Speculation is rife that Hillary Clinton is considering yet another run for the presidency as close friends, and strategists tell her that she could very well win the Democratic nomination a second time. At the same time, Clinton is doing everything she can to remain in the public eye by publicly speaking out against Republicans and their policies.
Unfortunately for Clinton, her failure to get out of the limelight doesn’t sit well with independent, moderate voters or even many of her Democrat colleagues. When she stated on national TV that it was impossible to be civil to Republicans, it generated unwanted attention across the nation. Vulnerable Democrats who are running in states that Trump won in 2016 were quick to condemn the comments even as far-left progressives in other areas latched onto them.
Clinton then followed up her controversial statements by coming out and defending her husband’s affair with Ms. Lewinsky, stating that it was not an abuse of power even though Ms. Lewinsky thinks otherwise. To make matters worse, these aren’t the only gaffes that will follow the twice-failed presidential candidate should she decide to run again. Her infamous “deplorables” comments will not go forgotten, and the fact that she has blamed her election losses on almost every single person in the country except herself will also be remembered. There are also the multiple scandals that dogged her failed 2016 campaign, including the fact that even the FBI admitted she was “grossly negligent” in handling her email communications when she served as Secretary of State under former President Barack Obama.
Nonetheless, none of the above issues seem to pose a problem for Hillary’s advisors. They note that while there are plenty of Democrats who seem eager and willing to run for the presidency in 2020, few have the name recognition that Hillary Clinton has. If Joe Biden doesn’t run, Hillary would be the best-known Democrat candidate. There is a good chance she would have to contend with Sen. Bernie Sanders once again, but it’s a fight that she won once and could win again.
Other potential candidates such as senators Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren would not be able to outdo her as their popularity levels are even lower than Sen. Sanders’ is. It should be noted that Mrs. Clinton’s advisors do have a point: If Joe Biden doesn’t run, there is actually a very good chance that Hillary Clinton would once again become the Democrat nominee for the presidency. At the same time, journalists are already talking about ways that she could win the upcoming election, with at least one noting that she may be able to achieve better results if she paints herself as a moderate in a field of hardline progressives. However, the emphasis seems to be on her ability to win a bruising Democrat primary rather than actually win an electoral victory against President Trump.
It remains to be seen if Hillary Clinton will jump back into the fray and declare herself a presidential candidate for the upcoming 2020 presidential elections. Like many other potential Democratic contenders, she appears to be waiting for the results of the upcoming midterm elections before officially declaring herself a candidate. However, it is clear that she is keeping that option open. She believes she was unfairly denied the chance to become president in 2016, and her power-hungry nature is most likely urging her to find ways to “make this wrong right.”
The fact that this relic of the Democratic establishment remains in the limelight and is still eager for any opportunity to act as a standard bearer for her party clearly shows that she is not willing to accept the fact that an overwhelming number of voters don’t care for her. If she does run again, the move is sure to please not just her Democrat fans, but also Republicans who would be more than happy to remind voters how easy she is to beat.
~ Conservative Zone
What a joke. Trump 2020. God bless President Donald Trump.
She better not run again.
If she was not a power hungry bitch she would have divorced Bill when “He did not have sexual relation with that Woman”!
She only wants to help the Clinton Foundation; she does not care about the remainder of the USA!
There are few words to accurately describe Hillary”s persona. She is so self-centered as to be blind to how she is seen by the public. In addition to her perception of being somehow entitled to the presidency, she must live in some dread of being publicly exposed as the fraud she was in her previous public life. And, as long as Trump is hypnotized and occupied by other events, significant and trivial, she is a woman free to wander among her delusions. Unfortunately, there are strident herds of supporters to re-enforce her. I do hope to see the day when her foulness is exposed to the world, particularly Americans. To enable this creature in her pursuit of further delusion is to hasten the destruction of this glorious Republic. Think, Americans. Think.
In liberals own words when they heard Trump was considering running….. Do it, just do it and stop talking about it. I’ll write you a campaign check right now, just do it please!!!!!!!!!
No! Hillary Clinton should not run for president for a third time. My opinion, she should be in jail or prosecuted for those emails that surfaced back in 2016. I think only a few if any would vote for her anyways. I know I wouldn’t. I am Republican across the board.
The results same as before! Trump 2020
Hitlery would be beaten worse than the first time. Then there is the FACT that this time the DNC would not cheat Bernie as they did the last since they don’t think she is a shoe-in like they did last time. Her LIES, dirty dealing and STUPIDITY over Slick Willie’s RAPING and Abusing women will be an anchor around her neck were she IGNORANT enough to run again. As for that serial groomer and pedophile Biden all anyone has to do is show how he groped little girls anytime he was near one while a speech was going on or his groping women during both of Obozo’s runs for office. So I say let her run so she can bury herself once and for all.
If Clinton runs in 2020, another first – the first candidate to run wearing a First Alert necklace.
GIGO … Garbage in, garbage out…
LMAO!!!….Winners never Quit…..Quitters never win……BUT those who never quit and never win are IDIOTS
She must like being a Loser. A REAL Loser.
Can’t believe what Hillary replied when asked if her husband should have resigned when he was caught having an affair with his intern! She said the intern was over 18 and an adult. Is it alright for a President to have affairs in the White House as long as they are adults??? She is suppose to support the MeTwo Movement, but not if it’s her husband. If she does decide to try again it will be STRIKE THREE and YOU’RE OUT!!!
In the Lewinsky case, I think Monica was the aggressor. Even so, she knew, as do most thinking persons, that Bill was and is a POS. Hillary just thinks the electorate is stupid enough to tolerate her as a party figure head. She may be right. The Clintons, years ago, decided that our system could be scammed to their personal benefit and that the two of them could ride the culpable people’s purse off into the sunset. They have hit a road block (Hillary’s ego and stupidity),and only hope to keep Trump busy swatting at flies until the electorate forgets. Gonna be close, folks.
I can’t imagine a worse person to run for president, i can’t imagine a better liberal democrat either.
I doubt she would even get nominated…even the fascist beast of Benghazi is not radical enough for today’s ‘crats.
I would NEVER, under any circumstances, vote for that heartless, hypocritical, corrupt, bi*ch!!!!!
the only thing HRC should be preparing for is military tribunal and execution
No way, I would vote for her, she could be last person, Andy, haha, I like that, Trump 2020
Hillary, you’re a washed up old hag with a pervert as a husband. Most people are laughing at you because you are so corrupt, and sick. Do us a favor and go away for good.
I sure hope she does run. President Trump will not even have to campaign. He will win for sure.
Probably good if she does win the nomination. A sure loss for the Communists for the election.
My good God WHY??? Has she NOT been humiliated enough? But then, I WILL be an American next year, so it would be a dream ticket for me. Trump? Or the old hag that’s too stupid to understand when to quit? LMAO