Former First Lady Michelle Obama has repeatedly stated that she has no appetite for politics and no intention of ever running for president. However, her recent actions coupled with the fact that that the Democrats don’t have a candidate they can really unite around next year have led many to believe that Michelle Obama may change her mind.
The first indication that Mrs. Obama is more interested in politics than she claims to be came last summer when she worked with several of her anti-Trump celebrity friends to start a voter-registration campaign called “When We all Vote”. Several months later, she published her personal memoir, and then hired the same company that promotes Beyoncé’s concert tours to organize a massive book promotion campaign. Obama has already visited ten states since November 2018, and several days ago announced that she has scheduled an additional fourteen speaking engagements.
Michelle Obama’s enthusiastic rallies are eerily reminiscent of President Trump’s MAGA rallies that successfully propelled him to the presidency in 2016. It’s also worth noting that the states she is visiting are all key electoral states that a presidential candidate would need to gain in order to become president. They include California, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania and Georgia.
Naturally, there are plenty of people who dismiss Mrs. Obama as an unqualified candidate. However, even those who would oppose her should take note of the fact that her efforts to connect with potential buyers (or future supporters) have been enormously successful. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that she is consistently packing out arenas with seating capacities of about 20,000.
It isn’t just people in reliably blue states that are turning out to see her. Voters in Tennessee, Georgia and Pennsylvania — all states that went to President Donald Trump in the 2016 election — are immensely interested in what Michelle Obama has to say. Even more importantly, there is the fact that the former firs lady is one of the very few Democrats who could actually unite the party.
At present, the Democratic Party is deeply divided between relatively corporate neo-liberals like Hillary Clinton and hard-left progressives such as Sen. Bernie Sanders and newly elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Additionally, many of the Democrats who have either announced that they want to run for president or who are seriously considering doing so lack the name recognition that President Donald Trump enjoys in abundance. Put bluntly, the Democrats need a savior if they hope to have any chance of winning in 2020, and there are plenty of people on both sides of the aisle who believe that Mrs. Obama could be that person.
The fact that she would be the first female president is sure to appeal to many people. Additionally, those who yearn for the Obama years will be overjoyed at the opportunity to regain them. Mrs. Obama is articulate, knows how to run a PR campaign and is relatively untainted by scandal or controversy. As various conservative journalists have already pointed out, she would be a difficult candidate to beat.
Mrs. Obama has pledged that she does not want to seek the presidency, and it is very possible that she fully intends to stick to that pledge. Perhaps her book tour is just about making a lot of money, and she is simply visiting states with large populations simply because this is the most profitable course of action. However, there is also a chance that she is either considering running for president, or that she will be persuaded to do so at some point in the near future.
One thing is for sure: As Mrs. Obama seeks the spotlight while her husband fades into the background.
~ Conservative Zone
Redefines the definition of lazy on a daily basis running for President is a joke and nothing more has a work resume even more vacant than her pretend husbands.
Sorry Michael I would never vote democrat and I would never vote for a monkey.
I can see Obama and Kamala cutting each others throat. hahahahehhehehehahhaah
I would like to see hitler Hillary and monkey michelle take there arguments out with a pair of dueling pistols. heheheheheheheh wonder who would win.
What a total Joke, Lets see Hillary was a first lady and big Mike is first lady and that means they qualify for President…Boy is this country a joke…..Trump the best President we have since Ronald Reagan, You could see how good he could be if they would stop telling lies about him….If they checked out anyone as much as they have checked out Trump Half of Congress and the Senate and the Clinton s would be in Jail and Obama would be deported..
No one wants a pig in office , she is part of the pig pin cartel that continues to lower standards for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. We are tired of lowering standards and having two people to do the job of one person.
Need FRESH ideas like TRUMP, MANY DON’T LIKE TRUMPS COSTANT TWEETS bet he is saying what the majority of the public is saying.
I made the prediction in December in my blog that she will run; using her book tour as a trial run.
May the good Lord help us if it decides to run for the presidency. This country may not survive another Obama in the Executive Office. It would be a disaster if the other great divider became President. The American people learned their lesson from the first lying Obama. You can keep your current doctor/ healthcare provider if you want. How did that lie work out. Fool us once shame on you. We won’t get fooled again. I will personally start a campaign that promotes your are not racist if you don’t vote for Michelle, you are educated and learned your lesson with the first one.
Michelle would never run for president. She knows she is less qualified than her other half. She knows Obama is going down in history as the worst president this country and the world has ever had to endure so why add new meaning to worse?
If Moochie became president, that would surely be doomsday and the total destruction of the United States. Anyone who dislikes this country as much as she does would definitely have one thought, destroy the rest of it that Obama failed to do. NEVER HAPPEN!
What a joke it would be on the United States and sad.The dems are living in another world…..Joke also .
..Wake Up and be a real American
What is amazing is that anybody will even think about person who is a man . Hillary and this thing and the illegal half black are the scum of the earth . And those of you too stupid to know you are the fools they use. Including that half black illegal told blacks how to think and who didn’t grow up as a black but knew all about it . Hillary even talks like one when she wants to control black people
Is Michelle Obama Gearing Up for a White House Run in 2020??
Well if michelle obama is considering her 2020 US Presdential run
nothing is stopping her from running
But without my US vote and many more US citizens that
don’t want another usual corrupt deep state career politician
man or woman
and I am speaking for over 200 million+ voting US citizens that devoted
to President TRUMP besides me and if michelle obama can persuade
me to vote for her, but with me, michele obama is assured NO VOTE
I’ve had ENOUGH of the obama deep state lying corruptness
and so michele is gonna try and successful market her ??beauty & wit??
against our unequivocally actively proven US President Donald J TRUMP Leader
and my US vote is ONLY with him
this is the TRUMPing Truth!!!
My comment is: LORD HAVE MERCY ON US CONSERVATIVES AND CHRISTIANS FOR THESE FOUL, GORILLA WHICH HATED JOAN RIVERS FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH ANOUT HER AND HER FAKE HUSBAND IS NEVER BE MY PRESIDENT! Thank You YAHVEH for sparing us through Obummo/Bin Ladin are two of a, kind! Words from his grandmother in Kenya! I’ll quilt voting if these evil Kenites are back in the WH. Praying this will not be so! Praying the American Ppl will have more sense than We they’d placed an impostor aa our President! He’s the worse and if women vote for her, then as Phil Donahue, would say: “Yes, America is going the Hell hole with ppl as these ppl are doing and living! He’d seen right from Wrong!
A, Servant of Yeshua D Christos, Qué Lakota
Please Michelle Obama we do not need another Hillary because to many felines and cats are going meow, meow, and the kitten fights will be exciting.
This woman is a total disaster!!! If she ran for Prez, then I would be totally convinced that the Rapture is surely at hand! Doesn’t America ever learn from past mistakes? Look at O-bummer! He IS a Muslum and he proved it by his Presidency as they both HATE America and are now laughing all the way to the bank! But, this is one fact I must say: The Lord said whoever blesses Isreal will be blessed, and whoever (obummer) curses, Isreall will be cursed!!!! Can’t wait to see what O-bummer’sfuture holds! Also can’t wait to see the results of Hillary’s e-mail scandals, as you will find OBUMMER right there at the top of the list! Both rejects and dillusional!
She will not run. Moochie’s objective to double down on Barry’s ‘okee doke’ $$$$$ hustle he perfected on the streets of Chicago. They want to top Clinton Inc. without the overt whoring.
Mike lost the old law licence in a plea deal ……. don’t think she wants to explain that
A woman who said she was proud of being an American only after her husband won the election. Who wants that type of a person in the White House. I do not believe the people would elect her. She does not want the responsiblity she wants the perks she loved the perks. Her solutions would be a disaster. Like her lunches for schools who through out most of the food because the kids did not eat it.
It would NOT be a 4 yr world vacation- it would entail WORK. And, something really unusual for you, pride in America! You are so fake and entitled only for the person u married.
I agree!! This country does not need a leader who hates this country, is racist, and eats”high on the hog”, meanwhile telling the masses to “Eat their peas”. We have enough “haters” of America!! On the Hill there are I.O., R.T., AOC. N.P., C.S., M.W., K.H., the list is daunting!! But, you get the point!! I use initials because they all hate that, they want attention. Did N.P. get attention from the fake media when she had illegals (who were going to set up camp) ticketed and removed from her property?? That’s a case of “Not in my backyard”. She’s okay with a sanctuary city as long as it isn’t near her. Then, you have others like R.T., refused to put her hand on the Bible, but did so on the Constitution when she took her oath of office!! Seems like that could be considered unAmerican activity and would nullify the oath. I.O. got a dispensation so she could continue to follow Sharia Law, WHAT the heck!! A.O.C. is out there in her beliefs that are so destructive. Are any of these people vetted for mental acuity and stability?! We know B.H.O. wasn’t and what a disaster he was!! His wife will just be an extension of him and that is, frankly, scary as hell!! Keep speaking up America, we Infidels/Deplorables deserve to be heard!!
If she decide to run it would only be because she had a taste of all the perks when her husband was the pres.She want’s to have those again,but not to serve the people and the country she hates.Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.I hope those who vote for obama will wake up this time.
America got sick of her when she and her husband INFESTED the White House what would make her think she is wanted back there. One Obozo in office was bad enough we don’t need two. America rejected what she stands for what make her think we want their garbage back???? Were she to run she would get fewer votes than any of the others because of how her husband trashed America and all the other damage Democraps want to slap on America.
My pomeranium puppy just told me that he was running for president because if an idiot can run my pom sure can as well.
M. Obama is a racist. She showed that when she was in the White House. A troop of girls that were all almost black with a few token brown little girls. Never saw her go out to hospitals to visit any children. Just self interest in herself. Always saying bad things about being in the White House built by slaves. I got news slaves were not the only ones building on the White House other races were working on it too. She only brought up bad things to bring up about America. Never saw her out talking to the general public schools trying to talk to white,black, brown, yellow or any other color of children. She and her husband only wanted to tear America apart. Try to start race wars. Mr. King helped bring races together. The Obama’s did the other way around tearing America apart.
Go ahead & try to be the next president black face. You won’t succeed. We finally got rid of that black supremacist piece of horse manure that’s your husband so we don’t need more horse manure running the White House again
Run Michelle Run.. Qualifications or lack there of should be of no concert. Everyone is entitled to be president!!
Mooshell hasn’t got a chance. With Obozo’s “legacy” hanging over her head, she is toast. Unless, of course, the illegals get a chance to ‘vote’. Then she can be compared to Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Castro, ….
I could imagine if she ever did get elected to it, who do you think would be making any decisions, not her, She’s not smart enough. All that would be done is to let obnoxious Obumhead have another try to bring down USA. Mark my words, he’d be in charge.
Michelle does not have the intelligence, experience, knowledge, ethics,
honesty, temperment, truthfulness, and moral fiber to ever be president!