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Is Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein Keeping Washington Elite Secrets?

As Republicans push forward to get answers about potentially criminal activity by a laundry list of Washington elites, a mild-mannered government attorney appears to be the gatekeeper.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has emerged as one of Washington’s most powerful men. He took the Russia probe oversight reins when U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself. He has stymied the efforts of Congress to gain access to millions of documents on a wide range of topics, including potentially illegal FISA warrants and criminal wrong-doing by FBI officials.

Rosenstein continues to give Special Counsel Robert Mueller carte blanche to attack Pres. Trump associates well outside the bonds of the initial Russian investigation. Many see this unelected government employee as dictating to the people’s representatives and limiting justice as he sees fit.

Justice For Some

As the Rosenstein-run Russia probe expands beyond its scope to salacious issues such as porn star Stormy Daniels and the president’s lawyer, the investigation looks more and more like the “Witch Hunt” Pres. Trump dubbed it on Twitter.

Republicans have called for special probes into the potentially criminal activity of ex-FBI director James Comey, FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, FBI agent Peter Strzok and DOJ lawyer Lisa Page, among others. Congressional hearings and a report by the DOJ’s Inspector General have uncovered significant information about wrongdoing. However, Rod Rosenstein and other DOJ officials continue to deny congressional demands for documents.

Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis has been joined by 10 other House members to insist the DOJ comply and seek fair impartial justice. In a recent statement, the groups says: “Because we believe that those in positions of high authority should be treated the same as every other American, we want to be sure that the potential violations of law outlined below are vetted appropriately.”

Shielding James Comey

It has been widely reported that Comey succumbed to pressure by former A.G. Loretta Lynch to call the Hillary Clinton investigation a “matter” and revised his initial findings to make them appear as if the presidential candidate were not criminally liable.

What has surfaced in recent weeks is that Rosenstein may have possession of several pertinent Comey memos that could prove the lynchpin in gaining criminal indictments. Members of Congress continue to articulate frustration over Rosenstein’s actions as a gatekeeper into the Russia probe and his unwillingness to provide unclassified Comey memos. The fallen FBI boss is said to have created these documents after meetings with Pres. Trump, while spearheading the Russian meddling investigation. They could prove vital to confirming there was no Russian collusion and that Comey repeatedly lied to Congress and the American public.

Protecting Andrew McCabe

Lying to Congress and leaking FBI information are federal crimes punishable by jail time. The DOJ’s Inspector General concluded that the former FBI deputy director did both. The only consequence he faced was losing his full pension due to an 11th-hour firing by A.G. Jeff Sessions. Because everyday Americans are certain they would be behind bars for similar offenses, many believe Washington elites such as McCabe should face justice.

That being said, McCabe also held key documents that were pertinent to the FBI misleading a FISA judge to secure warrants to monitor the Trump campaign. McCabe may have held these damning detailed memos close and they ultimately fell into Rosenstein’s hands. Just like lying to Congress is a felony, so is lying to a federal judge and America has every right to know if crimes were committed by FBI and DOJ officials. Rosenstein continues to slow-walk these true facts.

Although the left continues to claim Andrew McCabe was used as a scapegoat, the facts are that he was involved in a meeting with Stoltz and Page, when the idea of an anti-Trump insurance policy was floated. The information Rosenstein is keeping secret could bring down several high-level Obama Administration officials.

Did Rosenstein Slant Russia Probe Away From Democrats?

From the infamous Loretta Lynch and Pres. Bill Clinton meeting on the tarmac to an unprecedented raid on long-time Pres. Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen, it appears that Rod Rosenstein has guided the Mueller team toward the president and his associates and away from Obama-era appointees. The pair of lovers, Strzok and Page, are not officially under investigation and maintain secret clearance. They were front and center in the slanted Clinton email investigation.

Directly related to the Russian meddling allegations the Mueller probe has been tasked to investigate, former DOJ lawyer Cally Yates, Comey and McCabe have yet to be cited with violating the civil rights of former Trump associate Carter Page. He was wire tapped after these officials misled a FISA judge.

At the eye of all these political and criminal storms, mild-mannered Rod Rosenstein continues to keep the truth away from Congress and the American people. It may require a contempt of Congress action or firing by the president to bring the truth to light.

~ Conservative Zone

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24 thoughts on “Is Deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein Keeping Washington Elite Secrets?”

  1. Many folks are getting really upset over this man and his handling of this matter. We think something is really wrong and who has the backbone and where withal to take him on and take him down?

    1. If any of you watch Hannity on Fox news and see all that Rosenstein has been involved with and in, your head would explode.
      He is dirty, very dirty and I can not, for the life of me, figure out how and why he is still in that position.

  2. This is nothing more than a deep-seated effort by Hillary and her failed candicacy, Obama and his being in cahoots with Hillary, Comey the disgraced FBI director, Lynch the disgraced AG, McCabe the leaking liar, Strzok and his lover Page, the Trump haters, Brennan the liar, Clapper who sent Comey to Preident Trump in Jan. 2017 under false pretenses in the hopes of securing employment with CNN and the rest of their swamp, to undermine our president and remove him from office. The more President Trump proves himself to making us proud, the more these swamp rats want to prove him wrong and our country be damned. They don’t even care about that. Their hatred for Trump supersedes their love of country. So sad!

  3. Give me that SOB for 24 hours with some electrical current. I GUARANTEE this swamp rat will squeal like the filthy pig he is!

  4. Could someone out there PLEASE tell me when there is SO MUCH incriminating “evidence” is against DEMORATS (and their “deep State operatives”), WHO is pushing the “cover ups” and protect them?
    The time has come for the AG to GROW A SET, step in, make the arrests, and start clean the damn SWAMP of these CORRUPT “players”. (that is unless HE is ONE OF THEM and doing the “protecting” to save his OWN ASS.)

  5. I don’t understand why these politicians aren’t being charged. There is enough evidence to at least charge them and start criminal proceedings. Who is the person or agency in charge of that??? And why hasn’t it been started already???
    Do we as citizens have to march to Washington and take over their jobs for action to begin???

  6. Rod Rosenstein seems to be at the center of everything questionable that goes on in Washington. Why is Sessions protecting him? If Sessions will quit if Rosenstein goes maybe it is time for them both to go.

  7. I read where through the years, Mueller, Robenstein, Comey, McCabe and Sessions have crossed all each other’s paths and worked on various things in the past which obviously puts them all in positions to want to cover for the others as friends or at the least for having worked for the democrats, Clinton and Hillary at one point or another. Doesn’t it sound as if these people managed to get themselves into positions that cover up for all of them. Well, convenience is convenience when protecting your own by protecting someone who can ruin your own.

  8. Rosenstein is a Deep State operative and he should be fired and then prosecuted for Obstruction Of Justice.

  9. FBI has had its ups and downs, certainly, but usually it found those low times due to some mishap or bad policy decisions based on matters of process by its upper management. But despite some of the worst 1970s conspiracy theories, rarely has the FBI been considered a bald-faced political actor until Director James Comey tarnished the shield by becoming a member of the Hillary Clinton’s election campaign. The FBI is no longer a legitimate or competent law enforcement agency. The FBI has become nothing more than a bunch of goons for the DNC and the Democrat Party. The FBI should now be considered a domestic corrupt terrorist organization. Due to the FBI’s corruption and political affiliation with the Democrat Party, they should no longer have jurisdiction over a single American citizen. Comey is now guilty of treason by default and association. He has violated his sworn oath and must be removed. “Yes – Hillary Clinton is guilty but we will not recommend prosecution” – he declared to the congressional inquiry with a straight face. In other words, and for all practical purposes our FBI had become the American KGB.

  10. Rosenstein and Mueller are the defense for the left at this point. Comey has gone down with his lies. McCabe has gone down with his lies. Don’t forget it was Comey who set up the need for an independent counsel and that independent counsel just happened to be Comey’s old buddy Mueller. One thing that Barry – whoever the hell he really is – may have been right about is that his corrupt administration is totally transparent – at least now it is.

  11. With what we already know about this guy –I wouldn’t trust him. For me a AG has to be above board and standing tall for the Constitution , our Bill of Rights and with law and order that the4 country stands for . It has nothing to do with HIS PERSONAL FEELINGS OR STANDARDS. For me he is almost standing just below the Supreme Court. THERE A NO GRAY AREA’S. iTS THE TRUTH AND FACTS THAT MATTER THE MOST.!!!

  12. I think Sessions has been compromised,so he should be let go or moved somewhere else. Rosenstein is one of the guilty ones,if he wasn’t he would release all they need.

  13. Dear AG Sessions you are continually defending the integrity of DAG RR. It is so bizarre to many of us as DAG RR has been involved either on the periphery or in the center (see FISA applications for spying on Trump campaign members) that you look like there is something being held over you. It is often said that you have for a lifetime held the position that AG of the US is the most revered position. Your no action approach to this now farce of a special investigation is putting you in the position of damaging that which you have held in high esteem. Please take action and take back control of the now off the tracks special investigation even if that means that you must do the noble thing and own whatever it may be that someone is holding over you!
    Dear Mr Mueller, when you took the special investigation project it was said that you were an honorable person AND that you had just retired and did not want to work any longer so therefore this would be a quick process. It is unfathomable to the average person that a year later that anyone would consider this a quick process AND the many millions you have spent are obscene to many of us as well. Meanwhile the reputation you enjoyed before your venture into this ill conceived roust has been soiled and will continue to be as long as you continue to carry on this charade. You have had plenty of time to bury the bodies you and your crew needed to bury and you have padded your pockets with way too many taxpayer dollars so now is the time for you to ride into the sunset and hope that no floaters show themselves soon.
    Dear Karl Rove, the other day you were questioned about the special investigation and the cost of this charade. your unfortunate response was that in the context of the millions it is costing versus the overall US budget it was a drop in the bucket. The unfortunate problem with that sort of mentality is that a million here and a million there is real money to many of us in this USofA. Your thought process is exactly why we have the economic issues as a country that we have presently. Millions of dollars being paid to government establishment attorneys and staff is horrifying to many of us, especially on what is now a total charade. Remember, the Chinese water torture is done with one drop of water on the forehead over a period of time. It will drive a person crazy. We need to stop the drops NOW!
    Dear US Congress, you NEED to do what you were sent to do. The special investigation has gone totally off track and is embarrassing all who are in government. You have the financial purse strings to choke off this waste of tax dollars, PLEASE DO SO IMMEDIATELY! This is proving to be an utter waste of money, even though it is a drop in the bucket (Please read note to K Rove). It is time for you ALL to do the honorable thing and take whatever blow back you may suffer for your own misdeeds that you may have come out of the woodwork due to this action. You hopefully went into politics to serve your fellow man so please do so by owning your position and ending this travesty regardless of personal cost. That is the right thing to do! PS: also do not rehire any of the marauding attorneys and staffers that have participated in this horrendous special investigation. They have looted the US citizens enough by just spending this last year pillaging our presidency.
    Dear President Trump, ,kudos to you for having the tenacity to continually do the right thing (except for signing that omnibus atrocity). Please continue to stand strong for the American (USofA) people. This government needs to be retooled and put back in line as a servant of the people. NO WAY should some of the most expensive housing and cost of living be in the DC area. That means that US tax dollars are churning one of the most expensive micro economies in the country. Something is not right about that.

  14. George Soros is pulling strings globally to end our way of life. He hates America and wants to bring us down, with his agenda for his “Open Society.” Just read this book for a better understanding of the deep state “The Shadow Party”– HOW GEORGE SOROS, HILLARY CLINTON, AND SIXTIES RADICALS SEIZED CONTROL OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, authored by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. It will blow your mind.

  15. “Tis a strange world we Americans are living in. Russia mounts the greatest threat to our elections and our very democracy that has ever happened, and the Republicans seem unconcerned; rather, they have their hair on fire about America’s intelligence and security network. Some…some…have wondered whether they’re more concerned about protecting Trump than in protecting our country.
    Witch hunts? When witches are flying about, and eating our young, it strikes me as damn prudent that we hunt them down. The witch hunt has, in fact, snared a few of the witches, eg. Paul Manafort, Flynn, Papadapulous (sp?), Rich Gates. What exactly is the right wing’s problem with pursuing these people who have been working against our country? Again…Trump? Is he more valuable than our country???

  16. I think that Rosenstein and all the “investigators” are part and parcel of the swamp.
    Nothing about this witch hunt is open and above board. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.
    I pray that God will not allow the guilty ones to always win in this satanic scheme.
    The NWO needs to be stalled as long as possible. It reminds me of old man Potter in
    the movie, “it’s a Wonderful Life”. He could’t own all of Bedford Falls until he could control
    the Savings and Loan. Soros can’t install the NWO until America falls in line. Like George Bailey,
    President Trump, won’t sell out America. NO SALE, Mr. Soros, at least not today!

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