Is Joe Biden Just a Placeholder for Obama?

There’s something funny about the Democratic presidential candidates the party has been pushing on us in recent years, and it’s not just their anti-American ideas. It’s the fact that they are wholly unqualified to hold office. You may be thinking that any politically affiliated person would say that about the other party, and that’s reasonable. But if you take a closer look, what you’ll see may startle you.

Let’s start with Al Gore. Aside from serving in Congress, his biggest claims to fame were the fraudulent claims in his film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” and his claim to have invented the Internet. If true, the doomsday claims made in An Inconvenient Truth would have placed half of the world’s nations underwater by now and a reduction in the global population of nearly 5 billion.

Then, there’s Senator John Kerry, whose biggest claim to fame is his work for Democrats as a diplomat, and who was infamously negligent during his time as an officer in Vietnam.

More recent candidates like Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris have made it abundantly clear that they would be nothing but a placeholder for hidden power. By this we mean, they would follow the party line whether it’s right or wrong.

Before moving on it’s worth mentioning that presidential placeholders have long been a major threat to the freedom that Americans take for granted. The trick of getting a sitting president to take actions that are against American interests is a simple one. It is especially easy when you consider the fact that mainstream media is in the back pockets of Washington Democrats. That means if liberals in power don’t want a story reported on, you won’t hear it on CNN, NBC, CBS, or MSNBC.

Fortunately, the guaranteed Democrat ringers Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, and Julian Castro, and others have long dropped out. But the one remaining Democrat candidate all but proves that the Democrats don’t care about installing a competent president. They only care about installing a president they can control.

Former Vice President Joe Biden is the most glaring possible example. His mind is clearly in a classic geriatric decline. Now, it’s not nice to poke fun at the challenges of the elderly – but this man cannot serve competently in the job that turned Obama’s black hair white in just three years!

The only reason the Dems would even consider such a candidate is to get their foot in the door of the White House. They don’t care whether he can think clearly if they can control the decisions he makes, and they do not care if he dies in office as long as a controllable Democrat is Vice President.

We understand if you think that’s an extreme stance. But apparently, we’re not the only ones who think this way.

Recently, Andrea Mitchel, a correspondent for the Democrat-controlled NBC news program “Meet the Press,” called the Biden Campaign “Team Obama.”

Okay, that’s a slip of the tongue. But if you’ve been following the news that the Coronavirus story has been used to cover, you know that “Team Obama” is a very real player in American politics in the age of Trump.

So, in the event of a Joe Biden victory, who will actually be in charge of the nuclear codes? The answer is any other Democrat — except Joe Biden.

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18 thoughts on “Is Joe Biden Just a Placeholder for Obama?”

  1. Bid will ruin this country, all prices will go up bad, he will give this country to China and Russia. We need to not vote for him and the dems. Please use your brain and care about this country and the people.


  3. It is not China or Russia. It is the News media hiding the Democrat Platform! This evil, diabolical platform details how they will undo all Trump accomplished, smash our petroleum industry, raise taxes, and increase job killing regulations on all businesses. They plan to tear down the Wall and have Open Borders. The bottom line is we will lose millions of jobs while our taxes sky rocket. Our freedom will be lost. There will be gas shortages, food shortages, drug shortages, and electrical brown outs. There will be roaming bands of terrorist with depleted law enforcement unable to stop them. God help us if Biden and the Democrat win! Demand that all see the Democrat Platform so all will know just how evil they are!

  4. The point being made in this piece may well have been obvious to many of us for several years, but it does help explain why President Trump is so hated by everyone and everything left of center. (It’s apparent this was written before the recent announcement of Biden’s running mate, but that doesn’t distract from the overall observation.)

    The deep-state has been pretty much in control over this country’s politics for many years; basically since Reagan left office. But the level of power they achieved during the 8 years prior to Trump was enormous, and the wealthy elite who make up the deep-state are not willing to give it up without one hell of a fight. Trump is a huge stumbling block in their goal of a one-world-government (New World Order), because they can’t control him, like they can their own picks for POTUS. Every week that Trump survives their hatred and contempt for him is another minor setback for the deep-state.

    This explains why it is so important for all of us that President Trump remains POTUS for another 4 years. Regardless of your personal feelings for his style or his techniques, his articulation (or lack thereof), or even how you perceive him as a person – he is doing exactly what we need to have done at this point in time, and we can only be more fortunate if we can find and elect another Washington outsider to continue as a thorn in the side of the deep-state when Trump concludes his service to our great country.

    Be certain to vote in November, get everyone you know to get out and vote – in person if at all possible – and VOTE RIGHT!

  5. Biden and Harris …. What a Monkey Circus.!!! IF, they get into the White House – We All Mise Well Kiss America….Good Bye. Right now with ALL the Crap going on with BLM, which is just Total S**T…!! PLUS, No Force or I should say ENOUGH FORCE is NOT being used to put the terorists protesters DOWN….and I mean Down.!!! That might generate
    more problems, but then just show More and High Force……Eventully, the Idiots of this Country might realize they better
    stand down and quit acting like a Bunch of Loser Morons.!! Can’t believe they have let things get the way they are. So many people in this country – don’t like our country…..So, why don’t they just Leave..?? That would be Great. Again, IF – Dumbo Biden, who is just a piece of Lint off of the Worst President We Ever Had….Ole Misearble Obama…..gets the Presidency……..We Will Have NO COUNTRY.!!! The USA of America will be Gone and we all will have to live with the ZOO of Democrats. IT WON’T BE GOOD.!!!! Hope there are enough Smart People out there to keep this Joke of a Group of Politicians from trying to run our Country…………….

    1. Oh ya NavVet some one else see it. Oh I am so excited that other people are catching on to GEORGIE PORGIE SOROS. I have read that Georgie Porgies sons DAUGHTER IN LAW is CHELSEA CLINTON & that his son is even worse than Georgie Porgie SOROS, himself.

      Use your HEADS and your HEARTS WHEN VOTING November 3, 2020 or OTHERWISE WILL WE “HAVE AMERICA”. Think about people

  6. I like the post here. It seams that at least a few people have seen through all of this and still love and care about their country. Big problem is being over looked and I thought Trump might get it removed but not so as yet. The problem is 1 man who was a traitor to his own country and still wanted by them. His name is George Soros. He is the money behind the democrats and Muslims in our government. Blm and Antiva will step down when he is removed along with his money.. As the old saying goes ” follow the money to remove the problem”.. Another which fits all the democratic fools who vote for this is ” you can’t fix stupid”. Be care full of the lies and the MSM, don’t listen and vote for the GOP. Not perfect but 1,000,000 times better than the other choice.

    1. Thank God you made the decision to switch. They left you wholely. They never cared about anyone except their own pocketbook and their status. Those who voted for them were used and betrayed and continue to do so.

  7. Biden is Obama’s skid-mark! OBAMA was the WORST PRESIDENT EVER! Biden would be worse than someone whose only training was smelling Obama’s skid-marked jockey briefs!

  8. Biden is just a puppet for Obama. Now with Kamala Harris as VP things look even bleaker. Any politician from California is the worse thing that can our country. I fear we have lost our country already.

  9. I dislike to say it but the Democratic Party really needed a person who is like a ‘lap-dog’ and will “turn over & play DEAD” as he will be used like a hand puppet – without voice and be a NO SHOW. Having been on Obama’s team (as VP) the Democratic Party saw him as a sit-in until Obama finds it convenient to TAKE OVER. So, folks if you don’t want a man top be elected as a SIT-IN until Obama takes over………………………PLEASE, PLEASE vote NO against the Biden/Harris ticket please vote for Donald J; Trump who turned the economy around until COVID-19 showed up on the scene. Also, we do not want Biden to take up with China once again.

  10. Biden’s choice flat outright fooled me as I thought Rice or MoooooShell would choice of be his. Not really but Ovomits as the political underground would see Ovomit has his third term even from his closet. Hassis in 19 was voted the most liberal in congress ever over the likes of Pelosi but now has a flip flop for votes. Black women have gone nuts for her,they don’t seem to know she isn’t a black her momma was from India and Father was a islander, can’t remember where Her family had slaves so that, if they were thinking or up on her history Would see she has zero African American in her blood line. She is female and that’s the big deal. High taxes, no guns, wow just a typical socialist and wanting a high place next to the new socialist dictator Ovomit. 1/2 black so it’s a racist race after all. Biden,for how ever Ovomit, let’s him Stay in office will bow away and this creep of a socialist will Inherit the presidency till Ovomit steps in.

  11. a vote for Biden is a vote for obama.who will finish giving away our country to all the illeagles ,China.and Russia, Vote for Trump and all gop people running this year..a Biden vote is a vote for socialist/communist. You think the srtores are empty now,just wait until you have nothing to buy to eat!!!Fact not fiction///

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