands 26-year-old-Syrian refugee Wassim. They met briefly in July 2017, and he moved into her home the following week.
“What else did I need to know?” Mary asks. “I knew he’d been vetted and was already in Ireland more than a year when he moved into this house. I wasn’t nervous at all.” Wassim takes English lessons during the day and works in an Arabic restaurant in Temple Bar at night.
“I had taken redundancy from working to look after my mother, but she passed four years ago,” Mary explains. “I’m here all the time which means I can help him…”
Wassim’s parents and younger siblings arrived in Ireland in November; they reside in Tullamore and he visits them each weekend.
Not everyone in Ireland is as enthusiastic as Mary O’Reilly.
The small town of Lisdoonvarna was informed their community of 300 would see a hotel in town turned into a new migrant center that would increase the town population by a third.
“We don’t know where these people are going to be from. They won’t tell us what countries they’re from, what religion they’re from,” said resident Michael Walsh.
“Ireland is under the impression that these people will all become Irish, pretty much overnight and everything will continue to be terrific. But, in fact, history shows us, in Sweden, France and Germany – this is not necessarily the case.”
93 percent of the residents in the tiny town voted against the huge influx, concerned about the strain on their resources. The hotelier, who originally said he would not sign a contract for the center if the residents were against it, did sign the contract. Walsh speculates the hotelier will make one or two million Euros per year from the government.
“Very many people are concerned, but they’re also concerned about being called racist” Walsh explained “…the town is in a real pickle right now.”
These forced migration programs come as the Irish government pays journalists to report positively about the massive Project Ireland 2040 plan: the nation intends to boost their 4.7 million population by another million via mass migration.
~ Conservative Zone
That is baloney a home should be a private residence and the government should not be allowed to demand a homeowner to let a stranger in. So communist, so very wrong.Thank God I live in the United States of America God Bless America.
Too bad. I really liked Ireland when I went there.
One never knows when a story is true or bullshit, unless you have a connection, but this IS the kind of thing that the crazy American liberals would attempt to jam up our asses, be on guard.
We don’t have to worry here in America. The democrats let by obammer, polosi, schumer,biden,rice,brennan,clapper,behaur,Hollywood,California and so many more are going to tear down the walls surrounding their homes and invite the trash into their homes. Great leadership from such “good” hearted people.
Yeah I’d say that Ireland is in a pickle, NO guns for the citizens to protect themselves, there will be mass rape committed, just as has been happening in Sweden.
It would be insane to take in a stranger of their own nationality. So much more so a stranger from a terrorist country.
Islam stems from a satanic source. Christians are off shoot of Jews ( Abram etc) Study both and you will see.
Mohammad is ancient ababian moon god – we call satan. Abram,Isaac and Jacob are the foundation of Jew and Christians.
Clearly Satan is at work destroying the Christian nations from within. I used to think liberalism was a mental disorder but it is so clear that demonic influence is at work here. Goodbye Ireland, hello Irishstan.
So sorry the Irish will be inundated with the Muslims who do not want to assimilate into their land. Ireland is so beautiful and the people so friendly and nice. Will not get to go to Ireland again. And the Irish will have to leave and come to America.!!
The nomadic freeloaders have neither pride not honor and expect the Infidel to support them!
Stop it before it starts.Keep Ireland Irish.And remember,racist is a tool that they hit you in the head with.Everyone with any sense knows that taking in a stranger is a recipe for disaster.
If democrats had control of congress or even regain control we would be in the same position as Europe.
i realize there are Protestants in Ireland, but this plan sounds like it sprang from the Vatican…a well-known seat of all anti-Western Civilization schemes.
Thank god for the great famine or the Irish slavery that sent my family to this great country! I can only hope President Trump & those who follow will not allow Europe’s insanity will not continue to our shores!
I wonder how many beds they’ve filled at Buckingham Palace?
And yes I know that is in England not Ireland but it’s all the UK
Some day Europe will understand how stupid this was for them to do. Unfortunately, it may be too late for many countries!
Well Well Well During the Revelitary war the americans had to house british soldiers. The Irish haven’t learned anything, they are just part of the commonwealth. No freedom like we earned ! I am sick too about hearing about at effen wedding
This is a page right out of the History of the British Empire play book that was used in America when Colonist were Forced to Billet British Troops in their homes whether they liked it or not. Why don’t they tell the Welch they need to dig some Extra Coal to keep their Asylum ass’s warm this coming Winter also.
Are the peddlers of this scheme practicing what they preach, or is the largess they tout expected from others, not from themselves, is a question that stands large in my mind.
It is borders, language and culture. When I see the K12 school children on the sidewalks after school in San Francisco, I wonder what country I am in. Very few white school children. My rentals are rented to my children and their children. When I rented to people from other countries, immigrants or other, they did not know how to use the appliances such as putting metal pots and pans in the Microwave oven. There was problems with the washing machine and dishwasher , etc. They did not speak much English, and their culture was much different from ours.
Hopefully, our president will close our borders, cut down on welfare, such as free housing, school, medical insurance, and food stamps.
Now that Muzzies have increased their numbers here in the US we have about 90 of them running for office and this is where they begin their takeover by using laws against us and for them. One Muzzie in Michigan has already wowed the snowflakes with his concerns for our feelings about homeless animals and they’re all set to vote him in as governor. God help us because Liberals will be the death of the last sane country on earth.
stupid is as stupid does,even Forrest Gump knew that!
All great comments. Here’s one way to stem the tide. Get involved in your local government, especially the school committees. Conservatives must win the hearts and minds of the youth and give them an alternative to the liberal indoctrination. And stop it with this 1-2 children. We need to bring the birth rate up in the U.S. to over 2.1 or we won’t sustain our society. Europe has done this to themselves by limiting offspring and abortion.
I wouldn’t house a Muslim migrant in my dog’s outhouse. When I was in the middle East for 8 yrs, I found them all to be liars, thieves, sexual deviants, sadistic perverts. From very young they are told to hate Christian’s and kill them. Ireland will suffer, what a shame. Soon they will have Muslim rape gangs there. They are in every country they are in. Bummer for the Irish girls.
When these Godless, Satan worshiping, power-mad, NWO-elitist ghouls practice what they preach, then and only then should the dumb-(m)asses take them seriously! FUK THEM!
So, are they going to discontinue the program after the FIRST family is killed, or let it go on and see what happens?