House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi is stoking fear among Democrat activists and voters, telling them that President Donald Trump will not accept an electoral loss in 2020.
The statement is particularly hilarious considering the fact that it is the Democrat Party that failed to accept the results of the last presidential election — and continues to do so. However, mainstream news outlets and millions of liberal voters are actually taking the Speaker of the House at her word and spreading fear in the hopes of increasing the Democrat voter turnout for the 2020 Presidential elections.
To back up her outlandish claims, the Speaker is stating that President Trump would have contested Democrat seats in the 2018 mid-term elections had the Democrats won back the House by only a few seats, and had those seats been won in closely-contested elections. However Mainstream news media outlets were quick to remind voters that the president jokingly told former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton that he would accept the 2016 presidential election results if he won.
In fact, given the current toxic political environment, it’s not hard to see why one party would contest the results of a close election. Democrat candidates in Florida did just that in 2018 when Republican candidates won a Senate seat and the governor’s house by a small margin.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi is stating that the President would seek to “poison the public’s mind” if he should lose. In other words, President Trump would tell his voters that the election wasn’t fair for one or more reasons. However, the House Speaker seems to have forgotten the fact that this is exactly what the Democratic Party has been doing since the 2016 election didn’t turn out the way it had hoped. In fact, Clinton recently told news outlets just a couple of days ago that it is possible to run a perfect election campaign and then have the election “stolen” from you.
Clinton isn’t the only Democrat who believes that elections aren’t fair unless they go the way they want them to. Stacey Abrams, who lost her 2018 bid to become the first African-American female governor of the state of Georgia, recently proclaimed that Democrats no longer have to concede elections if they don’t like the results.
By Nancy Pelosi’s own admission, her accusation that President Trump would fail to stand down after the 2020 presidential election if he loses is an attempt to motivate voters to turn out votes. At the same time, the Speaker is attempting to quell dissent in her own party, and hold off far-left lawmakers from once again attempting to impeach the President.
It remains to be seen if her desperate attempts to showcase the Democrat Party as responsible will be successful. In fact, it would seem that Rep. Pelosi’s recent statements will do her party more harm than good. Even many liberal voters don’t believe that the 2016 election was stolen, neither do they believe that President Trump will fail to step down in 2020. The fact remains, however, that Pelosi is at the mercy of her far-left base. She’ll say whatever she needs to in order to remain relevant. Perhaps this is one of those times…
~ Conservative Zone
I cannot believe that the Demwits want to impeach Trump because of what he might do, didn’t do…thought about doing…that is THOUGHT CRIME!
impeach nancy pigloski for treason against america and president trump
Well considering shes trying to steal the 2020 election by her BS statement I would recommend this administration look very carefully and closely at voter fraud instituted by the socialists. I refuse to call them democrats any longer because their plan IS to convert this great nation into a socialist communist state with their party in complete control and never again will a conservative Republican or conservative independent will ever occupy ANY state or national government post again. BELIEVE IT!!!
Democrats routinely cheat, and the reason some races were so close is that they nearly succeeded. Dead people, illegals, prisoners, all vote D! And the “vote early, vote often” adage is theirs. During one Presidential year, dems in Missouri loaded up buses with college kids going from one precinct to another to vote. In one precinct in Oklahoma, people looked at the books to see who hadn’t voted yet, then brought in “voters” to vote with those names; voter ID put a stop to that.
Steven you are correct. Any corruption in the voting or if the Democraps (on purpose) try to Clinton style eliminate President Trump, I believe that their will be a civil war.
I think there should be. If nothing is done and no one is punished for the corruption in the 16 election we will soon be transformed. Freedom is never free.
We can probably thank Trump for calling attention to Socialism, just as he did to the ACA where public approval of both increased after they saw that they are better than the alternatives in most cases. For the last 40 years the GOP has gotten votes from the working class by promising that if taxes were cut on the wealthy that this would ‘trickle down’ to benefit them, where the trickle down has actually been urine, and now the working class is so debt burdened with consumer and tuition debt, that the lenders are now going after the equity that people have in their homes. The most impressive part of the tax cuts was that at least 25% of those with incomes less than $250K actually paid more in federal taxes last year than they did the year before. For the last 20 years the only thing that has kept the economy running has been consumer debt, and that is shown by the fact that most familes with 2 incomes cannot find $400 at the end of a pay period for a real emergency, and this is probably already hurting the sellers of consumer goods. I had a mortgage company do the estimate using a take our of just $10,000 and they came back with a figure that would have increased my mortgage payment by over 10% so I said no thanks
The movement is toward making the rich pay more taxes, and like impeachment, this is not going to happen with this congress, so that will influence the next election. It is hard to see how Trump and his supporters can claim that he actually won the hearts and minds of the American people by loosing the popular vote by 3 million.A recent study showed that over 50% of the people who voted for him in 2016 who had voted for Obama in 2012 would not vote for him again. in the 3 states that put him over the top by a whole 70,000 votes he has lost the support of nearly all of these swing voters. Then he lied again in Green Bay when he said that the Emperor of Japan was going to build factories in the rust belt. The Emporor is a figure head with no real power and no money of his own, so even if he wanted to do something, he could probably not afford to build that many outhouses in the US. Trump’s first increase in tariffs on China worked so well that farm bankrupticis in the Dakotas are reaching the same levels that they were at during the recession, and so are farm suicides, with more good news for Trump from the rest of the farm belt comming soon.
Then there are the remaining problems from the Mueller report, and the subpoena for Jr by the Senate Intellige Committee which will probably show that Jr. is also truthfully challenged. Last time he testified behind closed doors the consensus was that he was just snotty and arogant – chip off the old block.
Since Pelosi put Trump in his place, he is no longer calling her by a 3rd grade playground name, and the rest of the Democrats are ignoring him. The reason why he was not indicted for Obstruction of Justice by Mueller was because of DOJ policy, and the reason why Hillary was not prosecuted for the private server was that it was only policy that she was supposed to use a government server, so all it will take to get the inditements for Obstruciton is one US Attorney finding jurisdition to get these and see that justice is served as in the oath of office.
So tell me just how is it President Trump has lost the support of the swing states voters? He certainly has done more in the first two years of his first term then any president since Lincoln and perhaps ever. The current economy is booming because of President Trump. As a matter of fact he has done more in two years than Obama did in eight!
As long as you democrats support and promote socialism you will lose elections. Communism, fascism and even marxism are all socialistic based governments that require an iron fisted dictator to keep them in place. Because they collectively offer no opportunity for prosperity. Free enterprise does all that. That is why so many risk their lives to come here. We are currently building a wall on our southern border to keep people out. If democrats had their way we would need a wall to keep them in.
A good example of just exactly what the democrats have in mind for the United States of America is happening right now in Venezuela. Why don’t you check that out and see if it is to YOUR liking.
One final fact, for your information, more people have been murdered by their own government under socialism then any form of government on earth. In the twentieth century alone somewhere between 170 million and 260 million people were murdered by their own socialist government(s). Not counting the wars. It may have had a name like communism, fascism or marxism but it was a socialistic type government. Think about that before you strive for something that may do the same to you! Have a nice day!
“the goal of socialism is communism”
Vladimir Lenin
I totally agree with you Steven! I have long ago refused to call them by the “D” word unless it spelsl out “DemocRATS”! We are indeed in the throes of becoming a Socialist Country (I also cannot call it “Nation” as in the sense of being free! Folks like you and me need to do all that we can to call attention to what the outcome of this 2020 election will be IF the Socialists should win! It makes me sick to the pit of my stomach when I think of what my grandchildren will be forced to live with…….SOCIALISM! NO VOICE, NO VOTE, NO FREEDOMS, ONLY SLAVERY!
Our lying, fake President should be impeached. Liz
Liz – OhBummer is no longer the president – and he should be hanged for treason, not impeached for nothing
Since the night of the 2016 election of Donald Trump millions of Democrats have not accepted the election results even stooping to a claim that Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million ballots, knowing full well that its not the popular vote that determines presidential victory…and they have resisted since November 2016…now Pelosi is worried Trump will not accept a defeat in 2020? What a fucking hypocrite…she cannot open her mouth these days without her forked tongue sticking out…
In my city in N. CO there has been an anti-trump protest every Sat from 1-2 so we acknowlege that he is the Presient, but we are just showing that we don’t approve of him or his policies. There is a core group of about 20 of us who are mostly over 60, but when the word got out on Zero Tolerance and the separation of families the group increased to over 200. One of the traditions that we want to see continued is the peaceful transition between adminsrrations which we think might be at risk following the 2020 election. With all of the claims that he has made from having a larger crowd at the innauguration than Obama, the commission on voter fraud which went no where and was canceled when the Democratic Members were preparing to sue Pence because they were not getting the information that had been given to GOP members, which, with the recent results from the 9th District in NC seem to show that the GOP wrote the book on voter fraud. A Constitutional Amendment to abolish the Electorial college is the one that has been the most suggested for the last 120 years, but now since it has benefited the GOP in the last two GOP vicories (2000 and 2016) it will be an uphill fight.
you Sir are entirely deluded – 20? 200?? seriously?
OhBummer screwed the nation at every level – Trump Made America Great Again
stick with your delusions! reality is evidently beyond your capacity
“Family Separation” and “Zero Tolerance” on illegal immigration began with your buddy – Obama!
Don’t you want the truth? Or are you afraid of the truth?
that may happen if we run out of ammo….
Younger voters may be enticed to vote for socialism with all its promises of FREE stuff, medical, dental, tuition; even free money, if they would really rather not work.
They are simply not sophisticated enough to realize they are giving up all their freedom and selling themselves into Slavery for little or nothing in return.
I urge these young people to remember that their is no such thing as a free lunch. The bill always comes due eventually.
Vote for principle conservative only.
Younger voters may be enticed to vote for socialism with all its promises of FREE stuff, medical, dental, tuition; even free money, if they would really rather not work.
They are simply not sophisticated enough to realize they are giving up all their freedom and selling themselves into Slavery for little or nothing in return.
I urge these young people to remember that their is no such thing as a free lunch. The bill always comes due eventually.
Vote for principled conservatives only.
Pelosi has gone totally NUTS fully knowing that her party is about to
fall into the Ocean and disappear because they are so crooked and it
finally has caught up with them….I will never vote for a democrat ever
again like many if friends…The Democrats have destroyed our country…
GOD knows how wicked the democraps are. They’ll do anything to get things going their way. I think they are called Jackasses. It’s time to vote them the hell out.
HEIL HITLARY!!! Has ANBODY been paying any attention to the whining and howling and bitching and complaining about just what “DER FUHRER-WANNABE” has been doing and saying since she was shellacked in the Electoral College results from the November 2016 Presidential Election??? HMMM??? These so called “democrats???” were unable to stuff enough ballot boxes with illegal alien voters to win enough votes in our Constitutional Electoral College. Is it ANY wonder AT ALL that they’re so desperate to quote, unquote “IMPORT INSTANT DEMOCRATS” for the future of our nation??? This idiocy will eventually find our beloved homeland locked in an even WORSE Civil War than the one the almost destroyed our nation during the years of 1861 to mid-1865.. Only the Second Advent of Jesus Christ will spare our beloved homeland from the grubby hands of those who would further enslave us ALL more so than we already are. Until that happens, may God Almighty save us from our own stupidity. HH
Nasty Piglousy is an arrogant, conceited, anti American socialist who wants to flood the US with millions of illegal criminal invaders so that they vote the DemonCRAP (socialist/communist) Party, leading to the total destruction of the US by these selfish idiots. She is proof that you cannot give evil idiots political power over others.
You’re full of shit!
Who in their right mind still listens to or believes the drool that comes from this hags mouth. Shut up already Pelosi. No one cares what you spew from that deranged mouth of yours.
By the way. Keep up the crummy work you’re all (DEMS) doing in congress. America is awake and sees you for who you really are. Expect an historical landslide in 2020. God Bless Donald Trump
Like you Demonrats accepted defeat in 2016. It just proved how out of touch with reality you Spawns of Ohboobo are
Pelosi is a disgrace! She needs to go before a firing squad along with Schumer and Waters!! Ready! Aim! Fire!
Pelosi is the fool. The real question is how she will accept defeat in 2020.
They are trying to justify an attack on the 2020 election results if Trump wins. I pity the snowflakes if the leftist socialists do finally implement socialism. They have no idea what socialism really is, all they hear is free stuff. Here is the reality, socialism does not encourage anyone to succeed, or even work hard at all. Why work hard when it gives you nothing? Why do your best when the lazy slug next to you does nothing and gets paid the same? The 70% tax means for every 100 dollars you earn you get to keep 30 dollars. The 70 dollars will feed the corrupt leaders and starve you.
trump will win in 2020 . Pelosi and all the rest will have no say. I belief the muslin’s and all trouble makers in the Democrats party will be gone. Just consider how many democrats are running for president, this is comical.
Nothing in life is FREE!
SOCIALISM is only about one political party becoming the “overlord” of its citizens!
Quack! The American People will reject that, with Force if necessary.
Time to dissolve the democrat party. It is difficult to believe what comes out of their mouth most every time they open them. My family has been democrat for life but something has happened to the brains of these people. They should investigate this! They have also gone corrupt, a bunch of sleaze balls is all that is left.
It is amazing how athletic democrat s are. Now if they could get thier head out of tight places, how much oxygen thier brain could get and help them think.
Pelosie and her motley krew need to accept what’s put in front of them. re: Trump is our president. It’s a bunch of crap that they try to cheat for elections to go their way. If the public didn’t want an election to go their way, they wouldn’t vote that way.
Time for Pelosie to step down. She is a thorn in most voters side. Good bye.
the globalists and all the witch b*tch’s in congress want war to consolidate power out of all the chaos ……. they will never get power over gods people.
Just remember the communist mantra, “ends justify the means” and you see what the dems are up to, they will lie, cheat and steal for power. Which is why our founding fathers did not intend for there to be “professional politicians”, politics was intended as a career!!!
Why would he admit defeat after he wins? She makes no sense!